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Tectono-thermal modeling of the Yinggehai Basin,South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the observed data, the average value of surface heat flow in the Yinggehai Basin is calculated and it turns out to be 84.1 mW/m2. The thermal evolution of the basin since the Cenozoic era has been attempted by tectono-thermal modeling. Three-phase extension made the basin become hotter and hotter, reaching its climax in paleo-temperature history since 5.2 Ma. And nowadays, the basin is in the heat flow decreasing period. During the Cenozoic era, the basement heat flow remained at 50–70 mW/m2 all the time. This is related to the degree of each extension phase, stretching rate mode and also the limited basin scale. Modeling results also show that, the surface heat flow is controlled mainly by the basement heat flow, and less than 20% comes from radiogenic heat production in the sediments of the basin  相似文献   
This study represents the first large-scale systematic dendroclimatic sampling focused on developing chronologies from different species in the eastern Mediterranean region. Six reconstructions were developed from chronologies ranging in length from 115 years to 600 years. The first reconstruction (1885–2000) was derived from principal components (PCs) of 36 combined chronologies. The remaining five, 1800–2000, 1700–2000, 1600–2000, 1500–2000 and 1400–2000 were developed from PCs of 32, 18, 14, 9, and 7 chronologies, respectively. Calibration and verification statistics for the period 1931–2000 show good levels of skill for all reconstructions. The longest period of consecutive dry years, defined as those with less than 90% of the mean of the observed May–August precipitation, was 5 years (1591–1595) and occurred only once during the last 600 years. The longest reconstructed wet period was 5 years (1601–1605 and 1751–1755). No long term trends were found in May–August precipitation during the last few centuries. Regression maps are used to identify the influence of large-scale atmospheric circulation on regional precipitation. In general, tree-ring indices are influenced by May–August precipitation, which is driven by anomalous below (above) normal pressure at all atmospheric levels and by convection (subsidence) and small pressure gradients at sea level. These atmospheric conditions also control the anomaly surface air temperature distribution which indicates below (above) normal values in the southern regions and warmer (cooler) conditions north of around 40°N. A compositing technique is used to extract information on large-scale climate signals from extreme wet and dry summers for the second half of the twentieth century and an independent reconstruction over the last 237 years. Similar main modes of atmospheric patterns and surface air temperature distribution related to extreme dry and wet summers were identified both for the most recent 50 years and the last 237 years. Except for the last few decades, running correlation analyses between the major European-scale circulation patterns and eastern Mediteranean spring/summer precipitation over the last 237 years are non-stationary and insignificant, suggesting that local and/or sub-regional geographic factors and processes are important influences on tree-ring variability over the last few centuries.  相似文献   
Iodine contents of soils developed over the major rock formations of the northern zone of the Eastern Pontide Tectonic Belt (Northeastern Turkey) have been investigated with respect to soil-parent rock relationship, effect of topography, elevation, and climate to construe its effect on the health of the local population. Samples were collected from the A and B horizons of the soils developed over the major stratigraphic units constituting the eastern Pontides, including the Lower Basic Complex of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age, the Berdiga limestone (Jurassic-lower Cretaceous), the Dagbasi granitoid (Upper Cretaceous), volcano-sedimentary sequence of Upper Cretaceous age, ore-bearing and barren dacites of Upper Cretaceous age, and Neogene alkaline basalts. Chemical analyses of soil samples indicate significantly lower iodine abundances for all the soils studied (5–28 ppm) in comparison to the average abundance of iodine in analogous soils of other parts of the world (22–93 ppm). The concentration of iodine in soils developed over the same geologic formation decrease with increasing elevation. In certain cases, this decrease may reach up to 70%. Goiter is highly common throughout this region in Turkey. The results of this study suggest that the iodine deficiency of region’s soils may be a principal underlying cause for this area of Turkey being an endemic goiter region.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the response of lacustrine littoral chironomid communities to late glacial changes in limnological, environmental and climate conditions in the Mediterranean context. Late glacial chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) assemblages, organic petrography and geochemistry were analysed in a sediment core from the littoral zone of Lago dell’Accesa (Tuscany, Italy), where the lake-level fluctuations and the vegetation history have been previously reconstructed. Comparison of the chironomid stratigraphy to other proxies (pollen assemblages, organic petrography and geochemistry, lake-level) and regional climate reconstruction suggested the predominant influence of lake-level changes on the littoral chironomid fauna. The main lowering events that occurred during the Oldest and the Younger Dryas were followed by higher proportions of taxa typical of littoral habitats. A complementary study of organic matter suggested the indirect impact of lake-level on the chironomids through changes in humic status and habitat characteristics, such as the type of substrate and aquatic macrophyte development. Several chironomid taxa, such as Glyptotendipes, Microtendipes and Cricotopus type patens, were identified as possible indicators of low lake-level in the late glacial records. Nevertheless, this study suggested that parallel analyses of organic matter and chironomid assemblages may be needed to circumvent misinterpretation of littoral chironomid assemblage stratigraphy. There was a weak response of the chironomid assemblages to small lake-level lowerings that corresponded to the Older Dryas and Preboreal oscillations. A higher level of determination, e.g. to the species group level, may be necessary to increase the sensibility of the indicators to lake-level changes.  相似文献   
2006年甘肃文县5.0级地震灾害损失评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2006年6月21日在甘肃省文县发生MS5.0地震,造成了建筑物破坏及人员伤亡。在震后开展的地震现场考察与震害评估工作中,将灾区分为2个评估子区,完成了29个点的震害抽样调查工作,根据地震灾害损失评估系统EDLES2.5的要求建立了有关数据库,做出了经济损失评估,并针对灾害特点给出了灾区恢复重建的建议。  相似文献   
高分辨率浅层人工地震勘探探测隐伏断裂实例   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用高分辨率浅层地震勘探反射波法探测了福建某火电厂场址内的隐伏断裂。结果表明断裂显示清楚,为一走向NE40~55°,上断点埋深为11 m和31 m,断距2~4 m的正断层,为工程避让提供较可靠的依据。  相似文献   
1985年在甘肃文县屯寨乡洋汤寨的天池庙的大樑上发现了一条新的关于1879年7月1日武都8级地震的新的历史记载。该记载表明武都8级地震在这里的地震烈度至少达到了Ⅹ度。  相似文献   
江苏省锡山市西部地区地下水资源计算模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从地下水运动均衡原理的角度分析江苏省锡山市西部地区第Ⅱ承压含水层天然和现状开采条件下的地下水均衡要素.揭示了该区地下水开采与地面沉降的关系,其中现状开采条件下的75%~80%的开采量来自于粘性土层的压密水量.根据地面沉降的发生机理剖析地面沉降严重发育地区忽略地面沉降影响因子建立的地下水资源计算模型中存在的问题针对存在的问题,提出了地下水可开采资源合理的计算方法,并对融有地面沉降影响因子的地下水资源计算模型的可实现性进行了分析.  相似文献   
铂族元素矿床特征及成因分类探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在收集国内外铂族元素矿床地质特征的基础上,审视了国内外不同学者对铂族元素矿床的分类方案,综合矿床容矿岩石类型、共生元素组合、矿化类型和矿床类型并结合形成环境,对铂族元素矿床进行了系统的总结和分类,划分为四类十二亚类。同时重点论述了具有开发前景的典型铂族元素矿床的基本特征、成矿物质来源和形成环境及成矿的关键问题。  相似文献   
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