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The lithosphere of the Northern Alpine foreland has undergone a polyphase evolution during which interacting stress-induced intraplate deformation and upper mantle thermal perturbations controlled folding of the thermally weakened lithosphere. In this paper we address relationships among deeper lithospheric processes, neotectonics and surface processes in the Northern Alpine foreland with special emphasis on tectonically induced topography. We focus on lithosphere memory and neotectonics, paying special attention to the thermo-mechanical structure of the Rhine Graben System and adjacent areas of the northern Alpine foreland lithosphere. We discuss implications for mechanisms of large-scale intraplate deformation and links with surface processes and topography evolution.  相似文献   
Annex I Parties may receive credits or debits from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) activities, contributing to achieving individual emission reduction targets. In the Durban climate negotiations, Parties agreed new LULUCF accounting rules for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (CP2). By using these new rules, this paper presents key differences among Parties at the minimum (assuming no additional action) and potential (assuming additional actions) contribution of the forest-related LULUCF activities in achieving the pledges for 2020. Overall, the potential contribution of LULUCF is relatively modest (up to about 2 % of 1990 emissions) for the EU, the Annex I Parties likely joining the CP2, and for the Annex I Parties that joined the CP1 as a whole. However, for specific Parties, LULUCF can make a substantial contribution to achieving the pledges. For New Zealand, for instance, the potential contribution of future LULUCF credits may equal 33 % of its 1990 emission level. For Australia, the pledges are expressed relative to 2000 emission levels including LULUCF emissions. Given that LULUCF emissions have strongly declined between 1990 and 2000, and a further decline in foreseen by 2020 (based on Australia’s projections), the minimum contribution of LULUCF to meet the Australian pledges appears to be about 19 % and 7 % relative to its 1990 and 2000 emission level, respectively. A further 3 % potential contribution is estimated from additional actions.  相似文献   
In the Port Edward area of southern Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, charnockitic aureoles up to 10 m in width in the normally garnetiferous Nicholson's Point Granite, are developed adjacent to intrusive contacts with the Port Edward Enderbite and anhydrous pegmatitic veins. Mineralogical differences between the country rock and charnockitic aureole suggest that the dehydration reaction Bt + Qtz → Opx + Kfs + H2O and the reaction of Grt + Qtz → Opx + Pl were responsible for the charnockitization. The compositions of fluid inclusions show systematic variation with: (1) the Port Edward Enderbite being dominated by CO2 and N2 fluid inclusions; (2) the non-charnockitized granite by saline aqueous inclusions with 18–23 EqWt% NaCl; (3) the charnockitic aureoles by low-salinity and pure water inclusions (<7 EqWt% NaCl); (4) the pegmatites by aqueous inclusions of various salinity with minor CO2. As a result of the thermal event the homogenization temperatures of the inclusions in charnockite show a much larger range (up to 390 °C) compared to the fluid inclusions in granite (mostly <250 °C). Contrary to fluid-controlled charnockitization (brines, CO2) which may have taken place along shear zones away from the intrusive body, the present “proximal” charnockitized granite formed directly at the contact with enderbite. The inclusions indicate contact metamorphism induced by the intrusion of “dry” enderbitic magma into “wet” granite resulting in local dehydration. This was confirmed by cathodoluminescence microscopy showing textures indicative for the local reduction of structural water in the charnockite quartz. Two-pyroxene thermometry on the Port Edward Enderbite suggests intrusion at temperatures of ∼1000–1050 °C into country rock with temperature of <700 °C. The temperature of aureole formation must have been between ∼700 °C (breakdown of pyrite to form pyrrhotite) and ∼1000 °C. Charnockitization was probably controlled largely by heat related to anhydrous intrusions causing dehydration reactions and resulting in the release and subsequent trapping of dehydration fluids. The salinity of the metamorphic fluid in the contact zones is supposed to have been higher at an early stage of contact metamorphism, but it has lost its salt content by K-metasomatic reactions and/or the preferential migration of the saline fluids out of the contact zones towards the enderbite. The low water activity inhibited the localized melting of the granite. Mineral thermobarometry suggests that after charnockite aureole genesis, an isobaric cooling path was followed during which reequilibration of most of the aqueous inclusions occurred. Received: 8 November 1998 / Accepted: 21 June 1999  相似文献   
