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Abstract. The petrography, chemical, fluid inclusion and isotope analyses (O, Rb-Sr) were conducted for the shale samples of the Mount McRae Shale collected from the Tom Price, Newman, and Paraburdoo mines in the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. The Mount McRae Shale at these mines occurs as a footwall unit of the secondary, hematite-rich iron ores derived from the Brockman Iron Formation, one of the largest banded iron formations (BIFs) in the world. Unusually low contents of Na, Ca, and Sr in the shales suggest that these elements were leached away from the shale after deposition. The δ18O (SMOW) values fall in the range of + 15.0 to +17.9 per mil and show the positive correlation with calculated quartz/sericite ratios of the shale samples. This suggests that the oxygen isotopic compositions of shale samples were homogenized and equilibrated by postdepositional event. The pyrite nodules hosted by shales are often rimmed by thin layers of silica of varying crystallinity. Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals rimming a pyrite nodule show homogenization temperatures ranging from 100 to 240C for 47 inclusions and salinities ranging from 0.4 to 12.3 wt% NaCl equivalent for 18 inclusions. These fluid inclusion data give direct evidence for the hydrothermal activity and are comparable to those of the vein quartz collected from the BIF-derived secondary iron ores (Taylor et al, 2001). The Rb-Sr age for the Mount McRae Shale is 1,952 ± 289 Ma and at least 200 million years younger than the depositional age of the Brockman Iron Formation of ∼ 2.5 Ga in age. All the data obtained in this study are consistent with the suggestion that high temperature hydrothermal fluids were responsible for both the secondary iron ore formation and the alteration of the Mount McRae Shale.  相似文献   
A new method to evaluate the strength of rock mass structures is proposed and examined. The method is based on the collapse load analysis of elasto-perfectly plastic material along with the homogenization method, which enables the multi-scale analyses for heterogeneous media. The homogenization process replaces a rock mass with cracks by an equivalent continuum medium with macroscopic stiffness while the failure criterion for the rock mass is estimated in the localization process. It is shown that both the averaged stiffness and the macroscopic failure criterion of the discontinuous rock mass are numerically obtained via the finite element analyses. Thus, the failure strength of a rock mass structure is evaluated by the collapse load analysis in the form of Linear Programming with the macroscopic failure criterion. This is the first attempt to apply the homogenization method to the strength analysis of rock mass. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
喀斯特地表水和地下水的交换活跃,地下水系统容易受到地表污染物的污染。为了解喀斯特城市地表水—地下水系统污染特征和污染物质来源,对贵阳市地表水、地下水、雨水和城市排污污水的硫同位素和氯同位素组成变化进行了研究。贵阳市不同类型水体的δ37Cl值在-4.07‰~+2.03‰之间变化,δ34SSO4值变化为-20.4‰~+20.9‰。大气输入物质和城市排污污水的δ37Cl、δ34S及Cl-/SO42-比值与地表水和地下水的不同,稳定硫和氯同位素的结合研究为示踪地下水污染物来源提供了有效研究手段。贵阳市地下水中的Cl-和SO42-至少有4种来源,人为活动通过城市排污和大气输入向地下水系统大量输入了硫酸盐和氯离子。   相似文献   
It has been found that samples consisting of a homogeneous vitrinite show a good ESR correlation of spin concentration with geothermal parameters and that a graph of ESR line width vs g-value can be useful in the identification of the maceral and the determination of the coalification rank.  相似文献   
Seasonal variations of the spectra of wind speed and air temperature in the mesoscale frequency range from 1.3 × 10-4 to 1.5 × 10-3 Hz (10 min to 2 h periods) have been studied through observations over land for one year. Spectrographs [time series of isopleths of spectral densities, f · S(f) vs f] of wind speed and air temperature contain occasional peaks that are attributed to short-lived mesoscale atmospheric activity with narrow frequency bands. Significant spectral peaks of wind speed were found in 19% of the total observations in winter, and in 15–16% in the other seasons; for air temperature, they occured in 12% of observations in autumn, and in 16–19% in the other seasons. The peaks most often occurred in the period range from 30 min to 1 h; most had durations less than 24 h. Mesoscale fluctuations of wind speed and air temperature were highly correlated, and in most cases, phase differences were 90–180 ° with air temperature leading wind speed. Significant spectral peaks of wind speed often occurred during northerly seasonal cold winds in winter, and accompanied tropical and/or mid-latitude cyclones in the other seasons. When the peaks occurred, wind speed was usually relatively high and the atmospheric surface layer was unstable.  相似文献   
