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A multi-core, multidisciplinary palaeolimnological study of the partially varved sediment of a deep, meromictic, arctic lake, Kongressvatnet (Svalbard, Western Spitsbergen), provides a record of environmental and climatic changes during last ca. 1800 years. The chronology of sedimentation was established using several dating techniques (137Cs, 210Pb, varve counts, palaeomagnetic correlation). A multiproxy record of palaeolimnological variability was compiled based on sedimentation rates, magnetic properties, varve thickness, organic matter, geochemistry, pigments from algal and photosynthetic bacteria, mineralogy and biological assemblages (diatoms, Cladocera). The major features recognised in our master core K99-3 include a shift in sediment source and supply (magnetic measurements, geochemistry) probably caused by glaciological changes in the catchment around 38–32 cm core depth (AD 700–820). Additional environmental changes are inferred at 20–18, 8–4.5 and 3–2 cm (AD ca. 1160–1255; 1715–1880; 1940–1963, respectively). During the past ca. 120 years a prominent sedimentological change from brownish-grey, partly laminated silt-clay (varves) to black organic-rich deposits was observed. From AD 1350 to AD1880 the sediment is comprised of a continuous sequence of varves, whereas the earlier sediments are mostly homogeneous with only a few short intercalated laminated sections between AD 860 and 1350. Sedimentation and accumulation rates increased during the last 30 years (modern warming). Pigment concentrations are very low in the lower ca. 32 cm of the core (AD 820) probably because of the high turbidity high energy environment. The high sulphur content in the uppermost 32 cm of sediment has given rise to two horizontally stratified populations of sulphur anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria, as inferred from their specific carotenoids. These bacteria populations are much more abundant during the Little Ice Age (LIA) than during warmer periods (e.g., during the Medieval Warm Period and 20th century). Diatoms are lacking from the core base up to 18 cm (ca. AD 1255); at this level, species indicative of mesotrophic water are present, whereas from 17 cm to the top of the core, oligotrophic taxa such as Staurosira construens/S. pinnata complex dominate, indicating extended ice coverage and more oligotrophic waters during the LIA. The concentration of Cladocera subfossil remains (dominated by Chydorus) are relatively high in the deepest sections (54–32 cm), whereas the upper 32 cm are characterized by a very low concentration of remains, possibly because of the strongly anoxic conditions, and in this upper sediment section rotifer resting eggs become prevalent. We interpret these changes as responses to climate forcing through its impact on glacial melt water, lake ice cover duration and mainly redox conditions in deep water. The observed changes suggest that at least some of our recorded changes may parallel the Greenland Ice core, although our study added more details about the inferred climatic changes. Further aspects are discussed, such as catchment processes, glacial activity, duration of the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, local human activity, and limnology.  相似文献   
This paper reappraises Perzyna-type viscoplasticity for the constitutive modelling of granular geomaterials, with emphasis on the simulation of rate/time effects of different magnitude. An existing elasto-plastic model for sands is first recast into a Perzyna viscoplastic formulation and then calibrated/validated against laboratory test results on Hostun sand from the literature. Notable model features include (1) enhanced definition of the viscous nucleus function and (2) void ratio dependence of stiffness and viscous parameters, to model the pycnotropic behaviour of granular materials with a single set of parameters, uniquely identified against standard creep and triaxial test results. The comparison between experimental data and numerical simulations points out the predicative capability of the developed model and the complexity of defining a unique viscous nucleus function to capture sand behaviour under different loading/initial/boundary and drainage conditions. It is concluded that the unified viscoplastic simulation of both drained and undrained response is particularly challenging within Perzyna's framework and opens to future research in the area. The discussion presented is relevant, for instance, to the simulation of multiphase strain localisation phenomena, such as those associated to slope stability problems in variably saturated soils.  相似文献   
An overall acceleration of rock glacier displacement rates in the Alps has been observed in recent decades, with several cases of destabilization leading to potential geomorphological hazards. This behaviour has been attributed to the rising permafrost temperature, induced by atmospheric warming and regulated by thermo-hydrological processes. Landforms derived from the interaction of glacier remnants and permafrost are widespread in mountain areas, but are less studied and monitored than talus rock glaciers. This work presents a comparative study of a talus rock glacier and a glacial-permafrost composite landform (GPCL) in the Eastern Italian Alps. The two landforms are only 10 km apart, but have rather different elevation ranges and main slope aspects. The kinematics and ground thermal conditions were monitored from 2001 to 2015 along with geomorphological surveys, analyses of historical maps and remote sensing data. The dynamic behaviour of the rock glacier was similar to the majority of monitored rock glaciers in the Alps, with an acceleration after 2008 and a velocity peak in 2015. In contrast, the GPCL had a nearly unchanged displacement rate during the observation period. Statistical analyses of kinematic vs. nivo-meteorological variables revealed a dynamic decoupling of the two landforms after 2008 that corresponds with increased winter snow accumulation. Although the kinematics of both landforms respond to ground surface temperature variations, the collected evidence suggests a different reaction of ground surface temperature to variations in the precipitation regime. This different reaction is likely due to local topo-climatic conditions that affect snow redistribution by wind. The different reactions of the two systems to the same climatic forcing is likely a legacy of their different origins. GPCL dynamics result from interaction of permafrost and residual glacial dynamics that are associated with possible peculiarities in the internal/basal meltwater circulation, whose future response is uncertain and requires improved understanding. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic igneous rocks from the External Zones of the Betic Cordilleras extend for some 300 km along the Subbetic Zone. They are poorly differentiated basic rocks which, altogether, correspond to a transitional series containing tholeiitic and sodium-alkaline terms. They crop out as small ophite stocks and dykes intruded into middle- and upper-Triassic rocks, or as submarine flows and sills interlayered with Jurassic materials.

