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Shock is often given as the cause for many observations in meteorites due to the assumed previous exposure of most meteorites to at least one impact event that ultimately led to their ejection from their parent body. Here we present electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) results on a substantially shocked dunitic achondrite, chassignite Northwest Africa (NWA) 8694, and question the general culpability of shock exposure for the formation of preferred orientation fabrics of meteoritic olivine crystals. Despite the ubiquitous presence of substantial shock indicators, the EBSD results for NWA 8694 reveal an absence of preferred orientation of olivine crystals, displaying instead an overall random fabric. We propose that the passage of shock waves through olivine crystals within a solid, crystalline, dunitic rock does not produce an overall preferred orientation, nor is it likely to actively form a whole‐rock random fabric but instead has likely no bearing on the formation of olivine orientation fabrics.  相似文献   
This assessment of the atmospheric methane budget for the African Continent is based on a set of experimental data obtained in tropical Africa including methane emission from various biogenic sources, and biomass burning, and methane consumption in savanna and forest soils. Emission rates from the various sources, uptake rates of soils, and complementary data from the litterature allow calculation of regional methane fluxes by means of different data bases. Biomass burning, animals and natural wetlands are the three dominant sources of methane in Africa while rice paddy fields and termites appear as minor sources. The total methane emission is estimated to be in the range 20–40 MT of CH4 per year, methane uptake by soils being less than 2 MT per year. Net methane emission from the African continent accounts for less than 10% of global emissions from terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   
Surface ozone data from 25 Europeanlow-altitude sites and mountain sites located between79°N and 28°N were studied. The analysiscovered the time period March 1989–February 1993.Average summer and winter O3 concentrations inthe boundary layer over the continent gave rise togradients that were strongest in the north-west tosouth-east direction and west-east direction, respectively. WintertimeO3 ranged from 19 to 27 ppbover the continent, compared to about 32 ppb at thewestern border, while for summer the continentalO3 values ranged between 39 and 56 ppb and theoceanic mixing ratios were around 37 ppb. In the lowerfree troposphere average wintertime O3 mixingratios were around 38 ppb, with only an 8 ppbdifference between 28°N and 79°N. For summerthe average O3 levels decreased from about 55 ppbover Central Europe to 32 ppb at 79°N. Inaddition, O3 and Ox(= O3 + NO2)in polluted and clean air were compared. Theamplitudes of the seasonal ozone variations increasedin the north-west to south-east direction, while thetime of the annual maximum was shifted from spring (atthe northerly sites) to late summer (at sites inAustria and Hungary), which reflected the contributionof photochemical ozone production in the lower partsof the troposphere.  相似文献   
Simultaneousindependent measurements of NOy and NOx(NOx= NO + NO2) by high-sensitivitychemiluminescence systems and of PAN (peroxyacetylnitrate) and PPN (peroxypropionyl nitrate) by GC-ECDwere made at Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Arcticduring the first half year of 1994. The average mixingratio of the sum of PAN and PPN (denoted PANs)increased from around 150 pptv in early winter to amaximum of around 500 pptv in late March, whereasepisodic peak values reached 800 pptv. This occurredsimultaneously with a maximum in ozone which increasedto 45–50 ppbv in March–April. The average NOxmixing ratio was 27 pptv and did not show any cyclethrough the period. The NOy mixing ratio showeda maximum in late March, while the difference betweenNOy and PAN decreased during spring. This is anindication of the dominance of PAN in the NOybudget in the Arctic, but possible changes in theefficiency of the NOy converter could alsocontribute to this. Although most PAN in theArctic is believed to be due to long range transport,the observations indicate local loss and formationrates of up to 1–2 pptv h-1 in April–May.Measurements of carbonyl compounds suggest thatacetaldehyde was the dominant, local precursor ofPAN.Now at 1.  相似文献   
A bifurcation phenomenon with relevance to atmospheric chemistry is discussed. The gasphase reactions in the troposphere exhibit two types of temporal evolution which are controlled by the strength of the source,Q, of nitric oxide, NO, via the nonlinear chemical coupling between the hydrogen oxides and nitrogen oxides chemistry. IfQ remains below a threshold value, all short-lived species, including NO, approach steady-state concentrations, while above the threshold bifurcation to another state with increasing (nonstationary) NO concentrations accompanied by a depletion of the OH and HO2 abundances takes place.  相似文献   
When all balloon-borne measurements of NO2 in the stratosphere are reviewed, the profiles show a wide spread. Measurements of the total amount in a vertical column suggest that variability should be low when only profiles measured at mid-latitudes close to equinox are selected. With this selection, the standard deviation of the profiles measured by each technique is often less than ±20%, but the mean profiles measured by each technique differ by up to a factor 2. Despite the profiles not being measured simultaneously, these differences are identical to those revealed by the simultaneous measurements of the Balloon Intercomparison Campaigns of 1982 and 1983-a comparison can be made from the historic data alone. This suggests that measurements of other gases should be similarly reviewed and appropriate selection criteria be found that reduces the standard deviations of the measurements by any one technique. The techniques can then be intercompared without new simultaneous flights.  相似文献   
This study reports comparisonsbetween model simulations, based on current sulfurmechanisms, with the DMS, SO2 and DMSOobservational data reported by Bandy et al.(1996) in their 1994 Christmas Island field study. For both DMS and SO2, the model results werefound to be in excellent agreement with theobservations when the observations were filtered so asto establish a common meteorological environment. Thisfiltered DMS and SO2 data encompassedapproximately half of the total sampled days. Basedon these composite profiles, it was shown thatoxidation of DMS via OH was the dominant pathway withno more than 5 to 15% proceeding through Cl atoms andless than 3% through NO3. This analysis wasbased on an estimated DMS sea-to-air flux of 3.4 ×109 molecs cm-2 s-1. The dominant sourceof BL SO2 was oxidation of DMS, the overallconversion efficiency being evaluated at 0.65 ± 0.15. The major loss of SO2 was deposition to theocean's surface and scavenging by aerosol. Theresulting combined first order k value was estimated at 1.6 × 10-5 s-1. In contrast to the DMSand SO2 simulations, the model under-predictedthe observed DMSO levels by nearly a factor of 50. Although DMSO instrument measurement problems can notbe totally ruled out, the possibility of DMSO sourcesother than gas phase oxidation of DMS must beseriously considered and should be explored in futurestudies.  相似文献   
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