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Summary In Section 1 are set out the reasons for the use of particle dynamics in this investigation. In Section 2 are solved the equations of motion for particles constrained to move along a horizontal surface under the action of a constant meridional pressure gradient force to obtain (a) velocities in spherical polar co-ordinates with naturally varying Coriolis terms, and (b) velocities and trajectories in plane cartesian co-ordinates in which the Coriolis parameter is assumed constant. Results obtained in each system are compared, showing that the plane co-ordinates as used are not significantly inaccurate, and trajectories of air particles obtained by application significantly inaccurate, and trajectories of air particles obtained by application of this system in steps of 5° of latitude are plotted to show the production of belts of convergence at some distance from the equator under the action of meridional pressure gradient forces.The approximation of these idealised particle trajectories to actual streamlines of the air flow are discussed in Section 3, and the concept of the production of belts of convergence is used to formulate a theory of formation and maintenance of the sub-tropical anticyclones. In Section 4 this theory is applied to observed average temperature data and the calculated results compared with observed average pressure data. A possible synoptic application of the theory is then indicated in Section 5.
Zusammenfassung Im ersten Abschnitt werden Gründe für die Anwendung der Dynamik von Massenteilchen in der vorliegenden Arbeit dargelegt. Abschnitt 2 enthält die Lösungen der Gleichungen für die Bewegung von Massenteilchen auf horizontalen Flächen unter der Einwirkung eines konstanten meridionalen Druckgradienten. Die Lösungen ergeben a) die Geschwindigkeiten in sphärischen Polarkoordinaten mit variablem Coriolis-Term (entsprechend natürlichen Verhältnissen) und b) Geschwindigkeiten und Trajektorien in ebenen kartesischen Koodinaten in denen der Coriolis-Parameter als konstant angenommen wird. Die Ergebnisse für beide Koordinatensysteme werden verglichen und es zeigt sich, daß bei Verwendung der ebenen Koordinaten keine wesentlichen Ungenauigkeiten auftreten. Zeichnet man schrittweise von 5 zu 5° (Fig. 1) die Trajektorien der Luftteilchen, so ergeben sich als Folge der meridionalen Druckgradienten Konvergenzzonen in einigem Abstand vom Äquator.Die Annäherung dieser idealisierten Trajektorien an tatsächliche Stromlinien der Luft wird in Abschnitt3 diskutiert. An Hand der Vorstellungen von der Entstehung der Konvergenzzonen wird eine Theorie der Entstehung und Erhaltung subtropischer Antizyklonen gegeben. Im vierten Abschnitt wird diese Theorie auf beobachtete Mitteltemperaturen angewendet und die Ergebnisse der Berechnung werden mit beobachteten mittleren Luftdruckwerten verglichen. Auf eine mögliche synoptische Anwendung der vorliegenden Ergebnisse wird in Abschnitt 5 hingewiesen.

Résumé La première partie contient les motifs de l'emploi de la dynamique de points pesants dans la présente étude. La deuxième partie donne les solutions des équations du mouvement de points pesants sur des surfaces horizontales sous l'effet d'un gradient méridien constant. Ces solutions fournissent les vitesses en coordonnées polaires sphériques avec un terme Coriolis variable, ainsi que les vitesses et les trajectoires en coordonnées cartésiennes planes en admettant un paramètre de Coriolis constant. On compare les résultats pour les deux systèmes de coordonnées et l'on constate que l'emploi des coordonnées planes n'introduit pas d'erreurs appréciables. Si l'on dessine les trajectoires de 5 en 5 degrés on voit apparaître des zones de convergence à quelque distance de l'équateur par suite des gradients méridiens.Dans la troisième partie on discute la similitude plus ou moins grande de ces trajectoires idéalisées avec les lignes de courant réelles. Parant de l'origine possible des zones de convergence, on établit une théorie de l'origine et du maintien des anticyclones subtropicaux. Dans la quatrième partie on applique cette théorie aux températures moyennes observées et l'on compare les résultats avec les valeurs moyennes observées de la pression. Dans la cinquième partie enfin on montre l'application possible des résultats obtenus à la synoptique.

With 1 Figure.

