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Accurate prediction of future climate scenarios is contingent on our understanding of past and present climate mechanisms. This is done in part through the reconstruction of historical climate changes using proxy records from terrestrial and marine archives. Terrestrial archives covering the Holocene and late Pleistocene are limited, most acutely in the Southern Hemisphere. Here, Rare earth elements (REE) and Pb isotopes are developed as inorganic geochemical proxies of mineral dust source changes and, by extension, climate change. Using a peat core from Lynch’s Crater in NE Queensland, Australia, we present the first long-term (c. 52 kyr) terrestrial record of atmospheric REE and Pb deposition (with the exception of four wet events which represent periods of erosion from the crater itself) in the Southern Hemisphere covering both glacial and interglacial times. Based on a combination of correlation analyses, Al and Ti normalised profiles and elemental patterns, we establish REE are immobile within the peat deposit and not subject to significant post depositional diagenetic changes (important particularly for Ce). This is vital as REE can be mobile under acid and organic rich conditions like those that can occur during the development of a peat deposit. The volcanic provinces of eastern Australia have characteristic Eu anomaly signatures, which allowed their use in a novel way to detect changes in dust source to Lynch’s Crater. Between 41,095 and 52,505 BP the deposit was under the influence of dust carried by long distance transport (>1500 km) from SE Australia. From 8525 to 40,815 BP regional sources (100-1500 km) dominated the deposited signals while between 1740 and 8390 BP the dust signal was controlled by local sources (<100 km). These findings were also confirmed by Pb isotope data. Changepoint modelling refined the timing of these changes in dust source, recognizing concurrent shifts in our tracing tools ((Eu/Eu)PAAS and 206Pb/207Pb). These changepoints were then compared to other palaeoenvironmental records (pollen, lake levels and dune building) from eastern Australia and found to be similar. Our results demonstrate that REE and Pb isotopes are effective tools for tracing past changes in atmospheric dust sources and to the study of climate change using minerotrophic peat deposits.  相似文献   
In the natural environment, temperature and moisture are very important parameters in stone degradation. Therefore, on 28 samples from different lithologies (magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks) thermal and hygric expansion measurements were performed in order to constrain their behaviour related to environmental changes. It was shown that marbles, even those that are dolomitic, are sensitive to temperature impacts. For rocks with clay minerals the effect of temperature may be responsible for shrinking. Finally the amount of residual strain, i.e. the formation of microcracks due to temperature action controls the rate of stone degradation. For most sedimentary rocks no residual strain after heating was observed. In contrast to most magmatic and metamorphic low-porosity rocks, sedimentary rocks contain swelling minerals (like smectite and even phyllosilicates), which are very sensitive to hygric attacks. The cycles of wetting and drying, i.e. the natural environmental effects, may significantly control the deterioration velocity caused by hygric expansion.  相似文献   
Beer  Jürg  Tobias  Steven  Weiss  Nigel 《Solar physics》1998,181(1):237-249
Measurements of 10Be concentration in the Dye 3 ice core show that magnetic cycles persisted throughout the Maunder Minimum, although the Sun's overall activity was drastically reduced and sunspots virtually disappeared. Thus the dates of maxima and minima can now be reliably estimated. Similar behaviour is shown by a nonlinear dynamo model, which predicts that, after a grand minimum, the Sun's toroidal field may switch from being antisymmetric to being symmetric about the equator. The presence of cyclic activity during the Maunder Minimum limits estimates of the solar contribution to climatic change.  相似文献   
EVRIS is the first space experiment dedicated to asteroseismology. It is designed to measure the relative time variations of the flux of several bright stars and to detect their modes of pulsation. As the amplitudes of these oscillations should be very small (a few ppm), the instrument has to perform relative photometry with an extremely high accuracy, i.e. hundred times better than the classical accuracy reached from the ground. The experiment is composed of a star tracker and a photometer, mounted on a pointing platform PAIS. This paper describes the mechanical and optical design and the performance of EVRIS, as well as the properties of the pointing system. It is shown that the EVRIS/PAIS complex meets the scientific specifications for a list of targets well suited for asteroseismology. The EVRIS collaboration is composed of: G. Epstein, J.P. Michel, F. Rakotoarivelo, F. Roubaud and A. Mangeney Observatoire de Paris (DESPA) 92195 Meudon, FranceA. Magnan, J.C. DavidLaboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, BP8 - Traverse du Siphon, 13012 Marseille, FranceJ.T. BueyObservatoire de Paris (DESPA) 92195 Meudon, FranceObservatoire de Paris (DASGAL) 92195 Meudon, FranceR. BellengerDépartement d'Astrophysique Extragalactique et de Cosmologie, Observatoire de Paris, FranceM. Gelbmann, U. Heiter, F. Hiesberger, R. Kuschnig and E. PaunzenInstitut für Astronomie, Wien Austria  相似文献   
