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Changes in magmatic assemblages and crystal stability as a response of CO2-flushing in basaltic systems have rarely been directly addressed experimentally, making the role of CO2 in magma dynamics still controversial and object of scientific debate. We conducted a series of experiments to understand the response of magmas from Etna volcano to CO2 flushing. We performed a first experiment at 300 MPa to synthesize a starting material composed of crystals of some hundreds of µm and melt pools. This material is representative of an initial magmatic assemblage composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and a water-undersaturated melt with 1.6 wt% H2O. In a second step, the initial assemblage was equilibrated at 300 and 100 MPa with fluids having different XCO 2 fl (CO2/(H2O + CO2)). At low XCO 2 fl (< 0.2 to 0.4), plagioclase is completely dissolved and clinopyroxene show dissolution textures. For relatively high XCO 2 fl (0.9 at 300 MPa), the flushing of a CO2-rich fluid phase leads to an increase of the amount of clinopyroxene and a decrease of the abundance of plagioclase at 300 MPa. This decrease of plagioclase proportion is associated with a change in An content. Our experiments demonstrate that flushing basaltic systems with fluids may drastically affect crystal textures and phase equilibria depending on proportions of H2O and CO2 in the fluid phase. Since texture and crystal proportions are among the most important parameters governing the rheology of magmas, fluid flushing will also influence magma ascent to the Earth’s surface. The experimental results open new perspectives to decipher the textural and compositional record of minerals observed in volcanic rocks from Mt. Etna, and at the same time offer the basis for interpreting the information preserved in minerals from other basaltic volcanoes erupting magmas enriched in CO2.  相似文献   
New maps of martian water vapor and hydrogen peroxide have been obtained in November-December 2005, using the Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES) at the NASA Infra Red Telescope facility (IRTF) at Mauna Kea Observatory. The solar longitude Ls was 332° (end of southern summer). Data have been obtained at 1235-1243 cm−1, with a spectral resolution of 0.016 cm−1 (R=8×104). The mean water vapor mixing ratio in the region [0°-55° S; 345°-45° W], at the evening limb, is 150±50 ppm (corresponding to a column density of 8.3±2.8 pr-μm). The mean water vapor abundance derived from our measurements is in global overall agreement with the TES and Mars Express results, as well as the GCM models, however its spatial distribution looks different from the GCM predictions, with evidence for an enhancement at low latitudes toward the evening side. The inferred mean H2O2 abundance is 15±10 ppb, which is significantly lower than the June 2003 result [Encrenaz, T., Bézard, B., Greathouse, T.K., Richter, M.J., Lacy, J.H., Atreya, S.K., Wong, A.S., Lebonnois, S., Lefèvre, F., Forget, F., 2004. Icarus 170, 424-429] and lower than expected from the photochemical models, taking in account the change in season. Its spatial distribution shows some similarities with the map predicted by the GCM but the discrepancy in the H2O2 abundance remains to be understood and modeled.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been suggested as a possible oxidizer of the martian surface. Photochemical models predict a mean column density in the range of 1015-1016 cm−2. However, a stringent upper limit of the H2O2 abundance on Mars (9×1014 cm−2) was derived in February 2001 from ground-based infrared spectroscopy, at a time corresponding to a maximum water vapor abundance in the northern summer (30 pr. μm, Ls=112°). Here we report the detection of H2O2 on Mars in June 2003, and its mapping over the martian disk using the same technique, during the southern spring (Ls=206°) when the global water vapor abundance was ∼10 pr. μm. The spatial distribution of H2O2 shows a maximum in the morning around the sub-solar latitude. The mean H2O2 column density (6×1015 cm−2) is significantly greater than our previous upper limit, pointing to seasonal variations. Our new result is globally consistent with the predictions of photochemical models, and also with submillimeter ground-based measurements obtained in September 2003 (Ls=254°), averaged over the martian disk (Clancy et al., 2004, Icarus 168, 116-121).  相似文献   
Natural VLF emissions received by a single antenna can be characterised at each point in the emissions' frequency-time domain by a power and a phase. Emissions received at a single point by two antennae with a fixed relative orientation in space can be similarly described by the cross-spectral power and relative phase. It is shown that the cross-spectral phase contains information on the propagation characteristics of the waves which is better utilised in wave analysis than the power. In fact, the phase information allows weak signals to be identified more readily than is possible from a power spectrogram. It also allows the recognition of waves propagating with different wave normal directions. Data from the Geos-1 electric and magnetic antennae, pre-processed by the on-board correlator, are used to study the cross-spectral characteristics of VLF hiss and chorus in the Earth's magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Mafic enclaves in the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano show chemical and textural variability, such as bulk SiO2 contents ranging from 52 to 62 wt% and fine- to coarse-grained microlite textures. In this paper, we investigated the mineral chemistry of plagioclase and hornblende microlites and distinguished three enclave types. Type-I mafic enclaves contain high-Mg plagioclase and low-Cl hornblende as microlites, whereas type-III enclaves include low-Mg plagioclase and high-Cl hornblende. Type-II enclaves have an intermediate mineral chemistry. Type-I mafic enclaves tend to show a finer-grained matrix, have slightly higher bulk rock SiO2 contents (56–60 wt%) when compared with the type-III mafic enclaves (SiO2?