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A deterministic monthly runoff model (MINRUN96)was applied to watersheds with substantially differentclimates. One watershed is in the north-central U.S.(Minnesota) and is heavily timbered. The other is inthe south-central U.S. (Oklahoma) and is mainlycovered with pastures and agricultural crops. Runoffwas simulated for past historical climate and twoprojected 2 × CO2 climate scenarios. The output ofGeneral Circulation Models (GCMs) was used to specifythe two 2 × CO2 climate scenarios. One GCM is theGoddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) model andthe other is from the Canadian Center of ClimateModelling (CCC). In the northern watershed morerunoff is projected to occur in winter under a warmerclimate and less runoff in spring. About 80%increase in fall runoff and 20% decrease in soilmoisture in June and July is projected for thesouthern watershed. When runoff simulations for the2 × CO2 climate scenarios were compared to pastrunoff, it was apparent that the change in runoffdepended on both the season and the magnitude of theprecipitation change. An increase in springprecipitation caused a significant increase in directrunoff, whereas an increase in fall precipitationcaused only a slight increase in total runoff. Alsothe runoff-precipitation relationship in the warm andseasonally dry southern watershed is very differentfrom that in the temperate and humid climate of thenorth. Therefore, runoff responses to projectedclimate change are substantially different in the tworegions.  相似文献   
During five austral summers, from 1994/1995 until 1998/1999, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) carried out a large airborne radio echo sounding (RES) survey in Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica. These ice thickness measurements are part of the AWI contribution to the pre-site survey for a deep ice core drill site in DML within the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA). The survey encompasses more than 90,000 km of RES profiles over DML and the adjacent coastal area, covering more than 1 million km2. The lower boundary of the ice sheet could be determined area-wide. Internal horizons occurring in the upper two-thirds of the ice column can also be traced for several hundred kilometers. This work presents the latest maps of the subglacial topography of the investigated area as well as of an internal horizon.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Als ortsabhängige Variable wird jede räumlich verteilte numerische Funktion bezeichnet, deren von Ort zu Ort scheinbar kontinuierliche Veränderung durch einfache Funktionen nicht dargestellt werden kann. Entsprechende Variablen sind in geowissenschaftlichen Problemen häufig anzutreffen: Geochemische und geophysikalische Daten, Erzgehalte, strukturelle Angaben, wie die Höhenlagen von Schichtgrenzen etc.Um zuverlässige Aussagen zu erhalten, sind bei der Untersuchung ortsabhängiger Variablen, wie auch bei der Erstellung von Isoplethen-Karten, verschiedene Einflußgrößen zu berücksichtigen: Die räumliche Verteilung der Datenpunkte, Existenz von Trends, Autokorrelation und Heteroskedastizität sind Eigenschaften, denen durch die Wahl eines geeigneten Modells bzw. einer sinnvollen Auswertungsmethode Rechnung getragen werden sollte.Folgende Verfahren werden kurz beschrieben und einander hinsichtlich ihrer Einsatzmöglichkeiten und der Zuverlässigkeit ihrer Resultate insbesondere für Probleme der Erzvorrats-Berechnung kritisch gegenüber gestellt:Interpolations-Verfahren, Trendflächen-Analysen, Krigeage.
A regionalized variable is any numerical function with a spatial distribution which varies from one place to another with apparent continuity, but the change of which cannot be represented by any workable function. This definition characterizes many variables in geosciences as chemical, geophysical and structural data, ore contents etc.To get reliable results in the analysis and display of regionalized variables (estimation of ore reserves, automatic conturing etc.) it is necessary to consider the following quantities: distribution and heteroscedasticity of data, existence of global and local trends, autocorrelation. According to these facts a mathematical model must be chosen to describe the data as well as an adéquat method to display the results. The paper gives a short survey about some problems connected with the application of trend analysis, inaterpolation methods and kriging. The reliability of the results are compared with respect to ore estimation and graphical display.

