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Abstract— Mineralogy, major element compositions of minerals, and elemental and oxygen isotopic compositions of the whole rock attest to a lunar origin of the meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 032, an unbrecciated basalt found in October 1999. The rock consists predominantly of olivine, pyroxene and chromite phenocrysts, set in a crystalline groundmass of feldspar, pyroxene, ilmenite, troilite and trace metal. Whole‐rock shock veins comprise a minor, but ubiquitous portion of the rock. Undulatory to mosaic extinction in olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts and micro‐faults in groundmass and phenocrysts also are attributed to shock. Several geochemical signatures taken together indicate unambiguously that NWA 032 originated from the Moon. The most diagnostic criteria include whole‐rock oxygen isotopic composition and ratios of Fe/Mn in the whole rock, olivine, and pyroxene. A lunar origin is documented further by the presence of Fe‐metal, troilite, and ilmenite; zoning to extremely Fe‐rich compositions in pyroxene; the ferrous oxidation state of all Fe in pyroxene; and the rare earth element (REE) pattern with a well‐defined negative europium anomaly. This rock is similar in major element chemistry to basalts from Apollo 12 and 15, but is enriched in light REE and has an unusually high Th/Sm ratio. Some Apollo 14 basalts yield a closer match to NWA 032 in REE patterns, but have higher concentrations of Al2O3. Ar‐Ar step release results are complex, but yield a whole‐rock age of ?2.8 Ga, suggesting that NWA 032 was extruded at 2.8 Ga or earlier. This rock may be the youngest sample of mare basalt collected to date. Noble gas concentrations combined with previously collected radionuclide data indicate that the meteorite exposure history is distinct from currently recognized lunar meteorites. In short, the geochemical and petrographic features of NWA 032 are not matched by Apollo or Luna samples, nor by previously identified lunar meteorites, indicating that it originates from a previously unsampled mare deposit. Detailed assessment of petrographic features, olivine zoning, and thermodynamic modelling indicate a relatively simple cooling and crystallization history for NWA 032. Chromite‐spinel, olivine, and pyroxene crystallized as phenocrysts while the magma cooled no faster than 2 °C/h based on the polyhedral morphology of olivine. Comparison of olivine size with crystal growth rates and preserved Fe‐Mg diffusion profiles in olivine phenocrysts suggest that olivine was immersed in the melt for no more than 40 days. Plumose textures in groundmass pyroxene, feldspar, and ilmenite, and Fe‐rich rims on the phenocrysts formed during rapid crystallization (cooling rates ?20 to 60 °C/h) after eruption.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges faced by hydrologists and water engineers is the estimation of variables needed for water resources planning and management in ungauged river basins. To this end, techniques for transposing information, such as hydrological regional analyses, are widely employed. A method is presented for regionalizing flow-duration curves (FDCs) in perennial, intermittent and ephemeral rivers, based on the extended Burr XII probability distribution. This distribution shows great flexibility to fit data, with accurate reproduction of flow extremes. The performance analysis showed that, in general, the regional models are able to synthesize FDCs in ungauged basins, with a few possible drawbacks in the application of the method to intermittent and ephemeral rivers. In addition to the regional models, we summarize the experience of using synthetic FDCs for the indirect calibration of the Rio Grande rainfall–runoff model parameters in ungauged basins.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Costa, V., Fernandes, W., and Naghettini, M., 2013. Regional models of flow-duration curves of perennial and intermittent streams and their use for calibrating the parameters of a rainfall–runoff model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (2), 262–277.  相似文献   
Physical and chemical characteristics of intertidal sediments and their relationships with bacteria and cyanobacteria were analyzed at four stations at Pereque Beach. Granulometric analysis showed that Pereque beach has sediment that is classified as sand. The lowest value of the sediment C/N rates (6.08), mainly due to a higher concentration of organic nitrogen, was found at the northern part of Pereque Beach, where organic matter of marine source was more prominent. In this area, density (9.6x10(6)cells cm(-3)), biomass (1992.04ngC cm(-3)) and activity of bacteria were higher than at the southern end. In contrast, cyanobacteria density varied from 2.0 to 4.0x10(5)cells cm(-3), with biomass and total chlorophyll a of the sediment being higher at the southern part, where there are water input from Pereque River and higher organic matter of continental origin. The variability in the microbial population is discussed in the light of the sediment granulometry, organic matter quality, fresh water inflow and pollution.  相似文献   
Most GPS time-series exhibit a seasonal signal that can have an amplitude of a few millimetres. This seasonal signal can be removed by fitting an extra sinusoidal signal with a period of one year to the GPS data during the estimation of the linear trend.However, Blewitt and Lavallée (2002) showed that including an annual signal in the estimation process still can give a larger linear trend error than the trend error estimated from data from which the annual signal has been removed by other means. They assumed that the GPS data only contained white noise and we extend their result to the case of power-law plus white noise which is known to exist in most GPS observations. For the GPS stations CASC, LAGO, PDEL and TETN the difference in trend error between having or not having an annual signal in the data is around ten times larger when a power-law plus white noise model is used instead of a pure white noise model. Next, our methodology can be used to estimate for any station how much the accuracy of the linear trend will improve when one tries to subtract the annual signal from the GPS time-series by using a physical model.Finally, we demonstrate that for short time-series the trend error is more influenced by the fact that the noise properties also need to be estimated from the data. This causes on average an underestimation of the trend error.  相似文献   
