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The present study examined the major features of the interdecadal variation of the summer rainfall over eastern China (IVRC) and the possible association with sea surface temperature (SST). We noted that the first leading mode of IVRC (accounting for nearly half of the total variance and with maximum loading for the summer rainfall anomalies over South China) may be not forced by SST. On the other hand, the second and third leading modes [accounting for 17.1 and 13.6 % of the total variance and mainly associated with the summer rainfall anomalies over the Yangtze River valley (YRV) and North China, respectively] in some extent are forced by SST anomalies. These observational results are confirmed by atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations forced by observed SST. By eliminating the internal dynamical process driven rainfall though ensemble mean, the simulations further suggest an overall enhancement of the intensity of IVRC in the corresponding ensemble mean, especially in the YRV and North China regions, but not in South China. That implies the different role of SST in driving IVRC over different regions.  相似文献   
苏家沟科马提岩呈透镜状残留体赋存于早元古代二长花岗岩中,主要由蛇纹石化橄榄科马提岩、透闪石岩、透闪片岩、阳起透闪片岩、绿泥透闪片岩、黑云阳起片岩等组成,具典型的鬣刺结构及变余鬣刺结构。该科马提岩的岩石学、岩石化学及结构特征与世界典型地区科马提岩极为相似,属橄榄科马提岩。  相似文献   
传统的雨滴谱函数的拟合方法在不同的降水类型和不同分布函数下,可能存在拟合出来的雨滴谱函数与实际数据差异过大的情况,基于此问题,本文提出一种基于迭代重加权最小二乘法(Iterative Reweighed Least Square, IRLS)的雨滴谱函数拟合方法。利用Parsivel激光雨滴谱仪2019年7—10月在海南安定获得的225组层状云降水样本和110组对流云降水样本数据进行实验,通过不断更新权值,迭代计算,从而求出待估计参数。模拟结果表明了该方法应用在不同降水类型和不同分布函数下,对比阶矩法和最小二乘法得到的拟合优度都是最接近1的。  相似文献   
This study recovered the Guadalupian conodont faunas from Shangsi (上寺) Section in Northeast Sichuan (四川). Four genera and nine species were identified, and three conodont zones were recognized and established; they include Jinogondolella nankingensis Zone, J. aserrata Zone, and J. postserrata Zone. The Roadian and Wordian boundary is set in the interval 5 m from the top of Bed 86 by the first appearance of the conodont J. aserrata. The Wordian and Capitanian boundary is set in the interval 2.3 m from the top of the Bed 95 by the first appearance of J. postserrata. Most of the specimens demonstrated low color alteration index (CAI) as 1.5-3, indicating that most part of the Maokou (茅口) Formation may have the suitable thermal conditions for the formation of oil source rocks.  相似文献   
The South China Sea continental margin in the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) area has incrementally prograded since 10.5 Ma generating a margin sediment prism more than 4km-thick and 150–200 km wide above the well-dated T40 stratigraphic surface. Core and well log data, as well as clinoform morphology and growth patterns along 28 2D seismic reflection lines, illustrate the evolving architecture and margin morphology; through five main seismic-stratigraphic surfaces (T40, T30, T27, T20 and T0) frame 15 clinothems in the southwest that reduce over some 200 km to 8 clinoforms in the northeast. The overall margin geometry shows a remarkable change from sigmoidal, strongly progradational and aggradational in the west to weakly progradational in the east. Vertical sediment