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The St. Lucie Estuary, located on the southeast coast of Florida, provides an example of a subtropical ecosystem where seasonal changes in temperature are modest, but summer storms alter rainfall regimes and external inputs to the estuary from the watershed and Atlantic Ocean. The focus of this study was the response of the phytoplankton community to spatial and temporal shifts in salinity, nutrient concentration, watershed discharges, and water residence times, within the context of temporal patterns in rainfall. From a temporal perspective, both drought and flood conditions negatively impacted phytoplankton biomass potential. Prolonged drought periods were associated with reduced nutrient loads and phytoplankton inputs from the watershed and increased influence of water exchange with the Atlantic Ocean, all of which restrict biomass potential. Conversely, under flood conditions, nutrient loads were elevated, but high freshwater flushing rates in the estuary diminished water residence times and increase salinity variation, thereby restricting the buildup of phytoplankton biomass. An exception to the latter pattern was a large incursion of a cyanobacteria bloom from Lake Okeechobee via the St. Lucie Canal observed in the summer of 2005. From a spatial perspective, regional differences in water residence times, sources of watershed inputs, and the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean influenced the composition and biomass of the phytoplankton community. Long water residence times in the North Fork region of the St. Lucie Estuary provided an environment conducive to the development of blooms of autochthonous origin. Conversely, shorter residence times in the mid-estuary limit autochthonous increases in biomass, but allochthonous sources of biomass can result in bloom concentrations of phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Calcite samples were extracted both from the rock matrix and the superficial coating of a karstified fault plane of an underground quarry, located in the eastern border of the Paris basin. The karstification is dated as Quaternary. Analysis of mechanical calcite twinning reveals that only the calcite matrix has also undergone a compression trending WNW that can be attributed to the Mio-Pliocene alpine collision. Both coating and matrix have undergone a strike-slip regime with σ1 roughly trending north–south, that could correspond to the regional present-day state of stress, a strike-slip compression rather trending NNW, modified by local phenomena. To cite this article: M. Rocher et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
New K-Ar determinations for granitoid rocks and ores from the northern Bolivian segment (ca. 15°-18° S.) of the Central Andean Cordillera Oriental (Eastern Cordillera) confirm that this region displays a remarkable repetition of magmatic activity and associated lithophile metal mineralization. Intrusion of monzogranites, in part peraluminous, and granodiorites took place in the Mid—to—Late Triassic (apparent age range: 225-202 Ma) and Late Oligocene-Early Miocene (28.4-ca. 19.2 Ma); the two plutonic domains are juxtaposed, with little or no areal overlap, along an essentially linear belt defining the inner boundary of the Central Andean magmatic arc. There is no conclusive evidence of granitoid intrusion during the intervening period, although at least two centres of Upper Cretaceous basic-intermediate hypabyssal-volcanic rocks are known. Whereas the Triassic episode simultaneously affected ca. 200 km of the belt, the Oligocene-Miocene domain experienced a longitudinal (southeastward) migration of activity which, in its later stages (22-19 Ma), coincided with the initiation of widespread volcanism and intrusion on the altiplano, to the west of the granitoid belt.Both intrusive domains may be regarded as the innermost expressions of relatively brief episodes of radical broadening of the Central Andean magmatic arc, possibly generated through abrupt, but minor, decrease in the inclination of eastward subduction at the western plate margin, and attended by a degree of crustal anatexis unattained in the outer parts of the arc. Our radiometric data permit the delimitation of two metallogenetic (W-Sn) sub-provinces in the northern part of the Bolivian tin belt. The tungsten-tin vein deposits associated with the Triassic and Tertiary plutons are very similar, although tungsten appears to be enriched relative to tin in the older domain. There is no radio-metric or petrographic evidence of significant reactivation of older hydrothermal systems in the Tertiary. The late-Early Miocene age (16.3 Ma) determined for the important Oruro Sn-Ag epithermal centre (17° 56' S.) represents an anomaly in the broad southward migration of volcanic and hydrothermal activity defined byGrant et al. (1979) in the central and southern, sub-volcanic, segments of the Bolivian tin-polymetallic belt. Minor Pb-Zn-Ag vein mineralization was probably associated with the Upper Cretaceous basic-intermediate magmatism.
