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Electrical imaging or electrical tomography is a survey technique suitable for the investigation of areas of shallow complex geology, where the use of other electrical and electromagnetic techniques is less effective. An electrical image has been delineated at a site located in front of the Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 16 soil samples were collected from two boreholes located on the image line and geotechnical parameters such as unit weight, water content, grain size, plastic limit, liquid limit and plasticity index were measured in the laboratory. These geotechnical parameters were compared with the measured electrical resistivity.  相似文献   
The study area is located in the southwestern part of Bangladesh. Twenty-six groundwater samples were collected from both shallow and deep tube wells ranging in depth from 20 to 60 m. Multivariate statistical analyses including factor analysis, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were applied to the hydrogeochemical data. The results show that a few factors adequately represent the traits that define water chemistry. The first factor of Fe and HCO3 is strongly influenced by bacterial Fe (III) reduction which would raise both Fe and HCO3 concentrations in water. Na, Cl, Ca, Mg and PO4 are grouped under the second factor representing the salinity sources of waters. The third factor, represented by As, Mn, SO4 and K is related to As mobilization processes. Cluster analysis has been applied for the interpretation of the groundwater quality data. Initially Piper methods have been employed to obtain a first idea on the water types in the study area. Hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out for further classification of water types in the study area. Twelve components, namely, pH, Fe, Mn, As, Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl, SO4 and NO3 have been used for this purpose. With hierarchical clustering analysis the water samples have been classified into 3 clusters. They are very high, high and moderately As-enriched groundwater as well as groundwater with elevated SO4.  相似文献   
During the Cenozoic numerous shallow epicontinental evaporite basins formed due to tectonic movements in the Northern Province of the Central Iran Tectonic Zone (the Great Kavir Basin). During the Miocene, due to sea‐level fluctuations, thick sequences of evaporites and carbonates accumulated in these basins that subsequently were overlain by continental red beds. Development of halite evaporites with substantial thickness in this area implies inflow of seawater along the narrow continental rift axis. The early ocean basin development was initiated in Early Eocene time and continued up to the Middle Miocene in the isolated failed rift arms. Competition between marine and non‐marine environments, at the edge of the encroaching sea, produced several sequences of both abrupt and gradual transition from continental wadi sediments to marginal marine evaporites in the studied area. These evaporites show well‐preserved textures indicative of relatively shallow‐brine pools. The high Br content of these evaporites indicates marine‐derived parent brines that were under the sporadic influence of freshening by meteoric water or replenishing seawater. However, the association of hopper and cornet textures denotes stratified brine that filled a relatively large pool and prevented rapid variations in the Br profile. Unstable basin conditions that triggered modification of parent brine chemistry prevailed in this basin and caused variable distribution patterns for different elements in the chloride units. The presence of sylvite and the absence of Mg‐sulphate/chlorides in the paragenetic sequence indicate SO4−depleted parent brine in the studied sequence. Petrographic examinations along with geochemical analyses on these potash‐bearing halites reveal parental brines which were a mixture of seawater and CaCl2‐rich brines. The source of CaCl2‐rich brines is ascribed to the presence of local rift systems in the Great Kavir Basin up to the end of the Early Miocene. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In order to make Mars a better planet, in this paper, photo-dissociation technology, mathematical modeling, and a series of chemical reaction methodology have been proposed to create a vibrant ecosystem and balance the atmosphere on Mars. Since CO2 is a stable compound, breaking it down into C and O2 always is challenging, but exciting thought. Interestingly, my recent research revealed that photo-dissociation by utilizing UVV (laser) could be an exciting technology to split CO2 into C + O2 since the theoretical reaction suggested that the production of C + O2 channel from CO2 photo-exciting technology releases the energetic level threshold of C(3P2) + O2(X3 g ? ) that can be detected by ultraviolet laser pump-probe spectroscopy. Subsequently, a mathematical model for creating of ocean on Mars by breaking its substantial polar ice has been performed considering algorithms for surface and coordinate between the barotropic momentum and continuity equations, and interestingly the calculation suggested that it is very much possible to flow ocean on Mars surface to meet its water demand. Subsequently, proposed series of chemical reaction technology suggested that implementation of carbonator looping and plasma reaction paths can convert photo-dissociated carbon (C) into N2 and NH3 to enrich Mars’ soil in order to grow vegetation as well as to create a balance ecosystem in Mars eventually. Finally, sustainable green technology has been proposed for the development of Mars to be a complete balanced planet to deliver all basic and modern needs to run daily life smoothly. Thus, implication of chemical reaction technologies along with sustainable development plans can indeed make the Mars a vibrant environment to live there in clean and green.  相似文献   
