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了解气候变化对冬小麦生育期的影响,可为农业应对气候变化、调整农作物种植结构提供科学依据。本文利用1996—2022年近26 a拉萨冬小麦生育期以及逐日平均气温(Tm)、最高气温(Tmax)、最低气温(Tmin)、气温日较差(DTR)、相对湿度(RH)、降水量(Pr)、日照时数(S)和≥0 ℃积温(∑T0)等资料,采用线性倾向估计、Pearson相关系数和优势分析方法等,分析了拉萨河谷冬小麦生育期变化特征以及影响的主导气象因子。结果表明:(1)近26 a拉萨河谷冬小麦营养生长期(Vegetative Growth Period,VGP)、生殖生长期(Reproductive Growth Period,RGP)和全生育期(Whole Growth Period,WGP)的Tm均呈上升趋势,Tmin升温率大于Tmax的升温率,DTRRH呈减小趋势,∑T0PrS趋于增加。(2)冬小麦拔节前各生育期提早,提早率为0.47~6.75 d/10 a;拔节后各生育期推迟,推迟率为3.17~7.03 d/10 a;VGP、WGP延长,RGP缩短。(3)拉萨河谷10月、1月Tmin和2月Tm的升高,是冬小麦出苗、分蘖和返青期提前的主要因素,导致冬小麦拔节后生育期推迟的重要因素则是4—5月S增加及6月RH减少。  相似文献   
Macroseismic data of earthquakes felt in Israel and also recorded instrumentally are analyzed. The analysis yields the following empirical relations:
Chevrel  S. D.  Pinet  P. C.  Daydou  Y.  Feldman  W. C. 《Solar System Research》2002,36(6):458-459
In this paper, we present (1) a statistical analysis, based on a systematic clustering method, of a dataset integrating the global abundance maps of the three elements iron, titanium, and thorium derived from Clementine and Lunar Prospector and (2) a comparison of iron abundances between Clementine and Lunar Prospector. Homogeneous geologic units are compositionally characterized and spatially defined in relation to the major rock types sampled on the Moon. With the lowest abundances of Fe, Ti, and Th found on the Moon, the lunar highland terrains are quite homogeneous with two major large feldspathic units, one being slightly more mafic than the other. Two distinct regions with unique compositions are unambiguously identified: the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) and the South Pole–Aitken (SPA). The PKT, which includes all the units with Th abundances higher than 3.5 ppm (KREEP-rich materials), is delimited by an almost continuous ringlike unit. In particular, it includes the western nearside maria, except for Mare Humorum. With concentrations in Fe, Ti, and Th enhanced relative to the surrounding highlands, the South Pole–Aitken basin floor represents a large mafic anomaly on the far side, suggesting wide deposits of lower crust and possible mantle materials. However, due to indirect residual latitude effects in the CSR (Clementine spectral reflectance) measurements, iron abundances might have been overestimated in SPA, thus implying that crustal materials, rather than mantle materials, might represent the dominant contributor to the mafic component exposed on the basin floor.  相似文献   
The dinoflagellate genus Ostreopsis produces palytoxin-like compounds (PLTXs) and the genus Gambierdiscus produces ciguatoxins (CTXs) and maitotoxin (MTX). Human illness has been recorded following the consumption of CTX-contaminated finfish. Their effects on the flora and fauna in the environment are largely unexplored. Toxin profiles of extracts of Ostreopsis and Gambierdiscus isolates from the Pacific region were characterised using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Sea urchin (Evechinus chloriticus) fertilisation was unaffected by any algal extracts, but extracts containing maitotoxin-3 (MTX-3, but not MTX or CTXs), or with high concentrations of PLTXs, were toxic to urchin larval development. Gambierdiscus extracts containing CTXs elicited toxic responses in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo toxicity assays; extracts containing only MTX-3 elicited a limited response. Ostreopsis extracts containing PLTXs caused no response. The results demonstrate potential impacts of toxic dinoflagellates on larval organisms and the potential of embryonic assays as toxicity screening tools.  相似文献   
Stochastic modelling of hydrological time series with insufficient length and data gaps is a serious challenge since these problems significantly affect the reliability of statistical models predicting and forecasting skills. In this paper, we proposed a method for searching the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average(SARIMA) model parameters to predict the behavior of groundwater time series affected by the issues mentioned. Based on the analysis of statistical indices, 8 stations among 44 available within the Campania region(Italy) have been selected as the highest quality measurements. Different SARIMA models, with different autoregressive, moving average and differentiation orders had been used.By reviewing the criteria used to determine the consistency and goodness-of-fit of the model, it is revealed that the model with specific combination of parameters, SARIMA(0,1,3)(0,1,2) _(12), has a high R~2 value,larger than 92%, for each of the 8 selected stations. The same model has also good performances for what concern the forecasting skills, with an average NSE of about 96%. Therefore, this study has the potential to provide a new horizon for the simulation and reconstruction of groundwater time series within the investigated area.  相似文献   
