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The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) was installed in the Hubble Space Telescope in May, 2009 as part of Servicing Mission 4 to provide high sensitivity, medium and low resolution spectroscopy at far- and near-ultraviolet wavelengths (FUV, NUV). COS is the most sensitive FUV/NUV spectrograph flown to date, spanning the wavelength range from 900 Å to 3200 Å with peak effective area approaching 3000 cm2. This paper describes instrument design, the results of the Servicing Mission Orbital Verification (SMOV), and the ongoing performance monitoring program.  相似文献   
Former zinc and lead mines that have been operating for half a century are located in the massif of Bou Caid (Tissemsilt, Algeria). Hazardous heavy metals emitted from the mines are abundant in the surrounding soil and cause strong metal pollution in the region. This paper investigates the extent of lead and zinc mine activity derived pollution by characterizing both magnetic and geochemical properties of samples collected in the vicinity of the mines. The results of the magnetic study show the coexistence of magnetic minerals such as magnetite, hematite and goethite. Analyses on surface soils and weathered rocks suggest that hematite and goethite have ore-related lithogenic origins. Magnetic susceptibility shows a positive correlation with lead content when present in low-to-medium concentrations (< ~500 mg/kg). At higher lead concentrations, there is no correlation with magnetic susceptibility. The relationship between magnetic susceptibility and zinc content is not straightforward. These observations are explained by the higher affinity of Pb to iron oxides at lower pollution levels and their preferential bonding to carbonates when Pb and Zn contents are extremely high, as demonstrated by Iavazzo et al. (J Geochem Explor 113:56–67, 2012) in a study of former Zn–Pb mine in Morocco. Based on the general features of the spatial maps of field-measured magnetic susceptibility, mass-specific magnetic susceptibility, Pb and Zn contents, it is concluded that field magnetic measurements provide a good qualitative proxy of pollution spread out of the mining galleries, while laboratory measurements afford a more detailed investigation of the links between iron oxides and the main heavy metals in the ore.  相似文献   
An unusual zircon SHRIMP dating result of a granitic gneiss from the Qinglongshan eclogite-gneiss roadcut section is presented in this paper. The very peculiar and complicated internal structures, as well as the very low Th/U ratios (0.01-0.08) of the zircons indicate that they were formed by metamorphic recrystallization. Strongly in contrast with previously published zircon U-Pb ages of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks where protolith ages of 600-800 Ma are commonly recorded, only metamorphic age of 218±5 Ma, defined by 18 analytical spots either in rim or in core of zircons, are recorded in this granitic gneiss. This age represents the time of the complete metamorphic recrystallization overprint on primary magmatic zircons. The recrystallization was derived by the UHP metamorphism, and was strengthened by the early stage of retrograde metamorphic fluid activity.  相似文献   
The oxygen fugacity and therefore the iron redox state of a melt is known to have a strong influence on the liquid line of descent of magmas and thus on the composition of the coexisting melts and crystals. We present a new method to estimate this critical parameter from electron probe microanalyses of two of the most common minerals of basaltic series, plagioclase and clinopyroxene. This method is not based on stoichiometric calculations, but on the different partitioning behaviour of Fe3+ and Fe2+ between both minerals and a melt phase: plagioclase can incorporate more Fe3+ than Fe2+, while clinopyroxene can incorporate more Fe2+ than Fe3+. For example, the effect of oxidizing a partly molten basaltic system (Fe3+ is stabilized with respect to Fe2+) results in an increase of FeOtotal in plagioclase, but a decrease in the associated clinopyroxene. We propose an equation, based on published partition coefficients, that allows estimating the redox state of a melt from these considerations. An application to a set of experimental and natural data attests the validity of the proposed model. The associated error can be calculated and is on average < 1 log unit of the prevailing oxygen fugacity.In order to reduce the number of different variables influencing the Fe2+/Fe3+ mineral/melt equilibrium, our model is restricted to basaltic series with SiO2 < 60% that have crystallized at intermediate to low pressure (< 0.5 GPa) and under relatively oxidizing conditions (?FMQ > 0; where FMQ is the fayalite–magnetite–quartz oxygen buffer equilibrium), but it may be parameterized for other conditions. A spreadsheet is provided to assist the use of equations, and to perform the error propagation analysis.  相似文献   
The Dolní Věstonice loess section in the Czech Republic is well known for its high‐resolution loess–palaeosol sequence of the last interglacial–glacial climatic cycle (Upper Pleistocene). The loess section is situated in a climatic transition zone between oceanic and continental climates and is therefore of great value in reconstructing past regional climate conditions and their interaction with climate systems, in particular that of the North Atlantic. Based on a combination of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages, stratigraphic field observations and magnetic susceptibility measurements, a chrono‐climatic interpretation of the Dolní Věstonice loess section is presented. To establish a reliable Upper Pleistocene chronology, a quartz OSL approach was applied for equivalent dose (De) determination. Monomineralic quartz extracts of three distinct grain sizes, fine (4–11 μm), middle (38–63 μm) and coarse (90–200 μm), were used and compared. Within error limits, the calculated OSL ages are the same for the different grain