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Numerical integration of the gravitational N-body problem has been carried out for a variety of photoplanetary clusters in the range N = 100 to 200. Particles are assumed to coagulate at collisions irrespective of relative velocity and mass ratio of the particles. It is shown graphically how the dispersed N-bodies accumulate to a single planet through mutual collisions. The velocity distribution and size distribution of bodies are also investigated as functions of time in the accretion process. The root mean square velocity of bodies in a cluster increases with time in an early stage of accretion but decreases with time in a late stage of accretion. Accretion rates of planets are found to be dependent strongly on the initial number density distribution, the initial size distribution, and the initial velocity distribution of bodies. Formation of satellites of about 10% in the planet mass is common to most cases in the present study. A substantial mass of bodies also escapes from the cluster. Many satellites and escapers formed during the accretion process of planets may be source materials of heavy bombardment in the early history of planets.  相似文献   
Thermal measurements and hydrate mapping in the vicinity of the K-2 mud volcano in Lake Baikal have revealed a particular type of association of thermal anomalies (29–121?mW?m–2) near hydrate-forming layers. Detailed coring within K-2 showed that hydrates are restricted to two distinct zones at sub-bottom depths exceeding 70–300?cm. Temperature data from stations with hydrate recovery and degassing features all display low thermal gradients. Otherwise, the thermal gradients within the mud volcano are generally increased. These findings imply a more complicated thermal regime than often assumed for mud volcanoes, with important roles for both fluids and hydrates. The coexistence of neighbouring low and high thermal anomalies is interpreted to result from discharging and recharging fluid activity, rather than hydrate thermodynamics. It is suggested that hydrates play a key role in controlling the fluid circulation pattern at an early stage. At a later stage, the inflow of undersaturated lake water would favour the dissolution of structure I hydrates and the formation of structure II hydrates, the latter having been observed on top of structure I hydrates in the K-2 mud volcano.  相似文献   
The Tibetan Plateau is a key factor in controlling the present‐day climate and atmospheric circulation pattern in Asia. The pattern of atmospheric circulation after the uplift of the plateau is well known, whereas direct evidence is lacking regarding the nature of the circulation pattern prior to the uplift. The distribution of desert directly reflects the position of the subtropical high‐pressure belt, and the prevailing surface‐wind pattern recorded in desert deposits reveals the position of its divergence axis. Cretaceous eolian sandstone of the Phu Thok Formation is extensively exposed in the northern Khorat Basin, northeastern Thailand. We conducted a sedimentological study on this formation to reconstruct temporal changes in the latitude of the subtropical high‐pressure belt in low‐latitude Asia during the Cretaceous. Spatio‐temporal changes in the paleo‐wind directions recorded in the Phu Thok Formation reveal that the Khorat Basin mainly belonged to the northeast trade wind belt and subtropical high‐pressure belt was situated to the north of the Khorat Basin during the initial stages of deposition, shifted southward to immediately above the basin during the main phase of deposition, and then shifted northward again to the north of the basin during the final stages of deposition. The paleomagnetic polarity sequence obtained for the Phu Thok Formation comprises three zones of normal polarity and two of reversed polarity, correlating to chrons M1n to C34n of the geomagnetic polarity time scale. This result suggests that the Phu Thok Formation is mid‐Cretaceous in age (from c. 126 Ma to c. 99–93 Ma), similar to the age of eolian sandstone in the Sichuan Basin, southern China (the Jiaguan Formation). These results, in combination with paleo‐wind direction data, suggest the development of low‐latitude desert and an equatorward shift of the subtropical high‐pressure belt (relative to the present‐day) in Asia during the mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   