=?53–59 wt%), but the overall bulk enclave compositions are within the trend of the basalt–dacite eruptive products of Quaternary monogenetic volcanoes around Unzen volcano. The origin of the variation of mineral chemistry in mafic enclaves is interpreted to reflect different degree of diffusion-controlled re-equilibration of minerals in a low-temperature mushy dacitic magma reservoir. Mafic enclaves with a long residence time in the dacitic magma reservoir, whose constituent minerals were annealed at low-temperature to be in equililbrium with the rhyolitic melt, represent type-III enclaves. In contrast, type-I mafic enclaves result from recent mafic injections with a mineral assemblage that still retains the high-temperature mineral chemistry. Taking temperature, Ca/(Ca?+?Na) ratio of plagioclase, and water activity of the hydrous Unzen magma into account, the Mg contents of plagioclase indicate that plagioclase microlites in type-III enclaves initially crystallized at high temperature and were subsequently re-equilibrated at low-temperature conditions. Compositional profiles of Mg in plagioclase suggest that older mafic enclaves (Type-III) had a residence time of ~100 years at 800 °C in a stagnant magma reservoir before their incorporation into the mixed dacite of the 1991–1995 Unzen eruption. Presence of different types of mafic enclaves suggests that the 1991–1995 dacite of Unzen volcano tapped mushy magma reservoir intermittently replenished by high-temperature mafic magmas.  相似文献   
Although there are many numerical applications used in aquifer management, few methodologies seem to be sufficiently adapted to provide solutions for regional-scale problems. Their applications for multilayered aquifers are also too limited. A new groundwater management tool adapted to such large physical systems has been developed, using the unit response function (URF) approach. This tool is based on the link between a numerical groundwater flow model and a mathematical optimisation tool. Pre- and post processing are based on a geographical information system (GIS). The developed tool has been applied to a real management case—the regional Aquitaine multilayered aquifer (France). A representative hydrodynamic model was built using MODFLOW 2000 code. First tests show that the linearity condition needed for the application of URF methodology is respected despite the high complexity of the system. Two management scenarios were tested. Optimal solutions thus obtained allow for viable exploitation alternatives to be proposed, which integrate complex environmental constraints.
Résumé Malgré un nombre important d’applications existant dans le domaine de la gestion des aquifères, peu de méthodologies semblent adaptées pour proposer des solutions à des problèmes réels de dimension régionale. Leurs application pour des systèmes multicouches sont souvent trop limitées. Un outil de gestion adapté à ces systèmes de large taille a été développé, basé sur la théorie des Fonctions de Réponses Unitaires (FRU). Cet outil est basé sur le couplage d’un modèle numérique d’écoulement et d’un code d’optimisation mathématique. Les entrées et sorties du modèle sont réalisées à l’aide d’un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). L’outil développé est appliqué à un cas de gestion réel—le système aquifère régional multicouche aquitain (France). Un modèle hydrodynamique représentatif a été construit, basé sur le code MODFLOW 2000. Les premiers tests montrent que les conditions de linéarité nécessaires à l’application de la méthode FRU sont respectées, malgré l’importante complexité du système. Deux scénarii de gestion sont testés. Les solutions optimales ainsi obtenues permettent de proposer des solutions d’exploitation alternatives viables, intégrant des contraintes environnementales complexes.

Resumen Aunque hay muchas aplicaciones numéricas usadas en la gestión de acuíferos, unas pocas metodologías parecen estar adaptadas suficientemente para dar las soluciones a los problemas de escala regional. También son limitadas sus aplicaciones para los acuíferos multicapa. Se ha desarrollado una nueva herramienta para el manejo del agua subterránea, adaptada a tales sistemas físicos grandes, usando el avance de la Función de Respuesta Unitaria (URF). Esta herramienta se basa en la combinación entre un modelo numérico de flujo de agua subterránea y una herramienta de optimización matemática. El pre-proceso y el post-proceso se basan en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (GIS). La herramienta desarrollada se ha aplicado a un caso real de manejo en el acuífero regional multicapa de Aquitania (Francia). Se construyó un modelo hidrodinámico representativo, que usó el código MODFLOW 2000. Las primeras pruebas muestran que la condición de linearidad, necesaria para la aplicación de la metodología URF, se respeta a pesar de la complejidad alta del sistema. Se probaron dos escenarios de manejo. Las soluciones óptimas así obtenidas permiten la proyección de alternativas viables de explotación, las cuales integran restricciones medioambientales complejas.
