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Amphibole has been discussed to potentially represent an important phase during early chemical evolution of arc magmas, but is not commonly observed in eruptive arc rocks. Here, we present an in-depth study of metastable calcic amphibole megacrysts in basaltic andesites of Merapi volcano, Indonesia. Radiogenic Sr and Nd isotope compositions of the amphibole megacrysts overlap with the host rock range, indicating that they represent antecrysts to the host magmas rather than xenocrysts. Amphibole-based barometry suggests that the megacrysts crystallised at pressures of >500 MPa, i.e., in the mid- to lower crust beneath Merapi. Rare-earth element concentrations, in turn, require the absence of magmatic garnet in the Merapi feeding system and, therefore, place an uppermost limit for the pressure of amphibole crystallisation at ca. 800 MPa. The host magmas of the megacrysts seem to have fractionated significant amounts of amphibole and/or clinopyroxene, because of their low Dy/Yb ratios relative to the estimated compositions of the parent magmas to the megacrysts. The megacrysts’ parent magmas at depth may thus have evolved by amphibole fractionation, in line with apparently coupled variations of trace element ratios in the megacrysts, such as e.g., decreasing Zr/Hf with Dy/Yb. Moreover, the Th/U ratios of the amphibole megacrysts decrease with increasing Dy/Yb and are lower than Th/U ratios in the basaltic andesite host rocks. Uranium in the megacrysts’ parent magmas, therefore, may have occurred predominantly in the tetravalent state, suggesting that magmatic fO2 in the Merapi plumbing system increased from below the FMQ buffer in the mid-to-lower crust to 0.6–2.2 log units above it in the near surface environment. In addition, some of the amphibole megacrysts experienced dehydrogenation (H2 loss) and/or dehydration (H2O loss), as recorded by their variable H2O contents and D/H and Fe3+/Fe2+ ratios, and the release of these volatile species into the shallow plumbing system may facilitate Merapi’s often erratic eruptive behaviour.  相似文献   
High‐temperature gas in volcanic island arcs is widely considered to originate predominantly from the mantle wedge and from subducted sediments of the down‐going slab. Over the decade (1994–2005) prior to the 2006 eruption of Merapi volcano, summit fumarole CO2 gas δ13C ratios are relatively constant at ?4.1 ± 0.3‰. In contrast, CO2 samples taken during the 2006 eruption and after the May 26th 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake (M6.4) show a dramatic increase in carbon isotope ratios to ?2.4 ± 0.2‰. Directly following the earthquake (hypocentre depth 10–15 km), a 3–5‐fold increase in eruptive intensity was observed. The elevated carbon isotope gas data and the mid‐crustal depth of the earthquake source are consistent with crustal volatile components having been added during the 2006 events, most probably by the thick local limestone basement beneath Merapi. This ‘extra’ crustal gas likely played an important role in modifying the 2006 eruptive behaviour at Merapi and it appears that crustal volatiles are able to intensify and maintain eruptions independently of traditional magmatic recharge and fractionation processes.  相似文献   
Twenty high Arctic lakes and ponds were sampled for water chemistry and modern diatom assemblages in two distinct physiographic sectors of Sirmilik National Park, Nunavut, Canada. Sites on southwestern Bylot Island were warmer, more alkaline, less dilute, and had higher concentrations of nutrients, DOC and Chl-a (mesotrophic to oligo-mesotrophic), whereas sites on Qorbignaluk Headland on northern Baffin Island were deeper, very dilute, mostly oligotrophic and had lower pH. Diatom assemblages differed markedly between these two regions as a consequence of limnological differences between them. Paleolimnological records, spanning > 200 years and dated by 210Pb activity, were produced from each region to compare biological responses to recent warming inferred from glaciological studies on Bylot Island and regional syntheses for the Arctic. Diatom assemblages began to change around AD 1900 at both sites. At Qorbignaluk Headland, marked shifts in diatom community composition occurred during the twentieth century, with large increases in the abundance of planktonic diatoms. At Bylot Island, diatom community changes began around the same time, and involved modest decreases in planktonic diatoms and increases in inferred specific conductance, likely because of a decrease in the areal extent of the small lake as a response to warming. The study confirms that responses of freshwater ecosystems to climate warming vary depending on local physiographic factors.  相似文献   
