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We have made a Monte Carlo simulation of the intergalactic absorption in order to model the Lyman continuum absorption, which is required to estimate the escape fraction of the Lyman continuum from distant galaxies. To input into the simulation, we derive an empirical distribution function of the intergalactic absorbers which reproduces recent observational statistics of the Lyman α forest, Lyman limit systems (LLSs) and damped Lyman α systems (DLAs) simultaneously. In particular, we assume a common functional form of the number evolution along the redshift for all types of absorbers. The Lyman series transmissions in our simulation reproduce the observed redshift evolution of the transmissions excellently, and the Lyman continuum transmission also agrees with an observed estimation which is still quite rare in the literature. The probability distribution of the Lyman α opacity in our simulation is lognormal with a tail towards a large opacity. This tail is produced by DLAs. The probability distribution of the Lyman continuum opacity in our simulation also shows a broad tail towards a large opacity. This tail is produced by LLSs. Because of the rarity of LLSs, we have a chance to have a clean line of sight in the Lyman continuum even for   z ∼ 4  with a probability of about 20 per cent. Our simulation expects a good correlation between the Lyman continuum opacity and the Lyman α opacity, which may be useful to estimate the former from the latter for an individual line of sight.  相似文献   
We estimate corner frequencies and stress drops for 298 events ranging from M w 3.2–7.0 in 17 inland crustal earthquake sequences in Japan to investigate the source scaling and variation in stress drops. We obtain the source spectral ratio from observed records by the S-wave coda spectral ratio method. The advantage of using the S-wave coda is in obtaining much more stable source spectral ratios than using direct S-waves. We carefully examine the common shape of the decay of coda envelopes between event pair records. The corner frequency and stress drop are estimated by modeling the observed source spectral ratio with the omega-square source spectral model. We investigate the dependences of stress drops on some tectonic effects such as regionality, focal mechanism, and source depth. The principal findings are as follows: (1) a break in self-similar source scaling is found in our dataset. Events larger than M w 4.5 show larger stress drops than those of smaller events. (2) Stress drops of aftershocks are mostly smaller than those of mainshocks in each sequence. (3) There are no systematic differences between stress drops of events occurring inside and outside the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone in Japan. (4) Clear dependence of the faulting type on stress drops cannot be seen. (5) Stress drops of aftershocks depend on their source depth. (6) The crack size obtained from the corner frequency corresponds to the total rupture area of heterogeneous slip models for large events.  相似文献   
Here we have conducted an integral study using site observations and a model with detailed snow dynamics, to examine the capability of the model for deriving a simple relationship between the density and thermal conductivity of the snowpack within different climatic zones used in large-scale climate modeling. Snow and meteorological observations were conducted at multiple sites in different climatic regions (two in Interior Alaska, two in Japan). A series of thermal conductivity measurements in snow pit observations done in Alaska provided useful information for constructing the relationship. The one-dimensional snow dynamics model, SNOWPACK, simulated the evolution of the snowpack and compared observations between all sites. Overall, model simulations tended to underestimate the density and overestimate the thermal conductivity, and failed to foster the relationship evident in the observations from the current and previous research. The causes for the deficiency were analyzed and discussed, regarding a low density of the new snow layer and a slow compaction rate. Our working relationships were compared to the equations derived by previous investigators. Discrepancy from the regression for the melting season observations in Alaska was found in common.  相似文献   
The present kinematic and dynamic analysis of large-scale strike-slip faults, which enabled the formation of a collage of Altai terranes as a result of two collisional events. The Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous collision of the Gondwana-derived Altai-Mongolian terrane and the Siberian continent resulted in the formation of the Charysh–Terekta system of dextral strike-slip faults and later the Kurai and Kuznetsk–Teletsk–Bashkauss sinistral strike-slip faults. The Late Carboniferous–Permian collision of the Siberian and Kazakhstan continents resulted in the formation of the Chara, Irtysh and North-East sinistral strike-slip zones. The age of deformation of both collisional events becomes younger toward the inner areas of the Siberian continent. In the same direction the amount of displacement of strike-slip faulting decreases from several thousand to several hundred kilometers. The width of the Late Paleozoic zone of deformation reaches 1500 km. These events deformed the accretion-collision continental margins and their primary paleogeographic pattern.  相似文献   
Total arsenic (As) and its compounds were determined in liver, kidney, muscle, and stomach contents of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Total As concentrations in the muscle were higher than those in the kidney and liver. Arsenobetaine (AB) was the predominant compound in all the three tissues and its levels were positively correlated with total As concentrations. This indicates that AB greatly contributes to As accumulation in green turtles. Higher concentrations of remaining As in the sample after extraction were detected in the liver, implying that lipid-soluble or protein bound As compounds accumulate in the liver of green turtles. Total As levels in tissues showed significant negative correlations with standard carapace length. The size-dependence of As accumulation in green turtles may be related to their feeding habit, shifting from carnivore to herbivore at different growth stages. Concentrations of AB and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were low in the stomach contents but high in the tissues, implying bioaccumulation of these arsenicals in green turtles.  相似文献   
