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We present whole-rock major- and trace-element and Nd–Sr–Pbradiogenic isotope data for Cretaceous igneous suites from easternCuba. These rocks are related to the Greater Antilles paleo-islandarc magmatism and have three different igneous styles. Group1 consists of tholeiitic basalts and rare basaltic andesitesthat have normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB)-like compositionssimilar to those found in back-arc basin basalts (TiO2 = 1·2–2·9wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·7–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·08,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·65–37·74).Group 2 comprises basaltic and rare basaltic andesitic subvolcanicdykes with major- and trace-element and isotopic compositionssimilar to those of island arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0·7–1·4wt%; La/Yb(N) = 0·6–0·9, Th/Nb = 0·06–0·68,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·74–38·25).Group 3 is composed of low-Ti (TiO2 = 0·3–0·9wt%) calcalkaline igneous rocks that have an unambiguous subduction-relatedcharacter (La/Yb(N) = 1·1–5·0, Th/Nb = 0·35–1·55,and initial 208Pb/ 204Pb = 37·94–38·39).The parental magmas of the three groups formed by variable meltingdegrees (< 5–25%) of spinel lherzolite, with more depletedmantle sources for Groups 2 and 3 than Group 1. The trace-elementand radiogenic isotope compositions of primitive Group 3 samplesare strongly bimodal. One subgroup of samples is characterizedby low Ta/Yb (0·02–0·03) and Th/La (0·10–0·13),slightly subchondritic Nb/Ta (13·3–17·3),and relatively high initial 206Pb/204Pb (18·57–18·62)and Nd (7·6–9·4). The remaining primitiveGroup 3 samples have higher Ta/Yb (0·06–0·11)and Th/La (0·24–0·32), and highly subchondriticNb/Ta (7·6–9·1), coupled with lower initial206Pb/204Pb (18·24–18·29) and Nd (3·4–5·5).These signatures were induced by two distinct slab componentsthat mainly reflect the contributions of Cretaceous Atlanticmarine and North American continental sediments, respectively.Nb/Ta in the first subgroup was influenced by melting of rutile-bearingsubducted crust, whereas in the second it was inherited fromrecycled continental sediments. The involvement of Atlanticand North American sediments in Cuban Cretaceous magmatism indicatesthat the Proto-Caribbean (North American-Proto Atlantic) lithospheresubducted beneath the Greater Antilles arc during the Late Cretaceous(pre-Campanian), consistent with geotectonic models involvingonset of SW-dipping subduction beneath the Greater Antillespaleo-arc during the Aptian. The variable mantle source depletionand magnitude of the subduction component probably reflect differentsettings across the arc, from the arc front to a back-arc spreadingridge. KEY WORDS: eastern Cuba; Greater Antilles paleo-island arc; mantle source depletion; Nb/Ta fractionation; slab component  相似文献   
Since the end of the Cambodian Civil War in 1998, the population of the Oddar Meanchey province has drastically increased despite the lack of adequate infrastructure, including basic amenities such as drinking-water supply. To improve the access to drinking water, governmental and aid agencies have focussed on drilling shallow boreholes. The use of groundwater for irrigation is also a growing concern to cope with the occasional late arrival of the rainy season or to produce food during the dry season. Since the groundwater resource in the province has not been documented, a 4-year study was undertaken (2011–2014), aiming to estimate the capability of groundwater to supply domestic needs and supplementary irrigation for rice production. Aquifer properties were estimated by combined use of hydrogeological techniques with the geophysical magnetic resonance sounding method. Groundwater storage and recharge were estimated based on new developments in the application of the geophysical method for quantifying specific yield. The median groundwater storage of the targeted sandstone aquifer is 173 mm, the recharge is diffuse and annually ranges from 10 to 70 mm, and the transmissivity is low to medium. Simulations of pumping indicate that the aquifer can easily supply 100 L of drinking water per capita daily, even considering the estimated population in 2030. However, the shallow aquifer can generally not deliver enough water to irrigate paddy fields of several hectares during a 2-month delay in the onset of the monsoon.  相似文献   
One way to address the assessment of strategies to control wave overtopping at seawalls and related coastal defence structures is to make use of Cost-Benefit Analysis. The institutional context in which Cost-Benefit Analysis takes place influences decisions on the types of values that are taken into consideration and the subsequent selection of valuation methods. We suggest to consider Cost-Benefit Analysis in a broad institutional framework when decisions are to be made on coastal defence strategies. It is argued that the institutional context provides the rules of the game on how a balance can be found between social, economic and ecologic functions of projects that protect societies against overtopping.  相似文献   
We present the Macquarie/AAO/Strasbourg Hα Planetary Nebula Catalogue (MASH) of over 900 true, likely and possible new Galactic planetary nebulae (PNe) discovered from the AAO/UKST Hα survey of the southern Galactic plane. The combination of depth, resolution, uniformity and areal coverage of the Hα survey has opened up a hitherto unexplored region of parameter space permitting the detection of this significant new PN sample. Away from the Galactic bulge the new PNe are typically more evolved, of larger angular extent, of lower surface brightness and more obscured (i.e. extinguished) than those in most previous surveys. We have also doubled the number of PNe in the Galactic bulge itself and although most are compact, we have also found more evolved examples. The MASH catalogue represents the culmination of a seven-year programme of identification and confirmatory spectroscopy. A key strength is that the entire sample has been derived from the same, uniform observational data. The 60 per cent increase in known Galactic PNe represents the largest ever incremental sample of such discoveries and will have a significant impact on many aspects of PN research. This is especially important for studies at the faint end of the PN luminosity function which was previously poorly represented.  相似文献   
