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To understand more fully the mode of preservation of organic matter in marine sediments, laboratory sulfurisation of intact cells of the cultured microalga Nannochloropsis salina was performed using inorganic polysulfides in seawater at 50°C. Solvent extractable and non-extractable materials were analysed by GC–MS and Py–GC–MS, respectively, to study the incorporation of sulfur into the microalgal organic matter. No GC-amenable sulfur-containing compounds were found in the extracts apart from some minor thiophenes with a phytanyl carbon skeleton. The residue after extraction and hydrolysis contained abundant macromolecular sulfur-containing moieties as revealed by the presence of dominant C28–C32 thiols, thiophenes, thianes and thiolanes in the flash pyrolysates. These products are thought to be formed from moieties derived from sulfurisation of C28–C32 diols and alkenols, characteristic lipids of N. salina. C1–C2 alkylated thiophenes were also found in the pyrolysates and probably result from moieties formed upon sulfurisation of carbohydrates. The highly resistant biomacromolecule (algaenan) synthesised by N. salina remains unaffected by sulfurisation. The non-hydrolysable residue isolated from the sulfurised N. salina thus comprises algaenan and (poly)sulfide-bound long alkyl chains. The sulfurisation experiments show that both selective preservation of algaenans and lipid and carbohydrate “vulcanisation” can be involved in the preservation of algal organic matter in marine environments.  相似文献   
Scale effects in the determination of rock mass strength and deformability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SummaryScale Effects in the Determination of Rock Mass Strength and Deformability An extensive literature search was conducted, to investigate the effect of the scale of testing on the measurement of strength and stiffness of rock masses. The results are presented for bearing capacity tests, compression tests, and several types of deformability tests.Field strength values are generally several times smaller than laboratory values. Field moduli generally appear to be between 20 per cent to 60 per cent of laboratory measured moduli.All strength and deformability results reviewed point to the great need for more field tests. Specific suggestions are given.
ZusammenfassungMastabeffekte bei der Bestimmung mechanischer Eigenschaften von Fels Ein eingehendes Literaturstudium wurde durchgeführt, um den Maßstabeffekt auf die Festigkeits- und Verformbarkeitsmessungen im Fels zu untersuchen. Es werden Resultate von Plattendruckversuchen, Druckversuchen und mehreren Verformungsversuchen aufgeführt. Die in-situ gemessene Festigkeit ist im allgemeinen ein Bruchteil derjenigen, die bei Laborversuchen festgestellt wird. Die Verformbarkeiten in-situ betragen meistens 20 bis 60 Prozent der im Labor erhaltenen Werte. Alle Resultate zeigen, daß mehr In-situ-Versuche notwendig sind. Der Autor macht dazu einige Vorschläge.

RésuméL'effet d'échelle dans les mesures de propriétés mécaniques des massifs rocheux. On a fait une recherche bibliographique détaillée, pour étudier l'effet d'échelle sur les mesures de résistance et de déformabilité des masses rocheuses. On présente des résultats concernant les essais de résistance à la plaque, les essais de compression, et plusieurs types d'essais de déformabilité en place.Les résistances mesurées in-situ sont généralement une fraction de celles mesurées au laboratoire. Les déformabilités mesurées en place sont généralement entre 20 et 60 pour cent des valeurs au laboratoire.Tous les résultats que l'on a examiné indiquent la nécessité d'effectuer plus d'essais en place. L'auteur offre un certain nombre de suggestions.