The signal measured by heave–pitch–roll directional wave buoys yields the first four coefficients of a Fourier series. Data adaptive methods must be employed to estimate a directional wave spectrum. Marine X-band radars (MRs) have the advantage over buoys that they can measure “model-free” two-dimensional (2D) wave spectra. This study presents the first comprehensive validation of MR-derived multi-directional wave characteristics. It is based on wave data from the 2010 Impact of Typhoons on the Ocean in the Pacific (ITOP) experiment in the Philippine Sea, namely MR measurements from R/V Roger Revelle, Extreme Air–Sea Interaction (EASI) buoy measurements, as well as WAVEWATCH-III (WW3) modeling results. Buoy measurements of mean direction and spreading as function of frequency, which do not require data adaptive methods, are used to validate the WW3 wave spectra. An advanced MR wave retrieval technique is introduced that addresses various shortcomings of existing methods. Spectral partitioning techniques, applied to MR and WW3 results, reveal that multimodal seas are frequently present. Both data sets are in excellent agreement, tracking the evolution of up to 4 simultaneous wave systems over extended time periods. This study demonstrates MR’s and WW3’s strength at measuring and predicting 2D wave spectra in swell-dominated seas.  相似文献   
The investigations were carried out at 6 tidal flats located on the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. This study was focused on physical characteristics of sediments, namely as particle size of sediment and difference in elevation, and generalizes the relationship between sediments and macrobenthos. A total of 192 species were collected at 187 stations at 6 tidal flats. Physical characteristics of sediment were classified into 9 groups by cluster analysis in relation to sediment particle size and difference in elevation. Those groups had also significant difference in physical characteristics of sediments, and were characterized by some specific macrobenthos species. Distribution of macrobenthos can be explained by the classification of physical characteristics of sediment. These findings show the possibility to predict the variety of macrobenthos community using the physical characteristics of sediment.  相似文献   
In an attempt to detect streaming potentials induced by subsurface water flows, we have observed the horizontal electric field (self-potential) variations across stationary electric dipoles near geothermal wells in the Takinoue geothermal area, Japan. We observed variations of self-potential which seem to be associated with the water flows in the aquifer, induced by turning on and off the flow of the wells. Amplitudes of the variations are 3–5 mV across 60–200 m dipoles, and can be explained well with a proposed electrokinetic model: the streaming potential coefficient of − 15 mV/bar and/or the ζ-potential of −50 to −100 mV in the aquifer are appropriate to explain the observed data by the model. The obtained electrokinetic coupling coefficients are in situ ones and determined for crustal rock-water system under high temperature (˜200°C) condition. The present results, together with a laboratory study by Ishido and Mizutani (1981), give fundamental information on electrokinetic coupling coefficients in the earth's interior, and are very important when we make quantitative interpretations of self-potentials generated by geothermal activity on the basis of electrokinetic effects.  相似文献   
Abstract Fossil whales in the very rare, primitive, extinct cetacean family Aetiocetidae are small, relict, toothed mysticetes that persisted into Late Oligocene time after more highly derived baleen-bearing mysticetes had already evolved. No known aetiocetid could be ancestral to baleen-bearing mysticetes, but aetiocetid morphology is in many ways intermediate between archaeocetes and baleen-bearing mysticetes, demonstrating the probable transitional steps passed through in the evolution of baleen-bearing mysticetes. Their discovery indicates that mysticetes evolved from Archaeocetes, and supports theories of the monophyly of Cetacea. Late Oligocene aetiocetids have been found on both sides of the North Pacific Ocean: on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada; in Oregon and Washington, USA; in Baja California Sur, México; and the islands of Kyushu and Hokkaido, Japan. The most primitive North American aetiocetid, Chonecetus sookensis Russell, 1968, is from the early Late Oligocene Hesquiat Formation on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. A more derived, Late Oligocene species, Chonecetus goedertorum Barnes and Furusawa, new species, from the Late Oligocene Pysht Formation, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, has the primitive