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To help improve the safety of its population faced with natural disasters, the Cameroon Government, with the support of the French Government, initiated a programme of geological risk analysis and mapping on Mount Cameroon. This active volcano is subject to a variety of hazards: volcanic eruptions, slope instability and earthquakes. Approximately 450,000 people live or work around this volcano, in an area which includes one of Cameroon’s main economic resources. An original methodology was used for obtaining the information to reply to questions raised by the authorities. It involves several stages: identifying the different geological hazard components, defining each phenomenon’s threat matrix by crossing intensity and frequency indices, mapping the hazards, listing and mapping the exposed elements, analysing their respective values in economic, functional and strategic terms, establishing typologies for the different element-at-risk groups and assessing their vulnerability to the various physical pressures produced by the hazard phenomena, and establishing risk maps for each of the major element-at-risk groups (population, infrastructures, vegetation, atmosphere). At the end of the study we were able (a) to identify the main critical points within the area, and (b) provide quantified orders of magnitude concerning the dimensions of the risk by producing a plausible eruption scenario. The results allowed us to put forward a number of recommendations to the Cameroon Government concerning risk prevention and management. The adopted approach corresponds to a first level of response to the authorities. Later developments should make it possible to refine the quality of the methodology.  相似文献   
The need to understand flow within aquiferous formations for a complete evaluation of groundwater resource and quality control prompts the determination of groundwater velocities through well dilution technique. Well dilution techniques utilize tracer solutions after establishing an initial homogenous condition to monitor the flow rate of ambient groundwater into the wells. Application of dilution techniques in wells makes it feasible to determine the velocities of groundwater in the aquiferous formation surrounding the well. In this study, a simple trigger-tube tracer dilution technique was employed to determine the Darcy and apparent velocities of groundwater in the phreatic aquiferous formation in Bamenda, Cameroon. Eighteen(18) hand dug-wells at different locations within Bamenda were sampled by utilizing sodium chloride(NaCl) as the conservative tracer. Field estimates of groundwater flow velocities in the phreatic aquiferous formation in Bamenda reveal Darcy's groundwater velocity in the range of 0.39 m/d at Nacho to 130.64 m/d at Foncha Street and apparent velocity in the range of 0.78 m/d at Nacho to 277.86 m/d at Foncha Street. The immense variations in the velocities of groundwater indicate that the groundwater flows at different rates and directions within the aquiferous formation in Bamenda, possibly due to variations in their hydraulic conductivities. Moreover, the spatial variations in the formation types, facies changes, thickness, and layering of the aquiferous formation also contribute to the variation of velocities. Areas with low groundwater velocities are associated with a lower contaminant transport rate when compared to areas with high groundwater velocities. The findings of this study are important for assessing the rates of pollutant movement in the subsurface, as well as the effectiveness and efficacy of the trigger-tube technique in evaluating the hydraulic properties of aquiferous formations.  相似文献   
The vertical stratification of carbon dioxide (CO2) injected into a deep layered aquifer made up of high-permeability and low-permeability layers, such as Utsira aquifer at Sleipner site in Norway, is investigated with a Buckley–Leverett equation including gravity effects. In a first step, we study both by theory and simulation the application of this equation to the vertical migration of a light phase (CO2), in a denser phase (water), in 1D vertical columns filled with different types of porous media: homogeneous, piecewise homogeneous, layered periodic and finally heterogeneous. For each case, we solve the associated Riemann problems and propose semi-analytical solutions describing the spatial and temporal evolution of the light phase saturation. These solutions agree well with simulation results. We show that the flux continuity condition at interfaces between high-permeability and low-permeability layers leads to CO2 saturation discontinuities at these interfaces and, in particular, to a saturation increase beneath low-permeability layers. In a second step, we analyze the vertical migration of a CO2 plume injected into a 2D layered aquifer. We show that the CO2 vertical stratification under each low-permeability layer is induced, as in 1D columns, by the flux continuity condition at interfaces. As the injection takes place at the bottom of the aquifer the velocity and the flux function decrease with elevation and this phenomenon is proposed to explain the stratification under each mudstone layer as observed at Sleipner site.  相似文献   