The degradation of acyclic petroleum hydrocarbons was studied during a 24-month experiment in Mediterranean coastal sediments (Gulf of Fos). Sediment cores entirely contaminated with oil (Arabian Light Crude Oil) were incubated in situ. The use of conservative tracers of sediment's particles reworking (luminophores) allowed the distinction of the reworked layer from the anoxic deeper sediments. Using the 17α,21βC30 hopane (C30H) as an inert internal reference, we could demonstrate that, after 24 months of experiment, acyclic petroleum hydrocarbons can be degraded under natural anaerobic conditions. The reactivity of individual alkanes appeared to depend on their chemical structure. To cite this article: D. Massias et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).To cite this article: D. Massias et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
The 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami unfairly hit the different ethnic groups of Aceh, Indonesia. About 170,000 Acehnese and Minangkabau people died in the Northern tip of Sumatra while only 44 Simeulue people passed away in the neighbouring Simeulue island located near the earthquake epicentre. Such a difference in the death toll does not lie in the nature of the hazard but in different human behaviours and ethnic contexts. The present study draws on a contextual framework of analysis where people’s behaviour in the face of natural hazards is deeply influenced by the cultural, social, economic and political context. Questionnaire-based surveys among affected communities, key informant interviews and literature reviews show that the people of Simeulue detected the tsunami very early and then escaped to the mountains. On the other hand, Acehnese and Minangkabau people, respectively in the cities of Banda Aceh and Meulaboh, did not anticipate the phenomenon and were thus caught by the waves. The different behaviours of the victims have been commanded by the existence or the absence of a disaster subculture among affected communities as well as by their capacity to protect themselves in facing the tsunami. People’s behaviours and the capacity to protect oneself can be further tracked down to a deep tangle of intricate factors which include the armed conflict that has been affecting the province since the 1970s, the historical and cultural heritage and the national political economy system. This paper finally argues that the uneven impact of the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Aceh lies in the different daily life conditions of the ethnic groups struck by the disaster.  相似文献   
Geostatistical estimations of the hydraulic conductivity field (K) in the Carrizo aquifer, Texas, are performed over three regional domains of increasing extent: 1) the domain corresponding to a three-dimensional groundwater flow model previously built (model domain); 2) the area corresponding to the 10 counties encompassing the model domain (County domain), and; 3) the full extension of the Carrizo aquifer within Texas (Texas domain). Two different approaches are used: 1) an indirect approach where transmissivity (T) is estimated first and K is retrieved through division of the T estimate by the screen length of the wells, and; 2) a direct approach where K data are kriged directly. Due to preferential well screen emplacement, and scarcity of sampling in the deeper portions of the formation (> 1 km), the available data set is biased toward high values of hydraulic conductivities. Kriging combined with linear regression, simple kriging with varying local means, kriging with an external drift, and cokriging allow the incorporation of specific capacity as secondary information. Prediction performances (assessed through cross-validation) differ according to the chosen approach, the considered variable (log-transformed or back-transformed), and the scale of interest. For the indirect approach, kriging of log T with varying local means yields the best estimates for both log-transformed and back-transformed variables in the model domain. For larger regional scales (County and Texas domains), cokriging performs generally better than other kriging procedures when estimating both (log T) and T. Among procedures using the direct approach, the best prediction performances are obtained using kriging of log K with an external drift. Overall, geostatistical estimation of the hydraulic conductivity field at regional scales is rendered difficult by both preferential well location and preferential emplacement of well screens in the most productive portions of the aquifer. Such bias creates unrealistic hydraulic conductivity values, in particular, in sparsely sampled areas.  相似文献   
Fluctuations of the Charquini glaciers (Cordillera Real, Bolivia) have been reconstructed for the Little Ice Age (LIA) from a set of 10 moraines extending below the present glacier termini. A lichenometric method using the Rhizocarpon geographicum was used to date the moraines and reconstruct the main glacier fluctuations over the period. The maximum glacier extent occurred in the second half of the 17th century, followed by nearly continuous retreat with three interruptions during the 18th and the 19th centuries, marked by stabilisation or minor advances. Results obtained in the Charquini area are first compared with other dating performed in the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca and then with the fluctuations of documented glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere. Glacier fluctuations along the tropical Andes (Bolivia and Peru) were in phase during the LIA and the solar forcing appears to be important during the period of glacier advance. Compared with the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes, the major advance observed on these glaciers during the first half of the 19th century is not present in the tropical Andes. This discrepancy may be due to regional scale climate variations. To cite this article: A. Rabatel et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
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