Zusammenfassung Neue K-Ar Bestimmungen für die granitoiden Gesteine und Erze aus dem nord-bolivischen Segment (ca. 15°-18° S) der mittleren andeanischen Cordillera Oriental (östlichen Cordillera) bestätigen, daß dieses Gebiet eine beachtenswerte Wiederholung der magmatischen Aktivität und der damit verbundenen Erzmineralisierung aufweist. Granodiorite und teilweise Monzogranite mit Aluminium-Überschuß sind in der Mittel- und Spät-Trias (225-202 Ma) und im Spät-Oligozän bis Früh-Miozän (28.4-ca. 19.2 Ma) eingedrungen; die beiden plutonischen Bereiche liegen mit nur geringer oder fehlender Überlappung benachbart längs einem im wesentlichen linearen Gürtel, der den inneren Rand des mittelandinischen magmatischen Bogen abgrenzt. Es gibt keine entscheidende Anzeichen für granitische Intrusionen in der dazwischen liegenden Zeit, obwohl wenigstens zwei Zentren der oberkretazischen basischen bis intermediären, hypabyssalen bis vulkanischen Gesteinen bekannt sind. Während die triassische Episode gleichzeitig ungefähr 200 km des Gebiets beeinflußte, erfuhr der oligozän-miozäne Bereich jedoch eine longitudinale (südöstliche) Wanderung der Aktivität, die, in den jüngeren Stufen, mit der Einleitung des ausgedehnten Vulkanismus und der Intrusion auf dem Altiplano, westlich des granitoiden Gebietes zusammenfiel.Die beiden intrusiven Gebiete könnte man als die innersten Vorgänge verhältnismägig kurzer Episoden einer drastischen Verbreitung des mittleren andinischen magmatischen Bogens betrachten. Diese könnten vielleicht durch die plötzliche Verringerung des Winkels der östlichen Subduktion an der westlichen Plattengrenze entstanden sein, mit einem Grad der Anatexis, der in den äußeren Teilen des Bogens nicht erreicht wurde. Unsere radiometrischen Daten ermöglichen die Abgrenzung zweier metallogenetischen (W-Sn) Unterprovinzen im nördlichen Teil des bolivischen Zinn-Gebiets. Obwohl die mit den triassischen und tertiären Plutonen verbundenen Wolfram-Zinn-Erzgänge einander sehr ähneln, scheint das Wolfram im älteren Bereich dem Zinn gegenüber etwas angereichert zu sein. Es liegen keine radiometrischen oder petrographischen Zeugnisse für eine erhebliche Reaktivierung von älteren hydrothermalen Systemen im Tertiär vor. Ein spätes früh-miozänes Alter (16.3 Ma) wurde für das wichtige Sn-Ag epithermale Zentrum von Oruro bestimmt. Dieses weicht von der allgemeinen nach S gerichteten Wanderung der vulkanischen und hydrothermalen Aktivität in den zentralen und südlichen subvulkanischen Segmenten der bolivischen Zinn-polymetallischen Gürtel ab, die vonGrant et al. (1979) beschrieben wurde. Geringere Pb-Zn-Ag-Erzgangbildung stand wahrscheinlich mit dem oberkretazischen basisch-intermediären Magmatismus in Verbindung.

Résumé De nouvelles determinations K-Ar sur des roches granitiques et sur du minerais provenant du segment bolivien septentrional (ca. 15°-18° S) de la Cordillère orientale des Andes centrales (Cordillère est) confirme que cette région fut affectée par une activité magmatique répétée auquelle s'associa une activité metalifère riche en métaux lithophiles. Des intrusions de monzogranites, en partie peralumineux et de granodiorites se mirent en place durant le Triassique moyen et supérieur (intervalle d'âge apparent: 225-202 Ma) et durant l'Oligocène moyen et le début du Miocène (24.4-ca. 19.2 Ma). Ces deux domaines plutoniques se juxtaposent avec un recouvrement spatial faible ou nul, le long d'une ceinture essentiellement linéaire définissant la bordure interne de l'arc magmatique des Andes centrales. Bien qu'aucune indication concluante nesitue la mise en place d'intrusions granitiques durant la période intermédiaire, au moins deux centres volcaniques hypabyssaux de composition basique à intermédiaire se sont formés au Crétacé supérieur. L'épisode magmatique du Triassique a affecté simultanément ca. 200 km de la ceinture. Le domaine Oligocène-Miocène, pour sa part, a subi une migration longitudinale (sudest) de l'activité magmatique dont les étapes tardives (22-19 Ma) coîcident avec le déput d'une longue période de volcanisme et d'intrusions sur l'altiplano, à l'ouest de la ceinture granitique.celle des aggregats de grande taille, par des mécanismes de dislocation. La transition est Les deux domaines intrusifs peuvent être causés par un fort élargissement répété et bref de l'arc magmatique des Andes centrales. neut-être dû à une diminution abrupte de l'inclinaison de la zone de subduction orientale à la bordure ouest de la plaque, accompagnée par un degré d'anatexie crustale qui n'atteignit pas la partie externe de l'arc. Les résultats radiométriques obtenus permettent de délimiter deux sous-provinces métallogéniques (W-Sn) dans la partie septentrionale de la ceinture bolivienne stannifère. Les gisements filoniens d'étain et de tungsténe associés aux plutons triassiques et tertiaires sont très semblables; cependant le tungstène semble être plus abondant rapport à l'étain dans le plus vieux domaine. Il n'y a aucune évidence radiométrique ou pétrographique d'une réactivation signicative du système hydrothermal tertiaire. L'age Miocène (16.3 Ma) obtenu pour l'important centre épithermal Sn-Ag d'Oruro (17° 56' S.) représente une anomalie dans la vaste migration sud-est de l'activité volcanique et hydrothermale définie parGrant et al. (1979) dans les segments «sub-volcaniques» central et sud-est de la ceinture polymétallique et stannifére bolivienne. Une faible minéralisation filonienne Pb-Zn-Ag était probalement associée avec le magmatisme intermédiaire à basique du Crétacé supérieur.