accumulation rate increased significantly across the entire margin after 2.4 Ma, with a marked increase in mud content in the succession. Furthermore, an estimate of sediment flux across successive clinoforms on each of the three selected seismic cross sections indicate an overall decrease in sediment discharge west to east, away from the Red River depocenter, as well as a decrease in the percentage of total discharge crossing the shelf break in this same direction. The QDNB Late Cenozoic continental margin growth, with its overall increased sediment flux, responded to the climate-induced, gradual cooling and falling global sea level during this icehouse period.  相似文献   
文章研究关注了内蒙古冬季极端多雪气候事件的季节预测问题,在对大量降水观测资料、海温及大气环流场资料进行统计、分析、研究的基础上,确定了历史上58a(1960—2017年)内蒙古冬季极端多雪和少雪气候事件样本,通过对大气环流场的对比分析发现极端多雪或少雪冬季环流场特征显著不同,分析后确定了影响内蒙古冬季降雪的主要环流系统,包括西太平洋副热带高压、极涡、东亚大槽、环流E型及南方涛动等系统。同时,探索了对这些主要环流系统具有预测意义的来自海洋和大气场的预测信号,对预测信号关键区做了标准化定量提取,确定了预测信号综合指数分段判别阈值,给出了预测概念模型,取得了较好预测效果。  相似文献   
本文通过对地形通视分析的基本设想的描述及其实践途径中有关问题的探讨,结合实例阐明了计算机自动进行通视分析的基本方法和处理技巧,并附有具体程序。  相似文献   
The direct H2Oliquid–H2Ovapour equilibration method utilizing laser spectroscopy (DVE-LS) is a way to measure soil pore water stable isotopes. Various equilibration times and calibration methods have been used in DVE-LS. Yet little is known about their effects on the accuracy of the obtained isotope values. The objective of this study was to evaluate how equilibration time and calibration methods affect the accuracy of DVE-LS. We did both spiking and field soil experiments. For the spiking experiment, we applied DVE-LS to four soils of different textures, each of which was subjected to five water contents and six equilibration times. For the field soil experiment, we applied three calibration methods for DVE-LS to two field soil profiles, and the results were compared with cryogenic vacuum distillation (CVD)-LS. Results showed that DVE-LS demonstrated higher δ2H and δ18O as equilibration time increased, but 12 to 24 hr could be used as optimal equilibration time. For field soil samples, DVE-LS with liquid waters as standards led to significantly higher δ2H and δ18O than CVD-LS, with root mean square error (RMSE) of 8.06‰ for δ2H and 0.98‰ for δ18O. Calibration with soil texture reduced RMSE to 3.53‰ and 0.72‰ for δ2H and δ18O, respectively. Further, calibration with both soil texture and water content decreased RMSE to 3.10‰ for δ2H and 0.73‰ for δ18O. Our findings conclude that the calibration method applied may affect the measured soil water isotope values from DVE-LS.  相似文献   
紧密结合国家非常规能源勘探开发的重大战略,聚焦重庆涪陵页岩气勘查开发区环境地质调查工作,总结了研究区岩溶发育特征与分布规律,评价了涪陵页岩气开发区区域水资源量和地下水质量。在此基础上,收集分析国内外资料,梳理了页岩气勘查开发所引发的6类环境(地质)问题及勘查、钻井、压裂、开采、闭井等5个阶段需关注的地质环境问题或风险等,其中涪陵页岩气勘查开发区主要诱发水土污染、地质灾害和大气污染等环境(地质)问题; 基本识别了2种地下水污染模式、3种污染类型及可能的地下水污染风险途径; 初步确定了涪陵页岩气勘查开发区污染指示性特征因子,并形成了页岩气勘查开发区地质环境影响评价指标体系,可指导页岩气勘查开发的环境地质调查。该研究为页岩气国家新型清洁能源的绿色开发和开发区生态文明建设提供支撑。  相似文献   
史培军  哈斯 《地学前缘》2002,9(1):121-128
中国北方农牧交错带和非洲萨哈尔带均为处在季风尾闾带的干旱向半湿润气候过渡的地带。通过对比分析 ,发现两个地带自然地理环境及其全新世以来的环境演变等具有很大程度的相似性 ;自全新世以来 ,两个地带均出现过几乎同步的 8个千年尺度的冷暖、干湿旋回 ;在近百年的干湿变化方面都有 10~ 2 0a变化周期 ;在少雨期和多雨期的转变过程中非洲萨哈尔带较中国北方农牧交错带提前 5a以上。这一超前信息的存在 ,为中国北方农牧交错带的气候预测提供了一个重要的前兆因素。  相似文献   
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