The evaluation of potential environmental impacts from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon is a subject that requires investigation, especially related to emission sources from highway roads with high traffic. In this paper, the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was investigated in the surface sediments from a subtropical lake, located in the south of Brazil and away from urban areas. The results showed that all sediments presented such compounds in significant concentration, ranging from 9.50 to 29.88???g/g. The highest total concentration was found in those sites close to the highway (bridges) and the deepest area of the lake. Moreover, a high concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of high molecular weight, such as benzo(a)anthracene and dibenzo(a,h)anthracene was found. It was laso found that high concentrations might be related to asphalt and coal tar pavement used in the highway construction close to the lake. In addition, the potential capacity of sediment toxicity was compared with values of the interim sediment quality guidelines values. The results indicate that most of the sediment presents concentrations of hydrocarbons above these limits. Only fluoranthene and chrysene were found in concentrations below the guideline values. The concentrations of most of the polycyclic hydrocarbons are higher than the quality guidelines. However, the main concern is associated with the presence of benzo(a)anthracene whose concentration is 416 times higher than the limit establisehed by guidelines. The same observation can be done to traces of benzo(a)pyrene and dibenz(a,h)anthracene, with concentration values of 13 and 1,993 times higher.  相似文献   
We present data from three acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) moored off Cuddalore (12°N), Kakinada (16.5°N), and Gopalpur (19°N) on the continental slope of the western Bay of Bengal and one mooring on the slope of the northern bay (89°E, 19°N; referred to as being located at Paradip). The data were collected during May 2009 to March 2013 and the observations show that the seasonal cycle, which includes the annual cycle, the semi-annual cycle, and a peak around 120 days, dominates the observed variability of the East India Coastal Current (EICC). Spectral analysis suggests that the 120-day peak dominates the seasonal variability at Paradip and is strong at Gopalpur and Kakinada. The annual cycle is coherent along the western boundary of the bay, i.e., the east coast of India, but with significant phase differences between moorings. At the semi-annual and 120-day periods, the alongshore coherence is weaker. Intraseasonal variability is weaker than the seasonal cycle, particularly at Cuddalore and Paradip, and it exhibits seasonality: the strongest intraseasonal variation is during spring (February–April). Peaks around 12 and 20–22 days are also seen at Gopalpur, Kakinada, and Cuddalore. A striking feature of the currents is the upward phase propagation, but there are also instances when phase propagates downward. The much lower vertical phase speed in the top ~100 m at Cuddalore leads to a distinct undercurrent at this location; at other locations, the undercurrent, though it exists often, is not as striking. During spring, however, the EICC tends to flow poleward (eastward) at Cuddalore, Kakinada, and Gopalpur (Paradip) over the top ~300 m, which is the maximum depth to which observations were made. The cross-shore component of the EICC is much weaker than the alongshore component at Cuddalore and, except for a few bursts during spring, at Kakinada and Gopalpur. It is only at Paradip, on the slope of the northern boundary, that significant cross-shore flows are seen during spring and the summer monsoon (June–August) and these flows are seen to be associated with eddy-like circulations in the altimeter data. We use the ADCP data to validate popular current data products like OSCAR (Ocean Surface Currents Analyses Real-time), ECCO2 (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II), and GODAS (Global Ocean Data Assimilation System). The OSCAR currents at Paradip match the observed currents well, but the correlation is much weaker at the other three locations. Both ECCO2 and GODAS fair poorly, particularly the latter because its variability in this boundary-current regime is extremely weak. Though it performs badly at Paradip, ECCO2 does capture the observed variability on occasions at the other locations.  相似文献   
The Mandovi and Chapora are two tropical estuaries lying in close geographic proximity on the west coast of India. Seasonal changes in down core variation of Fe, Mn and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in the mangrove sediments adjoining these estuaries were studied to assess their influence on some of the representative benthic bacteria belonging to heterotrophic and autotrophic groups. Heterotrophic bacteria (HB) cultured on different nutrient concentrations (0.01%, 0.1% and 25%) together with nitrifiers (NtB; representating autotroph) were chosen to assess the influence of the above-mentioned abiotic parameters on the former. The experimental site located along the Mandovi is under the influence of extensive ferromanganese ore mining, while the control site at Chapora is relatively free from such influences. Geoaccumulation index computed for Mandovi showed that sediments (0-10cm) were 'uncontaminated to moderately contaminated' by Fe during the pre monsoon and monsoon seasons, while in the post monsoon season the 4-10cm