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In this paper, the methodology of bifurcation analysis is applied to the explicit time-stepping ocean model MOM4 using a Jacobian–Free Newton–Krylov (JFNK) approach. We in detail present the implementation of the JFNK method in MOM4 but restrict the preconditioning technique to the case for which the density distribution is prescribed. For a prescribed density field case, we present bifurcation diagrams, for the first time in MOM4, for the wind-driven ocean circulation. In addition, we show that the JFNK method can reduce the spin-up time to a steady equilibrium in MOM4 considerably if an accurate solution is required.  相似文献   
Rangia cuneata is an upper estuarine clam common in the coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico. Limited data exist regarding oxygen isotope fractionation and microstructural increment periodicity in this species. As these clams were recently identified as an invasive species in other regions, such data may be useful for environmental management purposes. Additionally, the shell of this clam is common in archeological middens, and thus may serve as a paleoenvironmental proxy. In order to assess these aspects of the species’ natural history, samples were collected from the upper Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA. A stable oxygen isotope profile was generated from one of these valves, and compared to growth increments seen in thin section. Time-series water temperature data from near the collection site were used to construct idealized models of oxygen isotope variation, assuming equilibrium fractionation, constant shell growth, and stable water δ18O values. Comparison of the modeled and measured data suggest the shell was precipitated in, or near oxygen isotope equilibrium with ambient water, and that the microstructural increments in the shell were precipitated in response to tidal cycles.  相似文献   
This article presents an improved algorithm for optimization and development of a digital bathymetric model (DBM) for Lake Azuei (LA) (Haiti) and Lake Enriquillo (LE) (Dominican Republic) using the ANUDEM method. Both sonar data and contour lines of the lakes’ layout extracted using Landsat imagery were compiled for bathymetry development. We show that the performance of the ANUDEM method was strongly dependent on the density and irregularity of the spatial distribution of the data. Changing the resolution of the output grids and deriving auxiliary topographically corrected contours improved the ANUDEM performance and minimized the systematic errors of the method. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between measured and interpolated depths, characterized by a root mean square error of less than 0.71 m (LE) and 0.96 m (LA), and a median difference of ?0.009 m (LE) and 0.012 m (LA) on average. The shape reliability analysis revealed a relationship between accuracy and the depth and slope values, increasing in the center of the lakes where they are deep and the slope is gentle.  相似文献   
We conducted a paleomagnetic study of the matrix of Allende CV3 chondritic meteorite, isolating the matrix's primary remanent magnetization, measuring its magnetic fabric and estimating the ancient magnetic field intensity. A strong planar magnetic fabric was identified; the remanent magnetization of the matrix was aligned within this plane, suggesting a mechanism relating the magnetic fabric and remanence. The intensity of the matrix's remanent magnetization was found to be consistent and low (~6 μT). The primary magnetic mineral was found to be pyrrhotite. Given the thermal history of Allende, we conclude that the remanent magnetization was formed during or after an impact event. Recent mesoscale impact modeling, where chondrules and matrix are resolved, has shown that low‐velocity collisions can generate significant matrix temperatures, as pore‐space compaction attenuates shock energy and dramatically increases the amount of heating. Nonporous chondrules are unaffected, and act as heat‐sinks, so matrix temperature excursions are brief. We extend this work to model Allende, and show that a 1 km/s planar impact generates bulk porosity, matrix porosity, and fabric in our target that match the observed values. Bimodal mixtures of a highly porous matrix and nominally zero‐porosity chondrules make chondrites uniquely capable of recording transient or unstable fields. Targets that have uniform porosity, e.g., terrestrial impact craters, will not record transient or unstable fields. Rather than a core dynamo, it is therefore possible that the origin of the magnetic field in Allende was the impact itself, or a nebula field recorded during transient impact heating.  相似文献   
实况海温强迫的CCM3模式对中国区域气候的模拟能力   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
使用NCAR/CCM3全球环流模式进行了5个集合19年(1979~1997)时间长度的观测海温强迫的AMIP2试验,对结果的中国区域部分进行了重点分析.首先给出了模式对中国地区基本气候态的模拟,表明模式对这些区域的气温有较好的模拟效果,对降水的模拟效果则比较差.随后,考察了模式对历年中国汛期降水和气温的模拟预测,结果表明,模式对中国整体降水的模拟预测能力较差,但分地区看,则在长江流域地区的效果较好;模式对中国汛期气温有较好的模拟能力,尤其是在东部的长江以北地区等.  相似文献   
Fluvial effects on nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics were evaluated in southern Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. Fluvial inputs occurred as small, steady baseflows interrupted by intense pulses of storm runoff. Baseflow river inputs only affected restricted areas around stream mouths, but the five storm events sampled during this study produced transient runoff plumes of much greater spatial extent. Nutrient loading via runoff generally led to an increase of the phytoplankton biomass and gross primary productivity in southern Kaneohe Bay, but the rapid depletion of nutrients resulted in a decline of the algal populations in the relatively short time of days. Under baseline conditions, water column primary productivity in southern Kaneohe Bay is normally nitrogen limited. Following storm events, the high ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIN:DIP, 25–29) fluxes of runoff nutrients drove bay waters towards phosphorus limitation. A depletion of phosphate relative to DIN in surface waters was observed following all storm events. Due to high flushing rates, recovery times of bay waters from storm perturbations ranged from 3 to 8 d and appeared to be correlated with tidal range. Storm inputs have a significant effect on the water column ecosystem and biogeochemistry in southern Kaneohe Bay. The perturbations were only transient events and the system rapidly recovered to prestorm conditions.  相似文献   
