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The Origins of Yakutian Eclogite Xenoliths   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Owing to the association with diamonds, eclogite xenoliths havereceived disproportionate attention given their low abundancein kimberlites. Several hypotheses have been advanced for theorigin of eclogite xenoliths, from the subduction and high-pressuremelting of oceanic crust, to cumulates and liquids derived fromthe upper mantle. We have amassed a comprehensive data set,including major- and trace-element mineral chemistry, carbonisotopes in diamonds, and Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, Re–Os,and oxygen isotopes in ultrapure mineral and whole-rock splitsfrom eclogites of the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, Russia.Furthermore, eclogites from two other Yakutian kimberlite pipes,Mir and Obnazhennaya, have been studied in detail and offercontrasting images of eclogite protoliths. Relative to eclogitesfrom southern Africa and other Yakutian localities, Udachnayaeclogites are notable in the absence of chemical zoning in mineralgrains, as well as the degree of light rare earth element (LREE)depletion and unradiogenic Sr; lack of significant oxygen, sulfur,and carbon isotopic variation relative to the mantle; and intermineralradiogenic isotopic equilibration. Several of these eclogitescould be derived from ancient, recycled, oceanic crust, butmany others exhibit no evidence for an oceanic crustal protolith.The apparent lack of stable-isotope variation in the Udachnayaeclogites could be due to the antiquity of the samples and consequentlack of deep oceanic and biogenically diverse environments atthat time. Those eclogites that are interpreted to be non-recycledhave compositions characteristic of Group A eclogites from otherlocalities that also have been interpreted as being directlyfrom the mantle. At least two separate and diverse isotopicreservoirs are suggested by Nd isotopic whole-rock reconstructions.Most samples were derived from typical depleted mantle. However,two groups of three samples each indicate both enriched mantleand possible ultra-depleted mantle present beneath Yakutia duringthe late Archean and early Proterozoic. The vast majority ofeclogites studied from the Obnazhennaya pipe also exhibit characteristicsof Group A eclogites and are probably derived directly fromthe mantle. However, the eclogites from the Mir kimberlite aremore typical of other eclogites world-wide and show convincingevidence of a recycled, oceanic crustal affinity. We concurwith the late Ted Ringwood that eclogites can be formed in avariety of ways, both within the mantle and from oceanic crustalresidues. KEY WORDS: diamonds; eclogite xenoliths; isotopic composition; REE; Yakutia  相似文献   
Abstract— Electron and ion microprobe measurements of major, minor, and trace element concentrations were made in individual grains of pyroxene, plagioclase, and Ca phosphates in Pomozdino and Peramiho, two eucrites previously classified as anomalous. Although Pomozdino pyroxene is highly magnesian, minor and trace element concentrations in both pyroxene and plagioclase of this meteorite are similar to those in other noncumulate eucrites. High incompatible element concentrations (similar to those in Stannern) coupled with mg# typical of cumulate eucrites confirm the anomalous character of this meteorite but do not allow us to distinguish unequivocally between different possible modes of origin. Peramiho has mg# and trace element concentrations similar to main group eucrites, indicating that this meteorite most probably belongs to this group. A previously reported low incompatible element concentration for Peramiho may be due to a sampling problem.  相似文献   
Abstract— The Ca isotopic compositions of 32 oldhamite (CaS) grains from the Qingzhen (EH3), MAC88136 (EL3), and Indarch (EH4) enstatite chondrites were determined by ion microprobe mass spectrometry. Also measured were the S isotopic compositions of eight oldhamite, two niningerite (MgS), and seven troilite (FeS) grains. The S isotopic compositions of all minerals are normal, but oldhamite grains of the first two meteorites exhibit apparent small 48Ca excesses and deficits that are correlated with isotopic mass fractionation as determined from the 40Ca-44Ca pair. The interpretation of these results is complicated by the fact that none of the established mass fractionation laws can account for the data in the Norton County oldhamite standard. The method of analysis is carefully scrutinized for experimental artifacts. Neither interferences nor any known mass fractionation effect can satisfactorily explain the observed small deviations from normal isotopic composition. If these are truly isotopic anomalies, they are much smaller than those observed in hibonite. The nucleosynthetic origin of Ca isotopes is discussed.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions represent a unique opportunity for a straightforward determination of the chemical and isotopic composition of fluids that composed the hydrosphere and atmosphere over Earth’s history. The production of reference materials in the laboratory is needed to monitor and to validate the determination of hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of water inclusions. We propose a protocol leading to the experimental synthesis of halite crystals that contain water inclusions whose δD and δ18O values can be related to those of surrounding evaporating waters where the crystals grew. Corrections to isotopic measurements were performed by applying an orthogonal projection of the raw data to the water evaporation trajectory line whose slope can be predicted by taking into account the parameters developed in the linear resistance model of Craig and Gordon (1965). Several hundreds of grams of halite reference material can be produced rapidly (within 2 d) at a low cost and can be stored within a vacuum desiccator at ambient temperature over several months or years. The described method is especially useful for the analysis of anhydrous salts and the interpretation of isotopic fractionations that operate within the surficial water cycle.  相似文献   
