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Simultaneous wind, wave, and current data during 21 storms spanning four winters at Tromsøflaket (230 m depth) were analysed to determine joint probabilities of occurrence. Waves were measured with a Waverider Buoy, winds with a recording anemometer onboard a vessel and currents at up to five depths with Aandera RCM-4 current meters. Measured currents were filtered to separate tidal currents from residual currents. In most of the statistical analyses, the actual current profiles were replaced with a simplified “equivalent” profile (constant above 50 m depth) whose magnitude was chosen to give the same drag load on a single pile as the actual profile when both profiles were combined with wave orbital velocities. The data suggest that the equivalent current is weakly correlated with the wave height. Within the range of the data analysed, an in-line equivalent residual current of 30 cm sec−1 is adequate for design drag force calculations.The data presented here are used to illustrate a procedure for data analysis and are not suitable for use as design criteria.  相似文献   
Eleven oceanic magnetic profiles associated with the paleomagnetic time scale younger than the beginning of the Matuyama epoch (2.43 my) have been reduced to the pole, altered to conform to a 3 cm yr-1 spreading rate, and then all halves added and averaged to obtain a representative symmetric magnetic profile. This final stacked profile emphasizes the subtle anomalies associated with minor paleomagnetic events and minimizes randomly occurring anomalies. The axial anomaly of the stacked profile shows no evidence of the Laschamp event (centered at 0.025 my); however, a minimum at 0.15 my may correspond to the Blake event. A physical model of the stacked magnetic profile consists of a thin, highly magnetized layer with a 40% magnetization decrease at 10 km from the profile center. Magnetization values were modified from Irving and Talwani and the Blake event included. The stacked profile shows two minor anomalies centered at 1.97 my and 2.17 my. The younger anomaly corresponds with the younger Olduvai event (centered at 1.965 my) on the Cox time scale and the W anomaly (centered at 1.99 my) of Emilia and Heinrichs. The older anomaly lies between the older Olduvai event (2.12 my) of Cox and the X anomaly of Heirtzler, and Emilia and Heinrichs; additional work is required to assess the significance of this older event.This material was presented at the Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December 8, 1971.  相似文献   
Microfossil analysis (e.g. diatoms, foraminifera and pollen) represents the cornerstone of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) reconstruction because their distribution in the contemporary inter-tidal zone is principally controlled by ground elevation within the tidal frame. A combination of poor microfossil preservation and a limited range in the sediment record may severely restrict the accuracy of resulting RSL reconstructions. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis of inter-tidal sediments have shown some potential as coastal palaeoenvironmental proxies. Here we assess their viability for reconstructing RSL change by examining patterns of organic δ13C and C/N values in a modern estuarine environment. δ13C and C/N analysis of bulk organic inter-tidal sediments and vegetation, as well as suspended and bedload organic sediments of the Mersey Estuary, U.K., demonstrate that the two main sources of organic carbon to surface saltmarsh sediments (terrestrial vegetation and tidal-derived particulate organic matter) have distinctive δ13C and C/N signatures. The resulting relationship between ground elevation within the tidal frame and surface sediment δ13C and C/N is unaffected by decompositional changes. The potential of this technique for RSL reconstruction is demonstrated by the analysis of part of an early Holocene sediment core from the Mersey Estuary. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis is less time consuming than microfossil analysis and is likely to provide continuous records of RSL change.  相似文献   
Abstract. The reef‐dwelling oyster Dendrostrea frons occupied only a small proportion of space in coral reefs of the Quirimba Archipelago, Mozambique, but supported a disproportionately high variety of taxa. Assemblages on primary (substratum), secondary (dead coral heads) and ephemeral secondary space (D. frons shells) of similar area were compared across 5 depths (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 m) and at four taxonomic levels (species, genus, class and phylum). Differences between the taxonomic richness of each type of space differed with both taxonomic level considered and depth. Of the three categories of space considered, ephemeral secondary space had the most taxa at all levels with the maximum at 10 – 15 m. Despite being small in space and time, animal externa, such as shells of D. frons, may provide important niches for particular organisms at many taxonomic levels.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the feasibility of applying remote sensing algorithms based on blue/green reflectance ratios to Case 2 waters. Two algorithms from the SeaDAS (NASA) image processing package, OC4v4 for surface chlorophyll concentration, Chl, and K(490) for the attenuation coefficient for downward irradiance at 490 nm, Kd(490), were investigated using an extensive set of observations from the Irish and Celtic Seas. In situ data from a profiling radiometer were used as inputs for the algorithms to avoid uncertainties in atmospheric correction procedures, and direct measurements of Chl and Kd490 and were used for validation purposes. The standard versions of the algorithms performed poorly: OC4v4 generally overestimated Chl (with a very low coefficient of determination), and K(490) progressively underestimated Kd490 for values greater than 0.3 m−1. A two-step procedure for level 2 product generation was therefore devised in which the numerical coefficients of OC4v4 and K(490) were tuned for the two optical water types known to occur most frequently in this region (McKee, D., Cunningham, A., 2006. Identification and characterisation of two optical water types in the Irish Sea from in situ inherent optical properties and seawater constituents. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68, 305–316) by statistical regression on a data set of 102 stations from the Irish and Celtic Seas. The water types were distinguished by the magnitude of their normalised water leaving radiance signals at 665 nm, nLw(665), and appropriate versions of the tuned algorithms applied to each water type. When this procedure was tested on an independent data set of 19 stations from the Bristol Channel, Chl values were recovered with an RMS error of 0.36 mg m−3 and Kd(490) values with an RMS error of 0.095 m−1. The identification of water types from water-leaving radiance signals, and the application of band-ratio algorithms tuned for specific water types, may therefore provide a simple means of improving the quality of remote sensing products in optically complex shelf seas.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that metal partitioned to a subcellular compartment containing trophically available metal (TAM) is readily available to predators and may be enhanced by increased binding of metal to heat-stable proteins (HSP - e.g., metallothioneins). The aim of the current investigation was to determine the influence of TAM on the trophic transfer of Cd along an experimental, three-level food chain: Artemia franciscana (brine shrimp)-->Palaemonetes pugio (grass shrimp)-->Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog). P. pugio were fed for 7 days on A. franciscana exposed to Cd in solution (including (109)Cd as radiotracer) and subjected to subcellular fractionation or fed to F. heteroclitus. An HSP-driven increase in the percentage of Cd associated with TAM (TAM-Cd%) in A. franciscana exposed to 1 muM Cd resulted in a bioenhancement (i.e., a greater than linear increase with respect to A. franciscana exposure) of Cd trophic transfer to P. pugio. Increased dietary Cd exposure did not affect TAM-Cd% in P. pugio nor trophic transfer to F. heteroclitus.  相似文献   
The accumulation of cadmium from seawater by the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, was studied as a function of metal concentration and exposure time, with special emphasis on cadmium-binding proteins. Cadmium was found, in decreasing order of magnitude, in gills, digestive gland and hemolymph. When exposed to 0·5 ppm cadmium for 2–24h, virtually all of the cadmium in the cytosolic fraction of the gill was associated with a low molecular weight (LMW) cadmium-binding protein (MW 8000). However, after 48h of exposure only 50% of the cadmium in the cytosol was bound to this protein. The rest wasfound to be associated with proteins of a molecular weight of 300 000 and 60 000. This pattern of cadmium distribution did not change over a 12-day depuration period. Similar results were obtained upon exposure to 0·1 ppm cadmium. The pattern of cadmium accumulation in the cytosolic fraction of the digestive gland was in marked contrast to that observed for the gill. Initially, the cadmium was distributed over three low molecular weight fractions. During depuration the distribution of cadmium changed and all of the metal became bound to a low molecular weight protein (MW 9000). The cadmium concentrations in the gill and digestive gland remained essentially constant during depuration (12 days). The LMW cadmium-binding proteins were purified by a combination of gelpermeation and ion-exchange chromatography. Their molecular weight, spectral properties and amino acid composition are characteristic of the vertebrate metallothioneins. During exposure to cadmium the metal rapidly appeared in the hemolymph, mainly associated with hemocyanin. During depuration cadmium was transferred from the hemolymph to the digestive gland, demonstrating that hemocyanin acts as a carrier in trace metal transport.  相似文献   
The added mass of hull section shapes must be known, in order to carry out any studies of ship motions, which may be associated with either seakeeping or manoeuvring. Determination of the added mass in deep water can involve conformal mapping or surface singularity distributions. However, in shallow water the problem of determining the added mass is made more difficult by the proximity of the seabed. In this paper, three approaches to the problem of finding the added mass of semi-circular sections are explored. Although there is no known exact solution to this problem, the relationships given by the three methods are compared and the approximate nature of the solutions is examined. The first method is a series solution, which is taken here to include more terms than are normally given in the existing literature. The other two solutions are considered to be new, and so are given in some mathematical detail.  相似文献   
The correlation between the Δ13c and 18O in primary carbonates is affected by several factors such as hydrological balance, total CO2 concentrations, climatic condition and lake productivity.The influence of these factors on the Δ13c-δ18 correlation may be different on different time scales. In this paper, two different-type lakes in southwestern China, Lake Erhal and Lake Chenghai, are selected to investigate the influence of climatic pattern on the Δ13c-Δ18o correlation and to evaluate the reliability of the Δ13c-Δ18o covariance as an indicator of hydrological closure. The results show that there exists good correlation between the Δ13c and Δ18o in Lake Erhai (overflowing open lake) and inLake Chenghal (closed lake). This suggests that the Δ13c-Δ18o covariance may be not an effective indicator of hydrological closure for lakes, especially on short time scales. On the one hand, a hydrologically open lake may display covariant Δ13c and δ18 as a result of climatic influence. The particular alternate warm-dry and cold-wet climatic pattern in southwestern China may be the principal cause of the Δ13c-δ18 covariance in Lake Erhai and Lake Chenghal. On the other hand, a hydrologically closed lake unnecessarily displays covariant trends between Δ13c and δ18 because of the buffering effect of high CO2 concentration on the Δ13c shift in hyper-alkaline lakes. We should be the buffering feeect of high CO2 concentration on the 13Cshift in hyper-alkaline lakes.We should be prudent when we use the covariance between 13C and 18O to judge the hydrological closure of lake.  相似文献   
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