Countries with emission levels below their emission allowances have surplus Assigned Amount Units (AAUs) or other emission credits. Under the Kyoto Protocol, these surplus credits may effectively be carried from the first to a following commitment period. In the climate negotiations, various rules for carry-over and sale of surplus allowances have been put forward. This paper analyses the effect of these options on the reduction pledges for 2020, taking into account the estimated credits from the Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation projects, and land-use activities for the first commitment period. For current Kyoto Protocol rules of unlimited carry-over of surplus allowances and limited carry-over of other credits, the environmental effectiveness of reduction pledges could be seriously undermined. For the group of countries that showed a willingness to participate in a second commitment period, it could imply that instead of an aggregated 2020 target resulting from the pledges of 18 to 28?% below 1990 levels by 2020, their emissions could return to business-us-usual emission projections. For the EU, a 30?% target by 2020 could imply higher emissions compared to a 20?% target, if surplus allowances would be used for achieving the 30?% but not for the 20?% target. Restricting the use of Kyoto surplus units to domestic use only, would limit the problem, but still seriously undermine the effectiveness of 2020 reduction targets.  相似文献   
Gamma-ray burst remnants become trans-relativistic typically in days to tens of days, and they enter the deep Newtonian phase in tens of days to months, during which the majority of shock-accelerated electrons will no longer be highly relativistic. However, a small portion of electrons are still accelerated to ultra-relativistic speeds and are capable of emitting synchrotron radiation. The distribution function for electrons is re-derived here so that synchrotron emission from these relativistic electrons can be calculated. Based on the revised model, optical afterglows from both isotropic fireballs and highly collimated jets are studied numerically, and compared to analytical results. In the beamed cases, it is found that, in addition to the steepening due to the edge effect and the lateral expansion effect, the light curves are universally characterized by a flattening during the deep Newtonian phase.  相似文献   
The electrical resistivity structure of the crust and upper mantle of the Atlas Mountain System was studied using magnetotelluric and geomagnetic deep soundings. Field experiments were done in eastern Morocco along a traverse from the Anti Atlas to the Rides Rifaines in two campaigns in 1983 and 1988.Zones of very low electrical resistivity could be identified in the various structural settings at different depth ranges, most likely connected directly to the tectonic evolution of the mountain belts. A mid-crustal low resistivity layer with total conductance (thickness-resistivity ratio) of about 2000 Siemens stretches from the southern border of the High Atlas towards the Middle Atlas. This layer seems to characterize the base of crustal detachment, e.g., the plane for large horizontal overthrusting, and supports the idea of thick- and thin-skinned tectonics involved in Atlasic mountain building. In the western Middle Atlas an upper-crustal low resistivity layer (at depth < 10 km) was found in the area where volcanic activity was present, pointing towards a direct relation between low electrical resistivity and volcanic or postvolcanic events. North of the Middle Atlas resistivity structures change totally: The Pre and parts of the Sub-Rif have a highly conductive cover, presumably connected to the molasse basin. Total conductance was calculated to reach 6000 Siemens. No further conductive structures, like, e.g., the ones found beneath the High and Middle Atlas, are seen within the resistive crust, but at much greater depth within the upper mantle.
Zusammenfassung Im marokkanischen Atlas-System wurde der elektrische Widerstand der Kruste und des oberen Mantels mit magnetotellurischen und erdmagnetischen Tiefen-Sondierungen erkundet. Die Feldmessungen wurden in den Jahren 1983 und 1988 im östlichen Marokko entlang einer Traverse vom Anti Atlas bis in das Rif durchgeführt.In den einzelnen strukturellen Einheiten wurden in unterschiedlichen Krustentiefen Schichten sehr kleiner elektrischer Widerstände entdeckt, die direkt mit der tektonischen Entwicklung des Atlasgebirges verknüpft zu sein scheinen. Zwischen dem Südrand des Hohen Atlas und dem Mittleren Atlas im Norden erstreckt sich eine Zone sehr kleiner Widerstände (integrierte Leitfähigkeit etwa 2000 Siemens) in mittleren Krustentiefen. Diese Schicht scheint einen Bereich krustaler Ablösung zu kennzeichnen und kann als Basis einer weitspannigen Überschiebung angenommen werden. Diese Form der »thick- & thin-skinned« Tektonik scheint wesentlich am Prozess der Gebirgsbildung im Atlas beteiligt zu sein. Im westlichen Mittleren Atlas, im Bereich des jungen Vulkanismus, wurde eine gutleitende Zone in der oberen Kruste (Tiefe < 10 km) gefunden. Diese Beobachtung legt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen erhöhter elektrischer Leitfähigkeit und vulkanischen bzw. postvulkanischen Ereignissen nahe. Nördlich des Mittleren Atlas ändern sich die Widerstandsstrukturen sehr stark: Im Prä- und teilweise auch noch im Sub-Rif liegt eine sehr gut leitende Deckschicht (integrierte Leitfähigkeit etwa 6000 Siemens) über einem hochohmigen Basement. In der Kruste des Rif werden keine weiteren, tieferliegenden Schichten erhöhter Leitfähigkeit gefunden, wie sie z.B. unter dem Hohen Atlas vorliegen. Dagegen gibt es Hinweise auf Zonen hoher Leitfähigkeit im oberen Mantel.