The three most important components necessary for functioning of an operational flood warning system are: (1) a rainfall measuring system; (2) a soil moisture updating system; and, (3) a surface discharge measuring system. Although surface based networks for these systems can be largely inadequate in many parts of the world, this inadequacy particularly affects the tropics, which are most vulnerable to flooding hazards. Furthermore, the tropical regions comprise developing countries lacking the financial resources for such surface-based monitoring. The heritage of research conducted on evaluating the potential for measuring discharge from space has now morphed into an agenda for a mission dedicated to space-based surface discharge measurements. This mission juxtaposed with two other upcoming space-based missions: (1) for rainfall measurement (Global Precipitation Measurement, GPM), and (2) soil moisture measurement (Hydrosphere State, HYDROS), bears promise for designing a fully space-borne system for early warning of floods. Such a system, if operational, stands to offer tremendous socio-economic benefit to many flood-prone developing nations of the tropical world. However, there are two competing aspects that need careful assessment to justify the viability of such a system: (1) cost-effectiveness due to surface data scarcity; and (2) flood prediction uncertainty due to uncertainty in the remote sensing measurements. This paper presents the flood hazard mitigation opportunities offered by the assimilation of the three proposed space missions within the context of these two competing aspects. The discussion is cast from the perspective of current understanding of the prediction uncertainties associated with space-based flood prediction. A conceptual framework for a fully space-borne system for early-warning of floods is proposed. The need for retrospective validation of such a system on historical data comprising floods and its associated socio-economic impact is stressed. This proposal for a fully space-borne system, if pursued through wide interdisciplinary effort as recommended herein, promises to enhance the utility of the three space missions more than what their individual agenda can be expected to offer.  相似文献   
Diverse vulnerabilities of Bangladesh's agricultural sector in 16 sub-regions are assessed using experiments designed to investigate climate impact factors in isolation and in combination. Climate information from a suite of global climate models (GCMs) is used to drive models assessing the agricultural impact of changes in temperature, precipitation, carbon dioxide concentrations, river floods, and sea level rise for the 2040–2069 period in comparison to a historical baseline. Using the multi-factor impacts analysis framework developed in Yu et al. (2010), this study provides new sub-regional vulnerability analyses and quantifies key uncertainties in climate and production. Rice (aman, boro, and aus seasons) and wheat production are simulated in each sub-region using the biophysical Crop Environment REsource Synthesis (CERES) models. These simulations are then combined with the MIKE BASIN hydrologic model for river floods in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) Basins, and the MIKE21 Two-Dimensional Estuary Model to determine coastal inundation under conditions of higher mean sea level. The impacts of each factor depend on GCM configurations, emissions pathways, sub-regions, and particular seasons and crops. Temperature increases generally reduce production across all scenarios. Precipitation changes can have either a positive or a negative impact, with a high degree of uncertainty across GCMs. Carbon dioxide impacts on crop production are positive and depend on the emissions pathway. Increasing river flood areas reduce production in affected sub-regions. Precipitation uncertainties from different GCMs and emissions scenarios are reduced when integrated across the large GBM Basins’ hydrology. Agriculture in Southern Bangladesh is severely affected by sea level rise even when cyclonic surges are not fully considered, with impacts increasing under the higher emissions scenario.  相似文献   
Pollutant dispersion characteristics in Dhaka city, Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Air pollution is a major environmental concern in major cities around the world. The major causes of air pollution include rapid industrialization/urbanization and increased non environment-friendly energy production. This paper analyses the atmospheric pollutant such as carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) dispersion characteristics of Dhaka city. The yearly and diurnal variations of pollutant concentration are described by taking into consideration of both meteorological and emission source parameters highlighting washout effect due to rainfall and inversion phenomena. Concentration of PM (both PM2.5 and PM10) and CO in the ambient air are measured for a period of one year with Airmetric Minivol air samplers and Gas Chromatographic (GC) technique, respectively. The trend over the year shows an increase in the monthly average hourly PM and CO concentrations in winter months (November to March) when both PM10 and PM2.5 annual average concentrations (about 130 and 95 ??g m?3, respectively) exhibit levels exceeding World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines as well as exceed more than twice the national standards of annual PM10 (50 ??g m?3) and PM2.5 (15 ??g m?3) concentrations. Such high pollutant concentrations may have significant health implications for residents of Dhaka city. It is also found that the PM concentration increases with the increase of wind speed during dry winter season and is also influenced by transboundary air pollution. The data and subsequent recommendations can be useful in formulating air quality management strategies for the Dhaka city.  相似文献   
Landslides - The Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMN), historically known as ‘Rohingya’ who fled the 2017 ethnic atrocities and genocide in the Northern Rakhine State of Myanmar,...  相似文献   
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