We report on a40Ar-39Ar study of the Apollo 16 breccia 67435 and present ages of five samples representing matrix, lithic clasts and plagioclase clasts. While the matrix age spectrum does not have a well-defined plateau, the two lithic clasts gave plateau ages of 3.96 and 4.04 AE. Since all samples had apparent ages of ~1 AE in the fractions ≤600°C extraction temperature, the breccia might have been assembled in a rather mild process at about that time or even more recently out of material with different metamorphic ages. The two plagioclase samples, of which one was a single 9-mg mineral clast and the other a 15-mg composite of several clasts, also have ages of ~1 AE in the low-temperature release fractions, but are apparently undisturbed by any ~4-AE events since they both have well-defined plateaux at 4.42 AE. The age of these strongly calcic plagioclase clasts, believed to be remnants of the anorthositic lunar crust, establishes a lower age limit to the end of the early lunar differentiation and thus places a strong constraint to the lunar evolution.  相似文献   
The three hydrothermal fields at 21°N latitude, East Pacific Rise, were resampled and an additional one was discovered. Maximum fluid temperatures observed were within a few degrees of 350°C and these waters had concentrations of Mg and sulfate indistinguishable from zero. One field, NGS, which had active 350°C springs in 1979, was inactive when first located in 1981. However, when a chimney was broken open during sampling, water issued at 273°C and continued to flow for at least five days. The chemical composition strongly suggests that these waters cooled conductively from 350°C in the sealed conduit.The major ion data are consistent with the estimates based on extrapolation of the original measurements made on the hot springs from the Galapagos Spreading Center (Edmondet al., 1979a). The fluids have a pH of 3.5 and the sulfide-forming element concentrations show significant inter-field variations. Fe levels range from 0.8 to 2.4 mmoles/kg; the ratio Fe:Mn varies from 0.9 to 2.9 similar to metalliferous sediments on the ridge flanks, but much higher than observed at Galapagos (where sub-surface precipitation of iron sulfides occurs) indicating that the overwhelming proportion of the mass flux from hydrothermal systems occurs at high temperatures. Zn ranges from 40 to 106 μmoles/kg with Cu being substantially lower. Since the ratio of these elements in tholeiites is about unity, there is strong net preferential mobilization of Zn. Lead ranges from 183 to 359 nmoles/kg. Nickel and Be are highly immobile relative to the other trace elements. The abundance of H2S is about three times that of the total sulfide-forming cations. These data demonstrate that acid solutions at elevated temperatures can transport substantial amounts of ore-forming elements in the presence of large excesses of sulfide.  相似文献   
This paper describes the results of a series of experiments carried out on card decks and foliated rock in order to study the nucleation and growth of kinks. Parameters varied in the experiments were confining pressure and the angle of inclination between the foliation and the direction of maximum shortening.The results showed that most kinks initiated as symmetric or monoclinal buckles which rapidly changed to an angular, stable form similar to that observed in nature. The amount of strain required to set up this stable geometry is small. The effect of increasing confining pressure is to diminish the size of the kinks while that of changing the angle of inclination of the foliation to the direction of maximum shortening is to modify the style of deformation from the development of a set of conjugate kinks at small angles (0 – 5°), to a single set of kinks at larger angles (5 – 15°), and, finally, to a combination of sliding along the foliation and kinking at the largest angles (15 – 30°) investigated.During this change in mode of deformation, the angular relationships between the kinks and the directions of the applied loads change systematically and graphs are presented which may be of use in relating the geometry of natural kinks to the principal stress directions.  相似文献   
The change in the Earth's climate caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may be the most important environmental legacy that we leave to our descendants.Global change raises difficult issues of equity between our generation and future generations, and between different communities within future generations. International law is accustomed to addressing the effects of intentional environmental change on people who are already alive. It needs to be augmented by principles of intergenerational equity. We have certain obligations to future generations to pass on a planet in no worse condition than we received it and to give them equitable access to its resources.This requires a global strategy for climate change which will prevent excessively rapid climate change, prevent or mitigate the damage caused by climate change, and help countries to adapt to climate change. We need to avoid imposing major costs on future generations for our own benefit.To implement this strategy will require enforceable norms of behavior, which should be embodied in a Declaration of Planetary Rights and Obligations to Future Generations, and implemented in appropriate treaties and national and local legislation. Agreements should be drafted in such a way that they can incorporate increases in scientific understanding, for example by the creation of scientific advisory committees.  相似文献   
A rapid removal of Chernobyl137Cs from a number of large lakes has been previously reported. Our measurements of137Cs in water, sediments and pore water in the mono- and meromictic basins of Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano) reveal generally slower half-removal times of 1.2 and 6.7 yrs, respectively. In the seasonally anoxic southern basin, this is most probably related to an intensive recycling of137Cs between water and sediments. In the permanently stratified northern basin the removal rate is much slower due to an important inventory build up in the deep anoxic part of the basin.  相似文献   
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