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以岩溶地貌发育的云南省师宗县作为研究实例,通过层次分析法确定岩溶塌陷评估因子及其权重值,并划分岩溶塌陷评估因子的等级.在此基础上,利用GIS空间分析技术对岩溶塌陷空间数据进行处理和分析,按地质灾害综合危险性指数R值将研究区域划分为三大地质灾害易发程度不同的区域,并通过实例验证分析地质灾害综合危险性指数R值求取的可行性,实现了基于层次分析法与GIS技术相结合的云南省师宗县岩溶塌陷地质灾害易发性分区和评估.结果显示:师宗县岩溶塌陷高易发区(4≤R≤5)集中分布于研究区域的北部和中部,占总面积的39.22%;中  相似文献   
冻结盐渍砂土单轴强度特性研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对兰州盐渍砂土重塑土添加不同量的盐分来模拟不同含盐量的盐渍土, 并对其进行单轴抗压试验, 分析其在不同含盐量、不同温度及不同速率的应变加载情况下, 冻结盐渍砂土的单轴抗压强度的变化规律, 重点讨论了盐分对土体力学参数的影响以及弹性模量与含盐量、温度的关系. 结果表明: 易溶盐含量的增加会导致单轴抗压强度逐渐降低, 试验温度越低抗压强度会越大; 应变加载速率的增加会增大土体的单轴抗压强度, 同时会缩短土体达到应力峰值的时间; 土体含盐量越大弹性模量越小, 温度越低弹性模量越大.  相似文献   
彭惠  马巍  穆彦虎  金龙  朱东鹏 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):2049-2056
基于长期监测系统2004-2011年现场监测数据,系统分析青藏公路近年来冻土路基变形特征及路基病害原因。结果表明,目前青藏公路普通填土路基变形主要以融沉变形为主,且沉降变形仍将继续发展。根据路基各部位变形速率的差异性,可以将路基变形划分为均匀与不均匀变形两大类。路基平均沉降速率在2~55 mm/a之间,河流沟谷地带路基变形速率最大,山区路基变形速率次之,其他地貌区路基变形速率最小。路基纵向变形对路面影响较大,主要形成波浪等病害,对道路行车舒适性与安全性有较大隐患。路基横向变形主要产生路基纵向裂隙病害,导致路基向变形较严重一侧坍塌,对路基整体稳定性有较大影响。通过2012年对青藏公路路基病害的调查研究发现,青藏公路多年冻土区路基优、良、中、次、差的比例分别为57.39% 、28.12%、9.71%、4.60%、0.17%。通过对青藏公路普通填土路基长期变形特征的分析,期望为青藏公路的整治维修提供参考,同时为未来青藏高速公路的设计和维护提供依据。  相似文献   
基于WiFi信号室内定位技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要对基于WiFi信号的室内定位技术中的三角形定位法进行了研究。鉴于现有的三角形定位模型受信号强度和环境干扰的约束影响,定位精度不高,提出了一种结合室内影响因素约束的权重改正定位模型,更加切合复杂的室内定位环境。通过试验测试和数据分析,经过加权去噪模型改正后的定位精度更高,适用性更广。  相似文献   
外北山碱长花岗岩主要由条纹长石、更钠长石、石英和少量铁质黑云母组成,发育晶洞构造,晶洞由石英晶簇、钾长石充填。在岩石化学上,岩石富SiO2、K2O、FeO、F,贫Al_2O_3、MgO、CaO、P_2O_5;稀土元素组成上,富集REE(ΣREE变化范围为107.4×10~(-6)~330.71×10~(-6)),轻稀土分馏程度明显强于重稀土分馏,Eu负异常明显,稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分曲线呈现"W"型四分组效应;微量元素上,富Rb、Th、Cs、U、Nb,贫Sr、Ba、P、Eu和Ti,显示出典型的铝质A型花岗岩特征。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素定年表明,该岩体形成时代为96.2±0.8Ma。与东南沿海其它晚中生代A型花岗岩体相比,外北山碱长花岗岩具有明显偏高的Nb/Ta和较低的Y/Nb比值,属A1型花岗岩。综合分析表明,晚白垩世早期东南沿海岩石圈强烈伸展及多组断裂活化,引发铁镁质下地壳在高温低压贫水的条件下部分熔融产生花岗质岩浆,并在结晶分异过程中受到富F流体的交代作用,形成外北山富Nb的铝质A型花岗岩。  相似文献   
新近发现的印支期富林矽卡岩铜矿床位于大兴安岭北段新林区新林镇东约90km。矿区发育与成矿直接相关的花岗岩和侵入花岗岩中的花岗斑岩,矿体主要赋存于花岗岩与古元古代兴安桥组大理岩和早奥陶世黄斑脊山组钙质粉砂岩接触带内。富林矿床矿化与矽卡岩密切相关,整个矿化过程可分为两期:矽卡岩期和石英-硫化物期,5个阶段:早期矽卡岩阶段、退化蚀变阶段、氧化物阶段、早期硫化物阶段和晚期硫化物阶段,其中铜矿化主要发生在早期硫化物阶段。硫化物主要包括黄铜矿和黄铁矿,并含少量闪锌矿、方铅矿、斑铜矿等。蚀变类型包括石榴子石-透辉石矽卡岩化、阳起石-透闪石矽卡岩化、绿帘石矽卡岩化、绿泥石化、绢云母-粘土化、钾长石化和局部角岩化。电子探针分析(EMPA)结果表明:矿区内的石榴子石属钙铝-钙铁榴石系列,主要为钙铁榴石,辉石为透辉石-钙铁辉石系列,以透辉石为主,闪石主要为透闪石、阳起石以及少量镁绿钙闪石和铁浅闪石,帘石为黝帘石-绿帘石系列。黑云母以镁铁黑云母和铁叶云母为主,绿泥石主要为密绿泥石和铁叶绿泥石,长石以正长石和钠长石为主。石榴子石成分剖面显示从核部到边部,石榴子石呈现出钙铝榴石和钙铁榴石交替变化的环带特征,且Fe~(3+)含量的逐渐升高暗示后期成矿流体氧逸度升高,结合黑云母Mg-Fe~(3+)-Fe~(2+)图解,说明富林矽卡岩型铜矿床形成于较强的氧化环境。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年结果显示花岗岩形成于~253Ma,花岗斑岩形成于~244Ma,为大兴安岭地区一期新的成矿事件。锆石原位Hf同位素测试结果表明,花岗岩εHf(t)介于-1.60~2.23,花岗斑岩εHf(t)介于-3.53~1.90,二者均具有古老的两阶段模式年龄,结合前人对区域构造背景的研究,认为富林花岗质岩石可能来自于松辽地块和兴安地块后碰撞背景下俯冲板片断离软溜圈上涌导致古老下地壳的部分熔融并卷入少量地幔物质而形成的岩浆。花岗斑岩及与斑岩有关的脉状矿化和蚀变的出现暗示富林地区可能存在印支期的斑岩型矿床,此外结合石榴子石、辉石成分特征以及辉石Mn/Fe比值与世界矽卡岩矿床对比,指出富林矿区外围找矿应综合考虑铜、钼、铁、金、铅、锌等矿化组合。  相似文献   
