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Evidence of individual solar proton events in Antarctic snow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The high-resolution nitrate analyses of a snow sequence in Antarctica reveals clear evidence that the snow contains a chemical record of ionization from charged particles incident upon the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The Antarctic continent acts as a cold trap that effectively freezes out this signal and retains it in the stratigraphy of the ice shelves and the continental ice sheet. The signal that we measure results from the ionization of nitrogen and oxygen, the two primary constituents of the Earth's atmosphere, which subsequently react to form oxides of nitrogen. A large portion of the nitrogen oxides produced are ultimately oxidized to nitric acid and incorporated in snow crystals together with nitrates from tropospheric sources that also contribute to the general background. The nitrate concentration in a firn core was measured in Antarctica by ultraviolet spectrophotometry under tightly controlled experimental procedures. Based on uninterrupted, high-resolution sampling, variations in nitrate concentration were found to average about 53% (one standard deviation) of the mean concentration for the entire core. Short pulses of high nitrate concentration were found to show a variance of up to 11 standard deviations above the mean. At the series mean, the precision of analysis is better than 2%.The firn core was drilled by hand to a depth of 21.7 m corresponding to 62 years and including more than 5 solar cycles. The time series that resulted from a total of 1393 individual analyses shows a statistically significant modulation of the background signal that is clearly tracable to solar activity. Several anomalously large concentration peaks were observed that have been dated and found to correlate with the major solar proton events of August 1972, July 1946, and the white-light flare of July 1928.  相似文献   
We describe an in situ method for simultaneous measurement of U–Pb–Hf isotopes and trace element compositions of zircons using a quadrupole and multiple-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometer (Q-ICP-MS and MC-ICP-MS, respectively) connected to a single excimer laser-ablation system. A laser-generated zircon aerosol was split behind the ablation cell into two transport tubes via a Y-shaped connector and simultaneously introduced into the two mass spectrometers. Hafnium isotopes were measured on the MC-ICP-MS instrument, while U–Pb ages and trace element compositions were determined using the Q-ICP-MS. The precision and accuracy of this method was evaluated using six well-known and widely used zircon standards (91500, Temora-2, GJ-1, Mud Tank, BR266 and Monastery). Analyses were carried out using spot sizes of 32, 44 and 60 μm. For the 44 and 60 μm spot, the resulting U–Pb ages, Hf isotopic and rare earth element (REE) compositions of these six zircons agree with recommended/reported values within 2σ error. The difference in relative standard deviations (RSD) of 206Pb/238U ages between split-flow measurements and those obtained separately on the Q-ICP-MS is within ~ 20% for 91500, Temora-2 and GJ-1, and ~ 60% for Mud Tank (due to its lower U and Pb concentrations). Our method provides a precise approach for determining the U–Pb age and the Hf isotopic and trace element compositions of zircon within a single ablation event. This is in particular important for analysis of zircons that are small or contain complicated zoning patterns. Finally, the REE composition of zircon BR266 is more homogeneous than other zircons and could be a suitable standard by which to benchmark new standards for microprobe analyses of zircons.  相似文献   
Hunter‐gatherer mobility and spheres of interaction are important characteristics worthy of investigation in Patagonian archaeology. One way to approach these is by studying the distribution of lithic archaeological materials. Siltstone (limolite) artifacts are found along the western strip of southwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Based on geomorphological studies and the high density of archaeological material, a source was located along the western margin of Cardiel Lake. Neutron activation analysis of samples from the source and archaeological sites in several neighboring basins allowed us to model its circulation. Siltstone's archaeological distribution indicates that its regional circulation had a southerly direction dating from the early Holocene. This southern vector shows an important difference when compared to the distribution of obsidian from Pampa del Asador, which has a broader circulation pattern. This could be related to a greater availability of high‐quality lithic materials north of the siltstone source. This work also contributes to the construction of a lithic source database for southern Patagonia.  相似文献   
Microbial signatures in peritidal siliciclastic sediments: a catalogue   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A catalogue of microbial structural signatures is presented, based upon the coupling of fundamental biogeochemical–microbial processes and local morphogenetic determinants. It summarizes a collection of sedimentary structures obtained from two modern siliciclastic peritidal environments in different climatic zones (temperate humid: Mellum Island, southern North Sea; subtropical arid: coast of southern Tunisia). Textural geometries reveal a high structural diversity, but their determinants are primarily based upon six major parameters: (1) intrinsic biofactors: structural diversification of sedimentary microbial films and mats inherent in the organisms, i.e. their construction morphology, growth, taxis and behaviour, and local abundance of specific morphotypes. Most prominent are the ensheathed filamentous cyanobacteria Microcoleus chthonoplastes and Lyngbya aestuarii, and the sheathless filamentous cyanobacterium Oscillatoria limosa. (2) Biological response to physical disturbances: sediment supply, erosion and fracturing of surface layers resulting from desiccation cause growth responses of biofilms and microbial mats. (3) Trapping/binding effects: physicobiological processes give rise to grain orientations and wavy to