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Ice-core samples from Upper Fremont Glacier (UFG), Wyoming, were used as proxy records for the chemical composition of atmospheric deposition. Results of analysis of the ice-core samples for stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N, ) and sulfur (δ34S, ), as well as and deposition rates from the late-1940s thru the early-1990s, were used to enhance and extend existing National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) data in western Wyoming. The most enriched δ34S value in the UFG ice-core samples coincided with snow deposited during the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, Washington. The remaining δ34S values were similar to the isotopic composition of coal from southern Wyoming. The δ15N values in ice-core samples representing a similar period of snow deposition were negative, ranging from -5.9 to -3.2 ‰ and all fall within the δ15N values expected from vehicle emissions. Ice-core nitrate and sulfate deposition data reflect the sharply increasing U.S. emissions data from 1950 to the mid-1970s.  相似文献   
Within the Vourinos ophiolite evidence of two magmatic series has been preserved in cognate cumulates and in effusive and hypabyssal rocks, which constitute the earlier Krapa sequence and the younger Asprokambo sequence. The Asprokambo dyke basic magmas which are poor in incompatible elements and relatively Ni and Cr rich, bear some resemblance to very low Ti basalts (transitional to boninites) found in subduction related arcs or interarc basins. Krapa series magmas from sills, massive and pillow lavas are best equated with low-K tholeiites of island arc suites. Compositions of Al- and Ti- poor Cpx in lavas from both series are comparable to those in island arc basalts, the Asprokambo Cpx being richer in Ca and Cr than those from Krapa.The large volume of cumulates from the Krapa sequence displays the following crystallization order: Ol±Sp, Cpx, Pl±Opx, Mt. Periodic influx of fresh magma batches into the magma chamber occurred mainly during the formation of the lower cumulates (wehrlite, Ol-clinopyroxenite and melagabbro). The upper cumulates, gabbronorite and leucogabbronorite with minor Mt-bearing gabbronorite, crystallized in the upper levels of a magma chamber which became progressively smaller with time. In the Asprokambo sequence, Ol+Sp, Opx, Cpx, PI and Amph are the successively crystallizing phases. The ortho to heteradcumulates consist of websterite, Pl-websterite, gabbronorite, amphibole bearing leuconorite, diorite and granophyre. In cumulates, especially in the lower Krapa sequence, significant subsolidus reaction was probably induced by the persistence of high geothermal gradients linked to continuous magmatism. Petrological features indicate that the evolution of the Krapa series is more compatible with an intermediate fractional/equilibrium crystallization history in an initially open system, whereas nearly perfect fractional crystallization in closed system may have occurred in the small Asprokambo magma chambers. Chemical variations in the lavas of both series can be explained in terms of crystallization of the observed cumulates. Significantly, the Asprokambo intrusives have igneous Mg-hornblende and vanadium bearing, chromian, aluminous titaniferous magnetite, crystallization of which is responsible for the calcalkaline evolutionary trend of these rocks. Major and trace element modelling necessitates a two stage model for the petrogenesis of the Vourinos parental melts, involving high-degree remelting of previously depleted mantle sources favoured by the influx of subduction derived hydrous fluids. The primary magmas parental to the Krapa and Asprokambo series could have been derived respectively by 20 and 30% equilibrium partial fusion of variably depleted lherzolitic sources, leaving residua having a harzburgitic to dunitic composition.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic, topographic, and ground‐penetrating radar data obtained from a ca. 1800‐year‐old embankment and adjacent ditch at the Hopewell Mound Group (Chillicothe, Ohio) are used to validate the archaeological application of a simple finite‐differences diffusion model employed frequently to assess geomorphic change in natural landscapes. Although diffusion models have been used to describe the topographic degradation of landforms in a variety of geomorphic terrains, the approach has not been applied to ancient earthworks in an archaeological context. The results of this study indicate that a variety of initial earthwork forms can result in the sinusoidal profile apparent on the current landscape. Using the model results to interpret the field data, we suggest that the initial embankment form was steeper and the adjacent ditch was deeper. As a result of natural degradation processes, the earthwork widened and flattened over time. These results have broad implications for any study aimed at: (1) assessing the function of original earthwork forms, (2) determining the formation processes of complicated stratigraphies or artifact assemblages, (3) estimating the time and labor investment required for construction, or (4) identifying the socio‐political structures necessary to build earthworks. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