fraction was almost completely restored from contamination. Similar computations for Mn showed that in pre monsoon, sediments fell in the 'moderately contaminated' and 'moderately to strongly contaminated' categories, while in the monsoon and post monsoon seasons all the sections were 'Uncontaminated'. The difference observed in correlation between Fe and Mn with the various fractions of heterotrophs and nitrifiers indicated that though these two elements shared a similar chemistry in the environment, microbes involved in biogeochemical processes might prefer them differentially. The relationship between TOC and HB enumerated on 0.01% dilute nutrient agar remained at r=0.50, p<0.05 throughout the year. Hence, it could be apparently linked to their preferred concentration of organic carbon requirement. A relationship of r=0.61, p<0.01 between manganese concentration and heterotrophs recovered on different strengths of nutrient agar is suggestive of their response to the metal enrichment. They could thus contribute towards maintaining the level of Mn at par with reference levels at Chapora. A positive correlation between Mn with NtB (n=10, p<0.05, r=0.58) at the experimental site during the non-monsoon months is suggestive of the latter's contribution to regulation of the metal concentration in the sediment probably through anaerobic nitrification at the expense of manganese. The study therefore supports our hypothesis that both autochthonous autotrophs and heterotrophs work in tandem to mitigate concentration of Mn and related metals in mangrove sediments.  相似文献   
Soil erosion, transport and deposition of sediments represent invisible threats that along time can affect negatively the existing infrastructure of roads and dams, and the quality of air and water resources. In the last decades, a great number of researches were devoted to study erosion and sediments transportation processes. However, they addressed mostly areas of agriculture, water impoundments for dams, and land conservation. A lack of studies for erosion processes in urban areas is evident, in special those aiming to diminish the deposition of sediments originated from urban areas into the rivers and air, in special as airborne particulate. Traditionally, the costs associated in controlling erosion and sediments in urban areas are high and in some case, out of the range for most developing countries. Factors responsible for those high prices are the use of heavy equipments for soil grading and transportation, the use of costly building materials, and the need for employing more specialized personnel. In the case of gullies in urban areas, another concern is to ensure proper equipment access to the area for remediation operations. Hereby, it is presented a cost-effective method to recover an extensive gully erosion area of about 11,000 m2 located in urban area. Estimated sediments released from this area to the water resources and air were estimated on about 66,000,000 tons. In this study area, bioengineering works were performed in 60 days, with hardly any sediment generated outside the work area resulting from bioengineering operations. A combination of bioengineering techniques were chosen for this study area, which was a mixture of rigid and biological products including biologs, silt fence, biodegradable straw blankets sewn with plastic threads derived from recycled PET bottles, among others. An efficient drainage system was implemented for preventing upland flow, sub-seepage and seepage. Biologs were used aiming to fulfill a double role, the first as barrier to soil sediments flow, and the second as filler for empty spaces, avoiding expensive grading operations. All engineering works were concluded in about 60 days at a cost of US0.89/m < sup > 2 < /sup > . This price is cost-effective if compared with the traditional engineering cost of approximately US 0.89/m2. This price is cost-effective if compared with the traditional engineering cost of approximately US 2.92/m2 because it includes extensive use of grading and soil transportation. An environmental advantage of the bioengineering method is the immediate reduction of airborne particulates. Furthermore, the overall visual aesthetics improved shortly after the implementation of the works because the bare ground was substituted by native vegetation. After 6 months the vegetation in the gully erosion area was totally established. Monitoring was performed after 12 months and no erosion and sediment transport was visually noticed. The ease implementation of this technique without the need for specialized workers in combination with low prices makes this method a model for developing countries.  相似文献   
This paper examines hydrodynamic pressure diagrams due to earthquakes acting on distinct configurations of the upstream face of a dam, considering the reservoir length and different bathymetries of the reservoir bottom. Two suitable mathematical models are used to obtain the dynamic pressure on the dam, and the reservoir free surface oscillation. Conceptual mathematical models are proposed to study the impact of a landslide triggered by an earthquake, and its progress into the reservoir. The waves formed when a landslide advances into the reservoir are tested with the help of laboratory results. These waves and their propagation in the reservoir are studied using experimental data and numerical results, including wave-type analyses based on dimensionless parameters. Two distinct 1DH and 2DV numerical models based on different mathematical formulations are tested. A discussion of physical and numerical results is detailed in a general risk context and uncertainty associated with the input data in a deterministic model. Numerical simulations are performed for the upper and lower limits of the sliding mass velocity diagram which is obtained as a result of the intrinsic uncertainty of the stochastic nature of the friction angle. Finally, the findings are discussed and some conclusions drawn.  相似文献   
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