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Almahata Sitta (AhS), an anomalous polymict ureilite, is the first meteorite observed to originate from a spectrally classified asteroid (2008 TC3). However, correlating properties of the meteorite with those of the asteroid is not straightforward because the AhS stones are diverse types. Of those studied prior to this work, 70–80% are ureilites (achondrites) and 20–30% are various types of chondrites. Asteroid 2008 TC3 was a heterogeneous breccia that disintegrated in the atmosphere, with its clasts landing on Earth as individual stones and most of its mass lost. We describe AhS 91A and AhS 671, which are the first AhS stones to show contacts between ureilitic and chondritic materials and provide direct information about the structure and composition of asteroid 2008 TC3. AhS 91A and AhS 671 are friable breccias, consisting of a C1 lithology that encloses rounded to angular clasts (<10 μm to 3 mm) of olivine, pyroxenes, plagioclase, graphite, and metal‐sulfide, as well as chondrules (~130–600 μm) and chondrule fragments. The C1 material consists of fine‐grained phyllosilicates (serpentine and saponite) and amorphous material, magnetite, breunnerite, dolomite, fayalitic olivine (Fo 28‐42), an unidentified Ca‐rich silicate phase, Fe,Ni sulfides, and minor Ca‐phosphate and ilmenite. It has similarities to CI1 but shows evidence of heterogeneous thermal metamorphism. Its bulk oxygen isotope composition (δ18O = 13.53‰, δ17O = 8.93‰) is unlike that of any known chondrite, but similar to compositions of several CC‐like clasts in typical polymict ureilites. Its Cr isotope composition is unlike that of any known meteorite. The enclosed clasts and chondrules do not belong to the C1 lithology. The olivine (Fo 75‐88), pyroxenes (pigeonite of Wo ~10 and orthopyroxene of Wo ~4.6), plagioclase, graphite, and some metal‐sulfide are ureilitic, based on mineral compositions, textures, and oxygen isotope compositions, and represent at least six distinct ureilitic lithologies. The chondrules are probably derived from type 3 OC and/or CC, based on mineral and oxygen isotope compositions. Some of the metal‐sulfide clasts are derived from EC. AhS 91A and AhS 671 are plausible representatives of the bulk of the asteroid that was lost. Reflectance spectra of AhS 91A are dark (reflectance ~0.04–0.05) and relatively featureless in VNIR, and have an ~2.7 μm absorption band due to OH? in phyllosilicates. Spectral modeling, using mixtures of laboratory VNIR reflectance spectra of AhS stones to fit the F‐type spectrum of the asteroid, suggests that 2008 TC3 consisted mainly of ureilitic and AhS 91A‐like materials, with as much as 40–70% of the latter, and <10% of OC, EC, and other meteorite types. The bulk density of AhS 91A (2.35 ± 0.05 g cm?3) is lower than bulk densities of other AhS stones, and closer to estimates for the asteroid (~1.7–2.2 g cm?3). Its porosity (36%) is near the low end of estimates for the asteroid (33–50%), suggesting significant macroporosity. The textures of AhS 91A and AhS 671 (finely comminuted clasts of disparate materials intimately mixed) support formation of 2008 TC3 in a regolith environment. AhS 91A and AhS 671 could represent a volume of regolith formed when a CC‐like body impacted into already well‐gardened ureilitic + impactor‐derived debris. AhS 91A bulk samples do not show a solar wind component, so they represent subsurface layers. AhS 91A has a lower cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age (~5–9 Ma) than previously studied AhS stones (11–22 Ma). The spread in CRE ages argues for irradiation in a regolith environment. AhS 91A and AhS 671 show that ureilitic asteroids could have detectable ~2.7 μm absorption bands.  相似文献   
Abstract— The HF/HCI‐resistant residues of the chondrites CM2 Cold Bokkeveld, CV3 (ox.) Grosnaja, CO3.4 Lancé, CO3.7 Isna, LL3.4 Chainpur, and H3.7 Dimmitt have been measured by closed‐system stepped etching (CSSE) in order to better characterise the noble gases in “phase Q”, a major carrier of primordial noble gases. All isotopic ratios in phase Q of the different meteorites are quite uniform, except for (20Ne/22Ne)Q. As already suggested by precise earlier measurements (Schelhaas et al., 1990; Wieler et al., 1991, 1992), (20Ne/22Ne)Q is the least uniform isotopic ratio of the Q noble gases. The data cluster ~10.1 for Cold Bokkeveld and Lancé and 10.7 for Chainpur, Grosnaja, and Dimmitt, respectively. No correlation of (20Ne/22Ne)Q with the classification or the alteration history of the meteorites has been found. The Ar, Kr, and Xe isotopic ratios for all six samples are identical within their uncertainties and similar to earlier Q determinations as well as to Ar‐Xe in ureilites. Thus, an unknown process probably accounts for the alteration of the originally incorporated Ne‐Q. The noble gas elemental compositions provide evidence that Q consists of at least two carbonaceous carrier