This paper is published with the permission of the Director of the meteorological Office.  相似文献   
The surface reactivity of biogenic, nanoparticulate UO2 with respect to sorption of aqueous Zn(II) and particle annealing is different from that of bulk uraninite because of the presence of surface-associated organic matter on the biogenic UO2. Synthesis of biogenic UO2 was accomplished by reduction of aqueous uranyl ions, by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32, and the resulting nanoparticles were washed using one of two protocols: (1) to remove surface-associated organic matter and soluble uranyl species (NAUO2), or (2) to remove only soluble uranyl species (BIUO2). A suite of bulk and surface characterization techniques was used to examine bulk and biogenic, nanoparticulate UO2 as a function of particle size and surface-associated organic matter. The N2-BET surface areas of the two biogenic UO2 samples following the washing procedures are 128.63 m2 g−1 (NAUO2) and 92.56 m2 g−1 (BIUO2), and the average particle sizes range from 5-10 nm based on TEM imaging. Electrophoretic mobility measurements indicate that the surface charge behavior of biogenic, nanoparticulate UO2 (both NAUO2 and BIUO2) over the pH range 3-9 is the same as that of bulk. The U LIII-edge EXAFS spectra for biogenic UO2 (both NAUO2 and BIUO2) were best fit with half the number of second-shell uranium neighbors compared to bulk uraninite, and no oxygen neighbors were detected beyond the first shell around U(IV) in the biogenic UO2. At pH 7, sorption of Zn(II) onto both bulk uraninite and biogenic, nanoparticulate UO2 is independent of electrolyte concentration, suggesting that Zn(II) sorption complexes are dominantly inner-sphere. The maximum surface area-normalized Zn(II) sorption loadings for the three substrates were 3.00 ± 0.20 μmol m−2 UO2 (bulk uraninite), 2.34 ± 0.12 μmol m−2 UO2 (NAUO2), and 2.57 ± 0.10 μmol m−2 UO2 (BIUO2). Fits of Zn K-edge EXAFS spectra for biogenic, nanoparticulate UO2 indicate that Zn(II) sorption is dependent on the washing protocol. Zn-U pair correlations were observed at 2.8 ± 0.1 Å for NAUO2 and bulk uraninite; however, they were not observed for sample BIUO2. The derived Zn-U distance, coupled with an average Zn-O distance of 2.09 ± 0.02 Å, indicates that Zn(O,OH)6 sorbs as bidentate, edge-sharing complexes to UO8 polyhedra at the surface of NAUO2 nanoparticles and bulk uraninite, which is consistent with a Pauling bond-valence analysis. The absence of Zn-U pair correlations in sample BIUO2 suggests that Zn(II) binds preferentially to the organic matter coating rather than the UO2 surface. Surface-associated organic matter on the biogenic UO2 particles also inhibited particle annealing at 90 °C under anaerobic conditions. These results suggest that surface-associated organic matter decreases the reactivity of biogenic, nanoparticulate UO2 surfaces relative to aqueous Zn(II) and possibly other environmental contaminants.  相似文献   
Suspended sediments (SS) from the Atchafalaya River (AR) and the Mississippi River and surficial sediment samples from seven shallow cross-shelf transects west of the AR in the northern Gulf of Mexico were examined using elemental (%OC, C/N), isotopic (δ13C, Δ14C), and terrigenous biomarker analyses. The organic matter (OM) delivered by the AR is isotopically enriched (∼−24.5‰) and relatively degraded, suggesting that soil-derived OM with a C4 signature is the predominant OM source for these SS. The shelf sediments display OC values that generally decrease seaward within each transect and westward, parallel to the coastline. A strong terrigenous C/N (29) signal is observed in sediments deposited close to the mouth of the river, but values along the remainder of the shelf fall within a narrow range (8-13), with no apparent offshore trends. Depleted stable carbon isotope (δ13C) values typical of C3 plant debris (−27‰) are found near the river mouth and become more enriched (−22 to −21‰) offshore. The spatial distribution of lignin in shelf sediments mirrors that of OC, with high lignin yields found inshore relative to that found offshore (water depth > 10 m).The isotopic and biomarker data indicate that at least two types of terrigenous OM are deposited within the study area. Relatively undegraded, C3 plant debris is deposited close to the mouth of the AR, whereas more degraded, isotopically enriched, soil-derived OM appears to be deposited along the remainder of the shelf. An important input from marine carbon is found at the stations offshore from the 10-m isobath. Quantification of the terrigenous component of sedimentary OM is complicated by the heterogeneous composition of the terrigenous end-member. A three-end-member mixing model is therefore required to more accurately evaluate the sources of OM deposited in the study area. The results of the mixing calculation indicate that terrigenous OM (soil-derived OM and vascular plant debris) accounts for ∼79% of the OM deposited as inshore sediments and 66% of OM deposited as offshore sediments. Importantly, the abundance of terrigenous OM is 40% higher in inshore sediments and nearly 85% higher in offshore sediments than indicated by a two-end-member mixing model. Such a result highlights the need to reevaluate the inputs and cycling of soil-derived OM in the coastal ocean.  相似文献   
