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This paper analyses flow and transport of pesticides from the unsaturated zone to groundwater so as to predict concentration of those contaminants in the Fucino Plain’s groundwater, by site investigations and numerical simulations. Pesticides were detected in surface water (peaks of 13 μg L−1) and groundwater (peaks of 0.37 μg L−1). Modelling tools made it possible to identify that pattern of precipitation, organic matter content, and root thickness are the key factors involved in vertical seepage of pesticides. Numerical simulations indicated that a significant fraction of contaminants is leached from the most surficial soil layers through runoff, while only a secondary fraction is mobilised towards groundwater. Likelihood of contaminating deep groundwater is fairly low, whereas surface waters show higher susceptibility. Results of the proposed conceptual hydrogeological model show that pesticides are more likely to be entrained by mixing of stream water with shallow groundwater in periods of high water exploitation from shallow wells.  相似文献   
Generally, the intensity and magnitude of explosive volcanic activity increase in parallel with SiO2 content. Pyroclastic-flow-forming eruptions in the Colli Albani ultrapotassic volcanic district (Italy) represent the most striking exception on a global scale, with volumes on the order of tens of cubic kilometres and K-foiditic compositions (SiO2 even <42 wt.%). Here, we reconstruct the pre-eruptive scenario and event dynamics of the ~456 ka Pozzolane Rosse (PR) eruption, the largest mafic explosive event of the Colli Albani district. In particular, we focus on the driving mechanisms for the unusually explosive eruption of a low-viscosity, mafic magma. Geologic, petrographic and geochemical data with mass balance calculations, supported by experimental data for Colli Albani magma compositions, provide evidence for significant ingestion of carbonate wall rocks by the Pozzolane Rosse K-foiditic magma. Moreover, the scattered occurrence of cored bombs in Pozzolane Rosse pyroclastic-flow deposits records carbonate entrainment even at the eruptive time scale, as also tested quantitatively by thermal modelling of magma–carbonate interaction and carbonate assimilation experiments. We suggest that the addition of free CO2 from decarbonation of country rocks was the major factor controlling magma explosivity. High CO2 activity in the volatile component, coupled with magma depressurisation, produced extensive leucite crystallisation at short time scales, resulting in a dramatic increase in magma viscosity and volatile pressurisation, which was manifested a change of eruptive dynamics from early effusion to the Pozzolane Rosse's highly explosive eruption climax.  相似文献   
The initial exploration of any planetary object requires a careful mission design guided by our knowledge of that object as gained by terrestrial observers. This process is very evident in the development of the Dawn mission to the minor planets 1 Ceres and 4 Vesta. This mission was designed to verify the basaltic nature of Vesta inferred both from its reflectance spectrum and from the composition of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites believed to have originated on Vesta. Hubble Space Telescope observations have determined Vesta’s size and shape, which, together with masses inferred from gravitational perturbations, have provided estimates of its density. These investigations have enabled the Dawn team to choose the appropriate instrumentation and to design its orbital operations at Vesta. Until recently Ceres has remained more of an enigma. Adaptive-optics and HST observations now have provided data from which we can begin to confidently plan the mission. These observations reveal a rotationally symmetric body with little surface relief, an ultraviolet bright point that can be used as a control point for determining the pole and anchoring a geographic coordinate system. They also reveal albedo and color variations that provide tantalizing hints of surface processes.  相似文献   
Analogue models are used to investigate extension of a continental lithosphere weakened by asthenospheric melts percolating through the upper mantle, a process that has been hypothesised to control the opening of the Ligurian Tethys. Models were performed in a centrifuge apparatus and reproduced, by using materials such as sand and viscous mixtures, extension of 60-km thick, three-layer continental lithosphere floating above the asthenosphere. The percolated lithospheric mantle was assumed to be characterised by a rheological behaviour similar to that of the asthenosphere. Two sets of experiments investigated the influence on deformation of (1) the thickness of the percolated mantle and the associated strength contrast between the normal and weakened lithosphere, and (2) the lateral width of the weakened zone. Model results suggest that mantle percolation by asthenospheric melts is able to promote strong localised thinning of the continental lithosphere, provided that a significant thickness of the lithospheric mantle is weakened by migrating melts within a narrow region. Strain localisation is maximised for percolation of the whole lithospheric mantle and strong strength contrast between the normal and weakened lithosphere. Under these conditions, the thickness of the lithosphere may be reduced to less than 12 km in 3 Ma of extension. Conversely, localised thinning is strongly reduced if the thickness of the percolated zone is ≤1/3 of the thickness of the whole lithospheric mantle and/or the lithosphere is weakened over wide regions. Overall, model results support the working hypothesis that mantle percolation by asthenospheric melts is a controlling factor in the transition from distributed continental deformation to localised oceanic spreading.  相似文献   