- ( 15–18° ) . , , . (225-202 ) (28,4-. 19,2 ) . , , . , , no- , : ( ) . , 200 , - , , . , . , , . . - , , , , . , , . - (16,3 ). - , Grant . (1979). , , , .
The distinction between clast-dominant, matrix-dominant and well-graded tills is important in view of the influence of texture on the definition and function of till fines. Till fabric includes a wide range of features of both primary and secondary origin including folds, thrusts, fissures (the macrofabric), disposition of clasts (the mesofabric) and organization of the matrix (the microfabric). The results of fabric analysis of pebble, granule, sand, silt and clay in small depositional landforms beneath currently-active glaciers are described. Deformation fabrics are distinguished in freshly deposited end moraines and flutes. The sand-size material in deformed till may or may not behave in the same way as larger clasts, depending on the degree to which the till is matrix-dominant. While clasts in saturated subglacial till tend to align themselves sub-parallel to the depositional surface, the matrix usually retains abundant pore spaces. With slow, unloaded drainage, clast fabrics appear to be little modified. Such material is potentially unstable and any subsequent increase in overburden and hydraulic pressures may cause slope collapse and flowtill development. It is concluded that examination of a wide range of fabric parameters provides a means of distinguishing tills of diverse origins and of assessing their potential instability.  相似文献   
The Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite that fell in 2004 in Spain was originally classified as a moderately shocked L6 ordinary chondrite. The recognition of fragments within the Villalbeto de la Peña meteorite clearly bears consequences for the previous classification of the rock. The oxygen isotope data clearly show that an exotic eye‐catching, black, and plagioclase‐(maskelynite)‐rich clast is not of L chondrite heritage. Villalbeto de la Peña is, consequently, reclassified as a polymict chondritic breccia. The oxygen isotope data of the clast are more closely related to data for the winonaite Tierra Blanca and the anomalous silicate‐bearing iron meteorite LEW 86211 than to the ordinary chondrite groups. The REE‐pattern of the bulk inclusion indicates genetic similarities to those of differentiated rocks and their minerals (e.g., lunar anorthosites, eucritic, and winonaitic plagioclases) and points to an igneous origin. The An‐content of the plagioclase within the inclusion is increasing from the fragment/host meteorite boundary (approximately An10) toward the interior of the clast (approximately An52). This is accompanied by a successive compositionally controlled transformation of plagioclase into maskelynite by shock. As found for plagioclase, compositions of individual spinels enclosed in plagioclase (maskelynite) also vary from the border toward the interior of the inclusion. In addition, huge variations in oxygen isotope composition were found correlating with distance into the object. The chemical and isotopical profiles observed in the fragment indicate postaccretionary metamorphism under the presence of a volatile phase.  相似文献   
Widespread mud volcanism across the thick (≤ 14 km) seismically active sedimentary prism of the Gulf of Cadiz is driven by tectonic activity along extensive strike–slip faults and thrusts associated with the accommodation of the Africa–Eurasia convergence and building of the Arc of Gibraltar, respectively. An investigation of eleven active sites located on the Moroccan Margin and in deeper waters across the wedge showed that light volatile hydrocarbon gases vented at the mud volcanoes (MVs) have distinct, mainly thermogenic, origins. Gases of higher and lower thermal maturities are mixed at Ginsburg and Mercator MVs on the Moroccan Margin, probably because high maturity gases that are trapped beneath evaporite deposits are transported upwards at the MVs and mixed with shallower, less mature, thermogenic gases during migration. At all other sites except for the westernmost Porto MV, δ13C–CH4 and δ2H–CH4 values of ~ − 50‰ and − 200‰, respectively, suggest a common origin for methane; however, the ratio of CH4/(C2H6 + C3H8) varies from ~ 10 to > 7000 between sites. Mixing of shallow biogenic and deep thermogenic gases cannot account for the