phases “Q1” and “Q2” with slightly distinct chemical properties. Ratios (Ar/Xe)Q and (Kr/Xe)Q reflect both thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration. These parent‐body processes have led to larger depletions of Ar and Kr relative to Xe. In contrast, meteorites that suffered severe aqueous alteration, such as the CM chondrites, do not show depletions of He and Ne relative to Ar but rather the highest (He/Ar)Q and (Ne/Ar)Q ratios. This suggests that Q1 is less susceptible to aqueous alteration than Q2. Both subphases may well have incorporated noble gases from the same reservoir, as indicated by the nearly constant, though very large, depletion of the lighter noble gases relative to solar abundances. However, the elemental ratios show that Q1 and Q2 must have acquired (or lost) noble gases in slightly different element proportions. Cold Bokkeveld suggests that Q1 may be related to presolar graphite. Phases Q1 and Q2 might be related to the subphases that have been suggested by Gros and Anders (1977). The distribution of the 20Ne/22Ne ratios cannot be attributed to the carriers Q1 and Q2. The residues of Chainpur and Cold Bokkeveld contain significant amounts of Ne‐E(L), and the data confirm the suggestion of Huss (1997) that the 22Ne‐E(L) content, and thus the presolar graphite abundances, are correlated with the metamorphic history of the meteorites.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that all L chondrites resulted from an ongoing collisional cascade of fragments that originated from the formation of the ~500 Ma old asteroid family Gefion, located near the 5:2 mean‐motion resonance with Jupiter in the middle Main Belt. If so, L chondrite pre‐atmospheric orbits should be distributed as expected for that source region. Here, we present contradictory results from the orbit and collisional history of the October 24, 2015, L6 ordinary chondrite fall at Creston, CA (here reclassified to L5/6). Creston's short 1.30 ± 0.02 AU semimajor axis orbit would imply a long dynamical evolution if it originated from the middle Main Belt. Indeed, Creston has a high cosmic ray exposure age of 40–50 Ma. However, Creston's small meteoroid size and low 4.23 ± 0.07° inclination indicate a short dynamical lifetime against collisions. This suggests, instead, that Creston originated most likely in the inner asteroid belt and was delivered via the ν6 resonance. The U‐Pb systematics of Creston apatite reveals a Pb‐Pb age of 4,497.1 ± 3.7 Ma, and an upper intercept U‐Pb age of 4,496.7 ± 5.8 Ma (2σ), circa 70 Ma after formation of CAI, as found for other L chondrites. The K‐Ar (age ~4.3 Ga) and U,Th‐He (age ~1 Ga) chronometers were not reset at ~500 Ma, while the lower intercept U‐Pb age is poorly defined as 770 ± 320 Ma. So far, the three known L chondrites that impacted on orbits with semimajor axes a <2.0 AU all have high (>3 Ga) K‐Ar ages. This argues for a source of some of our L chondrites in the inner Main Belt. Not all L chondrites originate in a continuous population of Gefion family debris stretching across the 3:1 mean‐motion resonance.  相似文献   
We present noble gas data for 16 shergottites, 2 nakhlites (NWA 5790, NWA 10153), and 1 angrite (NWA 7812). Noble gas exposure ages of the shergottites fall in the 1–6 Ma range found in previous studies. Three depleted olivine‐phyric shergottites (Tissint, NWA 6162, NWA 7635) have exposure ages of ~1 Ma, in agreement with published data for similar specimens. The exposure age of NWA 10153 (~12.2 Ma) falls in the range of 9–13 Ma reported for other nakhlites. Our preferred age of ~7.3 Ma for NWA 5790 is lower than this range, and it is possible that NWA 5790 represents a distinct ejection event. A Tissint glass sample contains Xe from the Martian atmosphere. Several samples show a remarkably low (21Ne/22Ne)cos ratio < 0.80, as previously observed in a many shergottites and in various other rare achondrites. This was explained by solar cosmic ray‐produced Ne (SCR Ne) in addition to the commonly found galactic cosmic ray‐produced Ne, implying very low preatmospheric shielding and ablation loss. We revisit this by comparing measured (21Ne/22Ne)cos ratios with predictions by cosmogenic nuclide production models. Indeed, several shergottites, acalpulcoites/lodranites, angrites (including NWA 7812), and the Brachina‐like meteorite LEW 88763 likely contain SCR Ne, as previously postulated for many of them. The SCR contribution may influence the calculation of exposure ages. One likely reason that SCR nuclides are predominantly detected in meteorites from rare classes is because they usually are analyzed for cosmogenic nuclides even if they had a very small (preatmospheric) mass and hence low ablation loss.  相似文献   
