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Previous studies have suggested that Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 13, recognized as atypical in many paleoclimate records, is marked by the development of anomalously strong summer monsoons in the northern tropical areas. To test this hypothesis, we performed a multi-proxy study on three marine records from the tropical Indian Ocean in order to reconstruct and analyse changes in the summer Indian monsoon winds and precipitations during MIS 13. Our data confirm the existence of a low-salinity event during MIS 13 in the equatorial Indian Ocean but we argue that this event should not be considered as “atypical”. Taking only into account a smaller precession does not make it possible to explain such precipitation episode. However, when considering also the larger obliquity in a more complete orbitally driven monsoon “model,” one can successfully explain this event. In addition, our data suggest that intense summer monsoon winds, although not atypical in strength, prevailed during MIS 13 in the western Arabian Sea. These strong monsoon winds, transporting important moisture, together with the effect of insolation and Eurasian ice sheet, are likely one of the factors responsible for the intense monsoon precipitation signal recorded in China loess, as suggested by model simulations.  相似文献   
The biologically damaging solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation (quantified by the DNA-weighted dose) reaches the martian surface in extremely high levels. Searching for potentially habitable UV-protected environments on Mars, we considered the polar ice caps that consist of a seasonally varying CO2 ice cover and a permanent H2O ice layer. It was found that, though the CO2 ice is insufficient by itself to screen the UV radiation, at approximately 1 m depth within the perennial H2O ice the DNA-weighted dose is reduced to terrestrial levels. This depth depends strongly on the optical properties of the H2O ice layers (for instance snow-like layers). The Earth-like DNA-weighted dose and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) requirements were used to define the upper and lower limits of the northern and southern polar Radiative Habitable Zone (RHZ) for which a temporal and spatial mapping was performed. Based on these studies we conclude that photosynthetic life might be possible within the ice layers of the polar regions. The thickness varies along each martian polar spring and summer between approximately 1.5 and 2.4 m for H2O ice-like layers, and a few centimeters for snow-like covers. These martian Earth-like radiative habitable environments may be primary targets for future martian astrobiological missions. Special attention should be paid to planetary protection, since the polar RHZ may also be subject to terrestrial contamination by probes.  相似文献   
An intense diatom bloom developed within a strong meridional silicic acid gradient across the Antarctic Polar Front at 61°S, 170°W following stratification of the water column in late October/early November 1997. The region of high diatom biomass and the silicic acid gradient propogated southward across the Seasonal Ice Zone through time, with the maximum diatom biomass tracking the center of the silicic acid gradient. High diatom biomass and high rates of silica production persisted within the silicic acid gradient until the end of January 1998 (ca. 70 d) driving the gradient over 500 km to the south of its original position at the Polar Front. The bloom consumed 30 to >40 μM Si(OH)4 in the euphotic zone between about 60 and 66°S leaving near surface concentrations <2.5 μM and occasionally <1.0 μM in its wake. Integrated biogenic silica concentrations within the bloom averaged 410 mmol Si m−2 (range 162–793 mmol Si m−2). Average integrated silica production on two consecutive cruises in December 1997 and January 1998 that sampled the bloom while it was well developed were 27.5±6.9 and 22.6±20 mmol Si m−2 d−1, respectively. Those levels of siliceous biomass and silica production are similar in magnitude to those reported for ice-edge diatom blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, which is considered to be among the most productive regions in the Southern Ocean. Net silica production (production minus dissolution) in surface waters during the bloom was 16–21 mmol Si m−2 d−1, which is sufficient for diatom growth to be the cause of the southward displacement of the silicic acid gradient. A strong seasonal change in silica dissolution : silica production rate ratios was observed. Integrated silica dissolution rates in the upper 100–150 m during the low biomass period before stratification averaged 64% of integrated production. During the bloom