Geological and radiometric evidence points to an upper-Triassic-Liassic age for the ophite-generating magmatism, while the fissure volcanism began locally in the early-Liassic and extended throughout the Dogger. It reached its climax in the Tithonian and ceased abruptly in the lowermost Cretaceous.

The magmas that generated the two groups of rocks originated within the mantle. During the ascent through a continental crust they were contaminated by deep-crust granitoid rocks and by the assimilation of pelites from the basement. The chemical composition and fractional-crystallization differentiation trends of the ophites belong to the tholeiitic series, while those of the middle-uppermost Jurassic magmas to the sodic-alkaline series. This magmatic evolution may be attributed to a geodynamic change from distensive in the Triassic to transtensive from the middle-Jurassic onwards.  相似文献   
Deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSDs) influence landscape development in tectonically active mountain ranges. Nevertheless, the relationships among tectonics, DSGSDs, and topography are poorly known. In this paper, the distribution of DSGSDs and their relationships with tectonic structures and active processes, surface processes, and topography were investigated at different scales. Over 100 DSGSDs were mapped in a 5000 km2 sector of the central Eastern Alps between the Valtellina, Engadine and Venosta valleys. Detailed lineament mapping was carried out by photo-interpretation in a smaller area (about 750 km2) including the upper Valtellina and Val Venosta. Fault populations were also analysed in the field and their mechanisms unravelled, allowing to identify different structural stages, the youngest being consistent with the regional pattern of the ongoing crustal deformation. Finally, four DSGSD examples have been investigated in detail by geological and 2D geomechanical modelling.DSGSDs affect more than 10% of the study area, and mainly cluster in areas where anisotropic fractured rock mass and high local relief occur. Their onset and development is subjected to a strong passive control by mesoscopic and major tectonic features, including regional nappe boundaries as well as NW–SE, N–S and NE–SW trending recent brittle structures. The kinematic consistency between these structures and the pattern of seismicity suggests that active tectonics may force DSGSDs, although field evidence and numerical models indicate slope debuttressing related to deglaciation as a primary triggering mechanism.  相似文献   
Paleoecological reconstructions of Holocene sea-level changes in Argentinean coastal regions were based mainly on ecological data gathered from other regions, as there was a lack of information on modern estuarine diatom distributions. The aim of the present work was to assess the spatial variation of diatom assemblages in two representative estuaries of Argentina in order to gather ecological information for paleoecological reconstructions in the region. The two selected estuaries have different geomorphologic features and salinity regimes: Mar Chiquita Lagoon is shallow, which prevents the development of a stable salinity gradient as it occurs in the Quequén Grande River. Surface sediment samples were taken from selected stations representative of the environmental gradient from the inlet to the inner reaches of both estuaries. Cluster analysis defined three diatom zones at Mar Chiquita: marine/brackish assemblages dominate the inlet (zone I), where salinity, tidal range and current speed are higher. The brackish/freshwater tychoplankton Staurosira construens var. venter and Staurosirella pinnata dominate the inner lagoon (zone II), where environmental conditions are very variable and concentrations of suspended sediments are higher. Brackish/freshwater euryhaline diatoms dominate the headwaters (zone III). On the other hand, the Quequén Grande River was divided into three diatom zones: coastal taxa are distributed at the inlet (zone I), while the middle estuary (zone II) is dominated by brackish/freshwater euryhaline taxa. At the upper estuary region (zone III), freshwater diatoms dominate, and the halophobous Nitzschia denticula increased in abundance values. Diatom distributions were most closely related to the salinity gradient at Quequén Grande River than at Mar Chiquita Lagoon. Fossil data of a sequence from Mar Chiquita Lagoon (Las Gallinas Creek) were compared to the modern data set in order to search for analogies between fossil and modern diatom assemblages. DCA results showed that fossil diatom assemblages have modern counterparts. Most diatom assemblages of Las Gallinas Creek fall within Mar Chiquita zone III, representing a shallow brackish/freshwater environment, with low salinity fluctuations (~1–9‰) and no tidal influence. Therefore, our modern diatom data provide useful analogs to interpret paleoenvironments in the region.  相似文献   
