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In this paper, we constrain the input and output fluxes of H2O, Cl and S into the southern-central Chilean subduction zone (31°S–46°S). We determine the input flux by calculating the amounts of water, chlorine and sulfur that are carried into the subduction zone in subducted sediments, igneous crust and hydrated lithospheric mantle. The applied models take into account that latitudinal variations in the subducting Nazca plate impact the crustal porosity and the degree of upper mantle serpentinization and thus water storage in the crust and mantle. In another step, we constrain the output fluxes of the subduction zone both to the subcontinental lithospheric mantle and to the atmosphere–geosphere–ocean by the combined use of gas flux determinations at the volcanic arc, volume calculations of volcanic rocks and the combination of mineralogical and geothermal models of the subduction zone. The calculations indicate that about 68 Tg/m/Ma of water enters the subduction zone, as averaged over its total length of 1,480 km. The volcanic output on the other hand accounts for 2 Tg/m/Ma or 3 % of that input. We presume that a large fraction of the volatiles that are captured within the subducting sediments (which accounts for roughly one-third of the input) are cycled back into the ocean through the forearc. This assumption is however questioned by the present lack of evidence for major venting systems of the submarine forearc. The largest part of the water that is carried into the subduction zone in the crust and hydrated mantle (accounting for two-thirds of the input) appears to be transported beyond the volcanic arc.  相似文献   
Massive limestone complexes of Late Palaeozoic age are scattered across the allochthonous foreland of the Hercynides in Germany. One of these complexes is situated at Warstein. Stratigraphic facies studies have represented the Warstein complex as a reef in a coastal shelf. Our study emphasizes that at least part of the reef consists of a pile of calcmylonites.The calcmylonites have a strong foliation (Sm) and lineation (Lm) and a structural asymmetry indicating non-coaxial deformation. X-ray textures and calcite microstructures show that the mylonitization involved intracrystalline deformation and dynamic recrystallization. These processes competed with solution transfer, as the mylonites are corroded at Sm-parallel stylolites and contain carbonate veins. Cathodoluminescopy shows that some veins are parallel to Sm and have been recrystallized, whereas others are normal to Sm and retain a fibrous crackseal microstructure. The latter type created limestones showing a pair of preferred grain boundary orientations; one normal to Sm, one in Sm. This orthogonal boundary fabric is distinct from crystalplastic fabrics: the latter show only one preferred grain boundary orientation (in Sm).
Zusammenfassung Massenkalkkomplexe spätpaläozoischen Alters liegen verstreut über das allochthone Vorland des Variszischen Gebirges in Deutschland. Einer dieser Komplexe liegt bei Warstein. Stratigraphische Faziesstudien haben den Warsteiner Komplex als ein Riff in einem küstennahen Schelf dargestellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit betont, daß wenigstens ein Teil des Riffes aus einer Stapelung von Kalkmyloniten besteht.Die Kalkmylonite haben eine starke Foliation (Sm) und Lineation (Lm), und eine strukturelle Asymmetrie die auf nicht-koaxiale Verformung hinweist. Röntgentexturen und Calcitmikrostrukturen zeigen, daß die Mylonitisierung intrakristalline Verformung und dynamische Rekristallisation beinhaltet. Diese Prozesse müssen mit Lösungstransport konkurriert haben, da die Mylonite an Sm-parallelen Styloliten korrodiert sind und Karbonatgänge erhalten. Kathodolumineskopie zeigt, daß einige Gänge (parallel zu Sm) rekristallisiert sind, während andere (senkrecht zu Sm) eine faserige crack-seal Mikro-Struktur enthalten. Der letzte Typ ist verbunden mit Konformgefügen. Diese unterscheiden sich von kristallplastischen Kornformgefügen, da sie eine zweite bevorzugte Korngrenzorientierung aufweisen, die senkrecht zur ersten (in Sm) einfällt.