lenticular lamina, lamina‐specific grain arrangements and ‘sucrose’ calcium carbonate accumulations. (4) Secondary physical deformation of biogenic build‐ups: mechanical stresses acting upon sediments overgrown and biostabilized by biofilms and mats produce erosional and overthrust structures. (5) Post‐burial processes: textural fabrics that evolve from mechanical effects of gas formation from decaying mats, and features related to the formation of authigenic minerals (calcium carbonates, calcium sulphates, pyrite). (6) Bioturbation and grazing: post‐depositional structures, such as Skolithos‐type dwellings, traces of burrowing insects, gastropod grazing traces and faecal pellets. In synopsis, the catalogue firstly comprises a sound set of ubiquitous signatures. This uniformity in architectural characteristics is attributed to the presence and local dominance of certain microbes throughout the different settings. The catalogue secondly documents signatures that are extremely sensitive to tidal position, hydrodynamic regime and overall climatic conditions. These kinds of signature indicate narrow facies zones, which often coincide with the activity or dominance zones of certain organisms. An overview of structures of microbial origin from the fossil record underlines the potential of many of the signatures included in this catalogue to become fossilized and provide strong indicators of former siliciclastic tidal settings.  相似文献   
Plastic debris (PD) ingestion was examined in 106 Franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) incidentally captured in artisanal fisheries of the northern coast of Argentina. Twenty-eight percent of the dolphins presented PD in their stomach, but no ulcerations or obstructions were recorded in the digestive tracts. PD ingestion was more frequent in estuarine (34.6%) than in marine (19.2%) environments, but the type of debris was similar. Packaging debris (cellophane, bags, and bands) was found in 64.3% of the dolphins, with a lesser proportion (35.7%) ingesting fishery gear fragments (monofilament lines, ropes, and nets) or of unknown sources (25.0%). PD ingestion correlated with ontogenetic changes in feeding regimes, reaching maximum values in recently weaned dolphins. Because a simultaneous increase in gillnet entanglement and the bioaccumulation of heavy metals take place at this stage, the first months after trophic independence should be considered as a key phase for the conservation of Franciscana dolphin stocks in northern Argentina.  相似文献   
It has been shown previously that the number of very-large-fluence solar proton events inferred for the period since 1561 were more frequent at times of low solar activity (e.g., following the recovery from the Maunder minimum), than in the present epoch of high solar activity. An inverse dependence is demonstrated between the probability of observation of the very large-fluence solar proton events and the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field derived from empirical predictions. Using the observed dependence, it is predicted and demonstrated that large-fluence solar proton events have been observed at Earth more frequently near the recurrent minima of the solar activity cycle in the past than during the present epoch. We show that these results are explicable in terms of the linear dependence of the Alfvén velocity upon the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field, leading to higher shock compression ratios in the past. These results indicate that this aspect of “solar weather” will be significantly influenced by the prevailing strength of the interplanetary magnetic field, and that recurrence of solar conditions similar to those of the solar activity minimum of solar cycles 12–14 (1878.9–1913.6) would be accompanied by a factor of ∼4 increase in the occurrence of large-fluence solar proton events.  相似文献   
Few comparative international studies describe the climate change policies people are willing to support and the reasons for their support of different policies. Using survey data from 664 economics and business undergraduates in Austria, Bangladesh, Finland, Germany, Norway, and the United States, we explore how perceived risk characteristics and mental models of climate change influence support for policy alternatives. General green policies such as funding research on renewable technologies and planting trees were the overwhelmingly most popular policy alternatives. Around half the students support carbon reduction policies such as requiring higher car fuel efficiency and increasing taxes on fossil fuels. Least popular were engineering alternatives such as fertilizing the oceans and replacing fossil fuels with nuclear power. Variations among nations are generally small. Support for different policy alternatives corresponds with different causal thinking. Those who hold a pollution model of the causes of climate change, tend to blame environmental harms (e.g., air pollution from toxic chemicals), see general green policy alternatives as effective, and support general green policies. Support of carbon reduction strategies is associated with seeing carbon emissions as the cause and reducing carbon emissions as effective solutions. Support of engineering solutions increases with identifying volcanoes among causes and regarding engineering solutions as effective. Although these international students agree that climate change is a threatening problem, their causal thinking correlates with support for different mitigative policy actions, with the most popular ones not necessarily the most effective.  相似文献   
Acidic ion-exchanger was applied to the selective extraction of heavy metals in carbonate phases of recent lake sediments. Cr was not detected and Fe and Cu contents were reduced by factors of three to ten, relative to non-carbonate fractions of the sediment samples. Values obtained for Mn and Zn exemplify the effects of dilution was well as enrichment, both originating from increased carbonate percentages. Determinations on grain-sized fractions from Bodensee samples suggest that elevated inputs of dissolved Zn, which partly originate from human activities, may be immobilized by authigenic carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   
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