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In this paper, the results of a survey conducted in the Cukurova region of Turkey are presented. The aim of this research is to identify groups of farmers who differ in their risk sources and risk management strategies. The respondents to the survey were divided into three risk attitude groups, risk averse, risk seeking and risk neutral. Factor analysis has been conducted on information obtained from 112 farmers in 2000. From the findings of the research, risk sources were labelled as environmental, price, catastrophe, input costs, production and technological, political, finance, personal, marketing, health and social security. The dimensions of risk strategies were named as diversification, off-farm income, marketing, planning, financing and security.  相似文献   
Rainfall experiments have been conducted in the laboratory in order to assess the hydrological response of top soils very susceptible to surface sealing and containing rock fragments in different positions with respect to the soil surface. For a given cover level, rock fragment position in the top soil has an ambivalent effect on water intake and runoff generation. Compared to a bare soil surface rock fragments increase water intake rates as well as time of runoff concentration and decrease runoff volume if they rest on the soil surface. For the same cover level, rock fragments reduce infiltration rate and enhance runoff generation if they are well embedded in the top layer. The effects of rock fragment position on infiltration rate and runoff generation are proportional to cover percentage. Micromorphological analysis and measurements of the saturated hydraulic conductivity of bare top soils and of the top layer underneath rock fragments resting on the soil surface reveal significant differences supporting the mechanism proposed by Poesen (1986): i.e. runoff generated as rock flow or as Horton overland flow can (partly) infiltrate into the unsealed soil surface under the rock fragments, provided that they are not completely embedded in the top layer. Hence, rock fragment position, beside other rock fragment properties, should be taken into account when assessing the hydrological response of soils susceptible to surface sealing and containing rock fragments in their surface layers. A simple model, based on the proportions of bare soil surface, soil surface occupied by embedded rock fragments, and soil surface covered with rock fragments resting on the soil surface, describes the runoff coefficient data relatively well.  相似文献   
Although there have been noticeable improvements in recent years, geography continues to be a predominantly male discipline. The percentage of women receiving PhDs in geography has tracked lower than the U.S. average of female PhDs. Previous studies of women's contribution to geography have focused on personal accounts or on the study of some of the most prominent practitioners, with a few studies using basic data on PhDs awarded and Association of American Geographers membership to determine trends. This article provides a comprehensive overview of doctoral degrees in geography by gender, over time, and across all universities in the United States by examining an alternative database, that of doctoral dissertations. The analysis yields three separate types of results. First, historical and contemporary variations among U.S. universities are examined. Second, data indicate that male and female doctoral students differ in the sex of their advisor. Third, a simple regression model explains some of the discrepancies in the proportion of female doctoral students by department. In sum, this article provides a comprehensive empirical study of the factors that might contribute to the continued disparities in female doctoral students in geography.  相似文献   
A study is made of the thermal and compositional conditions which the liquid outer core must satisfy at the inner core boundary, assuming the inner core to be growing by continual solidification of the heavy component of the liquid alloy in the outer core. It is found that the outer core is strongly destabilized by the compositional gradients driven by the separation process associated with the freezing. Further, it is argued that all the freezing necessary for the growth of the solid inner core cannot occur on a flat interface; most of it must occur above the solid boundary in a region labeled the slurry layer.  相似文献   
Ehhalt  D. H.  Heidt  L. E. 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1973,106(1):1352-1360
Stratospheric profiles of CH4 and H2 over eastern Texas have been derived up to 31 km altitude from air samples collected aboard a balloon and analyzed by gas chromatography. For H2, contamination during flight and measurement presented a problem which has been resolved only recently. The earlier profiles require corrections which are rather large for the highest altitudes.The three profiles indicate an increase of the H2 concentration in the lower stratosphere from about 0.5 p.p.m. per volume at the tropopause to about 0.8 p.p.m. at around 27 km altitude. Above that altitude the H2 concentration decreases again. An air sample collected between 44 and 62 km by a rocket-borne cryogenic sampler had an H2 concentration of 0.4 p.p.m.The five CH4 profiles showed a decrease in CH4 concentration with altitude generally with a steeper gradient directly above the tropopause and a weaker gradient at higher altitudes reaching 0.9 p.p.m. at 30 km altitude. The CH4 concentration in the rocket sample was 0.25 p.p.m., in good agreement with the gradient obtained from the balloon samples.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
A field experiment conducted on a sandy barred beach, situated on the southern part of the French Atlantic coastline, allowed us to investigate the impact of the intertidal bar on the wave-energy dissipation on the beach face in presence of a high-energy long-incoming swell (significant wave height of about 1.7 to 3.0 m in 56 m water depth and significant wave period about 12 s). Data were collected along three parallel cross-shore transects deployed along an intertidal ridge and runnel system. Wave heights in the inner surf zone are depth-limited, consistent with previous works, and the wave-energy dissipation in the inner surf zone appears to be relatively independent of the offshore energy level. On the other hand, the presence of the bar seems to scatter the data. In models of surf-zone hydrodynamics, wave-energy dissipation is often parameterized in terms of , the ratio of the sea-swell significant wave height to the local mean water depth. The observed values of are not constant along a cross-shore transect, and increase onshore. Furthermore, the observed values observed onshore the intertidal bar are higher than those observed outside the influence of the intertidal bar, and this cannot be fully explained by the different local beach slope.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   
We question the correlation between vertical velocity (w) on the one hand and the occurrence of convective plumes in lidar reflectivity (i.e. range corrected backscatter signal Pz 2) and depolarization ratio (Δ) on the other hand in the convective boundary layer (CBL). Thermal vertical motion is directly investigated using vertical velocities measured by a ground-based Doppler lidar operating at 2 μm. This lidar provides also simultaneous measurements of lidar reflectivity. In addition, a second lidar 200 m away provides reflectivities at 0.53 and 1 μm and depolarization ratio at 0.53 μm. The time series from the two lidars are analyzed in terms of linear correlation coefficient (ρ). The main result is that the plume-like structures provided by lidar reflectivity within the CBL as well as the CBL height are not a clear signature of updrafts. It is shown that the lidar reflectivity within the CBL is frequently anti-correlated (ρ (w, Pz 2 )) with the vertical velocity. On the contrary, the correlation coefficient between the depolarization ratio and the vertical velocity ρ (w, Δ ) is always positive, showing that the depolarization ratio is a fair tracer of updrafts. The importance of relative humidity on the correlation coefficient is discussed. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
The onset of chaotic motion in the restricted problem of three bodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A full characterization of a nonintegrable dynamical system requires an investigation into the chaotic properties of that system. One such system, the restricted problem of three bodies, has been studied for over two centuries, yet few studies have examined the chaotic nature of some ot its trajectories. This paper examines and classifies the onset of chaotic motion in the restricted three-body problem through the use of Poincaré surfaces of section, Liapunov characteristic numbers, power spectral density analysis and a newly developed technique called numerical irreversibility. The chaotic motion is found to be intermittent and becomes first evident when the Jacobian constant is slightly higher thanC 2.  相似文献   
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