placental mammalian tooth count of 11/11. The type genus of the family, Aetiocetus Emlong, 1966, has as its type species, A. cotylalveus Emlong, 1966, known only from the Late Oligocene Yaquina Formation on the coast of Oregon. It has 11 upper teeth on each side of the rostrum. A more derived species, Aetiocetus weltoni Barnes and Kimura, new species, from a higher stratigraphic level in the Yaquina Formation, has a more posteriorly positioned cranial vertex and a tooth count of 11/12. We describe four new species of aetiocetids in three genera from the Late Oligocene Morawan Formation near Ashoro, Hokkaido, Japan. The most primitive, Ashorocetus eguchii Barnes and Kimura, new genus and species, has a primitive stage of cranial telescoping, and is closely related to Chonecetus Russell, 1968. Another, Morawanocetus yabukii Kimura and Barnes, new genus and species, in some ways intermediate between Chonecetus and Aetiocetus, has a suite of unique derived characters, including a much foreshortened brain case. The third, Aetiocetus tomitai Kimura and Barnes, new species, is the most primitive species of Aetiocetus yet discovered. The fourth, Aetiocetus polydentatus Sawamura, new species, the most derived species of Aetiocetus known, has a highly telescoped cranium, homodonty, polydonty and a dental count of 13–14/14–15. The fossil record now indicates considerable diversity in the family, with several different contemporaneous lineages in three new subfamilies: Chonecetinae, Morawanocetinae and Aetiocetinae. Aetiocetids are not known outside the North Pacific. Many Recent mysticetes are essentially cosmopolitan, and aetiocetids might have also been relatively widely dispersed. We suspect that with time their remains will be found around other ocean basins also. If so, then they may be potentially useful in trans-oceanic geological correlations.  相似文献   
We present new high temperature elasticity data on two grossular garnet specimens. One specimen is single-crystal, of nearly endmember grossular, the other is polycrystalline with about 22% molar andradite. Our data extend the high temperature regime for which any garnet elasticity data are available from 1000 to 1350 K and the compositional range of temperature data to near endmember grossular. We also present new data on the thermal expansivity of calcium-rich garnet. We find virtually no discernable differences in the temperatureT derivatives at ambient conditions of the isotropic bulkK S and shearμ moduli when comparing our results between these two specimens. These calcium-rich garnets have the lowest values of ¦(?K S /?T) P ¦ = (1.47,1.49) x 10-2GPa/K, and among the highest values of ¦(?μ/?T) P ¦ = 1.25 x 10-2GPa/K, when compared with other garnets. Small, but measurable, nonlinear temperature dependences of most of the elastic moduli are observed. Several dimensionless parameters are computed with the new data and used to illustrate the effects of different assumptions on elastic equations of state extra-polated to high temperatures. We discuss how dimensionless parameters and other systematic considerations can be useful in estimating the temperature dependence of some properties of garnet phases for which temperature data are not yet available. While we believe it is premature to quantitatively predict the temperature variation ofK S andμ for majorite garnets, our results have bearing on the amount of diopside required to explain the shear velocity gradients in Earth's transition zone.  相似文献   
Polyamines are an essential component of living organisms that influence normal cell growth and development. Despite the possible importance of polyamines for marine microbial ecology, concentrations of polyamines in seawater are not well known.Using HPLC analysis with a cation exchange column and OPA reagent, we determined polyamine concentrations in seawater without carrying out desalting, concentration or derivatization steps prior to chromatography.In seawater collected from Uranouchi Inlet, putrescine and spermidine were the predominant polyamines, ranging from undetectable (N.D.) to 4.4 nM and N.D. to 2.8 nM, respectively. Though other polyamines were detected, the frequency of detection was much lower than that of putrescine and spermidine; concentrations ranged from N.D. to 0.9 nM for cadaverine, and N.D. to 3.2 nM for norspermidine. Norspermine and spermine were detected in only a few samples; their concentrations varied from N.D. to 3.2 nM and N.D. to 0.5 nM, respectively. These concentrations were higher in the summer.  相似文献   
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