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The sorption of Eu(III) onto kaolinite and montmorillonite was investigated up to 150 °C. The clays were purified samples, saturated with Na in the case of montmorillonite. Batch experiments were conducted at 25, 40, 80 and 150 °C in 0.5 M NaClO4 solutions to measure the distribution coefficients (Kd) of Eu as a trace element (<10−6 mol/L) between the solution and kaolinite. For the Na-montmorillonite, we used Kd results from a previous study [Tertre, E., Berger, G., Castet, S., Loubet, M., Giffaut, E., 2005. Experimental study of adsorption of Ni2+, Cs+ and Ln3+ onto Na-montmorillonite up to 150 °C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta69, 4937-4948] obtained under exactly the same conditions. The number and nature of the Eu species sorbed onto both clay minerals were investigated by time resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) in specific experiments in the same temperature range. We identified a unique inner-sphere complex linked to the aluminol sites in both clays, assumed to be AlOEu2+ at the edge of the particles, and a second exchangeable outer-sphere complex for montmorillonite, probably in an interlayer position. The Kd values were used to adjust the parameters of a surface complexation model (DLM: diffuse layer model) from 25 to 150 °C. The number of Eu complexes and the stoichiometry of reactions were constrained by TRLFS. The acidity constants of the amphoteric aluminol sites were taken from another study [Tertre, E., Castet, S., Berger, G., Loubet, M., Giffaut, E. Acid/base surface chemistry of kaolinite and Na-montmorillonite at 25 and 60 °C: experimental study and modelling. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, in press], which integrates the influence of the negative structural charge of clays on the acid/base properties of edge sites as a function of temperature and ionic strength. The results of the modelling show that the observed shift of the sorption edge towards low pH with increasing temperature results solely from the contribution of the AlOEu2+ edge complexes. Finally, we successfully tested the performance of our model by confronting the predictions with experimental Kd data. We used our own data obtained at lower ionic strength (previous study) or higher suspension density and higher starting concentration (TRLFS runs, this study), as well as published data from other experimental studies [Bradbury, M.H., Baeyens, B., 2002. Sorption of Eu on Na and Ca-montmorillonite: experimental investigations and modeling with cation exchange and surface complexation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta66, 2325-2334; Kowal-Fouchard, A., 2002. Etude des mécanismes de rétention des ions U(IV) et Eu(III) sur les argiles: influence des silicates. Ph.D. Thesis, Université Paris Sud, France, 330p].  相似文献   
李炎  G.W.Berger 《海洋科学》1992,16(4):66-68
利用颗粒态放射性核素携带的颗粒物历经过程信息,我们提出用泥沙扩散方程和颗粒态放射性核素扩散方程联解底部边界层颗粒态物质迁移参数的方法。分析实例的样品取自荷兰Waden Sea南部Balgzand潮滩(砂坪)和Mok湾潮滩(泥坪)的两个站位(BG1和Mok2)。示踪核素为~(234)Th,~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs,其放射性比度由r能谱测出。  相似文献   
The extent of the Barents-Kara Sea ice sheet (northern Europe and Russia) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 is controversial, especially along the southern and northeastern (Russian High Arctic) margins. We conducted a multi-disciplinary study of various organic and mineral fractions, obtaining chronologies with 14C and luminescence dating methods on a 10.5 m long core from Changeable Lake (4 km from the Vavilov Ice Cap) on Severnaya Zemlya. The numeric ages indicate that the last glaciation at this site occurred during or prior to MIS 5d-4 (Early Middle Weichselian). Deglaciation was followed by a marine transgression which affected the Changeable Lake basin. After the regression the basin dried up. In late Middle Weichselian time (ca 25–40 ka), reworked marine sediments were deposited in a saline water body. During the Late Weichselian (MIS 2), the basin was not affected by glaciation, and lacustrine sediments were formed which reflect cold and arid climate conditions. During the termination of the Pleistocene and into the Holocene, warmer and wetter climate conditions than before led to a higher sediment input. Thus, our chronology demonstrates that the northeastern margin of the LGM Barents-Kara Sea ice sheet did not reach the Changeable Lake basin. This result supports a modest model of the LGM ice sheet in northern Europe determined from numeric ice sheet modelling and geological investigations.  相似文献   
The West Cycladic Detachment System (WCDS) has been mapped from the western Cycladic islands to Lavrion (mainland Greece), where several top‐to‐SSW low‐angle normal faults at different structural levels are observed. Near the detachment horizon, hydrothermal fluid flow originating from Miocene intrusions lead to high‐temperature carbonate strata‐bound Pb–Ag–Zn ore deposits. Zircon (U–Th)/He cooling ages from the mineralized footwall are 7.1 ± 0.6 to 7.9 ± 0.6 Ma. Carbon‐ and O‐isotope analyses of the carbonate host indicate high water‐to‐rock ratios during brittle deformation‐induced metasomatism, and that this interaction, unrelated to proximity of the intrusions, plays the dominant role in the mineralization. The Late Miocene geology of Lavrion is strikingly similar to Serifos island on the SE termination of the WCDS, both characterized by strong localization of detachment faulting and the interaction of brittle deformation with the injection of fluids related to granitoid intrusions.  相似文献   