为研究中国北方陆相盆地红层-黑色岩系对砂岩型铀成矿的制约,文章研究了国内外红-黑岩系与砂岩型铀矿赋存岩层的时空关系,筛选了10万余m岩心钻探资料,选择准噶尔、鄂尔多斯和松辽盆地这3个典型产铀盆地,通过编制盆地钻孔柱状图、典型地区连井剖面图及关键岩层的地球化学测试等方法,对红-黑岩系和砂岩型铀矿的赋存岩层进行了垂向、横向上综合分析与对比。研究发现:北方陆相盆地自西向东铀矿赋存地层的时代由中侏罗世过渡到晚白垩世;晚中生代至少存在6次大规模的富氧红层沉积事件:Ⅰ中侏罗世—晚侏罗世早期(BathonianOxfordian),Ⅱ早白垩世早中期(Berriasian-Barremian),Ⅲ早白垩世中期(Barremian),Ⅳ晚白垩世早期(Cenomanian),Ⅴ晚白垩世中期(Coniacian)和Ⅵ晚白垩世晚期(Campanian)。其中第Ⅰ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ期红层之下沉积了时代相近的黑色层,与之构成"红-黑岩系"的沉积结构,是北方砂岩型铀成矿的3个重要层位。典型盆地内地球化学表明,红层与黑色层的B、Sr和Cu元素含量及Fe~(2+)/Fe~(3+)、B/Ga、Sr/Cu和FeO/MnO比值具有明显的差异,结合黑色岩层中草莓状黄铁矿、碳屑、油斑和红层中碳酸盐岩的发育,认为红层为相对较强氧化环境,黑色层为相对较还原环境。连井剖面资料显示红层、黑色层与砂岩型铀矿空间关系密切,铀矿多产于红层与黑色层之间过渡带上,呈板状矿体赋存于灰色、绿灰色砂岩和细砂岩中。一般红层与黑色层垂向距离超过500 m不利于成矿。晚中生代陆相盆地内耦合产出的黑色岩系和红色岩系是古沉积环境由还原向氧化转变形成的垂向分带,前者为铀矿物质沉淀提供了"障",后者为表生流体溶解铀矿提供了"场"。文章初步提出了红-黑岩系垂向环境变化制约着北方陆相盆地砂岩型铀大规模成矿作用的新认识。这些认识不仅对砂岩型铀矿成矿环境、成矿规律及成矿模式研究具有重要意义,更对目前正在开展的砂岩型铀矿勘查工作具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   
Deep fluids in a petroliferous basin generally come from the deep crust or mantle beneath the basin basement, and they transport deep substances(gases and aqueous solutions) as well as heat to sedimentary strata through deep faults. These deep fluids not only lead to large-scale accumulations of CO_2, CH_4, H_2, He and other gases, but also significantly impact hydrocarbon generation and accumulation through organic-inorganic interactions. With the development of deep faults and magmatic-volcanic activities in different periods, most Chinese petroliferous basins have experienced strong impacts associated with deep fluid activity. In the Songliao, Bohai Bay, Northern Jiangsu, Sanshui, Yinggehai and Pearl Mouth Basins in China, a series of CO_2 reservoirs have been discovered. The CO_2 content is up to 99%, with δ~(13)C_(CO2) values ranging from-4.1‰ to-0.37‰ and ~3He/~4He ratios of up to 5.5 Ra. The abiogenic hydrocarbon gas reservoirs with commercial reserves, such as the Changde, Wanjinta, Zhaozhou, and Chaoyanggou reservoirs, are mainly distributed in the Xujiaweizi faulted depression of the Songliao Basin. The δ~(13)CCH4 values of the abiogenic alkane gases are generally -30‰ and exhibit an inverse carbon isotope sequence of δ~(13)C_(CH4)δ~(13)C_(C2H6)δ~(13)C_(C3H8)δ~(13)C_(C4H10). According to laboratory experiments, introducing external H_2 can improve the rate of hydrocarbon generation by up to 147% through the kerogen hydrogenation process. During the migration from deep to shallow depth, CO_2 can significantly alter reservoir rocks. In clastic reservoirs, feldspar is easily altered by CO_2-rich fluids, leading to the formation of dawsonite, a typical mineral in high CO_2 partial pressure environments, as well as the creation of secondary porosity. In carbonate reservoirs, CO_2-rich fluids predominately cause dissolution or precipitation of carbonate minerals. The minerals, e.g., calcite and dolomite, show some typical features, such as higher homogenization temperatures than the burial temperature, relatively high concentrations of Fe and Mn, positive Eu anomalies, depletion of 18 O and enrichment of radiogenic ~(87)Sr. Due to CO_2-rich fluids, the development of high-quality carbonate reservoirs is extended to deep strata. For example, the Well TS1 in the northern Tarim Basin revealed a high-quality Cambrian dolomite reservoir with a porosity of 9.1% at 8408 m, and the Well ZS1 C in the central Tarim Basin revealed a large