A first study from the subtropical western Atlantic, using 231Pa/230Th ratios as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. However, these results warrant confirmation from additional locations and water depths because the interpretation of the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratio in terms of circulation vigor can be biased by variations in particle flux and composition. We have measured 231Pa/230Th in a core from the Iberian margin, in the Northeastern Atlantic basin, and have compared these new results to the data from the western Atlantic basin. We find that the reduction in the circulation during H1 and YD and the subsequent increases first recognized in the sediment deposited on Bermuda Rise are also evident in the eastern basin, in a totally different sedimentary regime, confirming that sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios record basin-wide changes in deep water circulation. However, some differences between the eastern and western records are also recognized, providing preliminary evidence to differentiate between renewal rates in the two North Atlantic basins and between shallower and deeper overturning. Our results suggest the possible existence of two sources of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Deep Water (GNAIW), one in the south Labrador Sea and another west of Rockall Plateau. Both sources contributed to the meridional overturning but the two had different sensitivity to meltwater from the Laurentide and the Fennoscandian ice sheets during the deglaciation. These results indicate that additional information on the geometry and strength of the ventilation of the deep Atlantic can be obtained by contrasting the evolution of sediment 231Pa/230Th in different sections of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
The behavior of tantalum and zirconium in pegmatitic systems has been investigated through the determination of Ta and Zr solubilities at manganotantalite and zircon saturation from dissolution and crystallization experiments in hydrous, Li-, F-, P- and B-bearing pegmatitic melts. The pegmatitic melts are synthetic and enriched in flux elements: 0.7–1.3 wt% Li2O, 2–5.5 wt% F, 2.8–4 wt% P2O5 and 0–2.8 wt% B2O3, and their aluminum saturation index ranges from peralkaline to peraluminous (ASILi = Al/[Na + K + Li] = 0.8 to 1.3) with various K/Na ratios. Dissolution and crystallization experiments were conducted at temperatures varying between 700 and 1,150°C, at 200 MPa and nearly water-saturated conditions. For dissolution experiments, pure synthetic, end member manganotantalite and zircon were used in order to avoid problems with slow solid-state kinetics, but additional experiments using natural manganotantalite and zircon of relatively pure composition (i.e., close to end member composition) displayed similar solubility results. Zircon and manganotantalite solubilities considerably increase from peraluminous to peralkaline compositions, and are more sensitive to changes in temperature or ASI of the melt than to flux content. A model relating the enthalpy of dissolution of manganotantalite to the ASILi of the melt is proposed: ∆H diss (kJ/mol) = 304 × ASILi − 176 in the peralkaline field, and ∆H diss (kJ/mol) = −111 × ASILi + 245 in the peraluminous field. The solubility data reveal a small but detectable competitivity between Zr and Ta in the melt, i.e., lower amounts of Zr are incorporated in a Ta-bearing melt compared to a Ta-free melt under the same conditions. A similar behavior is observed for Hf and Ta. The competitivity between Zr (or Hf) and Ta increases from peraluminous to peralkaline compositions, and suggests that Ta is preferentially bonded to non-bridging oxygens (NBOs) with Al as first-neighbors, whereas Zr is preferentially bonded to NBOs formed by excess alkalies. As a consequence Zr/Ta ratios, when buffered by zircon and manganotantalite simultaneously, are higher in peralkaline melts than in peraluminous melts.  相似文献   
Optimal orbits for Mars atmosphere remote sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the spacecrafts currently around Mars (or planned to reach Mars in the near future) use Sun-synchronous or near-polar orbits. Such orbits offer a very poor sampling of the diurnal cycle. Yet, sampling the diurnal cycle is of key importance to study Mars meteorology and climate. A comprehensive remote sensing data set should have been obtained by the end of the MRO mission, launched in 2005. For later windows, time-varying phenomena should be given the highest priority for remote sensing investigations. We present possible orbits for such missions which provide a rich spatial and temporal sampling with a relatively short repeat cycle (50 sols). After computation and determination of these orbits, said “optimal orbits”, we illustrate our results by tables of sampling and comparison with other orbits.  相似文献   
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