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The generalized gamma (GG) distribution has a density function that can take on many possible forms commonly encountered in hydrologic applications. This fact has led many authors to study the properties of the distribution and to propose various estimation techniques (method of moments, mixed moments, maximum likelihood etc.). We discuss some of the most important properties of this flexible distribution and present a flexible method of parameter estimation, called the generalized method of moments (GMM) which combines any three moments of the GG distribution. The main advantage of this general method is that it has many of the previously proposed methods of estimation as special cases. We also give a general formula for the variance of theT-year eventX T obtained by the GMM along with a general formula for the parameter estimates and also for the covariances and correlation coefficients between any pair of such estimates. By applying the GMM and carefully choosing the order of the moments that are used in the estimation one can significantly reduce the variance ofT-year events for the range of return periods that are of interest.  相似文献   
Transmission electron microscopy was used for characterizing the defect microstructure induced by shock experiments in a single crystal of diopside. The shock-induced defects found in the crystal can be divided in four distinct types:
  1. A high density and pervasive distribution of dislocations in glide configuration (glide systems (100)[0
  2. Mechanical twin lamellae, mostly parallel to (100), the (001) twin lamellae are less abundant. li]3)
  3. Heterogeneously distributed tiny molten zones (3 to 20 μm size) which, after cooling, appear as a glass with a chemical composition very close to the one of the original diopside.
The present TEM study reveals that the defect micro-structure in shocked diopside consists of a large variety of shock-induced defects. Especially, the amorphous PDFs which were never observed in statically deformed diopside seem to be an important characteristic micro-structural defects in shocked silicate minerals. Although the presence of amorphous PDFs is not yet confirmed for naturally shocked clinopyroxene, we strongly suggest that these features can serve as a diagnostic tool for recognizing impact phenomena on all planetary bodies of our solar system.  相似文献   
Abstract— This paper reports one of the first attempts to investigate by analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM) the microstructures and compositions of Fe‐Ni metal grains in ordinary chondrites. Three ordinary chondrites, Saint Séverin (LL6), Agen (H5), and Tsarev (L6) were selected because they display contrasting microstructures, which reflects different thermal histories. In Saint Séverin, the microstructure of the Ni‐rich metal grains is due to slow cooling. It consists of a two‐phase assemblage with a honeycomb structure resulting from spinodal decomposition similar to the cloudy zone of iron meteorites. Microanalyses show that the Ni‐rich phase is tetrataenite (Ni = 47 wt%) and the Ni‐poor phase, with a composition of ~25% Ni, is either martensite or taenite, these two occurring adjacent to each other. The observation that the Ni‐poor phase is partly fcc resolves the disagreement between previous transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Mössbauer studies on iron meteorites and ordinary chondrite metal. The Ni content of the honeycomb phase is much higher than in mesosiderites, confirming that mesosiderites cooled much more slowly. The high‐Ni tetrataenite rim in contact with the cloudy zone displays high‐Ni compositional variability on a very fine scale, which suggests that the corresponding area was destabilized and partially decomposed at low temperature. Both Agen and Tsarev display evidence of reheating and subsequent fast cooling obviously related to shock events. Their metallic particles mostly consist of martensite, the microstructure of which depends on local Ni content. Microstructures are controlled by both the temperature at which martensite forms and that at which it possibly decomposes. In high‐Ni zones (>15 wt%), martensitic transformation started at low temperature (<300 °C). Because no further recovery occurred, these zones contain a high density of lattice defects. In low‐Ni zones (<15 wt%), martensite grains formed at higher temperature and their lattice defects recovered. These martensite grains present a lath texture with numerous tiny precipitates of Ni‐rich taenite (Ni = 50 wt%) at lath boundaries. Nickel composition profiles across precipitate‐matrix interfaces show that the growth of these precipitates was controlled by preferential diffusion of Ni along lattice defects. The cooling rates deduced from Ni concentration profiles and precipitate sizes are within the range 1–10 °C/year for Tsarev and 10–100 °C/year for Agen.  相似文献   
The Arcachon Lagoon has an important network of tidal channels and well developed tidal flats covered by the marine grass Zostera marina. Based on 66 piston cores taken from the Graveyron tidal channel, and observations on the neighbouring channels, this paper documents the facies and geometry of the channel-fill deposits. In the inner lagoon (studied area) the tidal channels are 80 to 150 m wide and have a meandering morphology with sandy point bars 2 to 5 m thick. The channel-fill does not consist of the classic inclined heterolithic bedding typical of many channel-fills (Reineck, 1958), but of cross-stratified sandy deposits characterized by the absence of slack-water clay-drapes. These unusual facies characteristics are due to the low turbidity of the lagoonal waters which is caused by the lack of significant river inflow and the dense coverage of Zostera marina on the tidal flats. The overall geometry of the channel-fill deposits is characterized by a narrow sand-ribbon shape, a few kilometres long, 80 to 150 m wide and 1 to 5 m thick. This sand ribbon is made of elliptical sand bodies, deposited as point bars, that coalesce longitudinally along the channel axis. This narrow shape is due to the fact that the