To evaluate the impact of the cement’s dust emitted by the eastern Moroccan cement factory (Oujda Holcim) and deposited on the soil of the Ain Lahjar commune, 58 samples of soil were collected around the factory on a radius of 3 km approximately. The physicochemical analyses of the upper 3 cm of the soil surface samples correspond to the pH, electrical conductivity, the chlorides and the oxides of Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mn, S and Si which were analyzed by the fluorescence of X-rays. The preliminary results demonstrate that this dust are especially basic and contain a high free lime (43% CaO). The principal component analysis (applied on the 58 samples of soil) allows deducting that the free lime and the sulfur oxide are the tracer elements of this form of pollution. Furthermore, the spatial projection of the factor scores of the principal component analysis using the geographical information system permits to determine the spatial distribution of more polluted areas of soils as well as to estimate their surface (63.3% of the survey zone).  相似文献   
The geological, geochemical, and isotopic-geochronological data obtained for Sumian moderate-basic metavolcanites of Shombozero and Lekhta structures of the Panayarvi-Vygozero belt shows that the Tunguda Formation is confined to the Paleoproterozoic structural and material complex. This formation is represented by the complex of weakly differentiated andesitobasalts and andesites of calc-alkaline series with higher contents of MgO and moderate contents of Al2O3 and rare earth elements. The rocks of the Tunguda Formation are different from the Late Archean basic rocks of the Hiziyarvi Formation represented mainly by tholeiitic basalts with low REE contents and undifferentiated spectrum of REE distribution. The age of volcanites of the Tunguda Formation was determined to be 2439 ± 21 Ma. The xenogenic zircons from metaandesites of the Tunguda Formation have Neoarchean age according to the 207Pb/206Pb ratio (from 2536 ± 4 to 2825 ± 7 Ma). The Neoarchean zircons, a negative value of ?Nd (?3.8), and indicative geochemical parameters are evidence that the crustal component took part in formation of the protolith of the studied rocks.  相似文献   
Summary Early Proterozoic ultrapotassic dikes, lava flows, and pyroclastic rocks of the Christopher Island Formation (CIF) erupted throughout an area 600 × 300 km within the Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield at 1.84 Ga. The rocks range from mafic lamprophyres (mg # 60; SiO2 47–54%, mean K2O/Na2O > 4) with phenocrysts of phlogopite + diopside + apatite ± olivine ± magnetite, to phenocryst-poor felsic rocks and sanidine porphyries (SiO255–69%). All samples have high incompatible element contents and display large depletions of high field strength elements relative to K, Rb, Sr, Ba, and Th. The CIF has geochemical and petrographic characteristics of both minettes and lamproites, but overall most closely resembles young Mediterranean lamproites. Felsic rocks of the CIF were produced by crystal fractionation and crustal contamination of mafic ultrapotassic magma, and include both high-silica lamproites strongly enriched in Zr, U, and Th, and weakly potassic to sodic rocks of trachytic composition. Flows and feeder dikes have relatively homogeneous Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 to –11) but highly variable ES., 1840 Ma (–40 to + 100); samples classified as lamproites have higher average Sr. Dike samples have highly variable present-day Pb isotope compositions, ranging from moderately to strongly nonradiogenic. Geochemical and isotopic data are consistent with contributions from depleted Archean lithospheric mantle, and OIB-type convecting mantle, both metasomatized by subduction-related processes during the Early Proterozoic. The lithospheric mantle probably contained Archean enriched domains as well. Proterozoic enrichment may have accompanied shallow underplating of subducted oceanic lithosphere beneath the Churchill Province during amalgamation of the Laurentian supercontinent. There are strong analogies in isotopic composition, and interpreted source region history, between the CIF and lamproites and minettes of the Wyoming Province and western Greenland, which suggest the existence of a Laurentian ultrapotassic superprovince.
