Simple correlation leads to misleading results when applied to the proportions of materials in mixtures, because of the constraint that the total of the proportions is less than one. A simple mainly graphical procedure to determine whether the proportions in mixtures are associated after allowing for the constraint is presented. No assumptions about the form of the underlying probability distributions are required. The technique is extended to problems where other constraints apply. 相似文献
An area of a Tertiary and Cretaceous deposits, 100–310 m above sea level and on predominant 20–45°, highly dissected, concave slopes was investigated to assess its geotechnical characteristics and land use planning implications. Lithologies include turbidites, fluvial conglomerates, breccias, sandstones, mudrocks, carbonates, granodiorite, acid dykes, chloritized and epidotized volcanics, andesite and Holocene fluvial deposits. Bedrock is highly fractured and sheared, hydrothermally altered and highly weathered. Soils are quite variable, with a strong geological control on soil properties. Soils are generally sandy to gravely, with local silts and clays in mudrocks, within Holocene alluvium or in hydrothermally altered and sheared granodiorites. The soils are composed of 0.14–80.00% gravel; 5.36–62.50% sand, 2.33–50.55% silt, 0.17–51.50% clay, and total fine content between 2.50 and 94.50%, with natural moisture between 4 and 44% during the dry season, plastic limit between 6 and 35%, liquid limit between 19 and 83% and plasticity index between 1 and 59%. Sandy soils have residual friction angles between 19 and 39°, PI values less than 35% with cohesion between 1.00 and 5.27 KN/m2 for cohesive samples. ASTM classification of soils include soil groups GC, GM, GW, GP, SP, SM, SC, SM, SC, ML, CL and CH.
Based on the characteristics of the terrain, the geotechnical and land use planning problems include high landslide frequency and susceptibility, soil erosion, fluvial and reservoir sedimentation, high debris flow hazard, cut slope failures, potentially expansive clays and silts, seepage erosion and soil piping, differential settlement in interlayered competent and incompetent lithologies, high solution erosion and potential subsidence over limestones, waste water disposal problems and groundwater pollution and seismic induced settlement and ground failures. These phenomena suggest that systematic site investigations should be conducted prior to the utilization of these areas for construction and development in order to minimize the deleterious effects resulting from ground failure. 相似文献
Topographic shading curtails the period and complicates the geographic patterns of insolation in mountainous areas. Maps derived from oblique aerial photographs of shadow lines cast by the irregular, mountainous east horizon in Provo, Utah are used as a case study to illustrate an alternative to existing techniques of solar radiation data collection. For study areas of several hundred square kilometers, this method may be superior in resolution and at the same time more error free and economically feasible than other methods. Measurement of solar inputs received at sample stations scattered through the mapped area show that the phenomenon of topographically delayed sunrise has a distinct effect on daily totals of radiation in the manner suggested by the maps. 相似文献
An extensive experimental and computational investigation of the combined and separate effects of free surface and body on the lift characteristics of a pair of fins attached to a strut and fin alone is conducted. The results reveal that the free-surface effect becomes significant when the depth of submergence to chord ratio (H/c) is less than three. The effect of the strut is also realized for shallower depth of submergence of the fins through free-surface deformation leading to a significant change in the incidence angle of the flow to the fins. The numerical results based on the Higher Order Boundary Element Method with the linearized free-surface condition show good agreement with the experimental results for fin (foil) alone even at shallow submergence, but some discrepancies appear for the fin attached to the strut at higher speeds mostly due to the neglect of the nonlinear free-surface effect. 相似文献
The geochemical characteristics of melt inclusions and their host olivines provide important information on the processes that create magmas and the nature of their mantle and crustal source regions. We report chemical compositions of melt inclusions, their host olivines and bulk rocks of Xindian basalts in Chifeng area, North China Craton. Compositions of both bulk rocks and melt inclusions are tholeiitic. Based on petrographic observations and compositional variation of melt inclusions, the crystallizing sequence of Xindian basalts is as follows: olivine (at MgO > ~5.5 wt%), plagioclase (beginning at MgO = ~5.5 wt%), clinopyroxene and ilmenite (at MgO < 5.0 wt%). High Ni contents and Fe/Mn ratios, and low Ca and Mn contents in olivine phenocrysts, combining with low CaO contents of relatively high MgO melt inclusions (MgO > 6 wt%), indicate that Xindian basalts are possibly derived from a pyroxenite source rather than a peridotite source. In the