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南海北部潮汕坳陷侏罗系具有很大的油气勘探潜力,沉积特征对其储层的发育具有明显的控制作用。通过对研究区最新地震资料精细解释,可以划分出4个典型地震反射界面和3个地震反射层,根据层序界面圈出侏罗系分布特征和残留厚度;通过地震相-沉积相转换对比分析研究,识别出侏罗纪地层不同时期的沉积相类型及其分布特征,重塑了潮汕坳陷侏罗系沉积演化史。该区主要发育5类沉积相、8种沉积亚相,其中滨岸三角洲前缘亚相和深水扇中亚相分别控制了碎屑流砂岩优质储层的发育;此外,浊流砂岩储层主要受控于物源供给的影响,距离三角洲砂体朵叶越近,滑塌浊积体数量越多,面积也越大。总体上,滨岸三角洲前缘亚相、深水扇中亚相和滑塌浊积体是研究区良好的储集相带,该类储集体由于埋藏较深加之被泥岩覆盖,对油气聚集较为有利。  相似文献   
广西丹池盆地晚古生代震积岩及其构造意义   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
广西丹池盆地(即南丹—河池盆地)为晚古生代与金沙江—红河—马江古特提斯洋共生的大陆边缘裂谷盆地,盆地从早泥盆世晚期开始裂陷,与相邻地区形成条块分割的深水裂陷槽(条)和孤立台地(块)间列的局面。该盆地于三叠纪随着金沙江—红河—马江古特提斯洋的闭合而逐渐萎缩,消亡。在丹池裂陷盆地形成、演化过程中,形成一系列典型的震积岩及与地震相关的滑塌构造。地震形成的沉积构造包括沉积岩墙、地裂缝、沉积岩脉、微褶皱、负荷构造、火焰构造、滑塌构造(滑塌不整合、滑塌褶皱、角砾岩化)等。丹池盆地的震积岩反映晚古生代处于强烈的伸展活动期,震积岩及其伴生的滑塌构造序列反映盆地的幕式构造活动。  相似文献   
In order to explain the formation process of slope hazards, and to identify the key factors leading to instability of a slope, Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of the Touzhai landslide in Zhaotong, Yunnan, was studied. The formation and evolution of Emeishan basalt saprolite was examined using, amongst other techniques, field investigations, thin section analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, chemical analysis, physical and water-physical property tests of rock masses. Field observations revealed that the majority of the weathered rock blocks were presented as a concentric layer structure in which an internal corestone was enveloped with several layers of external saprolized crust. Chemical and mineralogical analysis identified that iron was the most sensitive element and that the weathering progress usually started with the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in rock blocks. Alkaline elements such as Si, Ca, Mg, Na and K were also dissolved and Fe and Al were concentrated in saprolized crusts. Results indicated that loss on ignition (LOI) also increased significantly. SEM results showed that the weathering intensity of the basalt blocks decreased gradually from the outside to the inside, and the mineral morphology significantly differed on both sides of the weathering front. The saprolized crusts presented cellular microstructure features due to the generation of micropore and clay minerals. Thin section analysis showed that plagioclase was relatively more stable than pyroxene and chlorite during weathering. With a centripetal propagation of the weathering front, saprolized crusts became thicker and corestones became smaller; fresh Emeishan basalt blocks gradually turned into saprolized blocks. Due to the loose structure and low strength of saprolite, the quality of the Emeishan basalt mass significantly deteriorated, this being a potentially important factor which caused the Touzhai landslide to occur.  相似文献   
