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Spectral analyses of several published magnetic anomaly profiles from Candé & Kent (1992a) were undertaken prior to analysing, in the same way, raw magnetic anomaly data from similar parts of the South Atlantic. It was found that similar and distinct medium and short wavelengths were present in both the published and raw data. When these are converted into the time domain using the average rate of spreading for each profile, these periodicities appear similar, possibly identical, to those expected from the long-term eccentricity orbital parameters (Fischer, DeBoer & Premoli Silva 1990). While such correlations are not necessarily causative, they suggest that magnetohydro-dynamical processes near the core-mantle boundary may be affected by gravitational changes due to planetary orbital perturbations.  相似文献   
The long-term histories of the neighboring Nakuru–Elmenteita and Naivasha lake basins in the Central Kenya Rift illustrate the relative importance of tectonic versus climatic effects on rift-lake evolution and the formation of disparate sedimentary environments. Although modern climate conditions in the Central Kenya Rift are very similar for these basins, hydrology and hydrochemistry of present-day lakes Nakuru, Elmenteita and Naivasha contrast dramatically due to tectonically controlled differences in basin geometries, catchment size, and fluvial processes. In this study, we use eighteen 14C and 40Ar/39Ar dated fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary sections to unravel the spatiotemporal evolution of the lake basins in response to tectonic and climatic influences. We reconstruct paleoclimatic and ecological trends recorded in these basins based on fossil diatom assemblages and geologic field mapping. Our study shows a tendency towards increasing alkalinity and shrinkage of water bodies in both lake basins during the last million years. Ongoing volcano-tectonic segmentation of the lake basins, as well as reorganization of upstream drainage networks have led to contrasting hydrologic regimes with adjacent alkaline and freshwater conditions. During extreme wet periods in the past, such as during the early Holocene climate optimum, lake levels were high and all basins evolved toward freshwater systems. During drier periods some of these lakes revert back to alkaline conditions, while others maintain freshwater characteristics. Our results have important implications for the use and interpretation of lake sediment as climate archives in tectonically active regions and emphasize the need to deconvolve lacustrine records with respect to tectonics versus climatic forcing mechanisms.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages for 13 glacially transported boulders atop the Martha's Vineyard moraine, MA, USA, indicate that the southeastern margin of the Laurentide ice sheet reached its maximum extent during the last glaciation 23,200±500 yr ago. Another 10 age determinations from the younger Buzzards Bay moraine near Woods Hole, MA, indicate that this moraine complex was formed 18,800±400 yr ago. These ages correlate approximately with the terminations of cooling cycles recorded in Greenland ice cores and coeval ice-rafting events, suggesting that the marginal position of this sector of the ice sheet was tightly coupled to North Atlantic climate during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   
With the available data in planets, stars and galaxies, it is studied the functions of angular momentaJ(M) and amounts of actionA c(M) (associated to the non rotational terms in the kinetic energy). The results indicate that independently of how are these functionsJ(M),A c(M) their ratioA c/J remains a near invariant. It is independent also from the type of angular momenta: intrinsic spins of the bodies or the total angular (orbital) momenta of the bodies forming a system; for instance, the Solar System and the planets.The relationA c(M) for the Solar System are analogous to these in the FGK stars of the main sequence, and the relationJ(M) (also for the Solar System) is analogous to the lower possible limit for binary stars.The different types of binary stars from the short period, detached systems to contactary systems, gives a range of functionsJ(M),A c(M) that are the same that one can expect in stars with planetary systems. According to the detection limits given for planetary companions by Campbell, Walker and Yang (1988) (masses of less than 9 Jupiter masses and orbital periods of less than 50 years) we calculate the limits forJ(M) andA c(M) This gives a lower limitA c/J 1 associated to stars with planetary systems as 61 Cygni and to short period detached binaries. The upper limitA c/J 16 correspond to planetary systems as the ours and probably to cataclysmic binaries. There are reasons to suspect that systems as the ours and in range 4 A c/J 16 (with a lower limit analogous to contactary binaries as Algols and W Ursa Majoris) must be the most common type of planetary systems. The analogies with the functionsJ(M)A c(M) for galaxies suggest cosmogonical conditions in the stellar formation.Independently of this, one can have boundary conditions for the Jacobi problem when applied to a collapsing cloud. Namely, from the initial stage (a molecular cloud) to the final stage (a formed stellar system: binary or planetary) the angular momenta and amounts of action decayed to 10~4 the initial values, but in such a form thatA c(t)/J(t) remains a near invariant.  相似文献   
