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An examination of the Alaskan earthquake catalogs revealed that from 1928 through 1965, twelve earthquakes of magnitudes (M) in the range 5.6 to 7.3 were located in and around Seward Peninsula region of western Alaska. Moreover, a number of earthquakes of M < 5.0 were found to distribute over the same area. Further investigation of the seismicity employing a local seismographic network in the above area showed a higher level of onshore and offshore seismic activity than had been previously recognized. A number of clusters of earthquakes have been identified. Some of them are located in the epicentral areas of past strong earthquakes (M > 5.5) and some are located in areas traversed by mapped faults. The nature of the seismicity as identified with the local network data is primarily crustal over the entire study area. Investigation of focal mechanisms of isolated strong earthquakes or clusters of small earthquakes show normal faulting as the dominant mode of strain energy release in the western part of Alaska. Moreover, in areas lying, approximately, south and north of Kotzebue Sound, the principal components of horizontal stresses tend to orient in the NW-SE and WNW-ESE directions, respectively. 相似文献
Cooling rates for seven hexahedrites, (Uwet, Coahuila, Walker County, Lombard, Quillagua, Hex River Mountains and Tocopilla) have been determined using a ternary diffusion controlled phase growth analysis developed by the authors. The model is applied to the exsolution and growth of plate phosphides in the kamacite phase of hexahedrites during cooling of the meteorite in its parent body. The effects of cooling rate, bulk composition, nucleation temperature and diffusion field length are considered. A unique cooling rate was determined by comparing the Ni content and width of several phosphides in a given hexahedrite to computer-generated curves of Ni content vs phosphide width. Six hexahedrites have cooling rates of approximately 2°C/106yr. One hexahedrite, Coahuila, has a somewhat higher cooling rate of 10°C/106 yr. These cooling rates fall within the range calculated by an independent method for octahedrites. The cooling rate analysis indicates that the hexahedrites, except for one possible exception, were formed in or close to the core of a parent body ~ 150 km in radius. 相似文献
J.-D. Bonjour 《The Photogrammetric Record》1990,13(75):389-405
Several generations of photogrammetric workstations have followed one another since the analytical plotter was developed at the beginning of the 1960s. The outcome of this evolution, resulting from important developments in mini- and microcomputers, is illustrated today by more and more powerful photogrammetric workstations based on distributed processing architecture. This paper introduces present day architectures, as well as hardware and software aspects of the various components of these systems including graphics workstation, real time processor, superimposition system, correlation system and special input/output devices. Finally, an attempt is made to outline the prospects for further evolution. 相似文献
Sixteen penecontemporaneously deposited mudrock-sandstone pairs ranging in age from Devonian to Cretaceous were treated chemically to isolate the quartz and chert fraction from the other constituents of the rocks. The amount of crystalline silica was determined from the chemical treatments; its size distribution was determined using a combination of normal and Micro Mesh sieving and settling tube analysis; the crystalline silica coarser than 10 μu was examined petrographically to determine the amount of chert. Percentages of crystalline silica in the mudrocks range from 6·7 to 46·7 % and average 27·6 (σ= 10·7). Mean grain size ranges from 4·4 φ to 7·3 φ and averages 6·1 φ. The crystalline silica fraction is a poorly sorted medium to fine silt consisting of one-eighth sand, six-eighths silt, and one-eighth clay size sediment. Percentage of crystalline silica and mean size of crystalline silica in the thirty-two mudrocks and sandstones are positively correlated; r= 0·685, which is significant at the 99 % level. The best fit linear regression line is: Y= 102·7–11·3X. Extrapolation of the regression line indicates that, on the average, crystalline silica is lacking in mudrocks in grain sizes finer than 9·1 φ (1·μm), a result consistent with observations by clay mineralogists. The crystalline silica fraction of both the mudrocks and associated sandstones averages 4% chert in the >10 μm portion. There is no correlation between the mean grain size of the crystalline silica and the percentage of chert in it. 相似文献
Following deglaciation, the long-term pattern of change in diatom communities and the inferred history of the aquatic environment are affected by a hierarchy of environmental controls. These include direct climate impacts on a lake’s thermal and hydrologic budgets, as well as the indirect affects of climate on catchment processes, such as weathering, soil development, microbial activity, fire, and vegetation composition and productivity, which affect the transfer of solutes and particulates from the terrestrial ecosystem into the lake. Some of these catchment influences on lacustrine systems operate as time-dependent patterns of primary succession that are set in motion by glacier retreat. This paper provides a conceptual model of some dominant pathways of catchment influence on long-term lake development in glaciated regions and uses a series of paleolimnological examples from arctic, boreal, and temperate regions to evaluate the relative role of direct climate influences and of catchment processes in affecting the trajectory of aquatic ecosystems during the Holocene in different environmental contexts. 相似文献
The physical nature of 277 ultraviolet excess objects of the third Asiago field (22 square degrees, 15 ≦ mpg ≦ 18, U–B ≦≦ -0.2) is investigated on the basis of objective prism plates. Most of them are stars, 8% are quasar candidates and 7% compact galaxies. The proportions of different kinds of objects changes with the magnitude and U–B colour index. The surface density of quasars is estimated to be between 0.5 Q/sq. deg. and 1.0 Q/sq. deg. for the UVX A3 objects. The results of the A3 field (located in the Virgo cluster of galaxies) statistically agree with the ones of the A1 field, outside clusters of galaxies. 相似文献
Real plane-waves constitute the building blocks for recently developed spectral techniques in synthetic seismology. While providing numerical convenience, real slowness-spectra model certain wave phenomena in a distributed 'unnatural' way, whereas complex spectra model these phenomena in a compact, more 'natural' way. The theory of complex spectra, called by us the 'Spectral Theory of Transients' (STT) and developed elsewhere, is summarized here and contrasted with the real-spectrum approach. Relying strongly on the theory of analytic functions, STT permits the transient responses to be classified and evaluated according to the singularities they introduce in the complex slowness plane. The method is illustrated for a number of 2-D SH -wave model propagation environments, including interface reflection, head waves, multiple encounters with caustics due to concave boundaries or ducting medium inhomogeneities, and diffraction by structures with edges. 相似文献
K.K. Phoon J.V. Retief 《Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards》2015,9(3):125-127
ISO2394:2015 contains a new informative Annex D on “Reliability of Geotechnical Structures”. The emphasis in Annex D is to identify and characterize critical elements of the geotechnical reliability-based design process, while respecting the diversity of geotechnical engineering practice. This paper highlights the main features of Annex D and gaps for future work. 相似文献
Some confusion exists concerning the early life history of ladyfish,Elops saurus, as a result of the use of confusing terms in describing the three morphologically and ecologically distinct growth phases of this species. This has resulted in conflicting data on the occurrence of stage I (leptocephali) and stage II (early metamorphic) larvae in oligohaline and mesohaline estuarine zones. The early life history ofE. saurus is reviewed relative to the collection of 17 stage II larvae at the freshwater transition zone of the James River, Virginia. There are no known spawning populations ofE. saurus north of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. These collections represent the first recurrent record north of Cape Hatteras and for Chesapeake Bay. 相似文献