在构造和气候的综合作用下,本区在早第三纪成为一个大型裂谷湖盆,并在沙四、沙三和沙一期因受古太平洋海泛影响而具有"近海"湖盆的特征,其演变经历了初始形成-强烈扩张-晚期扩张-收缩干涸四个阶段,构成一个完整的湖侵-湖退旋回和湖泊早期形成-中期扩张-晚期收缩三个亚旋回。  相似文献   
泾川地区位于鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘,烃源岩发育情况尚不明确。通过野外地质调查和钻井岩心观察,结合烃源岩测试及元素地球化学资料,对长10—长7烃源岩进行评价,在环境分析的基础上研究影响烃源岩发育的主要因素。结果表明:研究区延长组烃源岩以长73泥页岩为最好,有机质类型以Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1为主,TOC为 0.42%~29%;长10—长7泥岩有机质以Ⅱ2型为主,平均TOC含量低于 2%;Ro为 0.47%~1.08%,有机质基本已成熟。长10—长7烃源岩形成于温暖潮湿的环境,弱还原弱氧化的淡水介质条件,水深相对较浅。古生产力、沉积速率及水介质环境影响烃源岩发育。热水活动促进了古生物的繁盛,P、Cu含量及 P/Ti值越高,有机质 TOC含量越高。(La/Yb)N值越高,沉积速率越低,有机质越富集。Cu/Zn值越高,V/Cr值越高,Th/U值越低,水体还原性越好,有机质丰度越高。总之,热水活动提高了古生产力水平,相对较低的沉积速率有利于有机质的富集,还原性较强的水介质条件可使有机质得到良好的保存。陇县一带烃源岩因受陆源植物输入的影响,且形成环境不利,烃源岩品质相对较差。  相似文献   
利用地面自动站资料、探空资料、多普勒雷达观测资料以及ERA5逐时再分析资料对2021年5月15日发生在黔北的一次下击暴流事件成因及雷达回波特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)本次过程发生在500hPa槽前、西南低涡南侧、中低空急流北侧和地面锋前热低压内的大范围上升区内,地面辐合线是重要的触发机制。(2)大气为上干下湿不稳定状态,中等到强的垂直风切变维持,环境温度垂直递减率较大,低层有冷空气入侵,下沉气流接地时与周围大气形成10℃以上的温差,导致气流强烈辐散最终产生大风。(3)过程由多单体风暴引发,具有弓形回波、三体散射长钉、回波悬垂等结构特征,回波核强度在65dBz以上,大风出现时强回波核迅速降落。(4)大风发生前,风暴前侧有一支由前向后的斜升气流与后侧入流气流形成中层径向辐合(MARC),大风出现时,低层有小尺度辐散区域,随后辐散尺度扩大,风速切变减小,大风强度减弱。  相似文献   
The Antuoling Mo deposit is a major porphyry‐type deposit in the polymetallic metallogenic belt of the northern Taihang Mountains, China. The processes of mineralization in this deposit can be divided into three stages: an early quartz–pyrite stage, a middle quartz–polymetallic sulfide stage, and a late quartz–carbonate stage. Four types of primary fluid inclusions are found in the deposit: two‐phase aqueous inclusions, daughter‐mineral‐bearing multiphase inclusions, CO2–H2O inclusions, and pure CO2 inclusions. From the early to the late ore‐forming stages, the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions are 300 to >500°C, 270–425°C, and 195–330°C, respectively, with salinities of up to 50.2 wt%, 5.3–47.3 wt%, and 2.2–10.4 wt% NaCl equivalent, revealing that the ore‐forming fluids changed from high temperature and high salinity to lower temperature and lower salinity. Moreover, based on the laser Raman spectra, the compositions of the fluid inclusions evolved from the NaCl–CO2–H2O to the NaCl–H2O system. The δ18OH2O and δD values of quartz in the deposit range from +3.9‰ to +7.0‰ and ?117.5‰ to ?134.2‰, respectively, reflecting the δD of local meteoric water after oxygen isotopic exchange with host rocks. The Pb isotope values of the sulfides (208Pb/204Pb, 36.320–37.428; 207Pb/204Pb, 15.210–15.495; 206Pb/204Pb, 16.366–17.822) indicate that the ore‐forming materials originated from a mixed upper mantle–lower crust source.  相似文献   
简要介绍了IKONOS卫星遥感影像适用于生产地理信息产品的特点,通过生产试验研究详细分析了IKONOS影像作为数据源在生产地理信息产品时的定向精度问题。  相似文献   
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