Résumé Dans l'Atlas marocain la résistivité électrique de la croûte et du manteau supérieur a été étudiée à l'aide des sondages magnétotelluriques et géomagnétiques. Ces travaux ont été effectués le long d'une traverse menant de l'Anti-Atlas jusqu'au Rif durant les années 1983 et 1988.Dans différentes profondeurs de la croûte terrestre des zones de résistances électriques très basses ont pu être découvertes ce qui peut être attribué à l'évolution tectonique de l'Atlas. Une couche de résistances très basses (conductance vers 2000 Siemens) s'étend entre le bord au sud du Haut Atlas et l'Atlas Moyen au nord. Cette couche peut être le signe d'un détachement de l'écorce et d'une poussée très vaste. Cette forme tectonique »thick- & thin-skinned« semble être essentiellement responsable du processus de la formation orogénique de l'Atlas. Une zone de bonne conductance se trouve dans la croûte terrestre supérieure (profondeur < 10 km) dans l'ouest de l'Atlas Moyen aux environs de l'activité volcanique caractérisant une relation directe entre une haute conductance électrique et des événements volcaniques et post-volcaniques. Vers le nord de l'Atlas Moyen les structures de résistance subissent un changement total: Au Pré- et partiellement aussi au Subrif se trouve une bonne couche guide (conductance vers 6000 Siemens). Aucune autre couche de conductance supérieure — comme au-dessous du Haut Atlas — n'a été découverte dans la croûte du Rif. On en décèle, par contre, dans le manteau supérieur.

1983 1988 - . , , , . ( 2000 Si). , , . , »thick- & -thin-skinned«, , . , ( 10 ) . , - . : - , , - , : 6000 Si. . .
Geluk  M.C.  Röhling  H.-G. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(3):227-246
Detailed log correlations of the largely fluvio-lacustrine Lower Triassic Buntsandstein (Late Permian-Early Anisian), carried out on 80 wells in the Dutch onshore and offshore areas, can be linked to northwest-German high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. The correlations show that cyclic sedimentation occurred in large parts of the basin. Seven 1st-order sequences are recognised, namely the Main Claystone, Rogenstein, Volpriehausen, Detfurth, Hardegsen, Solling and Lower Röt Sequences. They are overlain by the lower part of the Upper Röt–Lower Muschelkalk Sequence. Distinct sequence boundaries have been identified at the bases of four sequences: Volpriehausen, Detfurth, Solling and Upper Röt. The higher-order sequences consist of fining-upwards cycles with a thickness of up to tens of metres. The sequences are laterally persistent and have a characteristic expression on gamma-ray and sonic logs. In the Lower Buntsandstein, they display a uniform character throughout most of the area, with only minor differences in thickness or lithology. NNE-oriented lows and swells were formed during deposition of the Volpriehausen, Detfurth and Hardegsen Sequences. Uplift prior to the deposition of the Solling Sequence caused deep erosion on the swells in the basin and minor erosion in the lows. The high-resolution sequences probably represent alternating, relatively wet and dry climatic periods, with a periodicity of about 100 000 years. An analysis of the sequences suggests that their reduced thickness on the swells is mainly the effect of erosion. This is supported by analyses of the accumulation patterns and rates.  相似文献   
Chemical and U–Pb isotopic analyses of metaigneous rocks in the northern Oaxacan Complex in southern Mexico indicate that they form part of two granitic–gabbroic suites intruded at 1157–1130 and 1012 Ma, which were metamorphosed under granulite facies conditions between 1004 and 980 Ma. Although the older suite has both within-plate and arc geochemical signatures, the arc characteristics (enrichment of La and Ce relative to Nb, Ta, and Th) are inferred to result from crustal contamination, a conclusion consistent with their negative Nd signatures. The younger suite is spatially associated with anorthosites (from which we were unable to acquire a protolith age), suggesting that collectively it forms part of anorthosite–mangerite–charnockite–granite (AMCG) suites. The tholeiitic nature of the mafic rocks along with the within-plate character of the felsic rocks suggests that they were intruded during extension related to either farfield backarc rifting, rifting above a slab window, or anorogenic intercontinental rifting. Potentially correlative AMCG suites are widespread in Mexico, the Grenville Province of eastern Canada and northeastern USA, and the Andean massifs of Colombia, however, Pb isotopic data most closely resemble those in South America. These data are consistent with published hypotheses that suggest Oaxaquia represents an exotic terrane derived from Amazonia.  相似文献   
