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The island of Tobago is only about 40 km in length and to the geologist is a demonstration of the old saying that good things come in small packages. Situated in the southeast corner of the Caribbean Plate, it is the eastern extremity of the Caribbean Mountain System of northern South America, and is divided into three geologic provinces, one metamorphic, one igneous and one sedimentary.  相似文献   
We have used the very large JVAS/CLASS 8.4-GHz surveys of flat-spectrum radio sources to obtain a large, uniformly observed and calibrated, sample of radio source polarizations. These are useful for many investigations of the properties of radio sources and the interstellar medium. We discuss comparisons with polarization measurements from this survey and from other large-scale surveys of polarization in flat-spectrum sources.  相似文献   
There is increasing demand for models that can accurately predict river temperature at the large spatial scales appropriate to river management. This paper combined summer water temperature data from a strategically designed, quality controlled network of 25 sites, with recently developed flexible spatial regression models, to understand and predict river temperature across a 3,000 km2 river catchment. Minimum, mean and maximum temperatures were modelled as a function of nine potential landscape covariates that represented proxies for heat and water exchange processes. Generalised additive models were used to allow for flexible responses. Spatial structure in the river network data (local spatial variation) was accounted for by including river network smoothers. Minimum and mean temperatures decreased with increasing elevation, riparian woodland and channel gradient. Maximum temperatures increased with channel width. There was greater between‐river and between‐reach variability in all temperature metrics in lower‐order rivers indicating that increased monitoring effort should be focussed at these smaller scales. The combination of strategic network design and recently developed spatial statistical approaches employed in this study have not been used in previous studies of river temperature. The resulting catchment scale temperature models provide a valuable quantitative tool for understanding and predicting river temperature variability at the catchment scales relevant to land use planning and fisheries management and provide a template for future studies.  相似文献   
Weathering rates were calculated using the height differences between lead lettering on marble gravestones from inland urban, inland rural, coastal urban and coastal rural sites within southern Britain. All sites exhibit similar amounts and variations in rainfall over the study period for which gravestone measurements are available. Comparison of mean weathering rates suggested that the coastal urban site of Clacton had a similar weathering rate to the nearby coastal rural site. The other urban sites of Oxford, Lodge Hill and Portsmouth had similar weathering rates, despite their diverse locations and histories. The inland rural site had a significantly lower mean weathering rate than any other site. Analysis of covariance confirms that there are similarities between some sites. Linear and curvilinear regression of depth of loss against age suggests that a linear regression adequately describes the relationship over the period for which data are available, although there are problems with this simple interpretation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A 200-m section of Koolau basalt was sampled in the 1.6-km Trans-Koolau (T–K) tunnel. The section includes 126 aa and pahoehoe lava flows, five dikes and ten thin ash units. This volcanic section and the physical characteristics of the lava flows indicate derivation from the nearby northwest rift zone of the Koolau shield. The top of the section is inferred to be 500–600 m below the pre-erosional surface of the Koolau shield. Therefore, compared with previously studied Koolau lavas, this section provides a deeper, presumably older, sampling of the shield. Shield lavas from Koolau Volcano define a geochemical end-member for Hawaiian shields. Most of the tunnel lavas have the distinctive major and trace element abundance features (e.g. relatively high SiO2 content and Zr/Nb abundance ratio) that characterize Koolau lavas. In addition, relative to the recent shield lavas erupted at Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, most Koolau lavas have lower abundances of Sc, Y and Yb at a given MgO content; this result is consistent with a more important role for residual garnet during the partial melting processes that created Koolau shield lavas. Koolau lavas with the strongest residual garnet signature have relatively high 87Sr/86Sr, 187Os/188Os, 18O/16O, and low 143Nd/144Nd. These isotopic characteristics have been previously interpreted to reflect a source component of recycled oceanic crust that was recrystallized to garnet pyroxenite. This component also has high La/Nb and relatively low 206Pb/204Pb, geochemical characteristics which are attributed to ancient pelagic sediment in the recycled crust. Although most Koolau lavas define a geochemical endmember for Hawaiian shield lavas, there is considerable intrashield geochemical variability that is inferred to reflect source characteristics. The oldest T–K tunnel lava flow is an example. It has the lowest 87Sr/86Sr, Zr/Nb and La/Nb, and the highest 143Nd/144Nd ratio found in Koolau lavas. In most respects it is similar to lavas from Kilauea Volcano. Therefore, the geochemical characteristics of the Koolau shield, which define an end member for Hawaiian shields, reflect an important role for recycled oceanic crust, but the proportion of this crust in the source varied during growth of the Koolau shield. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 30 August 1998  相似文献   