This study proposed that due to their high standing water tables that peatlands would be cold humid islands within their landscape, and especially so relative to farmland on mineral soils. To test this hypothesis, we measured air temperature and humidity at 17 locations along a 7.8 km transect across the UK's largest lowland raised bog from February 2018 to January 2019. Air temperature and humidity were measured hourly for 1 year and supported with spot albedo measurements. The study represented a factorial experiment with respect to sites of measurement, the type of land use (peat vs. arable land) and time of sampling over both the seasonal and diurnal cycles. We show that: (a) That although mean annual temperature was not significantly different between arable and peatlands, the arable land showed a decreased amplitude to its seasonal cycle – this is the reverse of the expected pattern. (b) The albedo of the peatland was significantly lower than that of arable land showing that vegetated peatland still absorbed more solar radiation. (c) The specific humidity was lower on the peatland than on the surrounding arable land. The study showed that while shrubby vegetation exists over a peatland then energy budgets are more likely to be dominated by the lower aerodynamic resistance and lower albedo of the vegetated peatland relative to arable land. Thus, shrub-dominated peatlands will not be a cold humid island in their landscape.  相似文献   
Local ozone production and loss rates for the arctic free troposphere (58–85° N, 1–6 km, February–May) during the TroposphericOzone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) campaign were calculated using a constrained photochemical box model. Estimates were made to assess the importance of local photochemical ozone production relative to transport in accounting for the springtime maximum in arctic free tropospheric ozone. Ozone production and loss rates from our diel steady-state box model constrained by median observations were first compared to two point box models, one run to instantaneous steady-state and the other run to diel steady-state. A consistent picture of local ozone photochemistry was derived by all three box models suggesting that differences between the approaches were not critical. Our model-derived ozone production rates increased by a factor of 28 in the 1–3 km layer and a factor of 7 in the 3–6 kmlayer between February and May. The arctic ozone budget required net import of ozone into the arctic free troposphere throughout the campaign; however, the transport term exceeded the photochemical production only in the lower free troposphere (1–3 km) between February and March. Gross ozone production rates were calculated to increase linearly with NOx mixing ratiosup to 300 pptv in February and for NOx mixing ratios up to 500 pptv in May. These NOx limits are an order of magnitude higher thanmedian NOx levels observed, illustrating the strong dependence ofgross ozone production rates on NOx mixing ratios for the majority of theobservations. The threshold NOx mixing ratio needed for netpositive ozone production was also calculated to increase from NOx 10pptv in February to 25 pptv in May, suggesting that the NOx levels needed to sustain net ozone production are lower in winter than spring. This lower NOx threshold explains how wintertime photochemical ozone production can impact the build-up of ozone over winter and early spring. There is also an altitude dependence as the threshold NOx neededto produce net ozone shifts to higher values at lower altitudes. This partly explains the calculation of net ozone destruction for the 1–3 km layerand net ozone production for the 3–6 km layer throughout the campaign.  相似文献   
The thermal histories of Himalayan leucogranites provide critical information for unravelling the post-collisional geodynamics of the Himalayas. The Ramba Dome is located at the intersection of the Tethyan Himalayan leucogranite belt with the Yadong–Gulu Rift and hosts several generations of granitic intrusions. Of these intrusions, the 8-Ma two-mica granites and garnet leucogranite dykes are the youngest of Himalayan leucogranites. In this study, we focus on the carbonaceous staurolite schist located ~1.3 km from the intrusion to constrain the thermal history of the aureole that marked the cessation of leucogranite magmatism. The schist contains euhedral garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts in a foliated matrix of muscovite + biotite + chlorite + plagioclase + quartz + graphite. The staurolite shows minor compositional variations from the inclusion-free core to the inclusion-rich rim. By contrast, the garnet features a distinctive bell-shaped Mn profile and increasing Mg# from the garnet core to rims. In a graphite-bearing equilibrium phase diagram for a modified bulk composition with garnet cores removed, the garnet rim composition suggests a peak temperature of ~550°C, consistent with an independent thermometer based on the Raman spectra of carbonaceous materials (RSCM; 548 ± 9°C). The P–T condition lies within the narrow low-variance field bracketed by the staurolite-in and chlorite-out boundaries, indicating minimal overstepping of staurolite nucleation and growth. On the other hand, the garnet core composition indicates 520°C at 2.5 kbar, about 40°C higher than the predicted garnet-in boundary (~480°C). This apparent temperature overstep corresponds to a small chemical affinity (<5 kJ/mol 12 O) for garnet nucleation, comparable to previous estimates. The sharp boundaries of the high-Ca sector zoning in the core indicate limited diffusion modification (~1.5 Ma if at the peak temperature). The short thermal pulse involves advective heat transfer by leucogranite emplacement, followed by rapid cooling toward the end of Himalayan magmatism and rapid exhumation likely facilitated by the Yadong–Gulu Rift.  相似文献   
Slapton Ley, a coastal lake, is the largest natural body of fresh water in south-west England. There was concern in the 1960s that the lake was becoming increasingly eutrophic. To quantify inputs of water, sediment and nutrients into the lake, Slapton Ley Field Centre initiated a programme of weekly water quality sampling in September 1970. Of all the chemical properties which have been measured over the decades, the nitrate record has been the subject of more research than any other. The weekly monitoring has been supplemented by research projects aimed at understanding aspects of processes and patterns of nitrate delivery to the stream network. Three aspects of the nitrate record are reviewed: short-term process dynamics; the annual cycle of influent streams and the lake itself; and long-term trends. In the first two decades of monitoring, there was increasing concern about a trend of rising nitrate concentrations, an issue in most lowland rivers in the United Kingdom at the time. In the 1990s, nitrate concentrations levelled off and then have fallen steadily in recent years. In relation to eutrophication, there are clear signs of improvement in the influent streams, but concerns remain about water quality in the lake itself.  相似文献   
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