CS-MS-A diagram, all the high MgO melt inclusions (MgO > 6.0 wt%) project in the field between garnet + clinopyroxene + liquid and garnet + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + liquid near 3.0 GPa, further suggesting that residual minerals are mainly garnet and clinopyroxene, with possible presence of orthopyroxene, but without olivine. Modeling calculations using MELTS show that the water content of Xindian basalts is 0.3–0.7 wt% at MgO = 8.13 wt%. Using 20–25 % of partial melting estimated by moderately incompatible element ratios, the water content in the source of Xindian basalts is inferred to be ≥450 ppm, much higher than 6–85 ppm in dry lithospheric mantle. The melting depth is inferred to be ~3.0 GPa, much deeper than that of tholeiitic lavas (<2.0 GPa), assuming a peridotite source with a normal mantle potential temperature. Such melting depth is virtually equal to the thickness of lithosphere beneath Chifeng area (~100 km), suggesting that Xindian basalts are derived from the asthenospheric mantle, if the lithospheric lid effect model is assumed. 相似文献
The Bleikvassli massive sulfide ore deposit is hosted by Proterozoic pelitic, quartzofeldspathic, and amphibolitic rocks
of the Uppermost Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Staurolite-garnet-biotite and kyanite-staurolite-biotite assemblages
indicate that metamorphism reached the kyanite zone of the amphibolite facies. Geothermobarometry was conducted on rocks in
and around the deposit using a variety of silicate and sulfide calibrations. Temperature determinations are most reliant on
the garnet-biotite exchange reaction, with analyses obtained from 259 garnet rims and adjacent biotite. Results from nine
calibrations of the garnet-biotite geothermometer are considered, but compositional limitations of many calibrations involving
high Ca and Mn contents in garnet and AlVI and Ti in biotite make many of the coexisting mineral pairs unsuitable. Average temperatures calculated from the two calibrations
that most closely address the garnet-biotite compositions observed at Bleikvassli are 584 °C ± 49 °C and 570 °C ± 40 °C. The
application of two calibrations of the garnet-staurolite geothermometer on a limited number of samples yields 581 °C ± 2 °C
and 589 °C ± 12 °C, assuming aH2O=0.84, based upon calculations of the modal proportions of gaseous species. Pressure determinations are less constrained.
Phengite and plagioclase-biotite-garnet-muscovite geobarometers give average pressures of approximately 5.0 kbar and 8.5 ± 1.2 kbar,
respectively. Pressures obtained from the sphalerite-hexagonal pyrrhotite-pyrite barometer average 7.7 ± 1.0 kbar. In consideration
of these results, the peak metamorphic conditions at the Bleikvassli deposit are estimated to be 580 °C and 8 kbar.
Received: 18 June 1997 / Accepted: 14 May 1998 相似文献
Eclogites within exhumed continental collision zones indicate regional burial to depths of at least 60 km, and often more than 100 km in the coesite‐stable, ultra‐high pressure (UHP) eclogite facies. Garnet, omphacitic pyroxene, high‐Si mica, kyanite ± coesite should grow at the expense of low‐P minerals in most felsic compositions, if equilibrium obtained at these conditions. The quartzofeldspathic rocks that comprise the bulk of eclogite facies terranes, however, contain mainly amphibolite facies, plagioclase‐bearing assemblages. To what extent these lower‐P minerals persisted metastably during (U)HP metamorphism, or whether they grew afterwards, reflects closely upon crustal parameters such as density, strength and seismic character. The Nordfjord area in western Norway offers a detailed view into a large crustal section that was subducted into the eclogite facies. The degree of transformation in typical pelite, paragneiss, granitic and granodioritic gneiss was assessed by modelling the equilibrium assemblage, comparing it with existing parageneses in these rocks and using U/Th–Pb zircon geochronology from laser ablation ICPMS to establish the history of mineral growth. U–Pb dates define a period of zircon recrystallization and new growth accompanying burial and metamorphism lasting from 430 to 400 Ma. Eclogite facies mafic rock (~2 vol.% of crust) is the most transformed composition and records the ambient peak conditions. Rare garnet‐bearing pelitic rocks (<10 vol.% of crust) preserve a mostly prograde mineral evolution to near‐peak conditions; REE concentrations in zircon indicate that garnet was present after 425 Ma and feldspar broke down after 410 Ma. Felsic gneiss – by far the most abundant rock type – is dominated by quartz + biotite + feldspar, but minor zoisite/epidote, phengitic white mica, garnet and rutile point to a prograde HP overprint. Relict textures indicate that much of the microstructural framework of plagioclase, K‐feldspar, and perhaps biotite, persisted through at least 25 Ma of burial, and ultimately UHP metamorphism. The signature reaction of the eclogite facies in felsic rocks – jadeite/omphacite growth from plagioclase – cannot be deduced from the presence of pyroxene or its breakdown products. We conclude that prograde dehydration in orthogneiss leads to fluid absent conditions, impeding equilibration beyond ~high‐P amphibolite facies. 相似文献