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We report an electron probe investigation of the eucrite Moore County. Moore County consists predominantly of four pyroxene phases and plagioclase, with minor tridymite, ilmenite, chromite, troilite, iron metal and possibly apatite. Temperatures have been computed for Moore County and other eucrites using three independent techniques for coexisting pairs of pyroxenes. These computed temperatures are all subsolidus and approach those calculated for slowly cooled terrestrial igneous and metamorphic rocks. These temperatures conflict with the conclusions of earlier workers that Moore County was catastrophically removed from its cumulate environment at high temperatures. The eucrites cooled to temperatures substantially below the solidus on their parent body.Our results are consistent with the conclusion that Moore County resided for an extended period of time on the eucrite parent body, perhaps from the time of its crystallization from a basaltic melt (~-4.5AE) until a few tens of millions of years ago. This extended residence time is consistent with the conclusion that the eucrite parent body is still intact, but raises dynamical objections to the tentative identification of the eucrite parent body as asteroid 4 Vesta.An alternative scenario involves ejection from the eucrite parent body, at times significantly older than those indicated by cosmic ray exposure ages, of meteoroids of sufficient size that their interiors were shielded from cosmic rays. These meteoroids were removed by low-probability mechanisms into Earth-crossing orbits where they were disrupted and ultimately sampled by the Earth. This proposal appears to remove the dynamical objections to the tentative identification of the eucrite parent body as Vesta.  相似文献   
Volcán Quizapu,Chilean Andes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quizapu is a flank vent of the basalt-to-rhyodacite Holocene stratocone, Cerro Azul, and lies at the focus of a complex Quaternary volcanic field on the Andean volcanic front. The Quizapu vent originated in 1846 when 5 km3 of hornblende-dacite magma erupted effusively with little accompanying tephra. Between 1907 and 1932, phreatic and strombolian activity reamed out a deep crater, from which 4 km3 of dacite magma identical to that of 1846 fed the great plinian event of 10–11 April 1932. Although a total of >9 km3 of magma was thus released in 86 years, there is no discernible subsidence. As the pre-plinian crater was lined by massive lavas, 1932 enlargement was limited and the total plinian deposit contains only 0.4 wt % lithics. Areas of 5-cm and 1-cm isopachs for compacted 1932 fallout are about half of those estimated in the 1930's, yielding a revised ejecta volume of 9.5 km3. A strong inflection near the 10-cm isopach (downwind 110 km) on a plot of log Thickness vs Area1/2 reflects slow settling of fine plinian ash — not of coignimbrite ash, as the volume of pyroclastic flows was trivial (<0.01 km3). About 17 vol.% of the fallout lies beyond the 1-cm isopach, and 82 wt% of the ejecta are finer than 1 mm. A least 18 hours of steady plinian activity produced an exceptionally uniform fall deposit. Observed column height (27–30 km) and average mass eruption rate (1.5x108 kg/s) compare well with values for height and peak intensity calculated from published eruption models. The progressive aeolian fractionation of downwind ash (for which Quizapu is widely cited) is complicated by the large compositional range of 1932 juvenile pumice (52–70% SiO2). The eruption began with andesitic scoria and ended with basaltic scoria, but >95% of the ejecta are dacitic pumice (67–68% SiO2); minor andesitic scoria and frothier rhyodacite pumice (70% SiO2) accompanied the dominant dacite. Phenocrysts (pl>hbopx>mt>ilmcpx) are similar in both abundance and composition in the 1846 (effusive) and 1932 (plinian) dacites. Despite the contrast in mode of eruption, bulk compositions are also indistinguishable. The only difference so far identified is a lower range of D values for 1846 hornblende, consistent with pre-eruptive degassing of the effusive batch.  相似文献   
Red-staining and alteration of wall rock is common around water conducting fractures in the Laxemar–Simpevarp area (SE Sweden), which is currently being investigated by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) in common with many other places. Red-staining is often interpreted as a clear sign of oxidation but relevant analyses are seldom performed. The area is dominated by Palaeoproterozoic crystalline rocks ranging in composition from quartz monzodiorite to granite. In this study wall rock samples have been compared with reference samples from within 0.1 to 1 m of the red-stained rock, in order to describe mineralogical and geochemical changes but also changes in redox conditions. A methodology for tracing changes in mineralogy, mineral and whole rock chemistry and Fe3+/Fetot ratio in silicates and oxides in the red-stained wall rock and the reference rock is reported. The results show that the red-stained rock adjacent to the fractures displays major changes in mineralogy; biotite, plagioclase and magnetite have been altered and chlorite, K-feldspar, albite, sericite, prehnite, epidote and hematite have been formed. The changes in chemistry are however moderate; K-enrichment, Ca-depletion and constant Fetot are documented. The Fe3+/Fetot ratio in the oxide phase is higher in the red-stained samples whereas the Fe3+/Fetot ratio in the silicate phase is largely similar in the wall rock and the reference samples. Because most of the Fe is hosted in the silicate phase the decrease in reducing capacity (Fe2+), if any, in the red-stained wall rock is very small and not as high as macroscopic observations might suggest. Instead, the mineralogical changes in combination with the modest oxidation and formation of minute hematite grains in porous secondary minerals in pseudomorphs after plagioclase have produced the red-staining. Increased porosity is also characteristic for the red-stained rock. Moderate alteration in the macroscopically fresh reference rock shows that the hydrothermal alteration reaches further from the fracture than the red-staining. The extent of the red-staining can therefore not be used in the same way as the extent of the alteration adjacent to a fracture. The increase in porosity in the red-stained rock may result in enhanced retention of radio-nuclides due to an increased sorptivity and diffusion close to the fracture.  相似文献   