Concentrations of radon 222Rn andair pollutants, meteorological parametersnear the surface and vertical profiles of meteorological elements were measured atUchio (Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan) 12 km north from the coast ofthe Inland Sea of Japan. In the nighttime, the 222Rn concentration increased in the case of weak winds, but did not increase as much in the case of moderate or strong winds, as had been expected. In the daytime, the 222Rn concentrationheld at a slightly higher than average level for the period from sunrise to about 1100 JST. It is considered that this phenomenon is due to a period of morning calm, that is, a transition period from land breeze to sea breeze.NO, which is sensitive to traffic volume,brought information concerning advection.Oxidant concentrations,which reflect the availability of sunlight,acted in the reverse manner to 222Rnconcentrations. Thus, a set of 222Rn and air pollutants could provide useful information regarding the local conditions of the atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   
Organochlorine (OCs) and butyltin (BTs) residues were determined in deep-sea organisms collected from the western North Pacific, off-Tohoku, Japan. Among OCs, concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and DDTs (DDTs and its metabolites) were the highest in deep-sea organisms (maximum concentrations of 6700 and 13,000 ng/g lipid wt, respectively). Chlordane compounds (CHLs) were the next most abundant OCs, and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were the lowest. BTs were also detected at maximum concentrations of 570 ng/g wet wt. Concentrations of PCBs, CHLs and BTs in deep-sea organisms collected from the western North Pacific, off-Tohoku, were generally lower than those in deep-sea and shallow water organisms from Japanese coastal waters. On the other hand, considerable variations in the concentrations of OCs were found among deep-sea organisms analyzed. Several carnivorous fishes such as snubnosed eel, lanternshark and grenadiers accumulated some OCs such as PCBs, DDTs and CHLs at high concentrations of up to a few μg/g levels. In addition, the residue pattern of OCs and BTs in fishes showed a specific trend according to the sampling depth; higher concentrations of PCBs, DDTs and CHLs and lower concentrations of HCHs, HCB and BTs were found in fishes collected from greater depth (1000 m) compared to those from shallower waters. This trend is consistent with the results of our earlier study on mesopelagic myctophid fishes. Results of this study suggest vertical transport of hydrophobic OCs such as PCBs, DDTs and CHLs and its accumulation in benthic deep-sea organisms.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a pilot test conducted for evaluating the energy dissipation behaviour of shear panels made of low yield steel whose 0.2 per cent offset yield stress is 120 MPa. A total of six full-scale shear panels were tested with the loading condition, stiffener spacing, and magnitude of axial force as test variables. The shear panels tested yielded at a shear force that is approximately 1/3 of the yield shear force of equivalent shear panels made of common mild steel. Shear panels with proper stiffener arrangement exhibited stable hysteresis, thus ensuring large energy dissipation capacity. Sufficient strain hardening was observed in the shear panels tested, with their energy dissipation capacity about 1.5 times larger than that of an equivalent linear-elastic and perfect-plastic system. Plate buckling did not lead the shear panels to immediate degradation in their energy dissipation capacity. Post-buckling resistance was found to be a subject that requires further studies for quantifying the performance of shear panels made of low yield stress steel as hysteretic dampers.  相似文献   
We studied the applicability of two types of existing three-dimensional (3-D) basin velocity structure models of the Osaka basin, western Japan for long-period ground motion simulations. We synthesized long-period (3–20 s) ground motions in the Osaka basin during a M6.5 earthquake that occurred near the hypothetical Tonankai earthquake source area, approximately 200 km from Osaka. The simulations were performed using a 3-D finite-difference method with nonuniform staggered grids using the two basin velocity structure models. To study the ground motion characteristics inside the basin, we evaluated the wave field inside the basin using the transfer functions derived from the synthetics at the basin and a reference rock site outside the basin. The synthetic waveforms at the basin site were obtained by a convolution of the calculated transfer function and the observed waveform at the reference rock site. First, we estimated the appropriate Q values for the sediment layers. Assuming that the Q value depends on the S wave velocity V S and period T, it was set to Q = (1/3V S)(T 0/T) where V S is in m/s and the reference period T 0 is 3.0 s. Second, we compared the synthetics and the observations using waveforms and pseudovelocity response spectra, together with a comparison of the velocity structures of the two basin models. We also introduced a goodness-of-fit factor to the pseudovelocity response spectra as an objective index. The synthetics of both the models reproduced the observations reasonably well at most of the stations in the central part the basin. At some stations, however, especially where the bedrock depth varies sharply, there were noticeable discrepancies in the simulation results of the models, and the synthetics did not accurately reproduce the observation. Our results indicate that the superiority of one model over the other cannot be determined and that an improvement in the basin velocity structure models based on simulation studies is required, especially along the basin edges. We also conclude that our transfer function method can be used to examine the applicability of the basin velocity structure models for long-period ground motion simulations.  相似文献   
3.2 ka BP以来念青唐古拉山东部则普冰川波动与环境变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于野外考察和 14C 年代测定, 确定了3.2 ka BP以来念青唐古拉山东部则普冰川的冰进序列.新冰期冰进可明显分为3次: 即大拿[ 14C ( 3 242 ±101)a BP]、大拿顶[ 14C ( 1 920 ±110)~ (1 540 ±85)a BP]和白同[ 14C ( 1 056 ±115)a BP]冰进.新冰期盛时, 则普冰川比现代长6.9 km, 面积大17.10 km2, 雪线降低约157 m, 温度降低1.0~1.9 ℃. 小冰期可分出2次: 即15世纪或16世纪[ 14C (580±130)a BP]和19世纪[ 14C (197±80)a BP, (190±80)a BP]冰进. 小冰期盛时, 则普冰川比现代长2.0 km, 面积大11.16 km2, 雪线降低约100 m, 温度降低0.65~1.23 ℃. 现代则普冰川, 冰面表碛特别发育, 其厚度亦很大, 冰舌末端退缩难以辨认. 但冰川减薄很强烈, 边缘两侧形成2~3道现代侧碛, 并高出现代冰面20~30 m. 对埋藏腐殖质土壤层和木炭碎屑经 14C 年代测定, 结果表明在(720±210)~( 2 010 ±120)a BP间, 波堆藏布流域存在砍伐森林、开垦田地和放牧的人类活动.  相似文献   
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