A variety of eclogites from an east-west transect across the North-East Greenland eclogite province have been studied to establish the timing of high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism in this northern segment of the Laurentian margin. Garnet + omphacite ± amphibole + whole rock Sm-Nd isochrons from a quartz eclogite, a garnet + omphacite + rutile eclogite and a partially melted zoisite eclogite in the western HP belt are 401±2, 402±9 and 414±18 Ma, respectively. Corresponding sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) 206Pb/238U ages of metamorphic zircon in the same samples are 401±7, 414±13, and 393 ±10 Ma. Metamorphic zircon domains were identified using morphology, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, U, Th, Th/U and trace element contents. Zircon from the quartz eclogite and the garnet + omphacite + rutile eclogite are typical of eclogite facies zircon with rounded to subhedral shapes, patchy to homogenous CL domains, low U, and very low Th and Th/U. The partially melted eclogite contains euhedral zircons with dark, sector-zoned, higher U, Th and Th/U inherited cores. Three cores give a Paleoproterozoic 207Pb/206Pb age of 1,962±27 Ma, interpreted as the age of the leucogabbroic protolith. CL images of the bright overgrowths show faint oscillatory zoning next to homogenous areas that indicate zircon growth in the presence of a HP melt and later recrystallization. Additional evidence that zircon grew during eclogite facies conditions is the lack of a Eu anomaly in the trace element data for all the samples. These results, combined with additional less precise Sm-Nd ages and our earlier work, point to a Devonian age of HP metamorphism in the western and central portions of the eclogite province. An UHP kyanite eclogite from the eastern part of the transect contains equant metamorphic zircon with homogeneous to patchy zoning in CL and HP inclusions of garnet, omphacite and kyanite. These zircons have slightly higher U, Th and Th/U values than the HP ones, no Eu anomaly, and are thus comparable to UHP zircons in the literature. The 206Pb/238U age of these zircons is 360±5 Ma, much younger than the HP eclogites. The same sample gives a Sm-Nd age of 342±6 Ma. Unlike the HP eclogites, the Sm-Nd age of the UHP rock is ca. 20 Ma younger than the U-Pb zircon age and most likely records slow cooling through the closure temperature, since peak temperatures were in excess of 900°C. Widespread HP metamorphism of both the Laurentian and Baltica continental margins marks the culmination of this continent–continent collision in the Devonian. Carboniferous UHP conditions, though localized in the east, suggest a prolonged collisional history rather than a short-lived Scandian orogeny. The traditional Silurian Scandian orogeny should thus be extended through the Devonian.  相似文献   
An intertidal Zostera marina landscape in Torbay, Devon, UK, was sampled to investigate the relationship between patch size, diversity and infaunal assemblage composition with the intention of defining a minimum Zostera patch size where the infaunal seagrass assemblage becomes distinct from the bare sand assemblage. All Zostera patches were found to support a higher level of biodiversity than the surrounding bare sand. However, the size of the Zostera patch had no impact on the level of diversity; it was just the presence or absence of seagrass that made a difference. The sediment and seagrass variables were not significantly different across the range of Zostera patch sizes, indicating that the environment characteristics were homogeneous within the Zostera patches at the patch scale. Multivariate analysis revealed that assemblage composition did vary between the patch types, although the opportunistic polychaete Capitella capitata was present in all patch types and was the most abundant species overall. The presence of opportunistic species and the homogeneity of the Zostera patch variables may be due to the location of this intertidal seagrass bed, which is relatively exposed compared to the locations of other seagrass beds along the south coast of Devon, resulting in a more dynamic and disturbed environment. Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that even small patches of seagrass comprising a few plants support a higher abundance and diversity of infaunal invertebrates than bare sand, indicating that Zostera patches have conservation value whatever their size.  相似文献   
Potential impact of sea level rise on coastal surges in southeast Louisiana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Potential impacts of 0.5 and 1.0 m of relative sea level rise (RSLR) on hurricane surge and waves in southeast Louisiana are investigated using the numerical storm surge model ADCIRC and the nearshore spectral wave model STWAVE. The models were applied for six hypothetic hurricanes that produce approximately 100 yr water levels in southeastern Louisiana. In areas of maximum surge, the impact of RSLR on surge was generally linear (equal to the RSLR). In wetland or wetland-fronted areas of moderate peak surges (2-3 m), the surge levels were increased by as much as 1-3 m (in addition to the RSLR). The surge increase is as much as double and triple the RSLR over broad areas and as much as five times the RSLR in isolated areas. Waves increase significantly in shallow areas due to the combined increases in water depth due to RSLR and surge increases. Maximum increases in wave height for the modeled storms were 1-1.5 m. Surge propagation over broad, shallow, wetland areas is highly sensitive to RSLR. Wave heights also generally increased for all RSLR cases. These increases were significant (0.5-1.5 m for 1 m RSLR), but less dramatic than the surge increases.  相似文献   