The large-scale deformation of high mountain slopes finds its origin in many phenomena (inherent parameters, external stresses) with very different time constants (instantaneous to geological scale). Gravitational effect, tectonic forces and water infiltration are generally the principal causes of slope instability. However, it can be very difficult to distinguish which cause is dominant and which are their respective effects. To gain a better understanding of the complex processes taking place during the evolution of an unstable slope and separate the causes responsible of the landslide dynamic, an observational study based on geodetic, meteorological, seismological and electrical data has been performed on the La Clapière rockslide (Southern French Alps). This deep-seated landslide (DSL) is known for many years as one of the largest and fastest rock slide in Europe (60 million m3 of highly weathered metamorphic material, moving at 1 to 3 m year?1). The set-up of the “Observatoire Multidisciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants” (OMIV, http://omiv.osug.fr) in 2011 has allowed the production and availability of an important and original data set over several years of accurate monitoring. Thus, for the first time, the long-term study of geodetic data permitted us to highlight acceleration phases in the general movement of the landslide that affect its dynamic. These modifications are associated with variations of the velocity by a factor 3 to 6. The characterization of the origin of these variations was possible due to the comparison with meteorological, electrical and seismological data. Based on these various signals, we were able to establish correlations and contributions of meteorological water infiltration in the dynamic evolution of the La Clapière slope. We determine several response times to the meteorological stress for seismic endogenous events (mainly rockfalls), the resistivity of the ground (quasi-instantaneous) and the kinematics of the slope (from 2 weeks to 2.5 months). Moreover, our results strongly suggest the existence of rainfall threshold of 3.5?±?1 mm day?1 from which the number of seismic endogenous events is highly increased.  相似文献   
Thirteen lines of the CO band near 4.7 μm have been observed on a jovian hot spot at a resolution of 0.045 cm−1. The measured line profiles indicate that the CO mole fraction is 1.0±0.2 ppb around the 6-bar level and is larger in the upper troposphere and/or stratosphere. An external source of CO providing an abundance of 4+3−2×1016 molecules cm−2 is implied by the observations in addition to the amount deposited at high altitude by the Shoemaker-Levy 9 collision. From a simple diffusion model, we estimate that the CO production rate is (1.5-10)×106 molecules cm−2 s−1 assuming an eddy diffusion coefficient around the tropopause between 300 and 1500 cm2 s−1. Precipitation of oxygen atoms from the jovian magnetosphere or photochemistry of water vapor from meteoroidal material can only provide a negligible contribution to this amount. A significant fraction of the CO in Jupiter's upper atmosphere may be formed by shock chemistry due to the infall of kilometer- to subkilometer-size Jupiter family comets. Using the impact rate from Levison et al. (2000, Icarus143, 415-420) rescaled by Bottke et al. (2002, Icarus156, 399-433), this source can provide the observed stratospheric CO only if the eddy diffusion coefficient around the tropopause is 100-300 cm2 s−1. Higher values, ∼700 cm2 s−1, would require an impact rate larger by a factor of 5-10, which cannot be excluded considering uncertainties in the distribution of Jupiter family comets. Such a large rate is indeed consistent with the observed cratering record of the Galilean satellites (Zahnle et al. 1998, Icarus136, 202-222). On the other hand, the ∼1 ppb concentration in the lower troposphere requires an internal source. Revisiting the disequilibrium chemistry of CO in Jupiter, we conclude that rapid vertical mixing can provide the required amount of CO at ∼6 bar for a global oxygen abundance of 0.2-9 times the solar value considering the uncertainties in the convective mixing rate and in the chemical constants.  相似文献   
We use the analytical method of Lindstedt to make an inventory of the regular families of periodic orbits and to obtain approximate analytical solutions in a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator with perturbing cubic terms. We compare these solutions to the results of numerical computations at a specific orbital resonance.  相似文献   