Résumé La notion de variable régionalisée sert à définir les fonctions de l'espace dont la valeur varie d'un lieu à un autre avec une certaine apparence de continuité, sans qu'il soit en général possible d'en représenter la variation par une loi mathématique extrapolable. En sciences de la terre on peut citer par example des analyses géochimiques, géomagnétiques, minières ou structurales comme l'altitude d'une région.La fiabilité des résultats obtenus par les traitements dépend des influences différentes: La distribution des données dans l'espace, l'existence de tendances, l'autocorrélation etc., Nous présentons les méthodes les plus importantes pour comparer leur mise en pratique, particulièrement en géologie minière: Méthodes d'interpolation, analyses des surfaces de tendance, krigeage.

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Die Bedeutung der Strömung als ökologischer Faktor   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Granulite von Pöchlarn und Wieselburg und des Dunkelsteiner Waldes (Niederösterreich) wurden neu kartiert. Danach gliedert die Diendorfer Störung, eine große Blattverschiebung, den früher einheitlichen Granulitkörper in zwei Teile. Mineralogische und chemische Untersuchungen ergaben, daß verschiedenartige Sedimente mit Tuffeinlagerungen und saure Magmatite die Ausgangsgesteine waren. Die Granulite stellen einen älteren Metamorphosezyklus als die umgebenden Gesteine dar.
The granulites of Pöchlarn-Wieselburg and of the Dunkelsteiner Wald (Niederösterreich) were mapped again. Thereafter the Diendorf fault, a great wrench fault, divides the formerly coherent granulite body into two parts. Mineralogical and chemical analyses proved that different sediments with intercalated tuffs and acid igneous rocks have been the primary rocks. The granulites represent an older metamorphic cycle than the country rocks.

Résumé Les granulites de Pöchlarn-Wieselburg et du Dunkelsteiner Wald ont été cartographiées. On a constaté que l'accident de Diendorf est une grande faille verticale de décrochement, partageant la masse des granulites en deux parties. Des analyses minéralogiques et chimiques ont montré que les roches primaires étaient des sédiments divers avec des couches intercalées de tuf et de roches acides ignées. Les granulites representent un cycle métamorphique qui est plus vieux que les roches encaissantes.

