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Four new irons are described; Buenaventura (IIIB) from Chihuahua, Mexico: mass 114 kg; Denver City (anomalous) from Texas, USA: mass 26.1 kg; Kinsella (IIIB) from Alberta, Canada: mass 3.7 kg; and Tacoma (IA) from Washington, USA: mass 17 g. Denver City is unique, i.e., not related to any other known iron. Tacoma is the smallest iron meteorite recorded. All were purchased for the UCLA collection following a publicity drive for new meteorites  相似文献   
This paper presents the first glacial chronology for the Lahul Himalaya, Northern India. The oldest glaciation, the Chandra Glacial Stage, is represented by glacially eroded benches at altitudes greater than 4300 m above sea-level. This glaciation was probably of a broad valley type. The second glaciation, the Batal Glacial Stage, is represented by highly weathered and dissected lateral moraines, which are present along the Chandra valley and some of its tributaries. This was an extensive valley glaciation. The third major glaciation, the Kulti Glacial Stage, is represented by well-preserved moraines in the main tributary valleys of the Chandra valley. This represents a less extensive valley glaciation. Two minor glacial advances, the Sonapani I and II, are represented by small sharp-crested moraines, which are within a few hundred metres or few kilometres of the present-day glaciers. The change in style and extent of glaciation is attributed to an increase in aridity throughout the Quaternary, due either to global climatic change or uplift of the Pir Panjal mountains to the south of Lahul, which restricted the northward penetration of the south Asian summer monsoon. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
He, Ne, Ar and Xe were measured in aliquots of 11 H-chondrites, to complement trace element studies on the same meteorites (Laulet al., 1972). Bielokrynitschie, Charsonville, Pultusk and Supuhee have lost radiogenic gases before cosmic-ray exposure and Doroninsk, during exposure.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have studied a unique impact-melt rock, the Ramsdorf L chondrite, using optical and scanning microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. Ramsdorf contains not only clast-poor impact melt (Begemann and Wlotzka, 1969) but also a chondritic portion (>60 g) with what appears at low magnification to be a normal, well-defined chondritic texture. However, detailed studies at high magnification show that >90 vol% of the crystals in the chondritic portion were largely melted by the impact: the chondrules lack normal microtextures and are ghosts of the original features. The only relics from the precursor chondrules are olivine crystals, which have the highest melting temperature (~1620 °C). Pyroxene-rich chondrules were so extensively melted that no phenocrysts were preserved and the melt crystallized in situ before significant mixing with exterior olivine-rich melts. Fine-grained pyroxene chondrule ghosts have sharper boundaries with the matrix than porphyritic olivine and pyroxene chondrule ghosts, probably because pyroxene-rich melts are significantly more viscous. Complex textures that formed by injection of melt along cracks and fractures in relic olivines suggest that the chondritic portion of Ramsdorf formed directly from petrologic type 3–4 material by strong shock. We infer that Ramsdorf was largely melted by shock pressures of ~75–90 GPa and that chondrule ghosts and relic olivine phenocrysts were locally preserved by rapid cooling. Quenching was not due to the addition of cold clasts into the melt but to heterogeneous shock heating that only caused internal melting of large olivines and pyroxenes. Ramsdorf appears to be one of the most heavily shocked meteorites that has retained some trace of its original texture.  相似文献   
The 0.3–2.6 m reflectance spectra of most mafic and ultramafic assemblages can best be interpreted by considering the spectra as being composed of mafic silicate spectra modified by the presence of opaques, such as ilmenite or magnetite, and plagioclase feldspar. The systematic spectral-compositional relationships for olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene have been examined and it has been determined that absorption band wavelength positions are correlated with ferrous iron content. Binary mafic silicate mixtures are generally less well understood, but certain spectral features such as reflectance maxima and minima wavelength positions and absorption band areas can be used to quantify or at least constrain end member abundances and compositions. The addition of opaques to a mafic silicate assemblage lowers overall reflectance and band depths. This differs from the effects of increasing grain size which are to lower overall reflectance but increase band depths. Plagioclase is relatively transparent compared to mafic silicates and must be present in appreciable amounts (tens of percent) to be spectrally detectable. The reflectance spectra of most mafic and ultramafic assemblages are dominated by mafic silicate absorption features and analysis of their spectra on this basis allows constraints to be placed on properties such as end member abundances and compositions.  相似文献   
Cosmogenic 26A1 activities have been measured by γ-γ coincidence counting in the three ureilites which had not previously been studied. The values in dpm/kg are: Dingo Pup Donga, 38.4 ± 2.4; North Haig, 39.3 ± 4.8; Dyalpur, 55.8 ± 4.8. Five of the six known ureilites thus have lower 26A1 contents, 63 per cent to 77 per cent, than the calculated saturation values, in marked contrast to most other stony meteorites. This cannot be attributed to short cosmic ray exposure ages. Nor do size and depth effects account for the narrow range of 26A1 activities, because a nuclear particle track study indicates that preatmospheric radii were highly variable, from ≥ 40 cm for Goalpara to only a few cm for Dingo Pup Donga. By default, the most likely explanation is that the ureilites had much smaller or much larger orbits than all other stony meteorites.  相似文献   
Two individual specimens (total weight 15.7 kg) of a new medium octahedrite were found near Ellicott, El Paso County, Colorado. The find is only 1.2 km from the find (in 1890) of the Franceville medium octahedrite. Ellicott and Franceville are distinct meteorites, the latter exhibiting pronounced differences in shock features, kamacite band width, and Ni, Ga, Ge, and Ir contents. Ellicott is a group IA iron while Franceville is in group IIIA.  相似文献   
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