A box model, involving simple heterogeneous reaction processes associated with the production of non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42–) particles, is used to investigate the oxidation processes of dimethylsulfide (DMS or CH3SCH3) in the marine atmosphere. The model is applied to chemical reactions in the atmospheric surface mixing layer, at intervals of 15 degrees latitude between 60° N and 60° S. Given that the addition reaction of the hydroxyl radical (OH) to the sulfur atom in the DMS molecule is faster at lower temperature than at higher temperature and that it is the predominant pathway for the production of methanesulfonic acid (MSA or CH3SO3H), the results can well explain both the increasing tendency of the molar ratio of MSA to nss-SO42– toward higher latitudes and the uniform distribution with latitude of sulfur dioxide (SO2). The predicted production rate of MSA increases with increasing latitude due to the elevated rate constant of the addition reaction at lower temperature. Since latitudinal distributions of OH concentration and DMS reaction rate with OH are opposite, a uniform production rate of SO2 is realized over the globe. The primary sink of DMS in unpolluted air is caused by the reaction with OH. Reaction of DMS with the nitrate radical (NO3) also reduces DMS concentration but it is less important compared with that of OH. Concentrations of SO2, MSA, and nss-SO42– are almost independent of NOx concentration and radiation field. If dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO or CH3S(O)CH3) is produced by the addition reaction and further converted to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in an aqueous solution of cloud droplets, the oxidation process of DMSO might be important for the production of aerosol particles containing nss-SO42– at high latitudes.  相似文献   
This note describes a numerically stable version of the improved Mellor–Yamada (M–Y) Level-3 model proposed by Nakanishi and Niino [Nakanishi, M. and Niino, H.: 2004, Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 112, 1–31] and demonstrates its application to a regional prediction of advection fog. In order to ensure the realizability for the improved M–Y Level-3 model and its numerical stability, restrictions are imposed on computing stability functions, on L/q, the temperature and water-content variances, and their covariance, where L is the master length scale and q 2/2 the turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass. The model with these restrictions predicts vertical profiles of mean quantities such as temperature that are in good agreement with those obtained from large-eddy simulation of a radiation fog. In a regional prediction, it also reasonably reproduces the satellite-observed horizontal distribution of an advection fog.  相似文献   
Measurements of fog and rain water chemistry at the summit of Mt. Fuji, the highest peak in Japan, as well as at Tarobo, the ESE slope of Mt. Fuji in September 2002. The pH of fog and rain water sampled at Mt. Fuji varied over a range of 4.0–6.8. Acidic fogs (pH < 5.0) were observed at the summit when the air mass came from the industrial regions on the Asian continent. The ratio of [SO42−]/[NO3] in the fog water was lower at Tarobo than at the summit. High concentrations of Na+ and Cl were determined in the rain water sampled at the summit, possibly because of the long-range transport of sea-salt particles raised by a typhoon through the middle troposphere. The vertical transport of sea-salt particles would influence the cloud microphysical properties in the middle troposphere. Significant loss of Mg2+ was seen in the rain water at the summit. The concentrations of peroxides in the fog and rain water were relatively large (10–105 μM). The potential capacity for SO2 oxidation seems to be strong from summer to early autumn at Mt. Fuji. The fog water peroxide concentrations displayed diurnal variability. The peroxide concentrations in the nighttime were significantly higher than those in the daytime.  相似文献   
Nitrite oxidation in the tropospheric aqueous phase by freezing was evaluated by freezing a field sample. Nitrite oxidation by dissolved oxygen in the freezing process is much faster than by other oxidation processes, such as reactions with ozone, hydrogen peroxide or dissolved oxygen in an aqueous solution at pHs 3 to –6. At pH 4.5 and 25°C, the lifetime of nitrite in the aqueous phase is ca. 1 hr in oxidation by ozone (6×10-10 mol dm-3), ca. 10 hr in oxidation by H2O2 (2×10-4 mol dm-3), and 7.5 hr (Fischer and Warneck, 1996) in photodissociation at midday in summer. Under the same conditions at a temperature below 0°C, the lifetime of nitrite in the freezing process is estimated as ca. 2 sec when the droplets are frozen within a second. The reaction by freezing is affected by the presence of salts, such as NaCl or KCl, or orgnaic compounds, such as methanol or acetone. The results of freezing a field rain or fog sample showed that nitrite oxidation proceeds below pH 6, and the conversion ratio of nitrate from nitrite increases with decreasing pH. The oxidation of nitrite by freezing was also observed in freezing fog particles generated by an ultrasonic humidifier. The ratios of the concentrations of ions in the winter sample to those in the summer sample (or those in the fog sample) were almost the same values. However, the concentration of nitrite in the winter sample was lower than that estimated by the ratios of other ions. From the present study, it seems that the freezing process plays an important role in the nitrite sink process in the tropospheric aqueous phase.  相似文献   
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