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The Middle–Upper Jurassic succession of the Marguareis–Mongioie area (Ligurian Briançonnais Domain), developed in a protected shelf environment evolving into a pelagic plateau, bears clear evidence of synsedimentary tectonics such as: growth fault-related structures; neptunian dykes; marked lateral variations in stratigraphic thicknesses testifying to the juxtaposition of sectors characterized by different sedimentation and subsidence rates; discordant, anomalous stratigraphic contacts corresponding to paleoescarpments; nodular beds showing evidence of fluidification interpreted as seismites; and the occurrence of sand-sized quartz grains pointing to denudation of Permo-Triassic quartz-rich rocks. Such evidence documents an important Middle-Late Jurassic post-breakup tectonic activity, which was more effective in controlling the basin topography than the Early Jurassic syn-rift tectonic phase. Two main tectono-sedimentary stages, one occurring during the Bathonian, the other falling within the Callovian–Kimmeridgian interval, were reconstructed. The first stage can be referred to a fault-related activity occurring shortly after the initial stages of oceanic spreading of the Ligurian Tethys; the second can be genetically related to the far effects of the first rifting stage of the Bay of Biscay and the Valais basin.  相似文献   
We present high-resolution Vp models of the Capo Granitola harbor, Sicily (Italy) obtained by first arrival traveltime tomography. Seismic data were collected along four hydrophone arrays on the sea-bottom and via a Watergun as seismic source, in order to plan dredging operations in the harbor. Using a hydrophone spacing of 2.5 m and shot spacing of 5 m, very high resolution quality data were recorded. Seismic tomography expands existing knowledge of the harbour subsoil with a penetration of about 20 m, illuminating the Lower Pleistocene bedrock (Marsala calcarenites) that corresponds to high-Vp regions (Vp?>?4.5 km/s). Low Vp (1.8–4.5 km/s) deposits belonging to terraced calcarenites (Upper Pleistocene in age) are also well imaged; they are about 8 m thick and lie below loose sand deposits (Vp?=?1.5 km/s). The substratum has an articulated morphology; Vp images unravel small steps in the basement probably related to structural discontinuities (e.g., faults). Processing data with 3D techniques enables images of the structure and the thickness of the lithotypes to be reconstructed, thus leading to large-scale, realistic estimates of the total quantity of material to be excavated or dredged. Tomographic profiles permit clear discrimination of the soft sediment above the basement and thus allow the determination of the total volume of sediment above the seismic bedrock, estimated at about 265,000 m3.  相似文献   
We investigated, with a series of field and laboratory observations, the possible effect of the starfish Marthasteria glacialis predation on the operational sex ratio (OSR), i.e. the number of sexually mature males divided by the total number of sexually mature adults of both sexes at any one time, of the edible sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus . The OSR was estimated three times during the sea urchin summer spawning period (July 2004, June 2005 and July 2006) on barren substrates of Ustica Island Marine Protected Area (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Four sites were selected: two characterized by high M. glacialis density (take zone C) and two controls with low starfish density (no-take zone A). Mature sea urchins were independently collected by SCUBA diving and sexed. The adult sex ratio was skewed towards males at high M. glacialis density sites, whereas it was balanced (1:1) at predator low-density sites. Results of sex-selective feeding experiments in the laboratory showed that females of P. lividus were more vulnerable to M. glacialis predation. These outcomes underline the possible importance of M. glacialis in regulating the OSR of P. lividus populations.  相似文献   
Rocks dredged and drilled from both the rift mountains of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Minia seamount) and from the northern wall and the median ridge of the adjacent Gibbs fracture zone near 53°N include tholeiites, serpentinized and mylonitized peridoties, and gabbroic rock.The tholeiites include: (1) pyroxene-tholeiites, commonly without phenocrysts and containing less than 15% Al2O3; (2) plagioclase-tholeiites with small (1.1–2.2 mm length) plagioclase phenocrysts and an Al2O3 content varying between 14–17%; and (3) high-alumina plagioclase tholeiites with large (> 2.5 mm length) plagioclase phenocrysts and more than 17% Al2O3. The apparently transitional differences among the three groups support the possibility that differentiation by crystal fractionation of the high-alumina plagioclase-tholeiites gave rise to the plagioclase-tholeiites with less Al2O3 and smaller phenocrysts and to the pyroxene-tholeiites. A small portion of the basalts ampled show effects of low-grade metamorphism. The peridotites may represent evidence of intrusive emplacement of peridotitic material beneath the tholeiitic rocks.  相似文献   
This work evaluated the presence and the frequency of occurrence of marine litter in the gastrointestinal tract of 31 Caretta caretta found stranded or accidentally bycaught in the North Tyrrhenian Sea. Marine debris were present in 71% of specimens and were subdivided in different categories according to Fulmar Protocol (OSPAR 2008). The main type of marine debris found was user plastic, with the main occurrence of sheetlike user plastic. The small juveniles showed a mean ± SD of marine debris items of 19.00 ± 23.84, while the adult specimens showed higher values of marine litter if compared with the juveniles (26.87 ± 35.85). The occurrence of marine debris observed in this work confirms the high impact of marine debris in the Mediterranean Sea in respect to other seas and oceans, and highlights the importance of Caretta caretta as good indicator for marine litter in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) of European Union.  相似文献   
