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Community geography emphasizes the centrality of community engagement to socially transformative research. This introduction to a special issue of GeoJournal on community geography outlines how this growing subfield provides a model for collaborative action with the crises of our time, from white supremacy through climate change. As the co-editors of this special issue, we summarize the contents of these 14 articles, grouping them by the shared themes of power, institutional partnerships, pedagogy, and methods.

The Tiribí Tuff covered much of the Valle Central of Costa Rica, currently the most densely populated area in the country (∼2.4 million inhabitants). Underlying the tuff, there is a related well-sorted pumice deposit, the Tibás Pumice Layer. Based on macroscopic characteristics of the rocks, we distinguish two main facies in the Tiribí Tuff in correlation to the differences in welding, devitrification, grain size, and abundance of pumice and lithic fragments. The Valle Central facies consists of an ignimbritic plateau of non-welded to welded deposits within the Valle Central basin and the Orotina facies is a gray to light-bluish gray, densely to partially welded rock, with yellowish and black pumice fragments cropping out mainly at the Grande de Tárcoles River Gorge and Orotina plain. This high-aspect ratio ignimbrite (1:920 or 1.1×10−3) covered an area of at least 820 km2 with a long runout of 80 km and a minimum volume outflow of 25 km3 (15 km3 DRE). Geochemically, the tuff shows a wide range of compositions from basaltic-andesites to rhyolites, but trachyandesites are predominant. Replicate new 40Ar/39Ar age determinations indicate that widespread exposures of this tuff represent a single ignimbrite that was erupted 322±2 ka. The inferred source is the Barva Caldera, as interpreted from isopach and isopleth maps, contours of the ignimbrite top and geochemical correlation (∼10 km in diameter). The Tiribí Tuff caldera-forming eruption is interpreted as having evolved from a plinian eruption, during which the widespread basal pumice fall was deposited, followed by fountaining pyroclastic flows. In the SW part of the Valle Central, the ignimbrite flowed into a narrow canyon, which might have acted as a pseudo-barrier, reflecting the flow back towards the source and thus thickening the deposits that were filling the Valle Central depression. The variable welding patterns are interpreted to be a result of the lithostatic load and the influence of the content and size of lithic fragments.  相似文献   
We present the first high-spatial-resolution near-infrared (NIR) imaging of NGC604, obtained with the NICMOS camera onboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). These NICMOS broad-band images reveal new NIR point sources, clusters, and diffuse structures. We find an excellent spatial correlation between the 8.4 GHz radio continuum and the 2.2 μm nebular emission. Moreover, massive young stellar object candidates appear aligned with these radio peaks, reinforcing the idea that those areas are star-forming regions. Three different scaled OB associations are recognized in the NICMOS images. The brightest NIR sources in our images have properties that suggest that they are red supergiant stars, of which one was previously known. This preliminary analysis of the NICMOS images shows the complexity of the stellar content of the NGC604 nebula.  相似文献   
We present phase resolved optical spectroscopy and Doppler tomography of V1341 Cygni, the optical counterpart to the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) Cygnus X-2 (Cyg X-2). We derive a radial velocity (RV) curve for the secondary star, finding a projected RV semi-amplitude of   K 2= 79 ± 3 km s−1  , leading to a mass function of  0.51 ± 0.06 M, ∼30  per cent lower than the previous estimate. We tentatively attribute the lower value of K 2 (compared to that obtained by other authors) to variations in the X-ray irradiation of the secondary star at different epochs of observations. The limited phase coverage and/or longer timebase of previous observations may also contribute to the difference in K 2. Our value for the mass function implies a primary mass of  1.5 ± 0.3 M  , somewhat lower than previous dynamical estimates, but consistent with the value found by analysis of type-I X-ray bursts from this system. Our Doppler tomography of the broad He  ii λ4686 line reveals that most of the emission from this line is produced on the irradiated face of the donor star, with little emission from the accretion disc. In contrast, the Doppler tomogram of the N  iii λ4640.64 Bowen blend line shows bright emission from near the gas stream/accretion disc impact region, with fainter emission from the gas stream and secondary star. This is the first LMXB for which the Bowen blend is dominated by emission from the gas stream/accretion disc impact region, without comparable emission from the secondary star. This has implications for the interpretation of Bowen blend Doppler tomograms of other LMXBs for which the ephemeris may not be accurately known.