Résumé Les complexes de calcaires massifs de l'Âge paléozoîque supérieure sont repandus sur l'avantpays allochthone des Hercynides en Allemagne. Un de ces complexes est situé à Warstein. Les Études de faciès stratigraphiques ont répresenté le complexe à Warstein comme un Récif littoral. Notre étude montre que au moins partie de ce «Récif» consiste en un empilement des calcmylonites.Les calcmylonites ont une foliation (Sm) et linéation (Lm) fort, et une asymmetrie structurale indiquant de la déformation non-coaxiale. Les textures röntgenographiques et les microstructures calcitiques montrent que la mylonitization était incluse de déformation intracristalline et récristallisation dynamique. Ces processus auront été en compétition avec dissolution-cristallization («solution transfer»), car les mylonites sont corrodées aux stylolites parallel à Sm et contient des veines carbonatiques. La cathodoluminescopie montre que quelques veines (parallel à Sm) sont récristallisées, pendant que les autres (perpendiculaire à Sm) ont retenu une microstructure fibreuse («crack-seal»). Le dernier type est lié avec des fabriques de forme des grains. Ils se sont distingués des fabriques de plasticité cristalline par la présence d'une deuxième orientation préférentielle des bordures des grains, perpendiculaire à la première (dans Sm).

. Warstein'a. , . , , , »« . (Sm) (Lm), , . , - , . , .. , Sm, . , , Sm, , , Sm, = »crack-seal«. : , Sm.
A 700 km wide-angle reflection/refraction profile carried out in the central North Atlantic west of Ireland crossed the Erris Trough, Rockall Trough and Rockall Bank, and terminated in the western Hatton-Rockall Basin. The results reveal the presence of a number of sedimentary basins separated by basement highs. The Rockall Trough, with a sedimentary pile up to 5 km thick, is underlain by thinned continental crust 8–10 km thick. Some major fault block structures are identified, especially on the eastern margin of the Rockall Trough and in the adjacent Erris Trough. The Hatton-Rockall Basin is underlain by westward-thinning continental crust 22–10 km thick. Sedimentary strata are up to 5 km thick. The strata in the Rockall Trough and Hatton-Rockall Basin probably range in age from Late Palaeozoic to Cenozoic. However, the basins have different sedimentation histories and differ in structural style. The geometry of the crust and sediments suggests that the Rockall Trough originated by pure shear crustal stretching, associated with rift deposits and Cenozoic thermal sag strata. In contrast, the development of the Erris Trough, located on unthinned continental crust, was facilitated by shallow, brittle extension with little deep crustal attenuation. A two-layered crust occurs throughout the region. The lower crustal velocity in the Hatton-Rockall Basin is higher than that in the Rockall Trough. The velocity structure shows no indication of crustal underplating by upper mantle material in the region.  相似文献   
The continental shelf and slope of southern Central Chile have been subject to a number of international as well as Chilean research campaigns over the last 30 years. This work summarizes the geologic setting of the southern Central Chilean Continental shelf (33°S–43°S) using recently published geophysical, seismological, sedimentological and bio-geochemical data. Additionally, unpublished data such as reflection seismic profiles, swath bathymetry and observations on biota that allow further insights into the evolution of this continental platform are integrated. The outcome is an overview of the current knowledge about the geology of the southern Central Chilean shelf and upper slope. We observe both patches of reduced as well as high recent sedimentation on the shelf and upper slope, due to local redistribution of fluvial input, mainly governed by bottom currents and submarine canyons and highly productive upwelling zones. Shelf basins show highly variable thickness of Oligocene-Quaternary sedimentary units that are dissected by the marine continuations of upper plate faults known from land. Seismic velocity studies indicate that a paleo-accretionary complex that is sandwiched between the present, relatively small active accretionary prism and the continental crust forms the bulk of the continental margin of southern Central Chile.  相似文献   