Boron isotopic fractionation during adsorption onto Ca-flocculated Aldrich humic acid (HA) has been investigated experimentally as a function of solution pH at 25°C and I = 0.15 M. Boron aqueous concentration and isotopic composition were determined by Cs2BO2+ Positive Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry analysis, while the structure of B surface complexes on HA was characterized using 11B Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MAS NMR). Significant B sorption on HA was observed at 6 < pH < 12 with a maximum value of Kd, the partition coefficient between adsorbed and aqueous boron, equal to 40 at pH = 9.5-10. Combined 11B MAS NMR analysis and FITEQL modeling of B sorption on HA showed that this element forms tetrahedrally coordinated five- or six-membered ring chelates, most likely 1,2-diol and 1,3-diol complexes at alkaline pH (8 < pH < 11) and dicarboxylic complexes at near neutral conditions (6 < pH < 9). Results of this study demonstrate for the first time that boron sorption on HA induces a strong pH-dependent isotope fractionation—with 11B depleted at the surface of HA—that reaches a maximum at 5 < pH < 9 (α = 0.975, Δ = −25‰) and decreases sharply at pH >9. The measured isotope fractionation cannot be modeled assuming that the isotopic composition of the sorbed borate species is identical to that of B(OH)4- species in the parent solution. It is shown that the extent of isotopic fractionation depends not only on B aqueous speciation but also on the distribution and structure of the borate surface complexes formed. In agreement with energetic constrains, calculation of the isotope fractionation factors between aqueous boric acid and boron surface complexes suggests that the formation of the strained six-membered ring 1,3-diol complex yields a much higher fractionation (αBLP1−III = 0.954-0.960, Δ = −41/-47‰) than that of the very stable five-membered ring 1,2-diol (αBLP2−III = 0.983, Δ = −18‰). The results of this study open new perspectives to understand and model boron biogeochemical cycle. It is predicted that boron sorption onto organic matter can have important consequences for the boron isotopic composition of surface water reservoirs (seawater, groundwater, soil waters) in which either abundant organic surfaces or significant boron concentrations are available. In addition, the large isotope fractionation between aqueous boric acid and surface boron-organic complexes found in the present work makes boron a promising tracer of biologic activity.  相似文献   
Analysis and synthesis of multi-disciplinary geoscience information from geological literature/maps and from digitally-processed aeromagnetic and gravity data pertinent to the Aravalli province were carried out to address some hitherto unresolved questions about the tectonostratigraphy of this Archaean–Proterozoic metallogenic province. Based on the magnetic anomalies, several tectonic domains were identified. These domains, bounded by regional-scale geophysical lineaments, have distinct crustal, lithological, metamorphic, and metallogenic characteristics and correlate broadly with lithostratigraphic belts identified by several earlier workers. New interpretations on the tectonostratigraphy and the base-metal mineralization controls in the Aravalli province are as follows. The Hindoli sequences, in the eastern parts of the province, constitute an independent Palaeo–Proterozoic tectonic domain and do not form part of the Archaean basement complex. The base-metal-bearing metasedimentary enclaves in the central parts of the province also constitute an independent Palaeo–Proterozoic tectonic domain, which is quite distinct from the surrounding (basement complex?) rocks. The base-metal-bearing metavolcano-sedimentary sequences in the western parts of the province constitute an independent Neo–Proterozoic tectonic domain. The base-metal deposits in the province are spatially associated with the regional-scale lineaments and with the mafic metavolcanic rocks deduced from the aeromagnetic data. The regional-scale lineaments, which possibly represent Proterozoic crustal-scale faults, are plausible structural controls on the base-metal mineralization in the province. The mafic metavolcanic rocks are plausible heat-source controls on the SEDEX- and/or VMS-type base-metal mineralizations and are possible metal-source controls on the VMS-type base-metal mineralization in the province.  相似文献   
An accurate quantification of erosion, based on high-frequency monitoring of river discharge and suspended sediment fluxes is proposed for two watersheds in the western Paris Basin, a sensitive area with respect to erosion phenomena. This continuous monitoring makes it possible to include flood events of short duration, but significant erosion potential. The obtained erosion rate (16 and 21 t?km?2?yr?1) is among the weakest of the planet (3.5 to 18?000 t?km?2?yr?1). However, this annual balance does not reflect the behaviour of these rivers which can be torrential in certain cases. To cite this article: B. Laignel et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
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