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Oks proposes the existence of a new class of stable planetary orbits around binary stars, in the shape of a helix on a conical surface whose axis of symmetry coincides with the interstellar axis, and rotates with the same orbital frequency as the binary pair. We show that this claim relies on the inappropriate use of an effective potential that is only applicable when the stars are held motionless. We also present numerical evidence that the only planetary orbits whose planes are initially orthogonal to the interstellar axis that remain stable on the time scale of the stellar orbit are ordinary polar orbits around one of the stars, and that the perturbations due to the binary companion do not rotate the plane of the orbit to maintain a fixed relationship with the axis.  相似文献   
Abstract: Exploration drilling at Orakeikorako provides information on the hydrologic and thermal regime of the geothermal system, which is presently as high as 265C. The presence of almandine in Drillhole OK–1, at 1312. 5m drilled depth, is the only known occurrence of hydrothermal garnet in an active geothermal system from New Zealand. The formation temperature of the almandine, is not consistent with measured (bore) temperatures, but does coincide with fluid inclusion data and temperatures inferred from other secondary minerals, which suggest it formed at >240C, and possibly as much as 310C. Almandine is an important mineral geothermometer in active hydrothermal systems, and implications for its occurrence should not be discounted in fossil (mineralised) epithermal-type hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   
Pacific water exits the Chukchi Sea shelf through Barrow Canyon in the east and Herald Canyon in the west, forming an eastward-directed shelfbreak boundary current that flows into the Beaufort Sea. Here we summarize the transformation that the Pacific water undergoes in the two canyons, and describe the characteristics and variability of the resulting shelfbreak jet, using recently collected summertime hydrographic data and a year-long mooting data set. In both canyons the northward-flowing Pacific winter water switches from the western to the eastern flank of the canyon, interacting with the northward-flowing summer water. In Barrow canyon the vorticity structure of the current is altered, while in Herald canyon a new water mass mode is created. In both instances hydraulic effects are believed to be partly responsible for the observed changes. The shelfl)reak jet that forms from the canyon outflows has distinct seasonal configurations, from a bottom-intensified flow carrying cold, dense Pacific water in spring, to a surface-intensified current advecting warm, buoyant water in summer. The current also varies significantly on short timescales, from less than a day to a week. In fall and winter much of this mesoscale variability is driven by storm events, whose easterly winds reverse the current and cause upwelling. Different types of eddies are spawned from the current, which are characterized here using hydrographic and satellite data.  相似文献   
In volcanic risk assessment it is necessary to determine the appropriate level of sophistication for a given predictive model within the contexts of multiple sources of uncertainty and coupling between models. A component of volcanic risk assessment for the proposed radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain (Nevada, USA) involves prediction of dispersal of contaminated tephra during violent Strombolian eruptions and the subsequent transport of that tephra toward a hypothetical individual via surface processes. We test the suitability of a simplified model for volcanic plume transport and fallout tephra deposition (ASHPLUME) coupled to a surface sediment-transport model (FAR) that calculates the redistribution of tephra, and in light of inherent uncertainties in the system. The study focuses on two simplifying assumptions in the ASHPLUME model: 1) constant eruptive column height and 2) constant wind speed and direction during an eruption. Variations in tephra dispersal resulting from unsteady column height and wind conditions produced variations up to a factor of two in the concentration of tephra in sediment transported to the control population. However, the effects of watershed geometry and terrain, which control local remobilization of tephra, overprint sensitivities to eruption parameters. Because the combination of models used here shows limited sensitivity to the actual details of ash fall, a simple fall model suffices to estimate tephra mass delivered to the hypothetical individual.  相似文献   
The C2 ungrouped Tagish Lake meteorite preserves a range of lithologies, reflecting variable degrees of parent‐body aqueous alteration. Here, we report on soluble organic compounds, including aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, monocarboxylic acids, and amino acids, found within specimens representative of the range of aqueous alteration. We find that differences in soluble organic compounds among the lithologies may be explained by oxidative, fluid‐assisted alteration, primarily involving the derivation of soluble organic compounds from macromolecular material. In contrast, amino acids probably evolved from precursor molecules, albeit in parallel with other soluble organic compounds. Our results demonstrate the role of parent‐body alteration in the modification of organic matter and generation of prebiotic compounds in the early solar system, and have implications for interpretation of the complement of soluble organic compounds in carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
Despite the low permeability of claypan soils, groundwater has been heavily contaminated by nitrate in agricultural watersheds dominated by claypan soils. However, it is unclear how nitrate concentrations in groundwater affect stream water quality. In this study, streamflow pathways were investigated using natural geochemical tracers in the 73-km2 Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed in northeastern Missouri. Samples were collected from 2011 to 2017 from stream water (weekly-biweekly), precipitation (event-based), groundwater in 25 wells with screened depths varying from 2 to 16 m (bimonthly–seasonal) and interflow above the claypan in 7 shallow piezometers (weekly–monthly). The results of endmember mixing analysis using major ions indicate that streamflow was dominated by near-surface runoff (59 ± 20%), followed by interflow (25 ± 16%) and groundwater (16 ± 13%). Analysis of endmember distances using the mixing space defined by stream water chemistry suggests that groundwater contributions to streamflow came primarily from the intermediate to deep glacial till aquifer near and below 8 m. Near-surface runoff was persistent and dominant even after isolated precipitation events during a prolonged dry period. It is hypothesised that the alluvial aquifer near stream banks acts as a mixing zone to receive and store various source waters, resulting in persistent delivery of runoff to the stream. Groundwater, even though its contribution was limited, plays a significant role in regulating streamflow NO3 concentrations. This study significantly improves our understanding of claypan hydrology and will lead to the development of models and decision support tools for implementation of management practices that improve groundwater and stream water quality in restrictive layer watersheds.  相似文献   
Fog is an atmospheric phenomenon that has important environmental consequences related to visibility, air quality and climate change on local and regional scales. The formation of radiation fog results from a complex balance between surface radiative cooling, turbulent mixing in the surface layer, aerosol growth by deliquescence and activation of fog droplets. During the ParisFog field experiment, out of 16 events forecasted for radiation fog, activated fog materialized in seven events, while in five other events the visibility dropped to 1–2 km but haze particle size remained below the critical size of activation. To better understand the conditions that lead to or do not lead to sustained fog droplet activation, we performed a comparative study of dynamic, thermal, radiative and microphysical processes occurring between sunset and fog (or quasi-fog) onset. We selected two radiation fog events and two quasi-radiation fog events that occurred under similar large-scale conditions for this comparative study. We identified that aerosol growth by deliquescence and droplet activation actually occurred in both quasi-fog events, but only during <1 h. Based on ParisFog measurements, we found that the main factors limiting sustained activation of droplets at fog onset in the Paris metropolitan area are (1) lack of mixing in the surface layer (typically wind speed <0.5 ms?1), (2) relative humidity exceeding 90 % throughout the residual layer, (3) low cooling rate in the surface layer (typically less than ?1 °C per hour on average) due to weak radiative cooling (0 to ?30 Wm?2) and near zero sensible heat fluxes, and (4) a combination of the three factors listed above during the critical phase of droplet activation preventing the transfer of cooling from the surface to the liquid layer. In addition, we found some evidence of contrasted aerosol growth by deliquescence under high relative humidity conditions in the four events, possibly associated with the chemical nature of the aerosols, which could be another factor impacting droplet activation.  相似文献   
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