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An extended structure-function model is developed by including the new effect in the p-model of Meneveau and Sreenivasan which shows that the averaged energy cascade rate changes with scale, a situation which has been found to prevail in nonfullydeveloped turbulence in the inner solar wind. This model is useful for the small-scale fluctuations in the inner heliosphere, where the turbulence is not fully developed and cannot be explained quantitatively by any of the previous intermittency turbulence models. With two model parameters, the intrinsic index of the energy spectrum <alpha>, and the fragmentation fraction P 1, the model can fit, for the first time, all the observed scaling exponents of the structure functions, which are calculated for time lags ranging from 81 s to 0.7 h from the Helios solar wind data. From the cases we studied we cannot establish for P 1 either a clear radial evolution trend, or a solar-wind-speed or stream-structure dependence or a systematic anisotropy for both the flow velocity and magnetic field component fluctuations. Generally, P 1 has values between 0.7 and 0.8. However, in some cases in low-speed wind P 1 has somewhat higher values for the magnetic components, especially for the radial component. In high-speed wind, the inferred intrinsic spectral indices (<alpha>) of the velocity and magnetic field components are about equal, while the experimental spectral indices derived from the observed power spectra differ. The magnetic index is somewhat larger than the index of the velocity spectrum. For magnetic fluctuations in both high- and low-speed winds, the intrinsic exponent <alpha> has values which are near 1.5, while the observed spectral exponent has much higher values. In the solar wind with considerable density fluctuations near the interplanetary current sheet near 1 AU, it is found that P 1 has a comparatively high value of 0.89 for V x . The impact of these results on the understanding of the nature of solar wind fluctuations is discussed, and the limitations in using structure functions to study intermittency are also described.  相似文献   
It is revealed by CL images that there are multi-stage growth internal structures of zircons in the Huangtuling granulite, including the inherited zircons, protolith zircons, sector and planar zone zircons and retrograde zircons. In-situ trace element compositions and Pb-Pb ages have been analyzed by LAM-ICP-MS. The sector and the planar zone domains show typical trace element characteristics of granulite zircon (low Th, U, Th/U, total REEs, clear negative Eu anomalies, relatively depleted HREE and small differential degree between MREE and HREE, etc.), indicating that they formed during granulite-facies metamorphism. The protolith zircons have trace element characteristics of crustal zircon (high Th, U, Th/U, total REEs and enriched HREEs, etc.). 12 analyzed spots on granulite-facies domains give a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of (2154±26) Ma (MSWD = 3.8), which is the best estimated age of granulite-facies metamorphism of this sample. The weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 5 analyzed spots on protolith zircon domains is (2714 ± 22) Ma (MSWD = 1.4), which represents the protolith forming time. The discovery of ca. 3.4 Ga inherited zircon indicates that there are Palaeoarchean continental materials in this area. The interpretation of formation conditions and the ages of zircons can be constrained by simultaneous in-situ analysis of trace elements and ages.  相似文献   
山西义兴寨金矿床金矿物颗粒的产出及其成矿动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西义兴寨金矿床的金主要呈包体金和裂隙金两种产出状态.文章根据成矿地球化学动力学理论,论证了金元素在含矿断裂发生脆性破裂和脆-韧性扩张活动中析出的化学反应类型,以及受反应动力学条件的制约,形成矿石中金不同产出状态的规律.指出热液矿床中普遍存在的包体金为热液成矿早期阶段断裂发生脆性破裂和成矿流体沸腾,导致快速反应结晶的产物;而裂隙金和晶隙金为成矿晚期金等矿质在流体中残余富集,同时成矿断裂再次发生脉动破裂,即成矿热力学演化与有利的构造动力学因素耦合作用的结果.得出金矿物颗粒的产出状态具有成矿动力学意义的结论.  相似文献   