integrated dissolution rates averaged only 23% of integrated silica production, making 77% of the opal produced available for export to depth. The bloom ended in late January apparently due to a mixing event. Dissolution : production rate ratios increased to an average of 0.67 during that period indicating a return to a predominantly regenerative system.Our observations indicate that high diatom biomass and high silica production rates previously observed in the marginal seas around Antarctica also occur in the deep ocean near the Polar Front. The bloom we observed propagated across the latitudinal band overlying the sedimentary opal belt which encircles most of Antarctica implying a role for such blooms in the formation of those sediments. Comparison of our surface silica production rates with new estimates of opal accumulation rates in the abyssal sediments of the Southern Ocean, which have been corrected for sediment focusing, indicate a burial efficiency of 4.6% for biogenic silica. That efficiency is considerably lower than previous estimates for the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
The accuracy of rockfall trajectory simulations depends to a large extent on the calculation of the rebound of falling boulders on different parts of a slope where rockfalls could occur. The models commonly used for rebound calculation are based on restitution coefficients, which can only be calibrated subjectively in the field. To come up with a robust and objective procedure for rebound calculation, a stochastic impact model associated with an objective field data collection method was developed and tested in this study. The aims of this work were to assess the adequacy of this approach and to evaluate the minimum amount of field data required to obtain simulation results with a satisfactory level of predictability. To achieve these objectives, the rebound calculation procedure developed was integrated into a three-dimensional rockfall simulation model, and the simulated results were compared with those obtained from field rockfall experiments. For rocky slopes, the simulations satisfactorily predict the experimental results. This approach is advantageous because it combines precise modelling of the mechanisms involved in the rebound and of their related variability with an objective field data collection procedure which basically only requires collecting the mean size of soil rocks. The approach proposed in this study therefore constitutes an excellent basis for the objective probabilistic assessment of rockfall hazard.  相似文献   
We detected a volcanic outburst in Io's northern hemisphere on 17 April 2006 with the OSIRIS imaging spectrometer at Keck, and confirmed it was still erupting on 2 June 2006. The eruption, which we name 060417A, was located in Tvashtar Paterae, ∼100 km southeast of the February 2000 eruption. The observed temperature was , over a surface area of , providing a total thermal output of .  相似文献   
Ozone is a tracer of photochemistry in the atmosphere of Mars and an observable used to test predictions of photochemical models. We present a comparison of retrieved ozone abundances on Mars using ground-based infrared heterodyne measurements by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind And Composition (HIPWAC) and space-based Mars Express Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) ultraviolet measurements. Ozone retrievals from simultaneous measurements in February 2008 were very consistent (0.8 μm-atm), as were measurements made close in time (ranging from <1 to >8 μm-atm) during this period and during opportunities in October 2006 and February 2007. The consistency of retrievals from the two different observational techniques supports combining the measurements for testing photochemistry-coupled general circulation models and for investigating variability over the long-term between spacecraft missions. Quantitative comparison with ground-based measurements by NASA/GSFC’s Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer (IRHS) in 1993 reveals 2-4 times more ozone at low latitudes than in 2008 at the same season, and such variability was not evident over the shorter period of the Mars Express mission. This variability may be due to cloud activity.  相似文献   
