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In this work, we undertake a numerical study of the effective coefficients arising in the upscaling of a system of partial differential equations describing transport of a dilute N-component electrolyte in a Newtonian solvent through a rigid porous medium. The motion is governed by a small static electric field and a small hydrodynamic force, around a nonlinear Poisson–Boltzmann equilibrium with given surface charges of arbitrary size. This approach allows us to calculate the linear response regime in a way initially proposed by O’Brien. The O’Brien linearization requires a fast and accurate solution of the underlying Poisson–Boltzmann equation. We present an analysis of it, with the discussion of the boundary layer appearing as the Debye–Hückel parameter becomes large. Next, we briefly discuss the corresponding two-scale asymptotic expansion and reduce the obtained two-scale equations to a coarse scale model. Our previous rigorous study proves that the homogenized coefficients satisfy Onsager properties, namely they are symmetric positive definite tensors. We illustrate with numerical simulations several characteristic situations and discuss the behavior of the effective coefficients when the Debye–Hückel parameter is large. Simulated qualitative behavior differs significantly from the situation when the surface potential is given (instead of the surface charges). In particular, we observe the Donnan effect (exclusion of co-ions for small pores).  相似文献   
The Quaternary alkaline volcanic field of Southern Turkey is characterized by intra-continental plate-type magmatic products, exposed to the north of the ?skenderun Gulf along a NE-SW trending East Anatolian Fault, to the west of its intersection with the N–S trending Dead Sea Fault zone. The ?skenderun Gulf alkaline rocks are mostly silica-undersaturated with normative nepheline and olivine and are mostly classified as basanites and alkaline basalts with their low-silica contents ranging between 43 and 48?wt.% SiO2. They display Ocean Island Basalt (OIB)–type trace element patterns characterized by enrichments in large-ion-lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth element (LREE), and have (La/Yb)N?=?8.8–17.7 and (Hf/Sm)N?=?0.9–1.6 similar to those of basaltic rocks found in intraplate suites. The basanitic rocks have limited variations Sr-Nd isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr?=?0.70307–0.70324, 143Nd/144Nd?=?0.512918–0.521947), whereas the alkali basalts display more evolved Sr-Nd isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr?=?0.70346-0.70365, 143Nd/144Nd?=?0.512887–0.521896). The ?skenderun Gulf alkaline rocks also display limited Pb isotopic variations with 206Pb/204Pb?=?18.75–19.09 207Pb/204Pb?=?15.61–15.66 and208Pb/204Pb?=?38.65–39.02, indicating that they originated from an enriched lithospheric mantle source. Calculated fractionation vectors indicate that clinopyroxene and olivine are the main fractionating mineral phases. Similarly, based on Sr-Nd isotopic ratios, the assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) modeling shows that the alkali basalts were affected by AFC processes (r?=?0.2) and were slightly contaminated by the upper crustal material.The high TiO2 contents, enrichments in Ba and Nb, and depletions in Rb can likely be explained by the existence of amphibole in the mantle source, which might, in turn, indicate that the source mantle has been affected by metasomatic processes. The modeling based on relative abundances of trace elements suggests involvement of amphibole-bearing peridotite as the source material. ?skenderun Gulf alkaline rocks can thus be interpreted as the products of variable extent of mixing between melts from both amphibole-bearing peridotite and dry peridotite.  相似文献   
The Interior Basin of Gabon, created during the break-up between South America and Africa, displays thick Neoproterozoic to Aptian p.p. fluvio-lacustrine deposits overlain by Aptian to Albian marine facies. Rock–Eval analyses from outcrop and drillhole samples show high content in organic matter (up to 25%) related to types I and II. These intervals are encountered within Permian, Neocomian–Barremian as well as Aptian siliciclastic succession. They constitute fairly good to excellent potential petroleum source rocks, which are most probably at the origin of oil indices recognized both in drillholes and in surface.  相似文献   
Of the natural hazards in Turkey, landslides are the second most devastating in terms of socio-economic losses, with the majority of landslides occurring in the Eastern Black Sea Region. The aim of this study is to use a statistical approach to carry out a landslide susceptibility assessment in one area at great risk from landslides: the Sera River Basin located in the Eastern Black Sea Region. This paper applies a multivariate statistical approach in the form of a logistics regression model to explore the probability distribution of future landslides in the region. The model attempts to find the best fitting function to describe the relationship between the dependent variable, here the presence or absence of landslides in a region and a set of independent parameters contributing to the occurrence of landslides. The dependent variable (0 for the absence of landslides and 1 for the presence of landslides) was generated using landslide data retrieved from an existing database and expert opinion. The database has information on a few landslides in the region, but is not extensive or complete, and thus unlike those normally used for research. Slope, angle, relief, the natural drainage network (including distance to rivers and the watershed index) and lithology were used as independent parameters in this study. The effect of each parameter was assessed using the corresponding coefficient in the logistic regression function. The results showed that the natural drainage network plays a significant role in determining landslide occurrence and distribution. Landslide susceptibility was evaluated using a predicted map of probability. Zones with high and medium susceptibility to landslides make up 38.8 % of the study area and are located mostly south of the Sera River Basin and along streams.  相似文献   