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the fractal properties of binary maps of rock fractures at different scales and different geological types, as well as different families of fracture patterns obtained from a two-dimensional Laplacian growth model (LGM). From these analyses we figure out which families of the LGM patterns match the structural properties of the fracture binary maps. The LGM is defined in terms of a nonlinear map that depends on two parameters, λ and \mathfraka\mathfrak{a}, that respectively define the area and shape of the elements of the aggregate that conforms the patterns. The fractal dimension and roughness exponent of the LGM patterns are found to depend on \mathfraka\mathfrak{a}, with 0 < \mathfrak a < 10<\mathfrak {a}<1. From a detailed statistical analysis of these patterns we found that the fractal dimensions of capacity, correlation and information decrease monotonically as \mathfraka\mathfrak{a} increases. We also found that the values of these three fractal dimensions tend to collapse on top of each other as \mathfraka\lessapprox1\mathfrak{a}\lessapprox1. Remarkably, the fractal properties of rock fractures in the scales from millimeters up to a few meters appear to be well represented by the fractal structure of the LGM families of patterns with \mathfraka=0.15\mathfrak{a}=0.15 and 0.30, while the fractal properties of rock fractures in the scale of kilometers seems to be well represented by the LGM family with \mathfraka=0.90\mathfrak{a}=0.90. In addition, the three fractal dimension values of fracture binary maps in the scales from millimeters up to meters were found to be different between them. Nonetheless, for fractures in the scale of kilometers, the values of the three fractal dimensions are very close to each other as an indication of self-similar behavior. Analysis of the corrections to the scaling of the roughness exponent, ζ, suggests that they are negligible for the LGM family of fracture patterns with \mathfraka=0.9\mathfrak{a}=0.9. This finding points to a self-affine structure for this family of patterns. In fact, the calculated roughness exponent results are in the range of values characteristic of rock fractures.  相似文献   
We study collective wind configurations produced by a number of massive stars, and obtain densities and expansion velocities of the stellar wind gas that is to be target, in this model, of hadronic interactions. We study the expected γ-ray emission from these regions, considering in an approximate way the effect of cosmic ray modulation. We compute secondary particle production (electrons from knock-on interactions and electrons and positrons from charged pion decay), and solve the loss equation with ionization, synchrotron, bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton, and expansion losses. We provide examples where configurations can produce sources for GLAST satellite, and the MAGIC, HESS, or VERITAS telescopes in non-uniform ways, i.e., with or without the corresponding counterparts. We show that in all cases we studied no EGRET source is expected.  相似文献   
The disc white dwarf luminosity function is an important tool for studying the solar neighbourhood, since it allows the determination of several Galactic parameters, the most important one being the age of the Galactic disc. However, only the     method has been employed so far for observationally determining the white dwarf luminosity function, whereas for other kind of luminosity functions several other methods have been frequently used. Moreover, the procedures to determine the white dwarf luminosity function are not free of biases. These biases have two different origins: they can either be of statistical nature or a consequence of the measurement errors. In a previous paper we carried out an in-depth study of the first category of biases for several luminosity function estimators. In this paper we focus on the biases introduced by the measurement errors and on the effects of the degree of contamination of the input sample used to build the disc white dwarf luminosity function by different kinematical populations. To assess the extent of these biases we use a Monte Carlo simulator to generate a controlled synthetic population and analyse the behaviour of the disc white dwarf luminosity function for several assumptions about the magnitude of the measurement errors and for several degrees of contamination, comparing the performances of the most robust luminosity function estimators under such conditions.  相似文献   
Pliocene and Quaternary tectonic structures mainly consisting of segmented northwest–southeast normal faults, and associated seismicity in the central Betics do not agree with the transpressive tectonic nature of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary in the Ibero-Maghrebian region. Active extensional deformation here is heterogeneous, individual segmented normal faults being linked by relay ramps and transfer faults, including oblique-slip and both dextral and sinistral strike-slip faults. Normal faults extend the hanging wall of an extensional detachment that is the active segment of a complex system of successive WSW-directed extensional detachments which have thinned the Betic upper crust since middle Miocene. Two areas, which are connected by an active 40-km long dextral strike-slip transfer fault zone, concentrate present-day extension. Both the seismicity distribution and focal mechanisms agree with the position and regime of the observed faults. The activity of the transfer zone during middle Miocene to present implies a mode of extension which must have remained substantially the same over the entire period. Thus, the mechanisms driving extension should still be operating. Both the westward migration of the extensional loci and the high asymmetry of the extensional systems can be related to edge delamination below the south Iberian margin coupled with roll-back under the Alborán Sea; involving the asymmetric westward inflow of asthenospheric material under the margins.  相似文献   
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