With 22 Figures  相似文献   
The ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises of Ifremer's Research Vessel L'Atalante, collected new swath bathymetry and geophysical data over the southern and northern segments of the basins and ridges forming the Loyalty system. Between the two surveyed areas, previous studies found evidence for the resistance of the Loyalty Ridge to subduction beneath the New Hebrides trench near 22°S–169°E. On the subducted plate, except for seismicity related to the downbending of the Australian plate, recorded shallow seismicity is sparse within the Loyalty system (Ridge and Basin) where reliable focal mechanism solutions are almost absent.Swath bathymetry, seismic reflection and magnetic data acquired during the ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises revealed a transverse asymmetric morphology in the Loyalty system, and an along-strike horst and graben structure on the discontinuous Loyalty Ridge. South of 23°50S and at 20°S, the two WSW-ENE-trending fault systems, respectively, sinistral and dextral, that crosscut the southern and northern segments of the Loyalty system, are interpreted as due to the early effects of collision with the New Hebrides Arc. A NNW-SSE trend, evident along the whole Loyalty system and on the island of New Caledonia, is interpreted as an inherited structural trend that may have been reactivated through flexure of the Australian lithospheric plate at the subduction zone.Overall then, the morphology, structure and evolution of the southern and northern segments of the Loyalty system probably result from the combined effects of the Australian plate lithospheric bulge, the active Loyalty-New Hebrides collision and the overthrust of the New Caledonian ophiolite.  相似文献   
Changes in magmatic assemblages and crystal stability as a response of CO2-flushing in basaltic systems have rarely been directly addressed experimentally, making the role of CO2 in magma dynamics still controversial and object of scientific debate. We conducted a series of experiments to understand the response of magmas from Etna volcano to CO2 flushing. We performed a first experiment at 300 MPa to synthesize a starting material composed of crystals of some hundreds of µm and melt pools. This material is representative of an initial magmatic assemblage composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and a water-undersaturated melt with 1.6 wt% H2O. In a second step, the initial assemblage was equilibrated at 300 and 100 MPa with fluids having different XCO 2 fl (CO2/(H2O + CO2)). At low XCO 2 fl (< 0.2 to 0.4), plagioclase is completely dissolved and clinopyroxene show dissolution textures. For relatively high XCO 2 fl (0.9 at 300 MPa), the flushing of a CO2-rich fluid phase leads to an increase of the amount of clinopyroxene and a decrease of the abundance of plagioclase at 300 MPa. This decrease of plagioclase proportion is associated with a change in An content. Our experiments demonstrate that flushing basaltic systems with fluids may drastically affect crystal textures and phase equilibria depending on proportions of H2O and CO2 in the fluid phase. Since texture and crystal proportions are among the most important parameters governing the rheology of magmas, fluid flushing will also influence magma ascent to the Earth’s surface. The experimental results open new perspectives to decipher the textural and compositional record of minerals observed in volcanic rocks from Mt. Etna, and at the same time offer the basis for interpreting the information preserved in minerals from other basaltic volcanoes erupting magmas enriched in CO2.  相似文献   
Natural VLF emissions received by a single antenna can be characterised at each point in the emissions' frequency-time domain by a power and a phase. Emissions received at a single point by two antennae with a fixed relative orientation in space can be similarly described by the cross-spectral power and relative phase. It is shown that the cross-spectral phase contains information on the propagation characteristics of the waves which is better utilised in wave analysis than the power. In fact, the phase information allows weak signals to be identified more readily than is possible from a power spectrogram. It also allows the recognition of waves propagating with different wave normal directions. Data from the Geos-1 electric and magnetic antennae, pre-processed by the on-board correlator, are used to study the cross-spectral characteristics of VLF hiss and chorus in the Earth's magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Although there are many numerical applications used in aquifer management, few methodologies seem to be sufficiently adapted to provide solutions for regional-scale problems. Their applications for multilayered aquifers are also too limited. A new groundwater management tool adapted to such large physical systems has been developed, using the unit response function (URF) approach. This tool is based on the link between a numerical groundwater flow model and a mathematical optimisation tool. Pre- and post processing are based on a geographical information system (GIS). The developed tool has been applied to a real management case—the regional Aquitaine multilayered aquifer (France). A representative hydrodynamic model was built using MODFLOW 2000 code. First tests show that the linearity condition needed for the application of URF methodology is respected despite the high complexity of the system. Two management scenarios were tested. Optimal solutions thus obtained allow for viable exploitation alternatives to be proposed, which integrate complex environmental constraints.