observed compositions which instead result mainly from extensive migration of thermogenic gases in the deeply-buried sediments, possibly associated with biodegradation of C2+ homologues and secondary methane production at Captain Arutyunov and Carlos Ribeiro MVs. At the deep-water Bonjardim, Olenin and Carlos Ribeiro MVs, generation of C2+-enriched gases is probably promoted by high heat flux anomalies which have been measured in the western area of the wedge. At Porto MV, gases are highly enriched in CH4 having δ13C–CH4 ~ − 50‰, as at most sites, but markedly lower δ2H–CH4 values < − 250‰, suggesting that it is not generated by thermal cracking of n-alkanes but rather that it has a deep Archaeal origin. The presence of petroleum-type hydrocarbons is consistent with a thermogenic origin, and at sites where CH4 is predominant support the suggestion that gases have experienced extensive transport during which they mobilized oil from sediments ~ 2–4 km deep. These fluids then migrate into shallower, thermally immature muds, driving their mobilization and extrusion at the seafloor. At Porto MV, the limited presence of petroleum in mud breccia sediments further supports the hypothesis of a predominantly deep microbial origin of CH4.  相似文献   
The oxygen (δ18O, δ17O) and carbon (δ13C, FMOD14C-the fraction of modern 14C) isotopic compositions of carbonate were measured for a set of paired Antarctic CM chondrites (EET 96006, EET 96016, EET 96017, and EET 96019). While the oxygen isotopic compositions do not plot on the terrestrial fractionation line and indicate that a component of the carbonate minerals has an extraterrestrial origin, they also do not fall on the array defined for carbonates by CM falls and are thus consistent with the presence of a terrestrial carbonate component. The δ13C and FMOD14C measurements of carbonate suggest the presence of at least two carbon sources: carbonate derived from atmospheric CO2 that is inferred to have been produced as a result of silicate weathering reactions and carbonate derived from another carbon source that is either old or non-atmospheric. The relationships between oxygen and carbon isotope data provide additional constraints on the weathering process, and allow the possibility that rock-dominated weathering of the meteorite caused the oxygen isotopic composition of Antarctic water added to the meteorite to evolve away from the terrestrial mass-fractionation array, leading to formation of low temperature terrestrial alteration products that do not lie on the terrestrial fractionation line.  相似文献   
We describe a new technique for implementing the constraints on magnetic fields arising from two hypotheses about the fluid core of the Earth, namely the frozen-flux hypothesis and the hypothesis that the core is in magnetostrophic force balance with negligible leakage of current into the mantle. These hypotheses lead to time-independence of the integrated flux through certain 'null-flux patches' on the core surface, and to time-independence of their radial vorticity. Although the frozen-flux hypothesis has received attention before, constraining the radial vorticity has not previously been attempted. We describe a parametrization and an algorithm for preserving topology of radial magnetic fields at the core surface while allowing morphological changes. The parametrization is a spherical triangle tesselation of the core surface. Topology with respect to a reference model (based on data from the Oersted satellite) is preserved as models at different epochs are perturbed to optimize the fit to the data; the topology preservation is achieved by the imposition of inequality constraints on the model, and the optimization at each iteration is cast as a bounded value least-squares problem. For epochs 2000, 1980, 1945, 1915 and 1882 we are able to produce models of the core field which are consistent with flux and radial vorticity conservation, thus providing no observational evidence for the failure of the underlying assumptions. These models are a step towards the production of models which are optimal for the retrieval of frozen-flux velocity fields at the core surface.  相似文献   
We conduct a retrospective study of ozone formation in the Lower Fraser Valley (LFV), using numerical models, observations, and emission inventories in order to understand relationships between reductions in local precursor emissions and episodic ozone concentrations. Because there appears to be little or no impact from precursor emissions upwind of the LFV during ozone episodes and because background concentrations of ozone and its precursors are generally from the North Pacific Ocean and quite low, summertime ozone formation in the LFV is mostly caused by local emissions. The observed change in behaviour of ozone formation must, therefore, arise from reductions in local precursor emissions. We exploit the observed changing precursor emission–ozone concentration relationship to