We present adaptive optics (AO) observations of Io taken with the W.M. Keck II telescope on 18 December 2001 (UT) before the satellite went into eclipse, and while it was in Jupiter's shadow. Making these kind of Io-in-eclipse observations, as well as the associated data reduction and analysis are challenging; hence one focus of the paper is to explain the methods and tools used for these data sets. For the sunlit images Io itself was used as the wavefront reference source, while nearby Ganymede was used as reference ‘star’ when Io was in eclipse. Observations were obtained in K′-, L′-, and M-bands. The sunlit images have been deconvolved using MISTRAL. The Io-in-eclipse data were deconvolved with IDAC and MISTRAL. The former gives better results, both in absolute photometry and in matching the original images. We determined the flux densities of the hot spots from the original Io-in-eclipse data with StarFinder, as well as from the deconvolved images by integrating the intensity over the relevant areas. We determined the highly anisoplanatic PSF via a FFT method from the original data, and used this in StarFinder and as a starting PSF for IDAC and MISTRAL. We derived temperatures and areal coverage of all 19 spots detected in both K′- and L′-band images of Io-in-eclipse. We also determined temperatures and areal coverage of the hot spots visible on the L′- and M-band images of sunlit Io. Most volcanoes contain a compact hot ‘core’ (?10 km2 at 600-800 K) within a larger area at lower temperatures (e.g., ∼102-104 km2 at 300-500 K). The total heat flow contributed by these active volcanoes is 0.2 W m−2, ∼8% of the average global heat flow measured at 5-20 μm by Veeder et al. [J. Geophys. Res. 99 (1994) 17095].  相似文献   
We propose an interpretation of the enrichments in volatiles observed in the four giant planets with respect to the solar abundance. It is based on the assumption that volatiles were trapped in the form of solid clathrate hydrates and incorporated in planetesimals embedded in the feeding zones of each of the four giant planets. The mass of trapped volatiles is then held constant with time. The mass of hydrogen and of not trapped gaseous species continuously decreased with time until the formation of the planet was completed, resulting in an increase in the ratio of the mass of trapped volatiles to the mass of hydrogen (Gautier et al., Astrophys. J. 550 (2001) L227). The efficiency of the clathration depends upon the amount of ice available in the early feeding zone. The quasi-uniform enrichment in Ar, Kr, Xe, C, N, and S observed in Jupiter is reproduced because all volatiles were trapped. The non-uniform enrichment observed in C, N and S in Saturn is due to the fact that CH4, NH3, and H2S were trapped but not CO and N2. The non-uniform enrichment in C, N and S in Uranus and Neptune results from the trapping of CH4, CO, NH3 and H2S, while N2 was not trapped. Our scenario permits us to interpret the strongly oversolar sulfur abundance inferred by various modelers to be present in Saturn, Uranus and Neptune for reproducing the microwave spectra of the three planets. Abundances of Ar, Kr and Xe in these three are also predicted. Only Xe is expected to be substantially oversolar. The large enrichment in oxygen in Neptune with respect to the solar abundance, calculated by Lodders and Fegley (Icarus 112 (1994) 368) from the detection of CO in the upper troposphere of the planet, is consistent with the trapping of volatiles by clathration. The upper limit of CO in Uranus does not exclude that this process also occurred in Uranus.  相似文献   
We investigate the properties of acoustic events (AEs), defined as spatially concentrated and short duration energy flux, in the quiet Sun, using observations of a 2D field of view (FOV) with high spatial and temporal resolution provided by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard Hinode. Line profiles of Fe i 557.6 nm were recorded by the Narrow-band Filter Imager (NFI) on a 82″×82″ FOV during 75 min with a time step of 28.75 s and 0.08″ pixel size. Vertical velocities were computed at three atmospheric levels (80, 130, and 180 km) using the bisector technique, allowing the determination of energy flux to be made in the range 3 – 10 mHz using two complementary methods (Hilbert transform and Fourier power spectrum). Horizontal velocities were computed using local correlation tracking (LCT) of continuum intensities providing divergences. We found that the net energy flux is upward. In the range 3 – 10 mHz, a full FOV space and time averaged flux of 2700 W m−2 (lower layer 80 – 130 km) and 2000 W m−2 (upper layer 130 – 180 km) is concentrated in less than 1 % of the solar surface in the form of narrow (0.3″) AE. Their total duration (including rise and decay) is of the order of 103 s. Inside each AE, the mean flux is 1.6×105 W m−2 (lower layer) and 1.2×105 W m−2 (upper). Each event carries an average energy (flux integrated over space and time) of 2.5×1019 J (lower layer) to 1.9×1019 J (upper). More than 106 events could exist permanently on the Sun, with a birth and decay rate of 3500 s−1. Most events occur in intergranular lanes, downward velocity regions, and areas of converging motions.  相似文献   
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