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New petrologic and 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data constrain conditions of Alpine metamorphism along the northwestern border of the Tauern Window. The P-T estimations based on phengite barometry were determined for samples from units of the Lower Austroalpine nappe complex exposed above the Southpenninic interior of the Tauern Window, and from upper parts of the Southpenninic “Bündner Schiefer” sequence. Results suggest that both Mesozoic metasedimentary nappe units (Reckner and Hippold Nappes) and an ophiolitic nappe (Reckner Complex) of the Lower Austroalpine nappe complex have been metamorphosed at pressures between 8 and 10.5 kbar and temperatures around 350 °C. The structurally highest Lower Austroalpine unit (Quartzphyllite Nappe) was not affected by high-pressure metamorphism and records maximum P-T conditions of approximately 4 kbar and 400 °C. Highest parts of the structurally underlying Southpenninic Bündner Schiefer sequence were metamorphosed at intermediate pressures (6–7 kbar). Temperatures increased in all structural units during decompression. Whole-rock 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of silicic phyllites and cherts with abundant high-Si phengites record ages around 50 Ma in the Reckner Nappe, and 44–37 Ma in the Hippold Nappe and Southpenninic Bündner Schiefer sequence. These ages are interpreted to date closely the high-pressure metamorphism. The Lower Austroalpine-Southpenninic border area in the NW Tauern Window appears to have evolved along an indented, fragmented active continental margin where the Reckner Complex represents one of the oldest sections of the Southpenninic (Piemontais) Oceanic tract that was originally situated close to, or even within, the Lower Austroalpine continent. During closure of the Piemontais Ocean, the resultant subduction zone did not entrain components of the Reckner Complex or its cover sequences (Reckner and Hippold Nappes): therefore “Eoalpine” high-pressure metamorphism did not occur. Sequences exposed within the study area were subducted to relatively shallow depths during the last stage of consumption of oceanic crust and immediately prior to final continental collision. Received: 30 July 1996 / Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   
In view of increasing damage due to earthquakes, and the current problems of earthquake prediction, real-time warning of strong ground motion is attracting more interest. In principle, it allows short-term warning of earthquakes while they are occurring. With warning times of up to tens of seconds it is possible to send alerts to potential areas of strong shaking before the arrival of the seismic waves and to mitigate the damage, but only if the seismic source parameters are determined rapidly. The major problem of an early-warning system is the real-time estimation of the earthquake's size.
We investigated digitized strong-motion accelerograms from 244 earthquakes that occurred in North and Central America between 1940 and 1986 to find out whether their initial portions reflected the size of the ongoing earthquake. Applying conventional methods of time-series analyses we calculate appropriate signal parameters and describe their uncertainties in relation to the magnitude and epicentral distance. The study reveals that the magnitude of an earthquake can be predicted from the first second of a single accelerogram within ±1.36 magnitude units. The uncertainty can be reduced to about ±0.5 magnitude units if a larger number (≥8) of accelerograms are available, which requires a dense network of seismic stations in areas of high seismic risk.  相似文献   
沿东太平洋浅海分布的双壳类软体动物数据显示,大量非浮游异养型双壳类具有广泛的地理分布.其中某些种的纬度跨度可达30°以上,这些种绝大部分是分布在38°N~5°S之间.东太平洋沿岸海流、热带海洋相对适宜的环境以及生物地理分区性是导致这一现象的主要原因.经历浮游异养型幼虫发育阶段的双壳类一般具有较高的地理散布潜力,但是,其中某些种由于其对环境的忍耐性较差,只能局限于狭窄的分布范围.东太平洋浅海双壳类的种多样性以及非浮游异养型与浮游异养型双壳类的比例随纬度发生变化.低纬度地区显示很高的多样性,向高纬度地区逐渐降低,浮游异养型双壳类的下降率大大高于非浮游异养型.热带地区以浮游异养型双壳类占主导地位,随着纬度增加其所占比例减少,而非浮游异养型双壳类的比例随纬度增加而逐渐提高.表明随纬度增加所发生的环境变化对浮游异养型双壳类的影响更为显著,而对以本身卵黄为幼虫营养来源的非浮游异养型双壳类影响相对较小一些.  相似文献   
Blueschist was recently recognized within the Lhasa terrane, which is one of the NE Gondwana blocks. In this rock, the Mn and Mg contents of garnet enclosing aegirine-rich clinopyroxene, rutile and quartz decrease and increase, respectively, from core to rim. Amphibole changes from glaucophane through Na–Ca amphibole to Ca amphibole. The Si contents of phengite are high in the centre but low along the rim. The P – T path, starting above 2.5 GPa–450 °C and showing subsequently first a temperature increase to 500 °C and then a pressure release via blueschist conditions to 0.6 GPa, was reconstructed using a P – T pseudosection calculated for the P – T range 0.4–2.8 GPa and 250–650 °C. This path points to deep subduction of a cold oceanic crust probably beneath the NE Gondwana margin during Permo-Triassic times. This finding contributes to a better understanding of the pre-Cenozoic history of major terranes of NE Gondwana.  相似文献   
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