The recent discovery of two new angrites, Sahara 99555 and D'Orbigny, has revived interest in this small group of achondrites. We measured trace element abundances in the individual minerals of these two angrites and compared them with the three Antarctic angrites, LEW 86010, LEW 87051 and Asuka 881371. Trace element variations in four of these meteorites (LEW 87051, Asuka 881371, Sahara 99555 and D'Orbigny) indicate rapid crystallization under near closed system conditions, consistent with their mineralogical and textural features. All four appear to be closely related and crystallized from very similar magmas. Discrepancies between their bulk REE compositions and melts calculated to be in equilibrium with the major phases may be due in part to kinetic effects of rapid crystallization. Prior crystallization of olivine and/or plagioclase may also account for the elevated parent melt composition of clinopyroxene in some of the angrites such as Asuka 881371.LEW 86010 also crystallized from a melt and represents a liquid composition, but trace element trends in clinopyroxene and olivine differ from those of the other angrites. This meteorite seems to have crystallized from a different source magma.  相似文献   
Abstract— This paper explores the possible origin of the light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments observed in some ureilites, a question that has both petrogenetic and chronologic implications for this group of achondritic meteorites. Rare earth element and other selected elemental abundances were measured in situ in 14 thin sections representing 11 different ureilites. The spatial microdistributions of REEs in C‐rich matrix areas of the three ureilites with the most striking V‐shaped whole‐rock REE patterns (Kenna, Goalpara, and Novo Urei) were investigated using the ion imaging capability of the ion microprobe. All olivines and clinopyroxenes measured have LREE‐depleted patterns with little variation in REE abundances, despite large differences in their major element compositions from ureilite to ureilite. Furthermore, we searched for but did not find any minor mineral phases that carry LREEs. The only exception is one Ti‐rich area (~20μm) in Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85400 with a major element composition similar to that of titanite; REE abundances in this area are high, ranging from La ? 400 × CI to Lu ? 40 × CI. In contrast, all ion microprobe analyses of C‐rich matrix in Kenna, Goalpara, and Novo Urei revealed large LREE enrichments. In addition, C‐rich matrix areas in the three polymict ureilites, Elephant Moraine (EET) 83309, EET 87720, and North Haig, which have less pronounced V‐shaped whole‐rock REE patterns, show smaller but distinct LREE‐enrichments. The C‐rich matrix in Antarctic ureilites tends to have much lower LREE concentrations than the matrix in non‐Antarctic ureilites. There is no obvious association of the LREEs with other major or minor elements in the C‐rich areas. Ion images further show that the LREE enrichments are homogeneously distributed on a microscale in most C‐rich matrix areas of Kenna, Goalpara, and Novo Urei. These observations suggest that the LREEs in ureilites most probably are absorbed on the surface of fine‐grained amorphous graphite in the C‐rich matrix. It is unlikely that the LREE enrichments are due to shock melts or are the products of metasomatism on the ureilite parent body. We favor LREE introduction by terrestrial contamination.  相似文献   
The microdistribution of U has been studied, using fission track techniques, in eleven mesosiderites, seven pallasites and four iron meteorites with silicate inclusions. When concentrated, U is usually found in phosphates: merrillite and/or chlorapatite. As in stony meteorites, the U concentrations in a given phosphate phase are highly variable from meteorite to meteorite and sometimes also exhibit variations in the same meteorite. Uranium is found to be concentrated in merrillite (0.25 to 1.43 ppm) in all the mesosiderites except Bondoc where none was observed. No U-rich phase was identified in six of the seven pallasites. In the seventh, Marjalahti, there are merrillite grains with concentrations ranging from 0.06 to 0.14 ppm. Where observed, the phosphates from silicate inclusions in the irons appear to have U concentrations similar to the mesosiderites.  相似文献   
Eclogite xenoliths from the mantle have experienced a wide variety of processes and P-T conditions, many of which are recorded in the mineral compositions and textures. Exsolution of garnet from clinopyroxene is one such texture, occurring in a minority of mantle eclogites. New analyses of clinopyroxene and garnet of eclogite xenoliths from kimberlites at Bellsbank (South Africa) and Obnazhënnaya (Yakutia, Russia) are presented here, and these are combined with data from the literature. Exsolution of garnet from clinopyroxene is generally lamellar, although lens-shaped garnets are also present. Major- and trace-element characteristics show a wide range of compositions and include eclogite Groups A, B, and C. Rare-earth element (REE) concentrations of garnet and pyroxene were determined by SIMS, and the REE patterns are subtly different from those in ordinary eclogites. Differences include the absence of prominent Eu anomalies in samples of this study and differences in the slopes of chondrite-normalized REE patterns. It is possible that these signatures are unique to exsolved eclogites, a result of subsolidus elemental partitioning during exsolution. Some reconstructed whole-rock compositions are aluminuous; comparison with ordinary eclogites shows only minor differences, implying a similar origin. If the immediate precursor to the exsolved eclogites was a monomineralic pyroxenite, the excess aluminium was tied up in Tschermak's molecule, although the occasional presence of kyanite exsolution lamellae is indicative of a Ca-Eskola component. Reconstructed pyroxenes from kyanite- and corundum-rich samples contain unrealistic amounts of aluminium for mantle pyroxenes. A protolith (or parental pyroxene) threshold of 24% Al2O3 may exist, above which (as in a plagioclase cumulate) the final assemblage is kyanite- and/or corundum-bearing.  相似文献   
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