The seasonal dynamics of nutrient ratios and abundance of phytoplankton cells from the central (CB) and western (WB) Bay of Bengal (BOB) were studied during the fall intermonsoon (FIM; September-October 2002) and spring intermonsoon (SpIM; April-May 2003). The nutrient molar ratios of macronutrients such as nitrate to phosphate (N:P), nitrate to silicate (N:Si) and silicate to phosphate (Si:P) in the top 120m were calculated for both FIM and SpIM. During both the seasons, the N:P ratios along the CB and WB were lower than 16, indicating nitrate deficiency. Whereas, along both transects the N:Si ratio was <1 and Si:P >3 in the top 20 and 40m during FIM and SpIM, respectively, indicating Si enrichment. Relatively greater nutrient concentrations along the WB than the CB appear to contribute to higher phytoplankton abundance. The preponderance of diatoms in the Bay could be attributed to rapid utilization of available nutrients in particular during FIM thus resulting in low N:Si ratios in the water column. Among diatoms, pennales were predominantly controlled by nutrients and their ratios. While, apart from nutrients, physical stratification, light and eddies also seem to influence the distribution and abundance of centrales.  相似文献   
The Valparaiso Basin constitutes a unique and prominent deep‐water forearc basin underlying a 40‐km by 60‐km mid‐slope terrace at 2.5‐km water depth on the central Chile margin. Seismic‐reflection data, collected as part of the CONDOR investigation, image a 3–3.5‐km thick sediment succession that fills a smoothly sagged, margin‐parallel, elongated trough at the base of the upper slope. In response to underthrusting of the Juan Fernández Ridge on the Nazca plate, the basin fill is increasingly deformed in the seaward direction above seaward‐vergent outer forearc compressional highs. Syn‐depositional growth of a large margin‐parallel monoclinal high in conjunction with sagging of the inner trough of the basin created stratal geometries similar to those observed in forearc basins bordered by large accretionary prisms. Margin‐parallel compressional ridges diverted turbidity currents along the basin axis and exerted a direct control on sediment depositional processes. As structural depressions became buried, transverse input from point sources on the adjacent upper slope formed complex fan systems with sediment waves characterising the overbank environment, common on many Pleistocene turbidite systems. Mass failure as a result of local topographic inversion formed a prominent mass‐flow deposit, and ultimately resulted in canyon formation and hence a new focused point source feeding the basin. The Valparaiso Basin is presently filled to the spill point of the outer forearc highs, causing headward erosion of incipient canyons into the basin fill and allowing bypass of sediment to the Chile Trench. Age estimates that are constrained by subduction‐related syn‐depositional deformation of the upper 700–800 m of the basin fill suggest that glacio‐eustatic sea‐level lowstands, in conjunction with accelerated denudation rates, within the past 350 ka may have contributed to the increase in simultaneously active point sources along the upper slope as well as an increased complexity of proximal depositional facies.  相似文献   
The non-thermal escape of neutral O atoms from Mars at the current epoch is largely due to dissociative recombination of :
This study uses a combination of evidence from ground penetrating radar, borehole, video, and wireless probe data to assess temporal changes in englacial water content associated with Briksdalsbreen, a rapidly retreating Norwegian glacier. Over a 13 day period in 2006, ice radar‐wave velocity varied between 0·135 m/ns (± 0·009) and 0·159 m/ns (± 0·003), and water content from 7·8% (+2·6, ?2·8) to 2·5% (+0·9, ?1·1) [derived from the Looyenga (Physica 31 (3): 401–406, 1965) formula]. It is suggested that during warm precipitation free days, void spaces within the glacier become filled with water, resulting in low radar‐wave velocity. This stored water then drained during cold, high precipitation days, allowing the radar‐wave velocity to rise. These changes in englacial storage were caused by the enhanced crevassing generated by the newly floating ice margin, and were associated with accelerated glacier retreat. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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