Résumé Malgré un nombre important d’applications existant dans le domaine de la gestion des aquifères, peu de méthodologies semblent adaptées pour proposer des solutions à des problèmes réels de dimension régionale. Leurs application pour des systèmes multicouches sont souvent trop limitées. Un outil de gestion adapté à ces systèmes de large taille a été développé, basé sur la théorie des Fonctions de Réponses Unitaires (FRU). Cet outil est basé sur le couplage d’un modèle numérique d’écoulement et d’un code d’optimisation mathématique. Les entrées et sorties du modèle sont réalisées à l’aide d’un Système d’Information Géographique (SIG). L’outil développé est appliqué à un cas de gestion réel—le système aquifère régional multicouche aquitain (France). Un modèle hydrodynamique représentatif a été construit, basé sur le code MODFLOW 2000. Les premiers tests montrent que les conditions de linéarité nécessaires à l’application de la méthode FRU sont respectées, malgré l’importante complexité du système. Deux scénarii de gestion sont testés. Les solutions optimales ainsi obtenues permettent de proposer des solutions d’exploitation alternatives viables, intégrant des contraintes environnementales complexes.

Resumen Aunque hay muchas aplicaciones numéricas usadas en la gestión de acuíferos, unas pocas metodologías parecen estar adaptadas suficientemente para dar las soluciones a los problemas de escala regional. También son limitadas sus aplicaciones para los acuíferos multicapa. Se ha desarrollado una nueva herramienta para el manejo del agua subterránea, adaptada a tales sistemas físicos grandes, usando el avance de la Función de Respuesta Unitaria (URF). Esta herramienta se basa en la combinación entre un modelo numérico de flujo de agua subterránea y una herramienta de optimización matemática. El pre-proceso y el post-proceso se basan en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (GIS). La herramienta desarrollada se ha aplicado a un caso real de manejo en el acuífero regional multicapa de Aquitania (Francia). Se construyó un modelo hidrodinámico representativo, que usó el código MODFLOW 2000. Las primeras pruebas muestran que la condición de linearidad, necesaria para la aplicación de la metodología URF, se respeta a pesar de la complejidad alta del sistema. Se probaron dos escenarios de manejo. Las soluciones óptimas así obtenidas permiten la proyección de alternativas viables de explotación, las cuales integran restricciones medioambientales complejas.
A first study from the subtropical western Atlantic, using 231Pa/230Th ratios as a kinematic proxy for deep water circulation, provided compelling evidence for a strong link between climate and the rate of Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) over the last deglaciation. However, these results warrant confirmation from additional locations and water depths because the interpretation of the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratio in terms of circulation vigor can be biased by variations in particle flux and composition. We have measured 231Pa/230Th in a core from the Iberian margin, in the Northeastern Atlantic basin, and have compared these new results to the data from the western Atlantic basin. We find that the reduction in the circulation during H1 and YD and the subsequent increases first recognized in the sediment deposited on Bermuda Rise are also evident in the eastern basin, in a totally different sedimentary regime, confirming that sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios record basin-wide changes in deep water circulation. However, some differences between the eastern and western records are also recognized, providing preliminary evidence to differentiate between renewal rates in the two North Atlantic basins and between shallower and deeper overturning. Our results suggest the possible existence of two sources of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Deep Water (GNAIW), one in the south Labrador Sea and another west of Rockall Plateau. Both sources contributed to the meridional overturning but the two had different sensitivity to meltwater from the Laurentide and the Fennoscandian ice sheets during the deglaciation. These results indicate that additional information on the geometry and strength of the ventilation of the deep Atlantic can be obtained by contrasting the evolution of sediment 231Pa/230Th in different sections of the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
SummaryNumerical Analyses of Deformability Tests in Jointed Rock — Joint Perturbation and No Tension Finite Element Solutions Sound design of structures in or upon rock requires a thorough knowledge of the rock mass deformability. Field test data interpretation has generally relied upon analytical or Finite Element linear elastic solutions. However, when testing in jointed rock, these can no longer be readily used since the medium cannot resist the tension induced upon loading. Accordingly, other solutions are required. If the discontinuities of the rock mass can all be mapped and their surface properties determined, the Finite Element model will use a Joint Perturbation solution where the joint elements have variable stiffnesses to account for movements along the fractures. If the discontinuities cannot be satisfactorily mapped, a global approach is provided by a No Tension analysis of the stress transfer type. The two techniques are compared in the case of bore hole jack deformability tests and found to agree remarkably well, indicating an appreciable difference from results of linear elasticity.
