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Iodine concentration and radioisotopic composition (129I/I) were measured in the pore waters from the gas hydrate occurrence in the forearc basin offshore Shimokita Peninsula, north-eastern Japan, to determine the source formation of I and accompanying hydrocarbons. Iodine concentrations correlate well with the alkalinity and SO4 patterns, reflecting degradation stages of I-rich buried organic matter, rapidly increasing in the sulfate reduction interval, and becoming constant below 250 meters below the seafloor with an upwelling flux of 1.5 × 10−11 µmol cm−2 year−1. The 129I/I ratios of 300 × 10−15–400 × 10−15 in deep pore waters suggest ages for iodine and hydrocarbon sources as old as 40 Ma. These ages correlate well with the coaly source formations of the Eocene age thought to be responsible for the conventional natural gas deposits underlying the gas hydrate stability zone. Similar profiles are observed in 129I/I ratios of pore waters in the gas hydrate stability zone from the forearc basin in the eastern Nankai Trough, offshore central Japan, where pore waters are enriched in I and reach ages as old as ∼50 Ma through the sediment column. At the outer ridge site along the trough, on the other hand, relatively younger I are more frequently delivered probably through thrusts/faults associated with subduction. The nature of source formations of I and hydrocarbons in the offshore Shimokita Peninsula has a more terrestrial contribution compared with those in the Nankai Trough, but these formations are also considerably older than the host sediments, suggesting long-term transport of I and hydrocarbons for the accumulation of gas hydrates in both locations.  相似文献   
We estimate a rate of inner-core differential rotation from time variations of splitting functions of seven core modes of the Earth’s free oscillations excited by eight large earthquakes in a period of 1994–2003. The splitting functions and moment tensor elements are simultaneously determined for each core mode by a spectral fitting technique. The estimated moment tensor well agrees with Harvard CMT solution. The splitting functions are corrected for the effect of mantle heterogeneity using a 3D mantle velocity model. Inner-core rotation angle about the Earth’s spin axis is determined for each core mode as a function of event year by comparison of the corrected and reference splitting functions. Mean rotation rate of six core modes is estimated at 0.03±0.18° per year westward, and this value is insignificantly different from zero. Therefore, the inner core is not rotating at a significant rate relatively to the crust and mantle.  相似文献   
Understanding of sea bottom boundary layer characteristics, especially bottom shear stress acting on the sea bed, is an important step needed in sediment transport modeling for practical application purposes. In the present study, a new generation system for bottom boundary layer under solitary wave is proposed. Applicability of this system is examined by comparing measured and numerical solution velocities. Moreover, transitional behavior from laminar to turbulence was investigated. It is concluded that the critical Reynolds number in the experiments shows good agreement with DNS result of Vittori and Blondeaux (2008) and laboratory data of Sumer et al. (2010), indicating validity of the generation system. Since the present generation system enables continuous measurement to obtain ensemble averaged quantities, it can be effectively utilized for future experimental studies on solitary wave boundary layers, including sediment transport experiments with movable bed.  相似文献   
We present new spectroscopic and photometric data of the Type Ibn supernovae 2006jc, 2000er and 2002ao. We discuss the general properties of this recently proposed supernova family, which also includes SN 1999cq. The early-time monitoring of SN 2000er traces the evolution of this class of objects during the first few days after the shock breakout. An overall similarity in the photometric and spectroscopic evolution is found among the members of this group, which would be unexpected if the energy in these core-collapse events was dominated by the interaction between supernova ejecta and circumstellar medium. Type Ibn supernovae appear to be rather normal Type Ib/c supernova explosions which occur within a He-rich circumstellar environment. SNe Ibn are therefore likely produced by the explosion of Wolf–Rayet progenitors still embedded in the He-rich material lost by the star in recent mass-loss episodes, which resemble known luminous blue variable eruptions. The evolved Wolf–Rayet star could either result from the evolution of a very massive star or be the more evolved member of a massive binary system. We also suggest that there are a number of arguments in favour of a Type Ibn classification for the historical SN 1885A (S-Andromedae), previously considered as an anomalous Type Ia event with some resemblance to SN 1991bg.  相似文献   