Geochemie und Entstehung der Proterozoischen ultrapotassischen Gesteine der Churchill Provinz, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Altproterozoische, ultrapotassische Gänge, Lavaströme und pyroklastische Gesteine der Christopher Island Formation (CIF), eruptierten in einem Gebiet von 600 × 300 km in der Churchill Provinz des Kanadischen Schildes vor 1.84 Ga. Die Zusammensetzung dieser Gesteine variiert von mafischen Lamprophyren (mg > 60; SiO2 = 47–54%, durchschnittliches K2O/Na2O > 4) mit Phänokristallent von Phlogopit + Diopsid + Apatit + Olivin + Magnetit, bis zu phänokristallarmen felsischen Gesteinen und Sanidinporphyren (SiO2 = 55–69%). Alle Proben zeigen hohe Gehalte an inkompatiblen Elementen und zeigen beträchtliche Verarmung an high field strength Elementen relativ zu K, Rb, Sr, Ba und Th. Die CIF hat geochemische und petrographische Eigenschaften sowohl von Minetten wie von Lamproiten, aber im allgemeinen ähnelt sie am stärksten jungen mediterranen Lamproiten. Felsische Gesteine der CIF wurden durch Fraktionierung und Krustenkontamination aus mafischen ultrapotassischen Magmen gebildet. Letztere umfassen sowohl siliziumreiche Lamproite, die deutlich an Zr, U und Th angereichert sind und schwach potassische bis sodische Gesteine von trachytischer Zusammensetzung. Lavenergüsse und zufuhrgänge zeigent ein relativ homogenes Nd, 1840 Ma (–6 bis –11) aber ein sehr variables Sr, 1840 Ma (-40 bis + 100); Proben die als Lamproite klassifiziert wurden, zeigent höhere durchschnittliche Sr-Werte. Proben von Gängen haben sehr variable Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzungen, die von mäßig bis stark nichtradiogen variieren. Geochemische und Isotopendaten weisen auf Beiträge aus verarmtem archaischen lithosphärischen Mantel und aus konvektierendem OIB-Typ Mantel hin, die beide während des Alproterozoikums durch Subduktions-Vorgänge metasomatisiert wurden. Der lithosphärische Mantel enthielt wahrscheinlich auch angereicherte archaische Domänen. Proterozoische Anreicherungsvorgänge dürften seichtes Underplating subduzierter ozeanischer Lithosphäre unter der Churchill Provinz während der Amalgamation des laurentischen Superkontinentes begleitet haben. Es gibt starke Analogien in der Isotopenzusammensetzung und in der interpretierten Geschichte der Ursprungsregion, zwischen den CIF und Lamproiten und Minetten der Wyoming Provinz, und des westlichen Grönland. Diese weisen auf die Existenz einer laurentischen ultrapotassischen Superprovinz hin.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   
The structure of magnetite lodes is determined by iron and sulfur distribution, as well as texture and structure of ore. These features have been revealed by documentation of cores from ore intervals in exploration boreholes penetrating two main lodes 21 and 22 of the Estyunino iron deposit. The documentation of cores was accompanied by sampling for microscopic examination of texture and structure of ore and selection of Fe and S contents in ore. Then these data were summarized as sections of the lodes. It was established that the structure of magnetite lodes is characterized by conformable ore layers distinguished by texture, structure, and Fe and S contents. Banded and spotty ores containing less than 50% magnetite are predominant. Layers of homogeneous massive ore are infrequent. The textural pattern indicates a volcaniclastic nature of host rocks. The spotty texture is characteristic of hyaloclastites with vitreous shards. The banded texture with oriented distribution of fiamme is inherent to volcaniclastic rocks. In both cases, magnetite selectively replaces dark-colored vitreous fragments and is also dispersed in the salic matrix and lava fragments. No indications of crosscutting superposed relationships are observed. The available data can be satisfactorily explained by an impregnation-metasomatic mode of ore deposition.  相似文献   
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