Measurements of the high‐energy gamma‐ray flux emanating from asteroid 4 Vesta by the Dawn Gamma‐Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) have revealed variability in the near‐surface elemental composition of the Vestan surface. These observations are consistent with the presence of large (≥8 × 104 km2) regions with distinct, HED‐like elemental compositions. The results agree broadly with other global measurements, such as the macroscopic neutron absorption cross section and spectral reflectance‐derived mineralogic maps. Two distinct regions with eucrite‐like elemental compositions have been identified, the first located primarily within the Lucaria and Marcia quadrangles and the second within Oppia quadrangle. The former region is collocated with some of the oldest, most heavily cratered terrain on Vesta. The interior of the 500 km diameter Rheasilvia impact basin is found to have a composition that is consistent with diogenite‐like material. Taken together, these observations support the hypothesis that Vesta's original crust was composed of basaltic outflows in the form of eucritic‐like material and that the Rheasilvia‐basin‐forming impact exposed lower‐crustal, diogenite‐like material. These measurements also constrain the maximum amount of mesosiderite‐like material to <10% for each 15 × 15° surface element.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) spectra of Saturn's aurora obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) have been analyzed. Comparisons between the observed spectra and synthetic models of electron-excited H2 have been used to determine various auroral characteristics. Far ultraviolet (FUV: 1200-1700 Å) STIS and UVIS spectra exhibit, below 1400 Å, weak absorption due to methane, with a vertical column ranging between 1.4×1015 and . Using the low-latitude Moses et al. [Moses, J.I., Bézard, B., Lellouch, E., Feuchtgruber, H., Gladstone, G.R., Allen, M., 2000. Icarus, 143, 244-298] atmospheric model of Saturn and an electron energy-H2 column relationship, these methane columns are converted into the mean energy of the primary precipitating electrons, estimated to lie in the range 10-18 keV. This result is confirmed by the study of self-absorption with UVIS and FUSE extreme ultraviolet (EUV: 900-1200 Å) spectra. Below 1200 Å, it is seen that transitions connecting to the v<2 vibrational levels of the H2 electronic ground state are partially self-absorbed by H2 molecules overlying the auroral emission. Because of its low spectral resolution (∼5.5 Å), the UVIS EUV spectrum we analyzed does not allow us to unequivocally determine reasonable ranges of temperatures and H2 columns. On the other hand, the high spectral resolution (∼0.2 Å) of the FUSE LiF1a and LiF2a EUV spectra we examined resolve the H2 rotational lines and makes it possible to determine the H2 temperature. The modeled spectrum best fitting the FUSE LiF1a observation reveals a temperature of 500 K and self-absorption by a H2 vertical column of . When converted to energy of precipitating electrons, this H2 column corresponds to primary electrons of ∼10 keV. The model that best fits the LiF2a spectrum is characterized by a temperature of 400 K and is not self-absorbed, making this segment ideal to determine the H2 temperature at the altitude of the auroral emission. The latter value is in agreement with temperatures obtained from infrared polar spectra. Self-absorption is detectable in the LiF2a segment for H2 columns exceeding , which sets the maximum mean energy determined from the FUSE observations to ∼15 keV. The total electron energy range of 10-18 keV deduced from FUV and EUV observations places the auroral emission peak between the 0.1 and 0.3 μbar pressure levels. These values should be seen as an upper limit, since most of the Voyager UVS spectra of Saturn's aurora examined by Sandel et al. [Sandel, B.R., Shemansky, D.E., Broadfoot, A.L., Holberg, J.B., Smith, G.R., 1982. Science 215, 548] do not exhibit methane absorption. The auroral H2 emission is thus likely located above but close to the methane homopause. The H2 auroral brightness in the 800-1700 Å bandwidth varies from 2.9 kR to 139 kR, comparable to values derived from FUV Faint Object Camera (FOC) and STIS images.  相似文献   
Helium abundance variations in the solar wind have been studied using data obtained with Los Alamos plasma instrumentation on IMP 6, 7, and 8 from 1971 through 1978. For the first time, average flow characteristics have been determined as a function of helium abundance, A(He). Low and average values of A(He) are each preferentially identified with a different characteristic plasma ‘state’ these correspond to what have previously been recognized as the signatures of interplanetary magnetic field polarity reversals and high speed streams, respectively. Helium enhancements at 1 AU also can be identified with a characteristic plasma state, which includes high magnetic field intensity and low proton temperature. This is further evidence that such enhancements are a signal of coronal transient mass ejections. Long-term averages of A(He) at least partially reflect the relative frequency with which coronal streamers, holes, and transients extend their influence into the ecliptic plane at 1 AU. As a result, there is a real and pronounced solar cycle variation of solar wind H(He).  相似文献   
The Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) is one of the instruments which makes up the scientific payload of the SOLAR-A mission. The spectrometer employs four bent germanium crystals, views the whole Sun and observes the resonance line complexes of H-like Fexxvi and He-like Fexxv, Caxix, and Sxv in four narrow wavelength ranges with a resolving power (/) of between 3000 and 6000. The spectrometer has approaching ten times better sensitivity than that of previous instruments thus permitting a time resolution of better than 1 s to be achieved. The principal aim is the measurement of the properties of the 10 to 50 million K plasma created in solar flares with special emphasis on the heating and dynamics of the plasma during the impulsive phase. This paper summarizes the scientific objectives of the BCS and describes the design, characteristics, and performance of the spectrometers.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.Tragically Professor K. Tanaka died on January 2, 1990.  相似文献   
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