The aim of this 6?year study was to assess whether freshwater inputs (rainfall and dam discharges) were acting as physical, physiological or trophic forcing factors on phytoplankton pigment concentrations and the dominant mysids of a temperate estuary (Guadalquivir estuary; SW, Spain). The effects of natural and human-controlled freshwater inputs modified the physico-chemical conditions and consequently biological production (bottom up control). Nutrient (nitrogen hypernutrification), suspended particulate matter and allochthonous photosynthetic pigment imports linked to freshwater inputs from adjacent habitats were observed, as well as light-limited autochthonous primary production. Seasonal and/or spatial patterns were shown by all study variables, including mysids. Freshwater management effects on dominant mysids differed depending on the species?? salinity tolerance (physiological forcing) and preferred prey availability (trophic forcing). Moreover, high inorganic matter content had a negative effect on the density of Mesopodopsis slabberi (physical forcing), which led to an increased detritivory/herbivory ratio (Neomysis integer/M. slabberi ratio). In conclusion, freshwater inputs appeared to effect estuarine lower trophic levels via a combination of different forcing mechanisms. Although several general patterns can be derived, the response of the system to freshwater inputs was not always univocal.  相似文献   
Iron mining in the Schefferville, Quebec, area has resulted in the disruption of some small surface drainage systems and the discharge of large amounts of pumped groundwater into them. Major ion concentrations in surface waters is controlled by the occurrence of the Denault (dolomite) formation, and little change is caused by the mining activities. Acidification of some of the waters by acid precipitation is a potential problem, but no health hazards are likely to accrue from the effects of iron mining on the surface water quality.  相似文献   
A series of experiments is underway using the Omega laser to examine radiative shocks of astrophysical relevance. In these experiments, the laser accelerates a thin layer of low-Z material, which drives a strong shock into xenon gas. One-dimensional numerical simulations using the HYADES radiation hydrodynamics code predict that radiation cooling will cause the shocked xenon to collapse spatially, producing a thin layer of high density (i.e., a collapsed shock). Preliminary experimental results show a less opaque layer of shocked xenon than would be expected assuming that all the xenon accumulates in the layer and that the X-ray source is a pure Kα source. However, neither of these assumptions is strictly correct. Here we explore whether radial mass and/or energy transport may be significant to the dynamics of the system. We report the results of two-dimensional numerical simulations using the ZEUS-2D astrophysical fluid dynamics code. Particular attention is given to the simulation method.  相似文献   
Micron and submicron-sized dust particles can be lifted from the lunar surface due to continual micrometeoroid bombardment and electrostatic charging. The characteristics of these dust populations are of scientific interest and engineering importance for the design of future equipment to operate on the lunar surface. The mobilized grains are expected to have a low velocity, which makes their detection difficult by traditional methods that are based on momentum transfer or impact energy. We describe a newly developed instrument concept, the Electrostatic Lunar Dust Analyzer (ELDA), which utilizes the charge on the dust for detection and analysis. ELDA consists of an array of wire electrodes combined with an electrostatic deflection field region, and measures the mass, charge, and velocity vector of individual dust grains. The first basic prototype of the ELDA instrument has been constructed, tested and characterized in the laboratory. The instrument is set up to measure over a velocity range 1–100 m/s and is sensitive to particles from an approximate mass range from 2×10−16 to 10−11 kg, depending on the charge state and velocity.  相似文献   
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is capable of creating new and novel high-energy-density (HED) systems relevant to astrophysics. Specifically, a system could be created that studies the effects of a radiative shock on a hydrodynamically unstable interface. These dynamics would be relevant to the early evolution after a core-collapse supernova of a red supergiant star. Prior to NIF, no HED facility had enough energy to perform this kind of experiment. The experimental target will include a 340 ??m predominantly plastic ablator followed by a low-density SiO2 foam. The interface will have a specific, machined pattern that will seed hydrodynamic instabilities. The growth of the instabilities in a radiation-dominated environment will be observed. This experiment requires a ??300?eV hohlraum drive and will be diagnosed using point projection pinhole radiography, which have both been recently demonstrated on NIF.  相似文献   
New fully relativistic calculations of radiative rates and electron impact excitation cross-sections for Fe  xvi are used to determine theoretical emission-line ratios applicable to the 251–361 and 32–77 Å portions of the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and soft X-ray spectral regions, respectively. A comparison of the EUV results with observations from the Solar Extreme-Ultraviolet Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) reveals excellent agreement between theory and experiment. However, for emission lines in the 32–49 Å portion of the soft X-ray spectral region, there are large discrepancies between theory and measurement for both a solar flare spectrum obtained with the X-Ray Spectrometer/Spectrograph Telescope (XSST) and for observations of Capella from the Low-Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) on the Chandra X-ray Observatory . These are probably due to blending in the solar flare and Capella data from both first-order lines and from shorter wavelength transitions detected in second and third order. By contrast, there is very good agreement between our theoretical results and the XSST and LETGS observations in the 50–77 Å wavelength range, contrary to previous results. In particular, there is no evidence that the Fe  xvi emission from the XSST flare arises from plasma at a much higher temperature than that expected for Fe  xvi in ionization equilibrium, as suggested by earlier work.  相似文献   
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