perform a dynamical model evaluation. Complicating the analyses are an observed shift in the population patterns within the valley over the last 25 years and a small but documented change in the tropospheric background concentration of ozone. Ozone formation for four episodes, which capture the observed changes in ozone reduction and the different meteorological types that occur during LFV ozone events, are investigated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE)-Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system. In order to provide realistic simulations of past events, the SMOKE emission inventory is adjusted to account for temporal changes in the amount of emissions and locations of emission sources. Model output is compared with continuous observations, data collected from field campaigns, and previous modelling efforts. The WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modelling framework is able to capture the changes in both the magnitude of the ozone concentrations and its spatial behaviour over the period of study. Many of the simulations show that the highest ozone concentrations occur outside the area sampled by the fixed monitoring network and within the LFV's numerous tributary valleys. Not all modelled episodes achieved the same agreement with observations and some of these discrepancies are likely related to shortcomings in the meteorological modelling. The model consistently overpredicts ozone at a number of stations within the City of Vancouver and underpredicts daytime NOx concentrations there. Both results are consistent with a deficiency in NOx emissions. The model shows a changing bias over time which also suggests uncertainties in the emission backcasting.

RÉSUMÉ?[Traduit par la rédaction] Nous menons une étude rétrospective de la formation de l'ozone dans le vallée du bas Fraser (VBF) à l'aide de modèles numériques, d'observations et d'inventaires d’émissions dans le but de comprendre les relations entre les réductions dans les émissions locales de polluants précurseurs et les concentrations épisodiques d'ozone. Parce qu'il semble n'y avoir que peu ou pas d'impact des émissions de polluants précurseurs en amont de la VBF durant les épisodes d'ozone et parce que les concentrations de fond de l'ozone et de ses précurseurs proviennent généralement du Pacifique Nord et sont très faibles, la formation d'ozone en été dans la VBF est principalement attribuable aux émissions locales. Le changement de comportement observé dans la formation d'ozone doit par conséquent résulter de réductions dans les émissions locales de précurseurs. Nous exploitons la relation changeante observée entre les émissions de précurseurs et la concentration de l'ozone pour effectuer une évaluation par modèle dynamique. Un déplacement observé dans les configurations de population à l'intérieur de la vallée au cours des 25 dernières années et un changement, petit mais documenté, dans la concentration troposphérique de fond de l'ozone viennent compliquer les analyses. Nous étudions la formation d'ozone lors de quatre épisodes qui capturent les changements observés dans la réduction d'ozone et les différents types météorologiques qui se produisent pendant les événements d'ozone dans la VBF en nous servant du système de modélisation SMOKE (Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions) – CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) du WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting). Afin de fournir des simulations réalistes des événements passés, nous avons ajusté l'inventaire d’émissions SMOKE pour tenir compte des changements au cours du temps dans la quantité d’émissions et dans la position des sources d’émissions. Nous comparons la sortie du modèle avec les observations continues, les données recueillies lors d’études sur le terrain et les efforts de modélisation précédents. Le cadre de modélisation WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ est capable de capturer les changements dans la grandeur des concentrations d'ozone ainsi que dans son comportement spatial durant la période de l’étude. Plusieurs des simulations montrent que les plus fortes concentrations d'ozone se produisent en dehors de la région échantillonnée par le réseau fixe de surveillance et à l'intérieur des nombreuses vallées affluentes de la VBF. Tous les épisodes modélisés n'ont pas exhibé le même accord avec les observations et certaines de ces divergences sont vraisemblablement dues à des lacunes dans la modélisation météorologique. Le modèle surprévoit constamment l'ozone à certaines stations dans la ville de Vancouver et sous-prévoit les concentrations de NOx le jour à cet endroit. Les deux résultats sont cohérents avec un déficit dans les émissions de NOx. Le modèle montre un biais qui change avec le temps, ce qui porte à croire à des incertitudes dans les émissions rétrospectives.  相似文献   
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