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In the crystalline area of the “Borborema” in NE Brazil the final geologic event was a strong static recrystallization, which is manifest in regional granitization, hybride granite, or pegmatite veins. The manifestation varies within the mapped area, it depends on lithology, thickness and structure of the Precambrian metasediments. The age of this phase is between 550 and 450 M. years. Recrystallization is accompanied by weak folding of pre-existing anticlines as indicated by the structural control of the Borborema pegmatites. The principal phase of deformation and the accompanying regional metamorphism are considered to be older, approximately 850 M. years or more. This older regional metamorphism produced rocks of the almandine-staurolite subfacies of the amphibolite facies; locally higher (cordierite and sillimanite subfacies) or lower (greenschist facies) degree of metamorphism occurs. The pyroxene-hornfels facies, which is found in the contact aureoles of hybride granites, occurs exclusively in the tactites (metamorphic dolomitic marls). In clastic metasediments, high grade metamorphic facies is restricted to the contact aureole of a small hypersthene diorite stock. The structure is simple, and consists of synclines and anticlines the axial planes of which are vertical or, rarely, inclined. Faults are rare. The degree of lateral compression varies: low in the NW part of the area mapped, intermediate in die NE, and high in the southern part. The southern part belongs to the “Paraíba Transversal Zone”, an E-W striking fault zone along which the northern parts have been dislocated horizontally to the East. Stratigraphically the sequence is subdivided into three major groups by unconformities, which, however, are masked intensely by the principal tectonic events. These groups are: The oldest member occurs but locally in the cores of some anticlines; the youngest constitutes the cores of most synclines. The Caicó can be subdivided, in the most part, as follows: Florânia and Parelhas are essentially composed by unsorted clastic sediments (graywackes and arcoses). The Equador is a local lithofacies of the latter restricted to one anticline and a small part of another, and composed of well sorted clastics (muscovite quartzite). Another quartzite, locally developed at the top of the Florânia in the western part of the area, has been named “Member S. José do Seridó”. The Quixaba contains essentially carbonate rocks, but with intercalations of clastic sediments. The scheelite province of the area is generally connected with the Quixaba-Formation, the marbles of which served as transportation channels, whereas tactites were the receptors of the ore-bringing solutions, derived from some palingenetic granites and thus, indirectly, from the metasediments of the Parelhas. The deposition does not belong to the principal phase of contact metamorphism, but to a later-phase with hydrothermal paragenesis. Scheelite occurs also in common quartz-albite-veins. The famous pegmatite-province (Ta, Nb, Li, Be) cannot be considered as a product of magmatic differentiation, either. It must be the product of the statical recrystallization of the muscovite-rich Equador quartzite, by addition of thermal energy and K-rich solutions from the depth. Thus this province is only a special case of the general “granitization” with K-metasomatism: $$Quartz + Muscovite + K^ + \to Microclin + H^ + + Water.$$ The resulting fluids formed pegmatites in the rocks overlying the quartzite, i. e., generally in the micaschists of the Seridó-Group. Productive dykes always fill longitudinal or transversal tension cracks. The Borborema province of zoned pegmatites is thus an excellent example for the recent genetic hypothesis ofGresens, all requirements of it being fulfilled.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen der magnetischen Suszeptibilitätsanisotropie an der Judikarien/Pusterer-Linie ergaben, daß an der Judikarien Linie und an der östlichen Pusterer Linie kompressionelle Vorgänge nachweisbar sind. Im W-Teil der Pusterer Linie (E Mauls) war die Kompression wesentlich schwächer. Diese Ergebnisse werden mit einer Bewegungsanalyse in Zusammenhang gebracht, die auf plattentektonischen Modellen, die diesen Raum betreffen, beruht. Demnach ist eine Gegenuhrzeigersinnrotation einer Platte, die die Periadriatische Naht beinhaltet, mit anschließender Kollision mit der Briançonischen Platte (Frisch 1977) für die Aktivierung (oder Reaktivierung) verantwortlich. Die gesamte Energie dieser Vorgänge entlädt sich an der Judikarien Linie und der östlichen Pusterer Linie.Schlüsselwörter: Suszeptibilitätsanisotropie; Magnetic Fabric; Brixener Granit; ostalpines Altkristallin; Periadriatische Naht; Plattentektonik.
Magnetic fabric analyses on samples from the junction of the Pusterer Line with the Judicarian Line in South Tyrol have been carried out to determine a model for the compressions, movements and dynamics of the Periadriatic Line (P. L.). The results have been incorporated into a plate-tectonic model whereby the P. L. was activated (or reactivated) by a collision of a plate containing the P. L. against the Briançonic Platform (Frisch 1977). The energy of the collision appears to have been dissipated in compression along the Judicarian Line and movement along the Pusterer Line.

Résumé Les analyses de texture d'échantillons magnétiques à la jonction de la ligne Judicarienne avec la ligne de Pusterer prouvent que sur la ligne Judicarienne et sur la ligne Est de Pusterer des phénomènes de compression sont démonstrables. Dans la partie Ouest de la ligne de Pusterer (E Mauls), la compression était considérablement plus faible. Ces résultats sont mis en relation avec une analyse de mouvements qui repose sur des modèles de plaques tectoniques qui concernent cet espace. Par conséquent, une rotation dans le sens inverse de l'aiguille d'une montre d'une plaque qui comporte la ligne Périadriatique et qui a une collision reliée à la plaque briançonique est responsable de l'activation (ou de la réactivation), (Frisch, 1977).Toute l'énergie de ces phénomènes se décharge sur la ligne Judicarienne et sur la ligne Est de Pusterer.

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The bioinorganic fraction of the dermal granules of Molpadia intermedia from a wide variety of habitats has been studied by chemical analysis, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, visible and infrared spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility. It was found to have many similarities to polynuclear iron(III) proteins. Silica was found to be an integral component of the granules. The proportions of the major elements, P and Si, were found to vary with habitat as well as the minor elements, Ca and Mg, whereas the Fe content remained relatively constant. Models are proposed for the microstructure of the granules and the processes of their growth.  相似文献   
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