The new plants documented here, including a representative of the trimerophytesPsilophyton primitiuum sp. nov., a questionable rhyniophyte or trimerophyteHedeia sinica sp. nov., a prelycopodBragwanathia sp. and two species of zosterophyllophytes,Zosterophyllum australianum Lang and Cookson 1930 and2. sp. 1, from the Posongchong Formation of southeastern Yunnan, China, add to the known floral diversity of the Early Devonian of this region. Two sections of the Posongchong Formation, Changputang section of Wenshan district and Gegu section of Mengzi district also are introduced. After comparing the plants with those of the coeval flora of Australia and considering the data of recent paleocontinental reconstructions, the authors suggest that there is a northeastern Gondwana phytogeographic unit during the early Devonian comprising Australia, South China Block and perhaps Shan-Thai Block. The similarity of the floral component between Australia and South China is discussed. Because both Australia and South China also have dominant or endemic taxa, each might be recognized as a subunit, separately characterized byHedeia for Australia andEophyllophyton for South China. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49372075 and 49742004)  相似文献   
超声波测风仪与气象业务用风向标测风仪相比具有诸多优势,可为气象业务中风向风速观测急需解决的较多问题提供解决方案。为促成超声波风速仪尽早在气象部门业务应用,同时解决资料同化等问题,研究和选择适用于超声波测风仪的风速平均(平滑)算法显得极为重要。为此,从超声波测风仪测量原理出发,介绍了超声波测风仪获取数据的特点;利用台站获取的超声波测风仪风速的秒数据,采用不同时段、不同平均(平滑)方法,计算风速多种形式的平均值,通过统计、分析和比较,获得了标量和矢量不同算法下风速平均值的特性差异及其之间的误差,进一步验证了标量平均大于矢量平均的结论。通过对超声波测风仪的风速算法研究及其误差分析,对减小因算法带来的风速测量误差提供方法,同时探讨了超声波测风仪在气象业务使用的可能和方向。  相似文献   
The distribution of the taxonomical composition and the density of meiobenthos depending on some factors of environment has been studied in bottom sediments of the northern estuary part of Ha Long Bay (Cua Luc estuary). The basic factor of influence on meiobenthic community structure was the granulometric composition of sediment. The greatest taxonomic diversity is noted in the silted sands, lowest — in the silty sediments. The density of meiobenthic community was higher in the silty sediments. Slightly expressed correlation between the density of nematodes and the percentage of silty particles in the sediments is detected (Spearman rank correlation coefficient was 0.49±0.21, p=0.035). The nematodes were dominant at all stations. In total, representatives of 66 species of nematodes belonging to 17 families and 52 genera were identified.  相似文献   
Many catalogues, agency reports and research articles have been published on seismicity of Turkey and its surrounding since 1950s. Given existing magnitude heterogeneity, erroneous information on epicentral location, event date and time, this past published data however is far from fulfilling the required standards. Paucity of a standardized format in the available catalogues have reinforced the need for a refined and updated catalogue for earthquake related hazard and risk studies. During this study, ~37,000 earthquakes and related parametric data were evaluated by utilizing more than 41 published studies and, an integrated database was prepared in order to analyse all parameters acquired from the catalogues and references for each event. Within the scope of this study, the epicentral locations of M ≥ 5.0 events were firstly reappraised based on the updated Active Fault Map of Turkey. An improved catalogue of 12.674 events for the period 1900–2012 was as a result recompiled for the region between 32–45N° and 23–48E° by analyzing in detail accuracy of all seismological parameters available for each event. The events consist of M ≥ 4.0 are reported in several magnitude scales (e.g. moment magnitude, Mw; surface wave magnitude, MS; body-wave magnitude mb; local magnitude ML and duration magnitude Md) whereas the maximum focal depth reaches up to 225-km. In order to provide homogenous data, the improved catalogue is unified in terms of Mw. Fore-and aftershocks were also removed from the catalogue and completeness analyses were performed both separately for various tectonic sources and as a whole for the study region of interest. Thus, the prepared homogenous and declustered catalogue consisting of 6573 events provides the basis for a reliable input to the seismic hazard assessment studies for Turkey and its surrounding areas.  相似文献   
1985年5—6月对黄河口及其邻近海域的27个站进行了大型底栖动物的首航次定量调查。分别对18种环境因子和68个优势种和习见种所做的聚类分析显示了黄河口水下三角洲与邻近海域的某些差异,并联系沉积环境将所研究海域划分为四个区:黄河口水下三角洲、莱州湾、渤海中部和渤海湾东部。对大型底栖动物与沉积速率的关系也做了初步探讨。  相似文献   
地震活动时序谱的涨落统计特征与地震活跃期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为寻求地震活动演化的统计判据,本文采用多项式拟合法展示地震时序谱之涨落谱,以分维函数法判断最小邻间距(NNS)分布的Poisson性,然后采用MKS无参量法判别涨落谱之统计稳定性,确定NNS分布的转变区,具体研讨了四川、云南若干震区地震活动时序谱的涨落统计分布,发现地震活跃期到来时NNS分布表现出非Poisson化的特征。进一步通过改变和调节时序数据样本集之震级下限,并逐段前推进行统计计算的方式进一步验证结果的可靠性,客观地确定了这些震区地震活动时序涨落谱统计特征的转变期,使根据该统计法判断地震活跃期的方法论渐趋完善。  相似文献   
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