We estimated wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) using measured meteorological data to understand the bioclimates of human living spaces during the summer season. Our research focused on commercial and residential areas of Okayama City, Japan (population ~700,000). The commercial spaces (CO) mainly consisted of multi-story office buildings, whereas the residential spaces (RE) consisted of one- or two-story residential buildings. On a fine day with southeast winds, the spatially averaged WBGT measured in the CO was higher than that in the RE. The difference was statistically significant and would have caused noticeable discomfort and a high risk of heat disorder for occupants of the CO over the long term. For instance, at 1900 Japan Standard Time (JST), the maximum difference in the WBGT between the CO and RE sites was 2.0°C (23.5°C for the CO and 21.5°C for the RE). From 1800 to 1900 JST, the wet-bulb temperature in the CO was still 1.5–2.0°C higher than that in the RE, even though both areas had the same dry-bulb temperature. This indicates that the CO retained greater amounts of water vapor for longer periods compared to the RE. The wet-bulb temperature in the CO increased rapidly at most observation points when the southeast sea breeze arrived. In contrast, in the RE, the wet-bulb temperature decreased until evening. This difference was caused by moist air transported from a river about 1 km upwind from the CO. The moist air forced an increase in the WBGT and elevated the risk of heat disorder in the CO. The spatially averaged globe temperature of the CO at 1500 JST was 6.2°C lower than that at the RE, causing the WBGT of the CO to decrease. The results suggest that the higher WBGT in the CO was caused by higher wet-bulb temperatures. On a day with southwest winds, the CO and RE showed no difference in WBGT because the river was not included in the upwind source area.  相似文献   
 We analyzed more than 1700 earthquakes related to the 1982 eruption of El Chichon volcano in southern Mexico. The data were recorded at specific periods throughout the whole eruptive interval of March to April 1982, by three different networks. The seismic activity began several months before the first eruption on 28 March. During this period the seismicity consisted of hybrid and long-period shallow earthquakes most likely related to processes of faulting, fracturing, and fluid movement underneath the volcano. The foci of events occurring before the eruption circumscribe an aseismic zone from approximately 7 to 13 km below the volcano. After the eruption, the seismic activity consisted of tectonic-type earthquakes that peaked at 1200 events/h. This later activity occurred over a wide range of depths, mostly between 5 and 20 km, that includes the former aseismic zone and is roughly limited by the major tectonic faults in the area. Received: 19 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 June 1999  相似文献   
Garnet in silicic liquids and its possible use as a P-T indicator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Melting experiments on a model pelitic composition yield low-spessartine garnet as an important residual phase at pressures above 7 kb. The K D values for distribution of iron and magnesium between coexisting garnet and liquid in the pelitic composition are mainly sensitive to temperature, but also have a small pressure dependence. At temperatures above 950 ° C garnet has a higher value than coexisting liquid, but below 950 ° C the garnet value is lower than that of the coexisting liquid. Thus at temperatures below 950 ° C silicic magmas may fractionate garnet and produce more magnesian derivative liquids.Reconnaissance experiments with added MnO content in the model pelite demonstrate that spessartine-rich garnets are stable in silicic liquids to pressures as low as 3 kb. The MnO and CaO contents of the experimentally crystallized garnets show an antipathetic relation. Also, the grossular content of near-liquidus garnets crystallizing from a range of compositions increases with increasing pressure. The spessartine and grossular contents of most natural garnets in eastern Australian granitic rocks suggest that these garnets formed at pressures greater than 5 kb. Increased spessartine content allows crystallization of garnet in equilibrium with a silicic magma well within the pressure limit of stability of cordierite, provided the garnet contains 10 mol.% spessartine. Thus the depth range over which garnet and cordierite may coexist in a silicic melt is broadened, subject to the availability of MnO. The effect of increased Mn content on the low-pressure stability limit of garnet may also explain the lack of resorption of some garnets in granitic magmas, as these magmas rise to shallower levels. These euhedral garnets characteristically show zoning from an Mn-poor core (typically <4 % MnO) to an Mn-richer rim (typically >4 % MnO) and may reflect continued growth of the garnet in a low pressure regime, stabilized by Mn concentrated in the residual liquid fractions of the crystallizing magma.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aufgrund der Beschaffenheit und zeitlichen wie räumlichen Verteilung von Merkmalen, die als Klimaindikatoren Verwendung finden können, wird unter Berücksichtigung der Frage, inwieweit sie von der Veränderung des Reliefs beeinflu\t sind, der Versuch unternommen, den vermutlichen Klimaablauf des Rotliegenden im Saar-Nahe-Gebiet aufzuzeigen. Er führt von warmen und wechselfeuchten Verhältnissen im Unterrotliegenden zu einem Klima gleicher Beschaffenheit, aber mit Zunahme von längeren Trockenperioden im Oberrotliegenden.
Summary Regarding the nature and the temporal and local distribution of signs, which may be used as climate-indicators and considering the question if they may be influenced by relief, an attempt to reconstruct the probable climate during the Lower Permian in the Saar-Nahe-Senke is made. The development is from warm conditions and changing-humidity in the Lower Rotliegendes to a similar climate with an increase of dry periods in the Upper Rotliegendes.

Résumé En raison de la nature et de la répartition dans le temps et l'espace de caractéristiques pouvant Être considérées comme des indicateurs de climat, l'on a essayé de démontrer le développement du climat dans l'Autunien et le Saxonien de la région Rheno-Palatinat. Par ailleurs l'on a tenu compte de savoir dans quelle mesure les caractéristiques ont été influencées par le changement du relief. Le développement va des conditions chaudes et des périodes humides avec des périodes sèches a un climat de mÊme nature mais avec accroissement de plus longues périodes de sécheresse dans le Saxonien.

Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft sei auch an dieser Stelle für ihre stete Unterstützung der Arbeiten gedankt.  相似文献   
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