Small‐scale aerial photographs and high‐resolution satellite images, available for Ethiopia since the second half of the twentieth century as for most countries, allow only the length of gullies to be determined. Understanding the development of gully volumes therefore requires that empirical relations between gully volume (V) and length (L) are established in the field. So far, such V–L relations have been proposed for a limited number of gullies/environments and were especially developed for ephemeral gullies. In this study, V–L relations were established for permanent gullies in northern Ethiopia, having a total length of 152 km. In order to take the regional variability in environmental characteristics into account, factors that control gully cross‐sectional morphology were studied from 811 cross‐sections. This indicated that the lithology and the presence of check dams or low‐active channels were the most important controls of gully cross‐sectional shape and size. Cross‐sectional size could be fairly well predicted by their drainage area. The V–L relation for the complete dataset was V = 0 · 562 L 1·381 (n = 33, r2 = 0 · 94, with 34 · 9% of the network having check dams and/or being low‐active). Producing such relations for the different lithologies and percentages of the gully network having check dams and/or being low‐active allows historical gully development from historical remote sensing data to be assessed. In addition, gully volume was also related to its catchments area (A) and catchment slope gradient (Sc). This study demonstrates that V–L and V–A × Sc relations can be very suitable for planners to assess gully volume, but that the establishment of such relations is necessarily region‐specific. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large-scale eruptions of plasma from the Sun, which play an important role in space weather. Faraday rotation is the rotation of the plane of polarization that results when a linearly polarized signal passes through a magnetized plasma such as a CME. Faraday rotation is proportional to the path integral through the plasma of the electron density and the line-of-sight component of the magnetic field. Faraday-rotation observations of a source near the Sun can provide information on the plasma structure of a CME shortly after launch. We report on simultaneous white-light and radio observations made of three CMEs in August 2012. We made sensitive Very Large Array (VLA) full-polarization observations using 1?–?2 GHz frequencies of a constellation of radio sources through the solar corona at heliocentric distances that ranged from 6?–?\(15~\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\). Two sources (0842+1835 and 0900+1832) were occulted by a single CME, and one source (0843+1547) was occulted by two CMEs. In addition to our radioastronomical observations, which represent one of the first active hunts for CME Faraday rotation since Bird et al. (Solar Phys., 98, 341, 1985) and the first active hunt using the VLA, we obtained white-light coronagraph images from the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) C3 instrument to determine the Thomson-scattering brightness [\(\mathrm{B}_{\mathrm{T}}\)], providing a means to independently estimate the plasma density and determine its contribution to the observed Faraday rotation. A constant-density force-free flux rope embedded in the background corona was used to model the effects of the CMEs on \(\mathrm{B}_{\mathrm{T}}\) and Faraday rotation. The plasma densities (\(6\,\mbox{--}\,22\times10^{3}~\mbox{cm}^{-3}\)) and axial magnetic-field strengths (2?–?12 mG) inferred from our models are consistent with the modeling work of Liu et al. (Astrophys. J., 665, 1439, 2007) and Jensen and Russell (Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02103, 2008), as well as previous CME Faraday-rotation observations by Bird et al. (1985).  相似文献   
Highly resolved pollen spectra analysed from a 47 cm peat monolith recovered from a mire in northern Sweden exhibit climatic sensitivity in the pollen accumulation rates (PAR) of boreal treeline species. Robust temporal control, afforded through multiple AMS radiocarbon dating of the post‐atomic‐bomb‐test period (AD 1961–2002), provides a unique opportunity to compare pollen accumulation rates with the instrumental meteorological record. Strong correlations are observed between summer temperature and PAR for Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Betula spp. (excluding B. nana). Despite well constrained, contiguous (‘annual’) sampling, the temporal resolution of the pollen signal preserved within each sample appears to be degraded to ca. 3–5 year resolution. This is likely to reflect processes occurring during peat accumulation and pollen deposition, as