To investigate eclogite melting under mantle conditions, wehave performed a series of piston-cylinder experiments usinga homogeneous synthetic starting material (GA2) that is representativeof altered mid-ocean ridge basalt. Experiments were conductedat pressures of 3·0, 4·0 and 5·0 GPa andover a temperature range of 1200–1600°C. The subsolidusmineralogy of GA2 consists of garnet and clinopyroxene withminor quartz–coesite, rutile and feldspar. Solidus temperaturesare located at 1230°C at 3·0 GPa and 1300°C at5·0 GPa, giving a steep solidus slope of 30–40°C/GPa.Melting intervals are in excess of 200°C and increase withpressure up to 5·0 GPa. At 3·0 GPa feldspar, rutileand quartz are residual phases up to 40°C above the solidus,whereas at higher pressures feldspar and rutile are rapidlymelted out above the solidus. Garnet and clinopyroxene are theonly residual phases once melt fractions exceed 20% and garnetis the sole liquidus phase over the investigated pressure range.With increasing melt fraction garnet and clinopyroxene becomeprogressively more Mg-rich, whereas coexisting melts vary fromK-rich dacites at low degrees of melting to basaltic andesitesat high melt fractions. Increasing pressure tends to increasethe jadeite and Ca-eskolaite components in clinopyroxene andenhance the modal proportion of garnet at low melt fractions,which effects a marked reduction in the Al2O3 and Na2O contentof the melt with pressure. In contrast, the TiO2 and K2O contentsof the low-degree melts increase with increasing pressure; thusNa2O and K2O behave in a contrasted manner as a function ofpressure. Altered oceanic basalt is an important component ofcrust returned to the mantle via plate subduction, so GA2 maybe representative of one of many different mafic lithologiespresent in the upper mantle. During upwelling of heterogeneousmantle domains, these mafic rock-types may undergo extensivemelting at great depths, because of their low solidus temperaturescompared with mantle peridotite. Melt batches may be highlyvariable in composition depending on the composition and degreeof melting of the source, the depth of melting, and the degreeof magma mixing. Some of the eclogite-derived melts may alsoreact with and refertilize surrounding peridotite, which itselfmay partially melt with further upwelling. Such complex magma-genesisconditions may partly explain the wide spectrum of primitivemagma compositions found within oceanic basalt suites. KEY WORDS: eclogite; experimental petrology; mafic magmatism; mantle melting; oceanic basalts  相似文献   
Acid water from the Banyuputih river (pH  3.5) is used for the irrigation of agricultural land in the Asembagus coastal area (East Java, Indonesia), with harmful consequences for rice yields. The river water has an unusual composition which is caused by seepage from the acidic Kawah Ijen crater lake into the river. This unique irrigation setting allows the study of soil acidification in situ. This paper assesses the effects of volcanogenically contaminated irrigation water on the chemical properties of the agricultural soils.The changes in soil properties were evaluated by comparing samples taken from the topsoil and sub-soil (1–3 m depth) from areas irrigated with acid water and areas irrigated with neutral water. The field survey thus resulted in four soil categories. Bulk soil composition, organic matter content, moisture content and particle size distribution were determined. Reactive phases were quantified with the selective extractions 1 M KCl, 0.1 M Na-pyrophosphate and 0.2 M acid ammonium oxalate (AAO).By comparing the four soil categories it is shown that the use of the naturally polluted irrigation water has had a large influence on the chemical composition of the topsoil. The composition of the soil solution has changed over the entire investigated soil profile. Furthermore the acid irrigation water has strongly modified the composition of the reactive phases, extracted as KCl, pyrophosphate, and AAO extractable elements, and also the bulk soil composition has been significantly modified. Overall this has resulted in the net dissolution of some elements and the net precipitation of others. The changes in the reactive phases and bulk soil composition are only apparent in the topsoil (0–20 cm) but not in the deeper soil.  相似文献   
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