The interactions between climatic and volcanic forcing on diatom communities contained in a 50,000-year sedimentary sequence from Lake Massoko, Tanzania, were examined. At the century scale, 19 discrete tephra inputs to the lake isolated the sedimentary nutrient supply and shifted the diatom communities to those tolerant of low phosphorus levels, whereas at the millennial scale, diatom-inferred shifts in precipitation–evaporation based on conductivity optima and diatom life-form ratios were broadly similar to lake-level reconstructions from Lake Rukwa, Lake Malawi, and others in the region. Some fluctuations of Lake Massoko are consistent with the precession-driven changes in insolation, but the major climate shifts do not relate directly to orbital forcing of summer insolation south of the equator and show more consistency with records from the equatorial and northern tropics that receive rainfall from the passing of the intertropical convergence zone. Sea surface temperatures are strongly correlated to multimillennial-scale climate patterns over this region of Africa.  相似文献   

Pour étudier la tectonique des chaînes subalpines du Nord, et proposer un modèle cinématique régional, nous avons utilisé les résultats d’une expérience géophysique réalisée en 1985, et les observations géologiques de surface publiées à ce jour. Ces données ont été analysées de manière à préciser le style tectonique, le positionnement des failles par rapport aux horizons stratigraphiques et le schéma de branchement des failles. La construction simultanée d’une coupe interprétative, d’une coupe restaurée et d’une carte de branchement des failles a permis d’estimer l’amplitude du raccourcissement par la méthode des coupes équilibrées. Au niveau du Nord de la Chartreuse, la valeur minimale du raccourcissement global est de 14 km, 4 km étant associés au système chevauchant du Jura et 10 km à celui du massif des Bornes et des Bauges. Compte tenu des imprécisions existant sur les données utilisées, trois modèles cinématiques, qui correspondent à une plage de raccourcissement comprise entre 14 et 25 km, sont proposés.  相似文献   
Through their consumption behavior, households are responsible for 72% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, they are key actors in reaching the 1.5 °C goal under the Paris Agreement. However, the possible contribution and position of households in climate policies is neither well understood, nor do households receive sufficiently high priority in current climate policy strategies. This paper investigates how behavioral change can achieve a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in European high-income countries. It uses theoretical thinking and some core results from the HOPE research project, which investigated household preferences for reducing emissions in four European cities in France, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The paper makes five major points: First, car and plane mobility, meat and dairy consumption, as well as heating are the most dominant components of household footprints. Second, household living situations (demographics, size of home) greatly influence the household potential to reduce their footprint, even more than country or city location. Third, household decisions can be sequential and temporally dynamic, shifting through different phases such as childhood, adulthood, and illness. Fourth, short term voluntary efforts will not be sufficient by themselves to reach the drastic reductions needed to achieve the 1.5 °C goal; instead, households need a regulatory framework supporting their behavioral changes. Fifth, there is a mismatch between the roles and responsibilities conveyed by current climate policies and household perceptions of responsibility. We then conclude with further recommendations for research and policy.  相似文献   
Cr K-edge XANES spectra were obtained for a variety of Cr-bearing model compounds containing Cr(II), Cr(III), Cr(IV), Cr(V) and Cr(VI), in which the Cr-site symmetry is D4h, Oh and Td. The centroid position of the pre-edge feature is a better indicator of the Cr valence than the edge position. In Cr-rich oxides, higher-energy transitions must be excluded in order to refine a robust valence for Cr. The pre-edge for chromates is not unique and varies as a function of the CrO4 2? moiety distortion, which is often related to Cr-polymerization (monochromate vs. dichromate). Both the analogy with the Mn K-pre-edge information and ab initio FEFF calculations of the pre-edge feature for Cr(III) and Cr(VI) confirm the experimental trends. This methodology is applied to the Cr K-edge pre-edge feature collected in gems (emerald, spinel and ruby), the layered minerals fuchsite and kämmererite, two Cr-bearing aqueous solutions and a set of sodo-calcic silicate glasses used for bottling sparkling white wine. In emerald and fuchsite, the Cr-site is differently distorted than its ruby or spinel counterpart. In a Cr(III)-bearing aqueous solution and sodo-calcic glass, no evidence for Cr(III) with Td and C3v symmetry is detected. However, minor amounts of chromate moieties (most likely monomeric) are detected in a glass synthesized in air. Preliminary spectra for the wine bottle glass suggest that only trace amounts of chromates might possibly be present in these glasses.  相似文献   
The sinuosity factor (SF) is a critical value in karst systems in terms of estimating their hydrodynamic parameters including groundwater velocity, coefficient of dispersion, etc., through dye tracer experiments. SF has been used in a number of different dye tracer experiments in karstic systems to estimate a representative flow path. While knowing SF is crucially important in the estimation of hydrodynamic parameters, its calculation is associated with significant uncertainty due to the complexity of subsurface karstic features. And yet, only a few studies have discussed its uncertainties, which might lead some errors in estimation of hydrodynamic parameters from dye tracer experiment. In this study, dye tracer experiments were conducted in two consecutive years (2003 and 2004) representing low and high flow conditions in the Beyyayla sinkhole (Eski?ehir, Turkey) where the flow path is well known. Uranine was used in experiments as a tracer and QTRACER computer program was used to determine the hydrodynamic properties of the Beyyayla karst system as well as to gain insights into the effects of SF from dye tracer experiments on estimated parameters. The results showed that the breakthrough curve follows a unimodal and a bimodal distribution in low and high flow conditions, respectively. These different distributions stem from the water transport mechanisms, where velocities were calculated as 58.2 and 93.6 m h?1 during low and high flow conditions observed in a spring emerging from the south side of the studied system. The results also show that the coefficient of dispersion, Reynolds number, and Peclet number increased and longitudinal dispersivity decreased with the higher flow rate. Furthermore, the estimated parameters did not vary with either the flow conditions or the tracer transit time, but they have shown some variations with SF. When SF was increased by 50 %, a change in these parameters was obtained in the range of 50–125 %.  相似文献   
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