sizes, and the OSL ages are in stratigraphic order. The established OSL chronology is in agreement with a Weichselian litho‐ and pedostratigraphy. The Dolní Věstonice loess section is characterized by four pedosedimentary subsequences. At the base of the profile, subsequence I is characterized by a distinct Early Glacial soil complex, OSL‐dated to c. 110 to 70 ka, representing one of the most complete records of environmental change in the European loess belt. Subsequence II is allocated to the Lower Pleniglacial and is characterized by laminated sandy loess. Middle Pleniglacial subsequence III is represented by a brown soil complex, and is followed by the uppermost subsequence IV, characterized by a thick body of laminated sandy loess, indicating strong wind activity and a high sedimentation rate of more than ~1 mm a?1 during the Upper Pleniglacial. According to the OSL chronology, as well as to the sedimentological and palaeopedological investigations, it is likely that the sequence at Dolní Věstonice has recorded most of the climatic events expressed in the NGRIP δ18O reference record between 110 and 70 ka.  相似文献   
We summarize results from deep spectroscopic observations of the HD 209458 planetary system, carried out with the Hubble Space Telescope—Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. Orbitally resolved observations are used to show that hot gas emission lines, arising only in the stellar atmosphere, are not variable, while lower ionizations species found in the upper atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HD 209458b absorb stellar photons during transit. For both C II and Si III, we find mean transit attenuation of ~8%. The firm detection of silicon is in direct conflict with previous low-resolution studies, which we attribute to long-term variability in the system. We also use these observations to search for auroral emission from the planet, detecting a statistically significant emission feature at 1582 Å that is consistent with H2 photoexcited by stellar O I photons.  相似文献   
This study examines the lateral distribution of hydromorphy in the fine‐grained alluvial deposits of the Eocene Pondaung Formation, central Myanmar. Through detailed outcrop analysis and using a combined sedimentological and pedological approach, this study proposes a reconstruction of Pondaung overbank floodplain palaeoenvironments. The variations of hydromorphic features in the different overbank sub‐environments are then discussed and used to build a model of hydromorphic variability in alluvial deposits. Two main architectural associations with distinctive lithofacies and pedogenic features were identified, corresponding to different sub‐environments: heterolithic deposits and extensive mudstone successions. The heterolithic deposits display variegated fine‐grained lithofacies and contain poorly developed palaeosols with gley and vertic features, which are interpreted to reflect a seasonal wetlands landscape, developed in actively aggrading avulsion belts. Extensive mudstone successions with Vertisols that locally exhibit mukkara‐style pseudogley features are interpreted to represent a distal open‐forested environment. The palaeosols of both sub‐environments display dense local hydromorphic variations they are also characterized by a gradual shift from gley‐dominated to pseudogley‐dominated features with increasing distance from the avulsion belt. The clay‐dominated lithology of the floodplain parent material, which forms numerous subsurface permeability barriers, is shown to have acted as a fundamental control in limiting water‐table dynamics in coarse‐grained parts of the succession, thereby favouring hydromorphic variability. Palaeosol sequences of the Pondaung Formation contrast with the soil‐landscape associations described in other studies and provide an alternative model with which to account for the hydromorphic variability in poorly drained, alluvial soils. The model proposed as an outcome of this study demonstrates that hydromorphic variations can be dramatic in floodplains where permeability barriers are numerous. Further, the model stresses the importance of undertaking detailed lateral palaeosol analyses prior to making interpretations regarding hydromorphic variability.  相似文献   
Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) events are often registered in Slovenian mariculture areas (Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea) and are related to the occurrence of Dinophysis spp. The annual dynamic of this genus and succession of the most important species were studied at two shellfish farms during monitoring fieldwork in the period 1995-2003. Results indicate that the Dinophysis genus maintains a relatively stable inter-annual dynamic at both sites. The Dinophysis community is characterized by two surface maxima in June and September, while in the middle layer only the autumn peak is pronounced (peak median 92 cells l(-1)). Occasional abundance maxima of around 2000 cells l(-1) in the surface layer indicate that potential outbursts of toxic species are less predictable than their seasonal dynamic. On the basis of multivariate analysis, Dinophysis sacculus was characterized as a typical late spring-early summer species, and Dinophysis caudata and Dinophysis fortii as autumn species. Correlation analysis revealed the influence of stratified conditions only on the most abundant species, D. sacculus. Ecological characteristics of the species were combined with shellfish safety requirements towards a more effective monitoring.  相似文献   
大别山碧溪岭榴辉岩中有三种含水矿物:多硅白云母、角闪石和黑云母,它们分别是超高压(UHP)阶段(即柯石英榴辉岩相阶段)或者石英榴辉岩相阶段、退变质后成合晶阶段和角闪岩相退变质阶段的产物,本文利用离子探针技术对它们进行了氢同位素和硼同位素的分析。三种矿物内部的同位素组成都是均一的,多硅白云母的δD为-105‰±9‰,δ~(11)B为-25.9‰±2.0‰;角闪石的δD为-100‰±9‰,δ~(11)B为-24.4‰±0.9‰;黑云母的δD为-65‰±4‰,δ~(11)B为-19.3‰±1.3‰。多硅白云母和角闪石的氢-硼同位素组成在误差范围内是相同的,而和黑云母则有明显的差别,这表明,从UHP阶段或者石英榴辉岩相阶段到随后的后成合晶阶段,变质流体是内部缓冲的,而在角闪岩相变质阶段,则有了外来流体的加入,这个流体是相对富集D和~(11)B的。碧溪岭榴辉岩矿物相对于其地壳原岩表现出低δ~(11)B的特征,说明俯冲过程中板块经历了强烈的脱硼。  相似文献   
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