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Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Xiugou Segment,Eastern Kunlun Fault Zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Eastern Kunlun fault zone (EKLF) is a large left-lateral strike-slip fault, whose slip rate is meaningful to seismic hazard assessment and geodynamics of the Tibetan Plateau. Previous studies suggested that the late Quaternary average slip rate was stable and uniform (10~13 mm/a) in the central and western segment of the EKLF. But there were a few researches of accurate slip rate in the central segment on the EKLF. Therefore, we focused on an offset and well preserved alluvial fan from Xiugou basin, located in the east of Xidatan-Dongdatan, to make it clear. Moreover, we used high-resolution satellite images and digital elevation model extracted from SPOT7 stereo image pairs to restore the offset alluvial fan, and combined terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides method, including 13 quartz-rich samples from this fan surface, 1 quartz-rich sample from the main active channel bed and 1 10Be depth profile from this fan edge to eliminate the 10Be concentration of inheritance accurately, with 1 optically stimulated luminescence sample to obtain the reliable age of this alluvial fan together. Referring to field observations, this alluvial fan was offset left-laterally by (1 862±103) m, and its age is (76.55±3.20)~(106.37±3.38) ka which can be determined through the actual geologic setting and improving chi-square test. Thus, we used the Monte Carlo method to obtain a left-lateral slip rate of (20.3+3.5/-2.3) mm/a with 68% confidence envelopes since the late Pleistocene in the Xiugou basin. As a result, combining with the results of previous studies, the left-lateral slip rate indicated that the obviously decreasing activity transferred from late Pleistocene to Holocene on the central segment of the EKLF.  相似文献   
In northern Jiangsu coastal zone area, Guanhe River is the biggest river and has the best navigation conditions among rivers which flow into the Yellow Sea. The grain sizes show gradual increase from the high intertidal zone to lower intertidal zone. The heavy metal values have slight changes along both sides of the river mouth, but show an evident change perpendicular to the tidal flat. In the latter case, they show a good correlation with grain size fluctuation, that is, the heavy metal values gradually decline when the grain size increases from the high intertidal zone to the lower intra-tidal zone. Analyses of the heavy metal elements show that on the Guanhe estuary surface sediment, the content of the elements Hg, As and Cu is above background values; Pb and Zn contents are rather close to the background values; and Cd content is less than the background values. The element Hg comes out to be harmful in a medium level to ecological environment, while the elements of Cr, As, Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd fall in a safe range of MPL. On the whole, Guanhe estuary tidal flat is not very harmful to the ecology in terms of the heavy metals. __________ Translated from Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2007, 27(5): 23–32 [译自: 海洋地质与第四纪地质]  相似文献   
The archaeological site of the Sanxingdui may date back as far as 5,000 years ago. The typical profiles of Palaeo-Stagnic-Anthrosols near the ancient site were selected, which aimed to identify diagnostic horizons employing methodology of soil taxonomic classification and to reveal the micromorphological properties of the paleosols. Under long-term anthropogenic mellowing, the discernible differentiation between anthrostagnic epipedon and its subhorizons as well as hydragric horizon and its subhorizons occurred in Paleo-Stagnie-Anthrosols at the archaeological site of the Sanxingdui. The mieromorphological properties diversified among each specific diagnostic subhorizon, e.g., the developed microstructure in cultivated subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon, closely arranged particles and considerable micropores beneficial to both of water conservation and filtration in plow subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon, and automorphic optical-orientation clays and calcareous corrosion in hydragric horizons. The findings above of micromorphological features related with diagnostic horizons are significant for soil taxonomic classification.  相似文献   