Increasing physical oceanographic evidence suggests that a regime shift, which featured increased equatoward surface winds and upwelling in the Eastern Pacific Boundary Current region, occurred following the 1997–1998 El Niño. We expect the signal of this change in biota to be stronger in euphausiids than in pelagic fishes such as Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) because lower trophic levels are more responsive to changes in upwelling and primary production. We used acoustic backscatter data from acoustic surveys in summer 1995, 1998, and 2001 to explore whether significant changes in abundance and distribution of euphausiids and fishes have occurred between 1995 and 2001. Graphical and statistical results show that the density of fish schools and euphausiid patches increased significantly south of Cape Blanco between 1995 and both 1998 and 2001. North of Cape Blanco there was no consistent change in euphausiid abundance, although both fish and euphausiid distributions in 2001 appear to be significantly higher nearshore than in the other years. Pelagic fish abundance distributions appeared more closely linked to El Niño than to regime shifts, with abundance shifted much farther north in 1998, an El Niño year, than in the other years, while 1995 and 2001 fish abundance distributions are similar to each other. The regime shift appears so far to have had a stronger effect on euphausiids than on pelagic fishes. The change in euphausiid abundance and distribution between the survey years was linked, through a conceptual model, to the relative strength of the poleward flowing California undercurrent and equatorward flowing California current and to the distribution and abundance of hake.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a theoretical investigation of the structures and relative stability of the olivine and spinel phases of Mg2SiO4. We use both a purely ionic model, based on the Modified Electron Gas (MEG) model of intermolecular forces, and a bond polarization model, developed for low pressure silica phases, to investigate the role of covalency in these compounds. The standard MEG ionic model gives adequate structural results for the two phases but incorrectly predicts the spinel phase to be more stable at zero pressure. This is mainly because the ionic modeling of Mg2SiO4 only accounts for 95 percent of the lattice energy. The remainder can be attributed to covalency and many-body effects. An extension of the MEG ionic model using “many-body” pair potentials corrects the phase stability error, but predicts structures which are in poorer agreement with experiment than the standard ionic approach. In addition, calculations using these many-body pair potentials can only account for 10 percent of the missing lattice energy. This model predicts an olivine-spinel phase transition of 8 GPa, below the experimental value of 20 GPa. Therefore, in order to understand more fully the stability of these structures we must consider polarization. A two-shell bond polarization model enhances the stability of both structures, with the olivine structure being stabilized more. This model predicts a phase transition at about 80 GPa, well above the observed value. Also, the olivine and spinel structures calculated with this approach are in poorer agreement with experiment than the ionic model. Therefore, based on our investigations, to properly model covalency in Mg2SiO4, a treatment more sophisticated than the two-shell model is needed.  相似文献   
The occurrence of pronounced climate reversals during the last glacial termination has long been recognised in palaeoclimate records from both hemispheres and from high to low latitudes. Accurate constraint of both the timing and magnitude of events, such as the Younger Dryas and Antarctic Cold Reversal, is vital in order to test different hypotheses for the causes and propagation of abrupt climate change. However, in contrast to higher‐latitude regions, well‐dated records from the Tropics are rare and the structure of late‐glacial tropical climate remains uncertain. As a step toward addressing this problem, we present an in situ cosmogenic 3He surface exposure chronology from Nevado Coropuna, southern Peru, documenting a significant fluctuation of the ice margin during the late‐glacial period. Ten tightly clustered ages from a pair of moraines located halfway between the modern glacier and the Last Glacial Maximum terminus range from 11.9 to 13.9 ka and give an arithmetic mean age of 12.8 ± 0.7 ka (1σ). These data constitute direct evidence for a readvance, or prolonged stillstand, of glaciers in the arid Andes of southwestern Peru. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Analyses for major, minor, and trace element contents of metamorphosed, variably rodingitized mafic rocks demonstrate substantial removal of Na and as much as three-fold gains in Ca as a consequence of rodingitization. Modest declines in Si and Fe can be explained in terms of dilution effects. Losses in K and Ba do not correlate with Ca% and may have been caused by an alteration process not related to the rodingitization. The Ca-metasomatism was not accompanied by a gain in Sr. The relative contents of Ti, Zr, Hf, Y, Co, Sc, and heavy REE show no readily detectable changes, despite the rodingitization (±other alteration) and subsequent metamorphisms, namely, eclogite facies (T800° C, P 20kbar) followed by amphibolite facies, sillimanite zone. Protoliths were tholeiitic basalt or diabase, and gabbro, with trace element contents indicative of a spreading center origin. Trace element and REE patterns indicate low-pressure fractionation of this magma, with plagioclase stable. This petrogenesis is consistent with prior conclusions on the shallow crustal origin of the protolith of the eclogite-metarodingite-garnet lherzolite suite in the Cima Lunga-Adula nappe, Central Alps. Based on their bulk chemical composition, the mafic rocks in this suite could be the equivalent of Mesozoic ophiolitic rocks in the more external parts of the Alps.  相似文献   
Surface sediments from 20 stations on the Scotian Shelf, collected on a transect from Halifax to Emerald Bank and around Sable Island, have been analyzed for hydrocarbon content and composition by gas chromatography and fluorescence spectrophotometry. Some samples were taken near abandoned exploratory drilling sites in the Sable Island area. Hydrocarbons appear to be mainly derived from biogenic terrestrial sources as evidenced by an inverse correlation of concentration with increasing distance from the mainland and a strong odd carbon preference in the n-alkanes. Contribution from petroleum sources, while minor, was most noticeable between Halifax and Emerald Bank. There is also evidence that the hydrocarbon composition at abandoned exploratory drilling sites has been slightly altered.  相似文献   
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