Abstract— The trapped noble gases Ar, Kr and Xe in several achondrites were analysed. We chose separates of the lodranites Lodran and Graves Nunataks 95209 and bulk samples of the Tatahouine diogenite, Pasamonte eucrite, five aubrites and two angrites. Among these, Lodran, Tatahouine, Pasamonte and the aubrite Norton County have been reported to contain U‐Xe, a noble gas component assumed to be the most primitive component in the solar system. U‐Xe might have been incorporated into the early Earth. We found large concentrations of Xe in several separates of the Lodran lodranite, however, none of the measurements revealed U‐Xe composition. The Xe composition of all achondrites can straightforwardly be explained with mixtures of trapped common Xe‐Q, absorbed air and various amounts of fissiogenic and cosmogenic Xe. Reanalysis of literature data for Pasamonte, Angra dos Reis and some aubrites is consistent with Xe‐Q as the trapped endmember component and contributions of fissiogenic Xe. The presence of Xe‐Q in many primitive achondrites is in agreement with the formation of their parent bodies from originally chondritic precursor material. The Ar‐Xe elemental composition of Lodran and the aubrites indicate subsolar composition, which is commonly found in E chondrites. This result supports a model of formation of the aubrites from E‐chondritic precursor material.  相似文献   
The Park Forest (L5) meteorite fell in a suburb of Chicago, Illinois (USA) on March 26, 2003. It is one of the currently 25 meteorites for which photographic documentation of the fireball enabled the reconstruction of the meteoroid orbit. The combination of orbits with pre‐atmospheric sizes, cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE), and radiogenic gas retention ages (“cosmic histories”) is significant because they can be used to constrain the meteoroid's “birth region,” and test models of meteoroid delivery. Using He, Ne, Ar, 10Be, and 26Al, as well as a dynamical model, we show that the Park Forest meteoroid had a pre‐atmospheric size close to 180 g cm?2, 0–40% porosity, and a pre‐atmospheric mass range of ~2–6 tons. It has a CRE age of 14 ± 2 Ma, and (U, Th)‐He and K‐Ar ages of 430 ± 90 and 490 ± 70 Ma, respectively. Of the meteorites with photographic orbits, Park Forest is the second (after Novato) that was shocked during the L chondrite parent body (LCPB) break‐up event approximately 470 Ma ago. The suggested association of this event with the formation of the Gefion family of asteroids has recently been challenged and we suggest the Ino family as a potential alternative source for the shocked L chondrites. The location of the LCPB break‐up event close to the 5:2 resonance also allows us to put some constraints on the possible orbital migration paths of the Park Forest meteoroid.  相似文献   
Spherulitic textures in the Rocche Rosse obsidian flow (Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Italy) have been characterized through petrographic, crystal size distribution (CSD) and in situ major and volatile elemental analyses to assess the mode, temperature and timescales of spherulite formation. Bulk glass chemistry and spherulite chemistry analyzed along transects across the spherulite growth front/glass boundary reveal major-oxide and volatile (H2O, CO2, F, Cl and S) chemical variations and heterogeneities at a ≤5 μm scale. Numerous bulk volatile data in non-vesicular glass (spatially removed from spherulitic textures) reveal homogenous distributions of volatile concentrations: H2O (0.089 ± 0.012 wt%), F (950 ± 40 ppm) and Cl (4,100 ± 330 ppm), with CO2 and S consistently below detection limits suggesting either complete degassing of these volatiles or an originally volatile-poor melt. Volatile concentrations across the spherulite boundary and within the spherulitic textures are highly variable. These observations are consistent with diffusive expulsion of volatiles into melt, leaving a volatile-poor rim advancing ahead of anhydrous crystallite growth, which is envisaged to have had a pronounced effect on spherulite crystallization dynamics. Argon concentrations dissolved in the glass and spherulites differ by a factor of ~20, with Ar sequestered preferentially in the glass phase. Petrographic observation, CSD analysis, volatile and Ar data as well as diffusion modeling support continuous spherulite nucleation and growth starting at magmatic (emplacement) temperatures of ~790–825 °C and progressing through the glass transition temperature range (T g ~ 750–620 °C), being further modified in the solid state. We propose that nucleation and growth rate are isothermally constant, but vary between differing stages of spherulite growth with continued cooling from magmatic temperatures, such that there is an evolution from a high to a low rate of crystallization and low to high crystal nucleation. Based on the diffusion of H2O across these temperature ranges (~800–300 °C), timescales of spherulite crystallization occur on a timescale of ~4 days with further modification up to ~400 years (growth is prohibitively slow <400 °C and would become diffusion reliant). Selective deformation of spherulites supports a down-temperature continuum of spherulite formation in the Rocche Rosse obsidian; indeed, petrographic evidence suggests that high-strain zones may have catalyzed progressive nucleation and growth of further generations of spherulites during syn- and post-emplacement cooling.  相似文献   