Acoustic backscattering from a sandy seabed was measured at a frequency of 5.5 kHz at a wide range of grazing angles. The measurement system used was the University of Miami's sonar tower, consisting of an omni-directional broadband source and two 16-channel hydrophone receiver arrays. A volume scattering model, which combines a fluid model with reflection/transmission coefficients derived from the Biot theory, is used. This model allows energy penetration into the bottom, calculations of the volume scattering at all grazing angles, and the frequency dependence of the sound speed in the water-saturated sediment. In the model, rather than assume sound-speed correlation length in sedimentary volume, core data were used to assimilate a 3-D fluctuation spectrum of the density. The numerical results showed excellent agreement with the measurement at lower grazing angles. We concluded that the interface roughness scattering was dominant at lower grazing angles, while the volume scattering is dominant at higher grazing angles at the sandy site. The border of the dominance of the interface and volume scattering was the so-called critical angle at this frequency. The frequency dependence of sound speeds is also discussed.  相似文献   
The first P-arrival-time data from 513 local earthquakes were analyzed to study lateral variation of the depth to the Conrad and Moho discontinuities beneath the Chugoku and Shikoku districts, southwest Japan, as well as to determine earthquake hypocenters and P-wave station corrections. The depth to the discontinuity was estimated by minimizing the travel-time residuals of more than 8700 first P arrivals observed at 55 seismic stations. The Conrad and Moho discontinuities are located within depth ranges of 15–25 km and 30–40 km, respectively. The Moho is deeper under the mountain area than under the Seto Inland Sea area, and especially deep under the Pacific Coast of the Shikoku district and the mountain area in the Chugoku district. The depth variation of the Moho is quite similar to the Bouguer gravity anomaly distribution and the lateral variations of the P-wave velocity. The deep Moho under the southern Shikoku is located at the portion in which the continental Moho under the island arc meets the oceanic Moho that is the boundary interface between the oceanic crust and the Philippine Sea (PHS) plate dipping toward the back arc. Although there are high mountains in the northern and middle Shikoku, the Moho is not so deep because subduction of the PHS plate prevents the Moho from getting deep, while the Moho is deep due to isostatic balance under the mountain area in the Chugoku district. In addition, we indicated the possibility that the upper boundary of the oceanic crust just above the high-velocity PHS plate is in contact with the deep Moho under the western Chugoku. The contact of the Moho with the oceanic crust can explain the markedly negative gravity anomaly observed in the western Chugoku and the later phase that appears just after the first P arrival from local earthquakes.  相似文献   

Measurements on modern soil color suggest well functional relationships between the soil formation process and the present climatic factors. The redness and yellowness of soil are chiefly caused by the contents of hematite and fullonite, and their correlations to climate are the best in humid regions in tropic and warm temperate regions. The lightness of soil mainly correlates to the organic accumulation, humification and carbonatization processes, and its correlation to climate can only be found in the humid-arid extratropical belt. The humidity and surface roughness of soil have so strong influence on soil color that there are great errors on the measurement of colorness in the field. The study on soil colors of typical loess sections shows that soil color can record the characteristics of Asia monsoon and the global climatic fluctuations well at millennial and ten-thousand-year scales. It can also indicate the pedogenesis and the climatic characteristics which magnetic susceptibility could not be reflected in humidity areas. Therefore, soil color can be used as a new climatic proxy which is easy and quick to measure, and will make an active influence on the study of global changes, geomorphology and Quaternary.

In-situ X-ray powder diffraction measurements conducted under high pressure confirmed the existence of an unquenchable orthorhombic perovskite in ZnGeO3. ZnGeO3 ilmenite transformed into perovskite at 30.0 GPa and 1300±150 K in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. After releasing the pressure, the lithium niobate phase was recovered as a quenched product. The perovskite was also obtained by recompression of the lithium niobate phase at room temperature under a lower pressure than the equilibrium phase boundary of the ilmenite–perovskite transition. Bulk moduli of ilmenite, lithium niobate, and perovskite phases were calculated on the basis of the refined X-ray diffraction data. The structural relations among these phases are considered in terms of the rotation of GeO6 octahedra. A slight rotation of the octahedra plays an important role for the transition from lithium niobate to perovskite at ambient temperature. On the other hand, high temperature is needed to rearrange GeO6 octahedra in the ilmenite–perovskite transition. The correlation of quenchability with rotation angle of GeO6 octahedra for other germanate perovskites is also discussed.  相似文献   
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