Telogenetic epikarst carbon sourcing and transport processes and their associated hydrogeochemical responses are complex and dynamic. Carbon dioxide (CO2) transport rates in the epikarst zone are often driven by hydrogeochemical responses, which influence carbonate dissolution and conduit formation. This study examines the influence of land use on carbon sourcing and carbonate dissolution kinetics through a comparative analysis of separate, but similar, epikarst systems in south-central Kentucky. The use of high-resolution hydrogeochemical data from multiple data loggers and isotope analysis from collected water samples reflects the processes within these epikarst aquifers, which are estimated to contribute significantly to bedrock dissolution. Results indicate that, in an agricultural setting, long-term variability and dissolution is governed by seasonal production of CO2 . In a more urbanized, shallower epikarst system, land cover may affect CO2 transport between the soil and underlying bedrock. This concentration of CO2 potentially contributes to ongoing dissolution and conduit development, irrespective of seasonality. The observed responses in telogenetic epikarst systems seem to be more similar to eogenetic settings, which is suggested to be driven by CO2 transport occurring independent of high matrix porosity. The results of this study indicate site-specific responses with respect to both geochemical and δ13CDIC changes on a seasonal scale, despite regional geologic similarities. The results indicate that further comparative analyses between rural and urban landscapes in other karst settings is needed to delineate the impact of land use and seasonality on dissolution and carbon sourcing during karst formation processes. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy and broad-band photometry of the rapidly rotating southern K0 dwarf star AB Doradus, obtained during 1994 November. The data were obtained as part of a collaboration dedicated to MUlti-SIte COntinuous Spectroscopy (MUSICOS), and entailed coordinated observations on three continents to obtain the fullest phase coverage possible subject to limitations of local weather conditions. The Doppler images from the three consecutive nights of the run show excellent mutual agreement, with a dark polar cap and numerous intermediate- and low-latitude features. Simultaneous optical photometry showed numerous short-duration U -band flares, and two longer duration optical flares with durations of the order of hours. The latter produced broad-band continuum enhancements throughout the optical spectrum. Where simultaneous spectroscopy was available, both types of flare were seen to have counterparts in H and the Ca  ii H line. Simultaneous time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy from the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope , reported elsewhere, shows that at least one of the short-duration U -band flares was also observed in C  iv with the GHRS. Time-series H spectra showed significant evolution of the circumstellar prominence system over five consecutive stellar rotations. One prominence underwent a dramatic increase in distance from the stellar rotation axis. We speculate that this event may have been associated with one of the long-duration flares.  相似文献   
We demonstrate how land use can drive mountain streams in the Southern Rockies across a threshold to induce an alternative state of significantly reduced physical complexity of form and reduced ecological function. We evaluate field data from 28 stream reaches in relatively laterally unconfined valleys and unmanaged forest that is either old‐growth forest or naturally disturbed younger forest, and 19 stream reaches in managed forest with past land use. We evaluate potential differences in stream form, as reflected in channel planform, cross‐sectional geometry, and in‐stream wood loads, and stream function, as reflected in pool volume and storage of organic carbon. Field data indicate a threshold of differences in stream form and function between unmanaged and managed stream reaches, regardless of forest stand age, supporting our hypothesis that the legacy effects of past land use result in an alternative state of streams. Because physical complexity that increases stream retentiveness and habitat can maintain aquatic‐riparian ecosystem functions, the alternative physical state of streams in managed watersheds creates a physical template for an alternative ecological state with reduced pool volume, organic carbon storage, and ecosystem productivity. We recommend maintaining riparian forests that can supply large wood to streams as a stream restoration technique in historically forested stream segments. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We describe the tidal circulation of a coastal plain estuary across a flood tide delta located at its entrance. The area connects the downstream portion of the main estuary extending 30–40 km inland to the more complex delta reach that consists of a shallow main channel and a series of smaller side channels. The delta acts as a frictionally dominated zone that modifies the tidal wave from a simple sinusoid to one with ebb currents that accelerate to maximum early in the tidal cycle and last more than one-half of the tidal cycle. Along smaller side channels, the tidal currents favor stronger flood or ebb currents, depending upon the local surrounding morphology. The phase difference between ebb currents in the small channels relative to those in the main channel cause some of the salt to be retained thus reducing the tendency of freshwater discharge to flush salt out of the system. This mechanism of retention differs from the selective withdrawal mechanism described for this estuary in Blanton et al. (2000).  相似文献   
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