Organic matter (OM) was widespread in the early solar nebula and might have played an important role for the delivery of prebiotic molecules to the early Earth. We investigated the textures, isotopic compositions, and functional chemistries of organic grains in the Renazzo carbonaceous chondrite by combined high spatial resolution techniques (electron microscopy–secondary ion mass spectrometry). Morphologies are complex on a submicrometer scale, and some organics exhibit a distinct texture with alternating layers of OM and minerals. These layered organics are also characterized by heterogeneous 15N isotopic abundances. Functional chemistry investigations of five focused ion beam‐extracted lamellae by electron energy loss spectroscopy reveal a chemical complexity on a nanometer scale. Grains show absorption at the C‐K edge at 285, 286.6, 287, and 288.6 eV due to polyaromatic hydrocarbons, different carbon‐oxygen, and aliphatic bonding environments with varying intensity. The nitrogen K‐edge functional chemistry of three grains is shown to be highly complex, and we see indications of amine (C‐NHx) or amide (CO‐NR2) chemistry as well as possible N‐heterocycles and nitro groups. We also performed low‐loss vibrational spectroscopy with high energy resolution and identified possible D‐ and G‐bands known from Raman spectroscopy and/or absorption from C=C and C‐O stretch modes known from infrared spectroscopy at around 0.17 and 0.2 eV energy loss. The observation of multiglobular layered organic aggregates, heterogeneous 15N‐anomalous compositions, and indication of NHx‐(amine) functional chemistry lends support to recent ideas that 15N‐enriched ammonia (NH3) was a powerful agent to synthesize more complex organics in aqueous asteroidal environments.  相似文献   
Abstract— We describe a focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB‐SEM) technique that enables coordinated isotopic and mineralogic analysis of planetary materials. We show that site‐specific electron‐transparent sections can be created and extracted in situ using a microtweezer and demonstrate that they are amenable to analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These methods greatly advance the ability to address several fundamental questions in meteoritics, such as accretion and alteration histories of chondrules and the origin and history of preserved nebular and presolar materials.  相似文献   
We analyzed the spallogenic, trapped, fissiogenic and radiogenic noble gas components in various bulk samples of the angrites D’Orbigny and Sahara 99555 as well as in glass separates of D’Orbigny. The D’Orbigny glass samples show hints of solar-like noble gases, as deduced from the trapped elemental and Ne isotopic compositions; the bulk samples do not contain detectable amounts of trapped gases. These observations indicate that D’Orbigny experienced a complex history shortly after its formation 4.56 Ga ago. The glass of D’Orbigny most likely represents magma that rose from the interior of the angrite parent body (APB) and was quenched near the surface. Hence, the APB may contain—similar to the interior of Earth and Mars—solar noble gases. This would call into question the suggested trapping mechanism for solar noble gases in the Earth and Mars, which involves the solution of early atmospheres into magma oceans, due to the APB’s inability to retain a primordial atmosphere. The first detection of—possibly parentless—radiogenic excess 129Xe and solar noble gases in the glass of D’Orbigny indicates that the interior of APB degassed to a lesser degree than the outer regions. Therefore primordially trapped, fossil 129I was kept. The APB was not completely devolatilized. Sahara 99555 yields a cosmic-ray exposure age of 6.8 ± 0.3 Ma, while D’Orbigny was exposed to cosmic rays for 11.9 ± 1.2 Ma. Both ages are different than those found in the other angrites. Hence, the angrites analyzed so far sampled surface material from the APB that was ejected in at least five events. In contrast to the bulk sample, the D’Orbigny glass separates yield concordant ages of only 3.0 ± 1.1 Ma, apparently suggesting a pre-exposure of the host material. However, such a scenario is unlikely, due to very similar Mn-Cr ages found in the bulk and glass of D’Orbigny. Most likely, this discrepancy is the result of additional, secondary gas-free glass. Such glass might have been formed during the meteorite’s entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. Isotopically anomalous Xe due to the decay of 247Cm has not been found. The presence of 247Cm in glass of D’Orbigny has been suggested based on Pb isotope constraints.  相似文献   
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