well as dating uncertainties and the effects of subsampling. These findings identify limitations to the maximum resolution that may realistically be recovered from the peat archive using high‐resolution sampling protocols and AMS 14C dating. We also identify the need for additional work to quantify the role of climate on peat accumulation and the resultant impact on assemblage‐based palaeoenvironmental reconstructions within mire sequences. The strongest climate association observed for Picea abies (r = 0.53; n = 36) was extended through the monolith beyond the 42 year period of ‘annual’ sampling and the response successfully correlated with the Bottenviken historical instrumental record to AD 1860. Although only presenting data from a single site, and requiring wider replication, we conclude that for sites close to the ecological limits of tree species, where levels of anthropogenic/non‐climatic forcing on pollen production are low, well‐dated records of PAR may potentially provide a proxy for reconstructing past summer temperature variability. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Wittichen Co–Ag–Bi–U mining area (Schwarzwald ore district, SW Germany) hosts several unconformity-related vein-type mineralizations within Variscan leucogranite and Permian to Triassic redbeds. The multistage mineralization formed at the intersection of two fault systems in the last 250 Ma. A Permo-Triassic ore stage I with minor U–Bi–quartz–fluorite mineralization is followed by a Jurassic to Cretaceous ore stage II with the main Ag and Co mineralization consisting of several generations of gangue minerals that host the sub-stages of U–Bi, Bi–Ag, Ni–As–Bi and Co–As–Bi. Important ore minerals are native elements, Co and Ni arsenides, and pitchblende; sulphides are absent. The Miocene ore stage III comprises barite with the Cu–Bi sulfosalts emplectite, wittichenite and aikinite, and the sulphides anilite and djurleite besides native Bi, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tennantite. The mineral-forming fluid system changed from low salinity (<5 wt.% NaCl) at high temperature (around 300°C) in Permian to highly saline (around 25 wt.% NaCl + CaCl2) at lower temperatures (50–150°C) in Triassic to Cretaceous times. Thermodynamic calculations and comparison with similar mineralizations worldwide show that the Mesozoic ore-forming fluid was alkaline with redox conditions above the hematite–magnetite buffer. We suggest that the precipitation mechanism for native elements, pitchblende and arsenides is a decrease in pH during fluid mixing processes. REE patterns in fluorite and the occurrence of Bi in all stages suggest a granitic source of some ore-forming elements, whereas, e.g. Ag, Co and Ni probably have been leached from the redbeds. The greater importance of Cu and isotope data indicates that the Miocene ore stage III is more influenced by fluids from the overlying redbeds and limestones than the earlier mineralization stages.  相似文献   
During its 2005 January opposition, the saturnian system could be viewed at an unusually low phase angle. We surveyed a subset of Saturn's irregular satellites to obtain their true opposition magnitudes, or nearly so, down to phase angle values of 0.01°. Combining our data taken at the Palomar 200-inch and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory's 4-m Blanco telescope with those in the literature, we present the first phase curves for nearly half the irregular satellites originally reported by Gladman et al. [2001. Nature 412, 163-166], including Paaliaq (SXX), Siarnaq (SXXIX), Tarvos (SXXI), Ijiraq (SXXII), Albiorix (SXVI), and additionally Phoebe's narrowest angle brightness measured to date. We find centaur-like steepness in the phase curves or opposition surges in most cases with the notable exception of three, Albiorix and Tarvos, which are suspected to be of similar origin based on dynamical arguments, and Siarnaq.  相似文献   
In this paper, experimental results on X-ray and proton radiography of shock compressed matter are presented. It has been performed at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) using three long pulse beams to generate a shock wave in a multi-layer foil and a short pulse beam to create either an X-ray or protons source for a transverse radiography. Depending on the probe material (aluminium or carbon foam) a Molybdenum Kα source or a proton beam are used. Density data of the shocked aluminium, in the multimagabar regime are presented.  相似文献   
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