ZusammenfassungNumerische Analyse von Verformungsversuchen in geklüfteten Fels — Lösungen mittels Kluft-Perturbation und No Tension Analysis auf Grund der Methode der Finiten Elemente Der Entwurf von Bauwerken in oder auf Fels erfordert eine genaue Kenntnis des Formänderungsverhaltens der Felsmasse. Im allgemeinen basiert die Interpretation der Ergebnisse von Feldversuchen auf den Lösungen des zugehörigen Randwertproblems der linearen Elastostatik mittels klassischer analytischer Methoden oder der Methode der Finiten Elemente. Wenn die Versuche aber in geklüftetem Fels durchgeführt werden, müssen die theoretischen Methoden modifiziert werden, da das Medium keine Zugspannungen aufnehmen kann. Zwei Fälle können unterschieden werden. Erstens: die Kluftflächen der Felsmasse können geometrisch erfaßt und ihre Oberflächeneigenschaften können bestimmt werden; in diesem Falle kann die Finite-Elemente-Lösung eine Kluft-Perturbations-Methode verwenden, in welcher spezielle Kluft-Elemente verschiedener Steifigkeiten normal und tangential zu den Kluftflächen die Bewegungen entlang derselben bestimmen. Zweitens: die Diskontinuitäten der Felsmasse können nicht hinreichend beschrieben werden; für diesen Fall ist vorgekehrt durch die Finite-Element-Analyse vom Typ der Spannungsumlagerung unter Ausschaltung der Zugspannungen (No Tension Analysis), um das globale Verhalten der geklüfteten Felsmasse zu erfassen. Die Lösungen dieser beiden Methoden wurden für den Fall der Bohrloch-Verformungs-Tests verglichen; der Vergleich zeigt ausgezeichnete Übereinstimmung, im Gegensatz zu den Lösungen als lineares Elastizitätsproblem.

RésuméLa méthode des Eléments Finis appliquée aux résultats d'essais de vérins cylindriques dans les roches fissurées — solutions dites Joint Pertubé et Sans Traction La construction de structures sur ou dans des roches nécessite une connaissance approfendie de la déformabilité du massif rocheux. L'analyse des résultats d'essais en place se fait généralement à l'aide de solutions analytiques ou par Eléments Finis, qui supposent une élasticité linéaire du milieu. De fait, dans les roches fissurées, ces solutions sont inadéquates puisque le milieu ne peut résister aux sollicitations de traction. Il s'agit donc d'utiliser d'autres méthodes d'analyse. Lors qu'il est possible de déterminer la géométrie et les propriétés de toutes les discontinuités, l'on pourra utiliser une solution par Eléments Finis, dite Joint Perturbé dans laquelle la rigidité de surface du joint (ou fissure) peut varier lorsque des movements prennent place au niveau du joint. Si cela est impossible, il faudra utiliser une approche globale dite Sans Traction qui redistribue les contraintes de traction et les dissipe. On compare ces deux types de solutions dans le cas des essais de vérins cylindriques unidirectionnels. Leurs résultats sont identiques et ont nettement différents de ceux obtenus avec une solution élastique linéaire.

Research supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Contract NAS 8-21432.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   
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