Black marls form very extensive outcrops in the Alps and constitute some of the most eroded terrains, thus causing major problems of sedimentation in artificial storage systems (e.g. reservoirs) and river systems. In the experimental catchments near Draix (France), soil erosion rates have been measured in the past at the plot scale through a detailed monitoring of surface elevation changes and at the catchment scale through continuous monitoring of sediment yield in traps at basin outlets. More recently, erosion rates have been determined by means of dendrogeomorphic techniques in three monitored catchments of the Draix basin. A total of 48 exposed roots of Scots pine have been sampled and anatomical variations in annual growth rings resulting from denudation analysed. At the plot scale, average medium‐term soil erosion rates derived from exposed roots vary between 1·8 and 13·8 mm yr?1 (average: 5·9 mm yr?1) and values are significantly correlated with slope angle. The dendrogeomorphic record of point‐scale soil erosion rates matches very well with soil erosion rates measured in the Draix basins. Based on the point‐scale measurements and dendrogeomorphic results obtained at the point scale, a linear regression model involving slope angle was derived and coupled to high‐resolution slope maps obtained from a LiDAR‐generated digital elevation model so as to generate high‐resolution soil erosion maps. The resulting regression model is statistically significant and average soil erosion rates obtained from the areal erosion map (5·8, 5·2 and 6·2 mm yr?1 for the Roubine, Moulin and Laval catchments, respectively) prove to be well in concert with average annual erosion rates measured in traps at the outlet of these catchments since 1985 (6·3, 4·1 and 6·4 mm yr?1). This contribution demonstrates that dendrogeomorphic analyses of roots clearly have significant potential and that they are a powerful tool for the quantification and mapping of soil erosion rates in areas where measurements of past erosion is lacking. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary Air pollution problem in the Czech Republic is very complex due to large number of factors as turbulent dispersion and chemical reactions concurring in the status of the PBL. For this 3D distribution of pollutants is a key information that cannot be given by conventional monitoring stations. Combined use of DIAL lidar and sodar can give access to such information. Case studies of air pollutants transport are presented using 3D concentration fields of NO2 and ozone measured by lidar and meteorological conditions monitored by Doppler Sodar.  相似文献   
To obtain clues about how coastal primary production might be affected by interannual and interdecadal changes in climate, we studied marine laminated sediments from the center of the Santa Barbara Basin. We report here a large decrease in the flux of diatoms between the periods 1954–1972 and 1973–1986, by a factor of five, and sustained reductions from 1973 to 1978 by a factor of ten below the pre-1972 period. Planktonic foraminifera flux shows a consistent trend of decrease with lowest values from 1981 to 1984. On the whole, the 1954–1972 period is considerably cooler than the 1973–1986 period, over the entire North Pacific. The decrease in biological production in this coastal system is accompanied by an overall intensification of the Aleutian Low in the North Pacific over the past 14 years, providing for a weakening of the California Current, and an overall reduction of mixing and upwelling. The possibility that the low coastal production could provide positive feedback to global warming through reduction of CO2-uptake, and its relation to the greenhouse effect is considered. On a shorter time-scale, the effects of El Niño phenomena are clearly seen in the sediments of this basin, as decreases in total diatom flux and increases in the relative abundance of certain warm-water diatoms.  相似文献   
The report presents results of experiments testifying to the possibility of using wet oxidation to determine the concentrations of organic carbon in marine particulate matter. We describe a method for eliminating the measurement error caused by the influence of chlorides on the processes of dichromate oxidation of organic matter. We present an equation to calculate the concentration of organic carbon depending on that of sodium chloride.  相似文献   
Isotope paleontology uses the isotopic composition of fossil remains of organisms to make inferences about the physical surroundings of growth of the organisms (especially temperature), and to obtain clues about life history and modes of growth. In calcareous fossils, oxygen isotopes are mainly used in the former, and carbon isotopes in the latter. However, since physical surroundings and organism response are intimately associated, both types of information are contained in each of the isotopic signals. To explore the potential of isotope paleontology, and to provide a basis for reconstruction, a broad range of extant organisms has been studied, taking the pioneering work of Epstein and associates as a starting point. Results are summarized for a representative sampling of these studies, with emphasis on work at the laboratories of the authors, from the mid-seventies to the present. The organisms considered are nannoplankton, benthic algae, planktonic and benthic deep-sea foraminifera, “larger” foraminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, polychaetes, arthropods, bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods, and vertebrates (fish otoliths). The survey broadly suggests that, regarding oxygen isotopes, materials tend to be precipitated close to equilibrium with the surrounding seawater (as postulated by Urey), and that for carbon isotopes disequilibrium is the rule. Life spans, growth rates, differential seasonal growth, and age of reproductive activity can be extracted under favorable circumstances from individual shells and skeletal parts. In detail, the interpretation of isotope records of individual shells is quite complicated, and simple models will fail to give satisfactory results in many or most cases.  相似文献   
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