The Triassic–Lower Jurassic succession of the Southern Alps is characterized by rapid thickness changes, from an average of about 5000 m east of Lago Maggiore to about 500 m in the Western Southern Alps. The stratigraphy reflects the Triassic evolution of the Tethyan Gulf and the Early Jurassic rifting responsible for the Middle Jurassic break‐up of Adria from Europe. The succession of the Western Southern Alps starts with Lower Permian volcanics directly covered by Anisian sandstones. The top of the overlying Ladinian dolostones (300 m) records subaerial exposure and karstification. Locally (Gozzano), Upper Sinemurian sediments cover the Permian volcanics, documenting pre‐Sinemurian erosion. New biostratigraphic data indicate a latest Pliensbachian–Toarcian age for the Jurassic synrift deposits that unconformably cover Ladinian or Sinemurian sediments. Therefore, in the Western Southern Alps, the major rifting stage that directly evolved into the opening of the Penninic Ocean began in the latest Pliensbachian–Toarcian. New data allowed us to refine the evolution of the two previously recognized Jurassic extensional events in the Southern Alps. The youngest extensional event (Western Southern Alps) occurred as tectonic activity decreased in the Lombardy Basin. During the Sinemurian the Gozzano high represents the western shoulder of a rift basin located to the east (Lombardy). This evolution documents a transition from diffuse early rifting (Late Hettangian–Sinemurian), controlled by older discontinuities, to rifting focused along a rift valley close to the Pliensbachian–Toarcian boundary. This younger rift bridges the gap between the Hettangian–Sinemurian diffuse rifting and the Callovian–Bathonian break‐up. The late Pliensbachian–Toarcian rift, which eventually lead to continental break‐up, is interpreted as the major extensional episode in the evolution of the passive margin of Adria. The transition from diffuse to focused extension in the Southern Alps is comparable to the evolution of the Central Austroalpine during the Early Jurassic and of the Central and Northern Atlantic margins.  相似文献   
We present the analysis of the data of four EB-type eclipsing binaries, continuing our search for contact or almost contact systems. The Price algorithm has been used in conjunction to the Wilson-Devinney model to try to obtain, where possible, unambiguous solutions for all the systems.  相似文献   
Shatter cones are one of the most widely recognized pieces of evidence for meteorite impact events on Earth, but the process responsible for their formation is still debated. Evidence of melting on shatter cone surfaces has been rarely reported in the literature from terrestrial impact craters but has been recently observed in impact experiments. Although several models for shatter cones formation have been proposed, so far, no one can explain all the observed features. Shatter cones' from the Vista Alegre impact structure, Brazil, formed in fine‐grained basalt of the Jurassic‐Cretaceous Serra Geral Formation (Paraná large igneous province). A continuous quenched melt film, consisting of a crystalline phase, mica, and amorphous material, decorates the striated surface. Ultracataclasites, containing subrounded pyroxene clasts in an ultrafine‐grained matrix, occur subparallel to the striated surface. Several techniques were applied to characterize the crystalline phase in the melt, including Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Results are not consistent with any known mineral, but they do suggest a possible rare or new type of clinopyroxene. This peculiar evidence of melting and cataclasis in relation with shatter cone surfaces is interpreted as the result of tensile fracturing at the tip of a fast propagating shock‐induced rupture, which led to the formation of shatter cones at the tail of the shock front, likely during the early stage of the impact events.  相似文献   
The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Area Survey (HELLAS) has surveyed several tens of deg2 of the sky in the     band down to a flux of about     . The source surface density of     at the survey limit corresponds to a resolved fraction of the     X-ray background (XRB) of the order of     per cent. The extrapolation of the HELLAS     towards fainter fluxes with a Euclidean slope is consistent with the first XMM–Newton measurements, in the same energy band, which are a factor of 20 times more sensitive. The source counts in the hardest band so far surveyed by X-ray satellites are used to constrain XRB models. It is shown that in order to reproduce the     counts over the range of fluxes covered by BeppoSAX and XMM–Newton a large fraction of highly absorbed     , luminous     active galactic nuclei is needed. A sizeable number of more heavily obscured, Compton-thick, objects cannot be ruled out but they are not required by the present data. The model predicts an absorption distribution consistent with that found from the hardness ratios analysis of the so far identified HELLAS sources. Interestingly enough, there is evidence of a decoupling between X-ray absorption and optical reddening indicators, especially at high redshifts/luminosities where several broad-line quasars show hardness ratios typical of absorbed power-law models with     .  相似文献   
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