lateral migration of the channel is virtually nil (reduced to a few metres). In spite of their characteristic meandering morphology, these channels do not deposit extensive tabular sand sheets of amalgamated point bars like the tidal creeks on the North Sea tidal flats. Two factors are thought to control this lack of channel migration. (1) The tidal flats adjacent to the tidal channels are made of 3- to 5-m-thick cohesive muddy sediments covered by Zostera marina that prevents the erosion of the channel banks. This first mechanism is supported by the observation that the tidal creeks that drain the muddy tidal flats covered by Zostera marina do not migrate laterally, whereas those that drain the sandy tidal flats devoid of a dense coverage of marine grass do have active lateral migration. (2) The tidal channels are not fed by any river and therefore do not receive any fluvial sand influx during the winter floods. Their morphology is in equilibrium with the tidal discharge and represents a stable stage in the development of the channel. This second mechanism is supported by the fact that the only tidal channels that actively migrate laterally in the lagoon receive sandy fluvial influx from the River Leyre located in the southeastern corner of the lagoon.  相似文献   
The use of a Davis tube coil adapted for high gradient magnetic separation (hgms) and mathematical modelling techniques as aids for selecting test conditions for hgms is described. A recovery model based on the loading number concept of Nesset and Finch is shown to give reliable predictions for a wide range in conditons. The ability to select operating conditions from the model and conduct exploratory runs on the Davis tube adaptation have resulted in making more effective use of limited access time on a commercial hgms.  相似文献   
A sediment sequence (SP05, 12.5 m long) was taken from the deep zone of Lake Saint-Point (850 m a.s.l.). Sedimentological analyses highlight two main contrasted periods of sedimentation: the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)/Late Glacial characterized by high silicates and quartz contents the Holocene dominated by the carbonated fraction. At the beginning of the Holocene (11 400 years cal. BP), silicates fraction flux abruptly decreased. The shift between the Late Glacial and the Holocene periods may be explained by forest development in the catchment. From 10 200 to 6800 years cal. BP, silicates and detrital carbonate fractions remained stable before they progressively increased steady till 5000 years cal. BP. Both increases cannot be totally attributed to an anthropic impact since pollen data indicate continuous anthropic activities only dated back from 3000 years cal. BP. They thus resulted from a dominant climatic control. From 5000 years cal. BP, silicates content still increased while detrital carbonates input became steady due to a change in pedogenetic processes affecting the catchment. During the last millennium, silicates and detrital carbonate decreased, probably due to pastureland development.  相似文献   
Coastal areas as reservoirs of resources for hominid groups have been widely studied in recent years. These areas combine marine with terrestrial and wetland resources and would have been optimum sites for hominids, including Neanderthals. This is the case with the Cova del Gegant, a cave that today opens directly onto the Mediterranean Sea and is located in the north‐eastern Iberian Peninsula. The geomorphological evolution of the Massis del Garraf has provided evidence that during the late Pleistocene there was a littoral platform between 8 and 13 km wide in front of the Cova del Gegant. Within this framework, the data derived from analysis of the small vertebrates and large mammals recovered from Cova del Gegant, including taxa currently absent from the Massis del Garraf, suggest that the landscape surrounding the cave provided a richer terrestrial ecosystem for Neanderthals than is available in this zone today. Analysis of the small‐vertebrate association from the cave reveals that the landscape surrounding the cave was dominated by woodland‐edge and open environments and that the climate was Mediterranean. The results have been compared with the only Iberian site with similar characteristics to the Cova del Gegant, Gorham's cave (southern Iberia, Gibraltar), revealing differences and similarities in the landscape and climate on the basis of the small‐mammal assemblages as well as the differences in the accessibility to terrestrial mammalian resources for the Neanderthal groups. The landscape and the climate were reasonably similar at the two sites, but the differences in the accessibility of resources for the Neanderthals are directly related to the location of the sites and the coastal position. Whereas the Cova del Gegant was on a route of mammal migration (between the Ebro Valley and France) suited for securing terrestrial resources, Gorham's cave is located on a small peninsula with a lower abundance of terrestrial mammal resources. This is probably why the Neanderthal groups at Gorham's cave exploited marine resources, whereas there is no evidence of marine resources having been exploited at Cova del Gegant, even though the seashore was nearby. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A review of geological and geophysical observations points towards a worldwide kinematic change at around 6 Ma. The synchronicity of many manifestations (tectonics, magmatism, kinematics, ecological events, among others) at ~6 Ma, similar to those recognized from time to time on the geological time‐scale, argues for a global geodynamic event that has led to many regional consequences on Earth's surface. In particular, we propose that this global event was the main trigger for the three fold increase in sediment deposits in the world ocean over the last ~5 Ma, but also for the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Mediterranean area, one of the most severe ecological crises in the Earth's history. We suggest this Messinian revolution to be the last occurrence of cyclic successions of global events.  相似文献   
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