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Mineralogy and Petrology - In this paper, new main and trace elements and isotopic data are presented for 14 coarse-grained eclogite xenoliths from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe in the central part...  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Hybrid solvent- and thermal-based methods offer an important potential for reducing the environmental impact and enhancing recoveries in heavy oil production processes....  相似文献   
Graph theory is useful for analyzing time-dependent model parameters estimated from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data in the temporal domain. Plotting acquisition dates (epochs) as vertices and pair-wise interferometric combinations as edges defines an incidence graph. The edge-vertex incidence matrix and the normalized edge Laplacian matrix are factors in the covariance matrix for the pair-wise data. Using empirical measures of residual scatter in the pair-wise observations, we estimate the relative variance at each epoch by inverting the covariance of the pair-wise data. We evaluate the rank deficiency of the corresponding least-squares problem via the edge-vertex incidence matrix. We implement our method in a MATLAB software package called GraphTreeTA available on GitHub (https://github.com/feigl/gipht). We apply temporal adjustment to the data set described in Lu et al. (Geophys Res Solid Earth 110, 2005) at Okmok volcano, Alaska, which erupted most recently in 1997 and 2008. The data set contains 44 differential volumetric changes and uncertainties estimated from interferograms between 1997 and 2004. Estimates show that approximately half of the magma volume lost during the 1997 eruption was recovered by the summer of 2003. Between June 2002 and September 2003, the estimated rate of volumetric increase is \((6.2 \, \pm \, 0.6) \times 10^6~\mathrm{m}^3/\mathrm{year} \). Our preferred model provides a reasonable fit that is compatible with viscoelastic relaxation in the five years following the 1997 eruption. Although we demonstrate the approach using volumetric rates of change, our formulation in terms of incidence graphs applies to any quantity derived from pair-wise differences, such as range change, range gradient, or atmospheric delay.  相似文献   
Feldspar megacrysts from the Weinsberg granite (Moldanubian Zone) show oscillatory zoning with respect to the albite- and orthoclase components. All growth zones show perthitic exsolutions which take the form of bleb- and lens shaped albite-rich precipitates in an orthoclase-rich host. The average sizes and shapes of the precipitates show systematic variation with the integrated bulk compositions of the respective growth zones. The precipitates are abundant and relatively small in growth zones with intermediate bulk composition (Or50Ab41An09 - Or80Ab18An02), and they are less abundant and larger in more orthoclase-rich zones (Or88Ab11An01). Small precipitates have a relatively high aspect ratio, whereas the large precipitates in the potassium-rich zones are more spherical. The relation between microstructure and integrated bulk composition suggests that exsolution and subsequent growth and coarsening occurred by different mechanisms in the respective growth zones. Numerical modeling shows that rapid growth of precipitates over extended periods of time and attainment of relatively large final size is favored, if only few nuclei are formed in an oversaturated host. In contrast, precipitates can grow rapidly only over limited time intervals and remain relatively small, if abundant nuclei are present. During cooling of the oscillatorily zoned alkali-feldspar, exsolution started at relatively high temperatures in growth zones of intermediate integrated bulk composition as compared to exsolution in the more orthoclase-rich growth zones. Irrespective of whether exsolution occurred by spinodal decomposition or by nucleation at relatively high temperatures in the growth zones of intermediate integrated bulk composition, it produced abundant nuclei and resulted in relatively small precipitates. In contrast, comparatively few nuclei were formed in the orthoclase-rich growth zones resulting in large precipitates. The Na/K partitioning between precipitates and the host is independent of the integrated bulk composition of the respective growth zone reflecting re-equilibration during cooling down to relatively low temperatures (<?400°C). The shape of the precipitates probably has evolved from an initially lamellar or spindle-like geometry with high aspect ratio to more isometric, spheroidal shapes during precipitate growth and coarsening. Host/precipitate interfaces served as fluid pathways during late stage deuteric alteration.  相似文献   
Problem of soil acidity regularization is modeled as stochastic adaptive control problem with a linear difference equation of the dynamics of a field pH level. Stochastic component in the equation represents an individual time variability of soil acidity of an elementary section. We use Bayesian approach to determine a posteriori probability density function of the unknown parameters of the stochastic transition process. The Kullback–Leibler information divergence is used as a measure of difference between true distribution and its estimation. Algorithm for the construction of an adaptive stabilizing control in such a linear control system is proposed in the paper. Numerical realization of the algorithm is represented for a problem of a field soil acidity control.  相似文献   
St. Kitts lies in the northern Lesser Antilles, a subduction-related intraoceanic volcanic arc known for its magmatic diversity and unusually abundant cognate xenoliths. We combine the geochemistry of xenoliths, melt inclusions and lavas with high pressure–temperature experiments to explore magma differentiation processes beneath St. Kitts. Lavas range from basalt to rhyolite, with predominant andesites and basaltic andesites. Xenoliths, dominated by calcic plagioclase and amphibole, typically in reaction relationship with pyroxenes and olivine, can be divided into plutonic and cumulate varieties based on mineral textures and compositions. Cumulate varieties, formed primarily by the accumulation of liquidus phases, comprise ensembles that represent instantaneous solid compositions from one or more magma batches; plutonic varieties have mineralogy and textures consistent with protracted solidification of magmatic mush. Mineral chemistry in lavas and xenoliths is subtly different. For example, plagioclase with unusually high anorthite content (An≤100) occurs in some plutonic xenoliths, whereas the most calcic plagioclase in cumulate xenoliths and lavas are An97 and An95, respectively. Fluid-saturated, equilibrium crystallisation experiments were performed on a St. Kitts basaltic andesite, with three different fluid compositions (XH2O = 1.0, 0.66 and 0.33) at 2.4 kbar, 950–1025 °C, and fO2 = NNO ? 0.6 to NNO + 1.2 log units. Experiments reproduce lava liquid lines of descent and many xenolith assemblages, but fail to match xenolith and lava phenocryst mineral compositions, notably the very An-rich plagioclase. The strong positive correlation between experimentally determined plagioclase-melt KdCa–Na and dissolved H2O in the melt, together with the occurrence of Al-rich mafic lavas, suggests that parental magmas were water-rich (> 9 wt% H2O) basaltic andesites that crystallised over a wide pressure range (1.5–6 kbar). Comparison of experimental and natural (lava, xenolith) mafic mineral composition reveals that whereas olivine in lavas is predominantly primocrysts precipitated at low-pressure, pyroxenes and spinel are predominantly xenocrysts formed by disaggregation of plutonic mushes. Overall, St. Kitts xenoliths and lavas testify to mid-crustal differentiation of low-MgO basalt and basaltic andesite magmas within a trans-crustal, magmatic mush system. Lower crustal ultramafic cumulates that relate parental low-MgO basalts to primary, mantle -derived melts are absent on St. Kitts.  相似文献   
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