Debris flow is one of the most destructive phenomena of natural hazards. Recently, major natural haz-ard, claiming human lives and assets, is due to debris flow in the world. Several practical methods for forecasting de-bris flow have been proposed, however, the accuracy of these methods is not high enough for practical use because of the stochastic and non-linear characteristics of debris flow. Artificial neural network has proven to be feasible and use-fill in developing models for nonlinear systems. On the other hand, predicting the future behavior based on a time se-ries of collected historical data is also an important tool in many scientific applications. In this study we present a three-layer feed-forward neural network model to forecast surge of debris flow according to the time series data collect-ed in the Jiangjia Ravine, situated in north part of Yunnan Province of China. The simulation and prediction of debris flow using the proposed approach shows this model is feasible, however, further studies are needed.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Ovarian development of female crustaceans is under the direct regulations of two neurohormones: gonad-inhibiting hormone (GIH) secreted by optic ganglia and gonad-stimulating hormone (GSH) se- creted by brain and thoracic ganglia (Fingerman…  相似文献   
粤闽赣交界区波速比特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多台和达法,利用广东、福建、江西三省数字地震观测记录对粤闽赣交界区及邻区波速比特征进行研究,获取了具有参考价值的结果:粤闽赣交界地区沿海一侧明显比内陆地区波速比要高;约在北纬24°,东经114°处,处走向北东方向上是波速变化比较明显的分界线,该分界线可能是由于地下两侧的岩石岩性不同造成的,或与该地区介质物理性质和化学性质存在变异关有,也可能与此地区地震应力场变化有一定关系。  相似文献   
The Kuroshi'o front eddy's surface and sectional isothermal distribution characteristics were analyzed on the basis of observation data obtained in April 13-16 of 1989 in the East China Sea. It was found from the similarity between these isothermal distributions with those in January and beginning of June for the years 1986-1990 that the Kuroshio front eddy often occurred from March to the beginning of June. The Kuroshio front eddy movement in the East China Sea in spring was along two routes: the Okinawa Trough route, and the continental shelf slope route. The two moving routes both in the surface layer and in the section are described, their causes are discussed, and differences are compared.  相似文献   
基于洞庭湖流域内长沙市2010年1月至2012年12月降水事件、GNIP(Global Network for Isotopes in Precipitation)长沙站1988~1992年月降水同位素资料及ENSO(厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜和南方涛动)的2个常用指标(南方涛动指数SOI和Nino3区海面温度SST),分析了流域降水同位素与ENSO关系。结果表明:洞庭湖流域降水中δ18O与降水量、气温在日、月尺度上均呈负相关且只有月度上与降水量的负相关不显著。洞庭湖流域降水中δ18O与ENSO的SST指标则呈显著正相关。ENSO对洞庭湖流域降水同位素的影响机制可能如下:春季,La Nina年源自西太平洋的东南风强盛,其转向为西南风的区域达到印度洋,而El Nino年,东南风转向为西南风的发生区域位于印度洋以东,前者有利于挟带印度洋远源水汽向中国东部区域输送,进而造成降水同位素的贫化;夏季,La Nina年印度洋水汽输送在中国南海转为经向继而向北延伸,而El Nino年,源自印度洋的水汽沿纬向穿过南海,在东海转向往北延伸,后者有利于挟带西太平洋的近源水汽输送到中国东部季风区,进而引起降水同位素的富集。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地的新生代沉积的物质来源对认识中亚地区乃至全球气候环境演变、亚洲内陆干旱化以及粉尘输送路径等关键科学问题都具有重要的意义,但目前对盆地内沉积物的物质来源的研究还比较粗略。文章以准噶尔盆地内不同类型的表层沉积物为研究对象,通过对稀土元素特征的研究进一步探讨盆地内不同沉积的物质来源与相互联系。研究结果表明:准噶尔盆地不同区域表层沉积物的稀土元素含量(不含Y元素)变化较大,变化范围为55.54~194.44 μg/g;大部分样品的δCe值在0.95~1.05之间,未见明显的Ce异常,指示了盆地内整体干旱环境下较弱的风化成壤作用,而Eu异常和UCC标准化配分模式表现出的复杂变化,可能指示了准噶尔盆地表层沉积物物质来源的多源性。根据盆地内表层沉积物的稀土元素总量、配分模式以及δEu值表现出的不同特征,结合了盆地内的区域地形和盛行风向等要素,认为盆地东部的戈壁砂和周围山地的基岩碎屑物之间存在着一定的物源继承,同时强劲的西北风也为该地带来了来自盆地北部和中部的物质来源;北部的阿尔泰山碎屑物质是盆地北部戈壁砂和沙漠砂的主要物质来源,但戈壁砂表现出的Eu中度亏损和较高的ΣREE值可能代表着该区域还存在更为广阔的物源;盆地西部各类沉积物之间表现出的稀土元素特征的相似性表明该地缺乏外界物质的参与,物源具有明显的局域性;盆地南缘的沙漠砂和河流表层沉积物主要来源于天山碎屑物质经冰川磨蚀及寒冻风化等作用形成的粉砂粒级物质,但是该地的黄土在地形和风向的影响下表现出了复杂的物质来源,盆地中的沙漠、天山碎屑物质、盆地东部的戈壁砂,甚至于中亚广大荒漠区的粉尘都为黄土提供了部分物源。

The boundary faults of faulted basins generally have segmental growth characteristics. Quantitative analysis of fault growth processes and combined models is of great significance for basin formation and evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. Taking the Fulongquan fault depression in the southern part of the Songliao Basin as an example, using the 3D seismic data and using the fault-displacement length analysis method, the segmental growth and evolution process of the boundary fault is systematically studied, and the control effect of the spatial and temporal differential evolution of boundary faults on faulted basins is analyzed. The study shows that the segmental growth control of the boundary fault of Fulongquan fault depression forms a series of semi-mantle shoals; the sedimentary center of the Shahezi-Yingcheng fault is controlled to migrate from south to north; The slanting and thrusting activities control the height of the anticline trap; the transformation of the boundary fault property controls the evolution of the basin's tectonic pattern from the tandem semi-mantle to the faulted anticline.  相似文献   
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