A comparison of seismic risk maps for Italy   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
National seismic risk maps are an important risk mitigation tool as they can be used for the prioritization of regions within a country where retrofitting of the building stock or other risk mitigation measures should take place. The production of a seismic risk map involves the convolution of seismic hazard data, vulnerability predictions for the building stock and exposure data. The seismic risk maps produced in Italy over the past 10 years are compared in this paper with recent proposals for seismic risk maps based on state-of-the-art seismic hazard data and mechanics-based vulnerability assessment procedures. The aim of the paper is to open the discussion for the way in which future seismic risk maps could be produced, making use of the most up-to-date information in the fields of seismic hazard evaluation and vulnerability assessment.  相似文献   
In the Maritime Alps (north‐west Italy – south‐east France), the Middle Triassic–lowermost Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Provençal Domain locally show an intense dolomitization. Dolomitized bodies, irregularly shaped and variable in size from some metres to hundreds of metres, are associated with tabular bodies of dolomite‐cemented breccias, cutting the bedding at a high angle, and networks of dolomite veins. Field and petrographic observations indicate that dolomitization was a polyphase process, in which episodes of hydrofracturing and host‐rock dissolution, related to episodic expulsion of overpressured fluids through faults and fracture systems, were associated with phases of host‐rock dolomitization and void cementation. Fluid inclusion analysis indicates that dolomitizing fluids were relatively hot (170 to 260°C). The case study represents an outstanding example of a fossil hydrothermal system, which significantly contributes to the knowledge of such dolomitization systems in continental margin settings. The unusually favourable stratigraphic framework allows precise constraint of the timing of dolomitization (earliest Cretaceous) and, consequently, direct evaluation of the burial setting of dolomitization which, for the upper part of the dolomitized succession, was very shallow or even close to the surface. The described large‐scale hydrothermal system was probably related to deep‐rooted faults, and provides indirect evidence of a significant earliest Cretaceous fault activity in this part of the Alpine Tethys European palaeomargin.  相似文献   
In order to assess the response of benthic foraminifera to trace element pollution, a study of benthic foraminiferal assemblages was carried out into sediment samples collected from the Santa Gilla lagoon (Sardinia, Italy). The lagoon has been contaminated by industrial waste, mainly trace elements, as well as by agricultural and domestic effluent. The analysis of surficial sediment shows enrichment in trace elements, including Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn. Biotic and abiotic data, analyzed with multivariate techniques of statistical analysis, reveal a distinct separation of both the highly polluted and less polluted sampling sites. The innermost part of the lagoon, comprising the industrial complex at Macchiareddu, is exposed to a high load of trace elements which are probably enhanced by their accumulation in the finer sediment fraction. This area reveals lower diversity and higher percentages of abnormalities when compared to the outermost part of the lagoon.  相似文献   
Magnetic history of a dyke on Mount Etna (Sicily)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the 1989 eruption of Mount Etna, two fracture systems, trending c. N45°E and N150°E, opened at the foot of its 3000 m high SE Crater and propagated quickly downslope to distances of ≈3 and 7 km, respectively. The northeastern fracture fed a flank eruption, whereas the southeastern fracture remained dry and offered contrasting volcanological and geophysical evidence of the presence of magma at a shallow depth. During the opening of this non-eruptive fracture system, a differential magnetic network was set up on a short profile across its distant extremity. Initially, the magnetic field did not display any change along the profile between frequent surveys. However, repeated measurements at intervals of about 3 months for two years revealed the slow build-up of a 130 nT anomaly. The anomaly vanishes laterally within 0.2 km of the surface expression of the fracture system. This exceptional set of observations constrains the location and time of cooling of a shallow dyke. The increase in magnetization of the dyke inferred by the rate of growth of the anomaly leads to the interpretation that the dyke was emplaced near the end of the eruption.  相似文献   
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