petroleum reserve in a Cambrian dolomite reservoir at ~6900 m. During the upward migration from deep to shallow basin strata, large volumes of supercritical CO_2 may extract petroleum components from hydrocarbon source rocks or deep reservoirs and facilitate their migration to shallow reservoirs, where the petroleum accumulates with the CO_2. Many reservoirs containing both supercritical CO_2 and petroleum have been discovered in the Songliao, Bohaiwan, Northern Jiangsu, Pearl River Mouth and Yinggehai Basins. The components of the petroleum trapped with CO_2 are dominated by low molecular weight saturated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
Well-preserved Ginkgo pollen organs are analyzed from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of the Turpan–Hami Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwestern China, and are described as a new species, Ginkgo hamiensis Z.X. Wang et B.N. Sun sp. nov. The immature male cones are cylindrical and catkin-like, with two longitudinal stripes on the stalk. The pollen sacs are shaped like a long oval with two pollen sacs fused together for each microsporophyll, and the microsporophyll tip is a triangular cystidium. The pollen grains are oblong or fusiform and monocolpate; both ends are blunt or sharp. By comparison with previously reported fossil records of Ginkgo plants, we determined that the current fossils are different from all other reported species; thus, the present fossil is referred to as a new species of Ginkgo. The reproductive organs of the Ginkgo fossils described herein can provide valuable information for the study of Ginkgo plants. Further, there are two probable evolutionary trends in the Ginkgo pollen cones. One trend is that the number of pollen sacs changed from three or four during the Jurassic and Cretaceous to two at the present day; the other is that the number of pollen sacs has remained two from the Middle Jurassic to the present day. In addition, the pollen cones described herein are similar to the pollen cones of the extant Ginkgo, which strongly indicates that the morphology of Ginkgo plants may have remained highly conserved over millions of years.  相似文献   
Extant Asplenium is one of the most widespread fern groups and occurs in the temperate and tropical regions. However, the fossil records of this genus are poorly documented, especially in the low latitudes. Here, a new species, Asplenium sanshuiense sp. nov. is described from the early Eocene of Sanshui Basin, Guangdong Province, South China. This is the lowest modern latitude fossil record of Asplenium and the first fossil assignment of A. section Darea (Jussieu) Bak., as well as the first fossil record of Asplenium reported from South China. This new species shows that Asplenium had already spread into South China by the early Eocene and the section Darea (Jussieu) Bak. was identifiable within the genus Asplenium during that time. This new species, combined with previous fossil spore-pollen records indicates a warm and humid climate in the Sanshui Basin of the early Eocene.  相似文献   
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