There is a growing population of relativistically relevant minor bodies in the Solar System and a growing population of massive extrasolar planets with orbits very close to the central star where relativistic effects should have some signature. Our purpose is to review how general relativity affects the orbital dynamics of the planetary systems and to define a suitable relativistic correction for Solar System orbital studies when only point masses are considered. Using relativistic formulae for the N body problem suited for a planetary system given in the literature we present a series of numerical orbital integrations designed to test the relevance of the effects due to the general theory of relativity in the case of our Solar System. Comparison between different algorithms for accounting for the relativistic corrections are performed. Relativistic effects generated by the Sun or by the central star are the most relevant ones and produce evident modifications in the secular dynamics of the inner Solar System. The Kozai mechanism, for example, is modified due to the relativistic effects on the argument of the perihelion. Relativistic effects generated by planets instead are of very low relevance but detectable in numerical simulations.  相似文献   
We propose a forecasting approach for solar flares based on data from Solar Cycle 24, taken by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. In particular, we use the Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) product that facilitates cut-out magnetograms of solar active regions (AR) in the Sun in near-realtime (NRT), taken over a five-year interval (2012?–?2016). Our approach utilizes a set of thirteen predictors, which are not included in the SHARP metadata, extracted from line-of-sight and vector photospheric magnetograms. We exploit several machine learning (ML) and conventional statistics techniques to predict flares of peak magnitude \({>}\,\mbox{M1}\) and \({>}\,\mbox{C1}\) within a 24 h forecast window. The ML methods used are multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), support vector machines (SVM), and random forests (RF). We conclude that random forests could be the prediction technique of choice for our sample, with the second-best method being multi-layer perceptrons, subject to an entropy objective function. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that the best-performing method gives accuracy \(\mathrm{ACC}=0.93(0.00)\), true skill statistic \(\mathrm{TSS}=0.74(0.02)\), and Heidke skill score \(\mathrm{HSS}=0.49(0.01)\) for \({>}\,\mbox{M1}\) flare prediction with probability threshold 15% and \(\mathrm{ACC}=0.84(0.00)\), \(\mathrm{TSS}=0.60(0.01)\), and \(\mathrm{HSS}=0.59(0.01)\) for \({>}\,\mbox{C1}\) flare prediction with probability threshold 35%.  相似文献   
In the late Carnian (Late Triassic), a carbonate‐clastic depositional system including a distal alluvial plain, flood basin and sabkha, tidal flat and shallow carbonate lagoon was established in the Dolomites (Northern Italy). The flood basin was a muddy supratidal environment where marine carbonates and continental siliciclastics interfingered. A dolomite phase made of sub‐micrometre euhedral crystals with a mosaic microstructure of nanometre‐scale domains was identified in stromatolitic laminae of the flood basin embedded in clay. This dolomite is interpreted here as primary and has a nearly stoichiometric composition, as opposed to younger early diagenetic (not primary) dolomite phases, which are commonly calcian. This primary dolomite was shielded from later diagenetic transformation by the clay. The stable isotopic composition of dolomite was analyzed along a depositional transect. The δ13C values range between ca ?6‰ and +4‰, with the most 13C‐depleted values in dolomites of the distal alluvial plain and flood basin, and the most 13C‐enriched in dolomites of the tidal flat and lagoon. Uniform δ18O values ranging between 0‰ and +3‰ were found in all sedimentary facies. It is hypothesized that the primary dolomite with mosaic microstructure nucleated on extracellular polymeric substances secreted by sulphate reducing bacteria. A multi‐step process involving sabkha and reflux dolomitization led to partial replacement and overgrowth of the primary dolomite, but replacement and overgrowth were facies‐dependent. Dolomites of the landward, clay‐rich portion of the sedimentary system were only moderately overgrown during late dolomitization steps, and partly retain an isotopic signature consistent with bacterial sulphate reduction with δ13C as low as ?6‰. In contrast, dolomites of the marine, clay‐free part of the system were probably transformed through sabkha and reflux diagenetic processes into calcian varieties, and exhibit δ13C values of ca +3‰. Major shifts of δ13C values strictly follow the lateral migration of facies and thus mark transgressions and regressions.  相似文献   
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